how to know which quarter does the current month belongs to ? (in python ) - python-2.7

I want to know to which quarter(Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4) does the current month belongs to in python. I'm fetching the current date by importing time module as follows:
import time
print "Current date " + time.strftime("%x")
any idea how to do it ?

Modifying your code, I get this:
import time
month = int(time.strftime("%m")) - 1 # minus one, so month starts at 0 (0 to 11)
quarter = month / 3 + 1 # add one, so quarter starts at 1 (1 to 4)
quarter_str = "Q" + str(quarter) # convert to the "Qx" format string
print quarter_str
Or you could use the bisect module:
import time
import bisect
quarters = range(1, 12, 3) # This defines quarters: Q1 as 1, 2, 3, and so on
month = int(time.strftime("%m"))
quarter = bisect.bisect(quarters, month)
quarter_str = = "Q" + str(quarter)
print quarter_str

strftime does not know about quarters, but you can calculate them from the month:
Use time.localtime to retrieve the current time in the current timezone. This function returns a named tuple with year, month, day of month, hour, minute, second, weekday, day of year, and time zone offset. You will only need the month (tm_mon).
Use the month to calculate the quarter. If the first quarter starts with January and ends with March, the second quarter starts with April and ends with June, etc. then this is as easy as dividing by 4 without remainder and adding 1 (for 1..3 // 4 == 0, 0 + 1 == 1, 4..6 // 4 == 1, 1 + 1 == 2, etc.). If your definition of what a quarter is differs (e.g. companies may choose different start dates for their financial quarters), you have to adjust the calculation accordingly.


Calculate aggregate value of last 12 months in a Measure Power BI

I'm using this measure to calculate a aggregate sum of a value in the last 12 months. The measure is working well if I start using it from the month 12. But, the problem is, if the month is not in the 12 or higher, the value is not right.
Example, if you are in the first month of the sample, I would like to multiply this value by 12 (1st month + 11 months). If it was the second month, I'd like you to average the two months and multiply it by 12. And so on.
could you please help me?
SumRevenue =
var vSumNet12 =
Example table:
Date Customer Net Trevenue SumRevenue ROA ROA I Want
09/30/20 A 237767115,6 327444,2478 327444,2478 0,14% 1,65%
10/31/20 A 245689276,3 251934,78 579379,0278 0,24% 1,41%
11/30/20 A 252916933,6 262294,89 841673,9178 0,33% 1,33%
12/31/20 A 241424127 509883,07 1351556,988 0,56% 1,68%
01/31/21 A 244721140,9 259250 1610806,988 0,66% 1,58%
02/28/21 A 250913741,4 246740,33 1857547,318 0,74% 1,48%
03/31/21 A 282215365,7 550897,35 2408444,668 0,85% 1,46%
04/30/21 A 312759343,1 544161,63 2952606,298 0,94% 1,42%
05/31/21 A 325535894 419360,97 3371967,268 1,04% 1,38%
06/30/21 A 371306315 390650,41 3762617,678 1,01% 1,22%
07/31/21 A 379780645,3 527254,43 4289872,108 1,13% 1,23%
08/31/21 A 415390274,9 409196,3 4699068,408 1,13% 1,13%
09/30/21 A 433837730,6 598924,02 4970548,18 1,15% 1,15%
10/31/21 A 482659906,7 254086,32 4972699,72 1,03% 1,03%
11/30/21 A 501568104,7 318924,53 5029329,36 1,00% 1,00%
12/31/21 A 507124350,5 754897,79 5274344,08 1,04% 1,04%
01/31/22 A 510220304,2 179153,11 5194247,19 1,02% 1,02%

How can I write a query to carry a remaining balance of hours forward for load leveling a schedule?

