Consuming WebService from Web Service Client - web-services

I'm trying to consume a web service using Eclipse. I created a Web Service Client from the following wsdl:
Using this, I generated 5 classes:
I don't know how to use these classes. How do they work? I need some help using these classes, along with consuming the Web Services.


Use CXF client api with Java web application

How to consume Web service suing Apache CXF client API.
I have generated the client Code using eclispe but I didn't found any document specifying how to use that generated code in my web application.
How to configure CXF? I am using tomcat to run my java web appliation.
How to use the generated code?
Do I need to add anyhting in my my web.xml?
I have downloaded CXF binaries from apache CXF website but don't know which libraries are needed. I am affraid i may end up adding all the jars.
I am using Tomcat 7, Java 1.6 and plane jsp/Servlet for my application
I am new to web services.
Thanks in advance
One sample code that may help.
URL wsdlurl=SOAPWebServiceTransport.class.getClassLoader().
// MyService will be one of the service class that you have generated (with different name ofcourse)and which must be extending Service class
//getOnlineServicePort will be a method (with different name ofcourse) in your service class which will give you the interface referrer using which you'll call the webservice method
OnlinePort service= new MyService(wsdlurl).getOnlineServicePort();
Client proxy = ClientProxy.getClient(service);
//configure security user name password as required
//Add interceptors if needed
//Now you can directly call the webservice methods using the service object
you can also refer to some example one is here

How to pass collection<?> over JAX-WS web service

In my project I need to write a web service which will receive Collection<?> as a parameter.. I am using apache CXF.. After I have written the service method I am unable to test it using SOAP UI (It is not generating any request).. My question is - Is it possible to receive Collection<?> over web service? I need to receive Collection of any object type.. Please help..
You need to work directly with SOAP messages.

how to write unit tests for REST web services developed using apache-cxf with spring without using Maven

I have developed a REST web application using apache cxf library. I am able to access them using a browser and test. I want to write unit tests for the services.
I tried testing it using embedded Jetty server with cxf.
After starting the Jetty server, I am getting a proxy using WebClient API of cxf. The relevant code is
WebClient client = WebClient.create(ENDPOINT_ADDRESS);
TopIMStudyDetailsResponse resp = client.get(TopIMStudyDetailsResponse.class);
The call to the service is successful as I can see the logs, but I'm get a null pointer where the service is trying to make a dao call. The dao is declared as a dependency for the service. How can we get a proxy with all the dependencies injected ?
May be you'll find the following posts helpful:
The second post is about replacing the data source with a special in-memory data source for tests.

Security of SOAP based web service in Java, Netbeans, Tomcat

I have created an android application that calls (using kSOAP library) a SOAP based web service (developed in java, netbeans) over the intranet.
Now i want to make the application live, so this will require my web service to be exposed on the internet.
I have following questions...
How do i make sure that no one knows about the web service link except my android application
No one is able to call the web service except my android application
The data transferred between android application and web service is secure and encrypted
What kind of authentication mechanism should be used
I'm new to web services security so forgive me if my questions are dumb :)
This is impossible. Anyone having your app might use a traffic analyzer like wireshark and see all the requests it makes.
Sign each request you app makes(add some soap header) and check the signature on the server side
How to do authentication using SOAP?

Communication between web services on different servers

I have 2 different webservices running on 2 different tomcat application servers (w/ axis2 web service engine) (Webservice A runs on Server A and Webservice B runs on Server B).
How can web service A on Server A pass Data A (file) to Web Service B on Server B? I am new to web services and would appreciate any help in this regard. The webservices are in Java.
Service A needs to be a client of service B. Service B should expose some method service A will consume (and pass required data using it). The process is as follows:
If suitable service method doesn't exist yet in service B then add new method to service B's WSDL file.
Regenerate intefaces from extended WSDL file.
Create functional test for new service method .
Make service A a consumer of method of new (extended) service.
Create acceptance tests for service A methods using service B's method :-)
Implement new service method in service B.
Implement conusmer logic in service A.
Expose a "send" web-service API on B and call it from A.
There are thousends of ways, but with HTTP Protocol you can use: POST or PUT methods.
However, you'll need to write application on each side...