I have a query result with a total amount of hours scheduled per week in chronological order without gaps and have a set amount of hours that can be processed each week. Any hours not processed should be carried over to one or more following weeks. The following information is available.
Week | Hours | Capacity
1 2000 160
2 100 160
3 0 140
4 150 160
5 500 160
6 1500 160
Each week it should reduce the new hours plus carried over hours by the Capacity but never go below zero. A positive value should carry into the following week(s).
Week | Hours | Capacity | LeftOver = (Hours + LAG(LeftOver) - Capacity)
1 400 160 240 (400 + 0 - 160)
2 100 160 180 (100 + 240 - 160)
3 0 140 40 ( 0 + 180 - 140)
4 20 160 0 ( 20 + 40 - 160) (no negative, change to zero)
5 500 160 340 (500 + 0 - 160)
6 0 160 180 ( 0 + 340 - 160)
I'm assuming this can be done with cte recursion and a running value that doesn't go below zero but I can't find any specific examples of how this would be written.
Well, you are not wrong, a recursive common table expression is indeed an option to construct a solution.
Construction of recursive queries can generally be done in steps. Run your query after every step and validate the result.
Define the "anchor" of your recursion: where does the recursion start?Here the start is defined by Week = 1.
Define a recursion iteration: what is the relation between iterations?Here that would be the incrementing week numbers d.Week = r.Week + 1.
Avoiding negative numbers can be resolved with a case expression.
Sample data
create table data
Week int,
Hours int,
Capacity int
insert into data (Week, Hours, Capacity) values
(1, 400, 160),
(2, 100, 160),
(3, 0, 140),
(4, 20, 160),
(5, 500, 160),
(6, 0, 160);
with rcte as
select d.Week,
when d.Hours - d.Capacity > 0
then d.Hours - d.Capacity
else 0
end as LeftOver
from data d
where d.Week = 1
union all
select d.Week,
when d.Hours + r.LeftOver - d.Capacity > 0
then d.Hours + r.LeftOver - d.Capacity
else 0
from rcte r
join data d
on d.Week = r.Week + 1
select r.Week,
from rcte r
order by r.Week;
Week Hours Capacity LeftOver
---- ----- -------- --------
1 400 160 240
2 100 160 180
3 0 140 40
4 20 160 0
5 500 160 340
6 0 160 180
Fiddle to see things in action.
I ended up writing a few CTEs then a recursive CTE and got what I needed. The capacity is a static number here but will be replaced later with one that takes holidays and vacations into account. Will also need to consider the initial 'LeftOver' value for the first week but could use this query with an earlier date period to find the most recent date with a zero LeftOver value then use that as a new start date, then filter out those earlier weeks in the final query.
DECLARE #StartDate date = (SELECT MAX(FirstDayOfWorkWeek) FROM dbo._Calendar WHERE Date <= GETDATE());
DECLARE #EndDate date = DATEADD(week, 12, #StartDate);
DECLARE #EmployeeQty int = (SELECT ISNULL(COUNT(*), 0) FROM Employee WHERE DefaultDepartment IN (4) AND Hidden = 0 AND DateTerminated IS NULL);
WITH hours AS (
SELECT c.FirstDayOfWorkWeek as [Date]
, SUM(budget.Hours) as hours
FROM dbo.Project_Phase phase
JOIN dbo.Project_Budget_Labor budget on phase.ID = budget.Phase
JOIN dbo._Calendar c on CONVERT(date, phase.Date1) = c.[Date]
WHERE phase.CompletedOn IS NULL AND phase.Project <> 4266
AND phase.Date1 BETWEEN #StartDate AND #EndDate
AND budget.Department IN (4)
GROUP BY c.FirstDayOfWorkWeek
, weeks AS (
SELECT cal.[Date]
, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY cal.[Date]) as [rownum]
, ISNULL(SUM(hours.Hours), 0) as Hours
FROM (SELECT FirstDayOfWorkWeek as [Date] FROM dbo._Calendar WHERE [Date] BETWEEN #StartDate AND #EndDate GROUP BY FirstDayOfWorkWeek) as cal
LEFT JOIN hours on cal.[Date] = hours.[Date]
GROUP BY cal.[Date]
, spread AS (
, rownum
, Hours
, #EmployeeQty * 40 as Capacity
, CONVERT(numeric(9,2), 0.00) as LeftOver
, Hours as running
FROM weeks
ORDER BY rownum
SELECT curr.[Date]
, curr.rownum
, curr.Hours
, #EmployeeQty * 40 as Capacity
, CONVERT(numeric(9,2), CASE WHEN curr.Hours + prev.LeftOver - (#EmployeeQty * 40) < 0 THEN 0 ELSE curr.Hours + prev.LeftOver - (#EmployeeQty * 40) END) as LeftOver
, curr.Hours + prev.LeftOver as running
FROM weeks curr
JOIN spread prev on curr.rownum = (prev.rownum + 1)
SELECT spread.Hours as NewHours
, spread.LeftOver as PrevHours
, spread.Capacity
, spread.running as RunningTotal
, CASE WHEN running < Capacity THEN running ELSE Capacity END as HoursThisWeek
FROM spread

Parsing periods in a column dataframe

I have a csv with one of the columns that contains periods:
timespan (string): PnYnMnD, where P is a literal value that starts the expression, nY is the number of years followed by a literal Y, nM is the number of months followed by a literal M, nD is the number of days followed by a literal D, where any of these numbers and corresponding designators may be absent if they are equal to 0, and a minus sign may appear before the P to specify a negative duration.
I want to return a data frame that contains all the data in the csv with parsed timespan column.
So far I have a code that parses periods:
import re
timespan_regex = re.compile(r'P(?:(\d+)Y)?(?:(\d+)M)?(?:(\d+)D)?')
def parse_timespan(timespan):
# check if the input is a valid timespan
if not timespan or 'P' not in timespan:
return None
# check if timespan is negative and skip initial 'P' literal
curr_idx = 0
is_negative = timespan.startswith('-')
if is_negative:
curr_idx = 1
# extract years, months and days with the regex
match = timespan_regex.match(timespan[curr_idx:])
years = int( or 0)
months = int( or 0)
days = int( or 0)
timespan_days = years * 365 + months * 30 + days
return timespan_days if not is_negative else -timespan_days
How do I apply this code to the whole csv column while running the function processing csv?
def do_process_citation_data(f_path):
global my_ocan
my_ocan = pd.read_csv(f_path, names=['oci', 'citing', 'cited', 'creation', 'timespan', 'journal_sc', 'author_sc'],
parse_dates=['creation', 'timespan'])
my_ocan = my_ocan.iloc[1:] # to remove the first row
my_ocan['creation'] = pd.to_datetime(my_ocan['creation'], format="%Y-%m-%d", yearfirst=True)
my_ocan['timespan'] = parse_timespan(my_ocan['timespan']) #I tried like this, but sure it is not working :)
return my_ocan
Thank you and have a lovely day :)
Like with Python's builtin map, Pandas also has that method. You can check its documentation here. Since you already have your function ready which takes a single parameter and returns a value, you just need this:
my_ocan['timespan'] = my_ocan['timespan'].map(parse_timespan) #This will take each value in the column "timespan", pass it to your function 'parse_timespan', and update the specific row with the returned value
And here is a generic demo:
import pandas as pd
def demo_func(x):
#Takes an int or string, prefixes with 'A' and returns a string.
return "A" + str(x)
df = pd.DataFrame({"Column_1": [1, 2, 3, 4], "Column_2": [10, 9, 8, 7]})
df['Column_1'] = df['Column_1'].map(demo_func)
print("After mapping:\n{}".format(df))
Column_1 Column_2
0 1 10
1 2 9
2 3 8
3 4 7
After mapping:
Column_1 Column_2
0 A1 10
1 A2 9
2 A3 8
3 A4 7

How to remove weekdays in duration data type NAV

How can i remove weekdays in the data type duration in CAL ?
for example:
duration := datetime2 - datetime1
But duration do contains Saturdays and Sundays. How can i remove them ?
Simple answer: you can not.
But you can use the Date virtual table. Something like this:
Date.SETRANGE("Period Type", Date."Period Type"::Date);
Date.SETFILTER("Period Start", '%1..%2', DT2DATE(datetime1), DT2DATE(datetime2));
Date.SETRANGE("Period No.", 1, 5); // only days 1 - 5 = weekdays
EXIT(Date.COUNT); // returns number of days
You can then convert the number of days to a duration with a simple multiplication. A Duration is nothing more than the number of milliseconds.
1 hour = 3600000ms.
MESSAGE('%1', NoOfDays);
dur := NoOfDays * 24 * 3600 * 1000;
MESSAGE('%1', dur);

decision tree Python with exceptions 2.7

I'm writing a script which calculates the date of Easter for years 1900 - 2099.
The thing is that for 4 certain years (1954, 1981, 2049, and 2076) the formula differs a little bet (namely, the date is off 7 days).
def main():
print "Computes the date of Easter for years 1900-2099.\n"
year = input("The year: ")
if year >= 1900 and year <= 2099:
if year != 2049 != 2076 !=1981 != 1954:
a = year%19
b = year%4
c = year%7
d = (19*a+24)%30
e = (2*b+4*c+6*d+5)%7
date = 22 + d + e # March 22 is the starting date
if date <= 31:
print "The date of Easter is March", date
print "The date of Easter is April", date - 31
if date <= 31:
print "The date of Easter is March", date - 7
print "The date of Easter is April", date - 31 - 7
print "The year is out of range."
Exerything is working well but the 4 years computation.
I'm getting the:
if date <= 31:
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'date' referenced before assignment whenever I'm entering any of the 4 years as input.
You cannot chain a expression like that; chain the tests using and operators or use a not in expression instead:
# and operators
if year != 2049 and year != 2076 and year != 1981 and year != 1954:
# not in expression
if year not in (2049, 2076, 1981, 1954):
The expression year != 2049 != 2076 !=1981 != 1954 means something different, it is interpreted as (((year != 2049) != 2076) !=1981) != 1954 instead; the first test is either True or False, and neither of those two values will ever be equal to any of the other numbers and that branch will always evaluate to False.
You will still get the UnboundLocalError for date though, since your else branch refers to date but it is never set in that branch. When the else branch executes, all Python sees is:
def main():
print "Computes the date of Easter for years 1900-2099.\n"
year = input("The year: ")
if year >= 1900 and year <= 2099:
if False:
# skipped
if date <= 31:
print "The date of Easter is March", date - 7
print "The date of Easter is April", date - 31 - 7
and date is never assigned a value in that case. You need to calculate date separately in that branch still, or move the calculation of the date value out of the if statement altogether; I am not familiar with the calculation of Easter so I don't know what you need to do in this case.