regex matching not correctly in VB.NET - regex

I am trying to get specific string using regex in VB.NET.
Below is my code
The number 8538 is what I want.
However, I can only get full string, {"pushToken":"8538"} , which is not what I want.
Please tell my what I am doing wrong.
Thanks a lot.
Dim pushToken As String = "{""pushToken"":""8538""}"
Dim pattern = "{""pushToken"":""(.*)""}"
Dim match As Match = Regex.Match(pushToken, pattern)
pushToken = match.Value

match.Value would print the matched string only, in-order to print the chars which are at the group index 1, you need to call match.Groups(1).Value
pushToken = match.Groups(1).Value


RegEx - VBA Finding splitting cell with two Uppercase [duplicate]

I'm new to VBA and would like to seek some help with regards to using RegEx and I hope somehow can enlighten me on what I'm doing wrong. I'm currently trying to split a date into its individual date, month and year, and possible delimiters include "," , "-" and "/".
Function formattedDate(inputDate As String) As String
Dim dateString As String
Dim dateStringArray() As String
Dim day As Integer
Dim month As String
Dim year As Integer
Dim assembledDate As String
Dim monthNum As Integer
Dim tempArray() As String
Dim pattern As String()
Dim RegEx As Object
dateString = inputDate
Set RegEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
pattern = "(/)|(,)|(-)"
dateStringArray() = RegEx.Split(dateString, pattern)
' .... code continues
This is what I am currently doing. However, there seems to be something wrong during the RegEx.Split function, as it seems to cause my codes to hang and not process further.
To just confirm, I did something simple:
pattern = "(/)|(,)|(-)"
dateStringArray() = RegEx.Split(dateString, pattern)
"Hi" msgbox pops out, but the "Bye" msgbox never gets popped out, and the codes further down don't seem to get excuted at all, which led to my suspicion that the RegEx.Split is causing it to be stuck.
Can I check if I'm actually using RegEx.Split the right way? According to MSDN here, Split(String, String) returns an array of strings as well.
Thank you!
Edit: I'm trying not to explore the CDate() function as I am trying not to depend on the locale settings of the user's computer.
To split a string with a regular expression in VBA:
Public Function SplitRe(Text As String, Pattern As String, Optional IgnoreCase As Boolean) As String()
Static re As Object
If re Is Nothing Then
Set re = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
re.Global = True
re.MultiLine = True
End If
re.IgnoreCase = IgnoreCase
re.Pattern = Pattern
SplitRe = Strings.Split(re.Replace(text, ChrW(-1)), ChrW(-1))
End Function
Usage example:
Dim v
v = SplitRe("a,b/c;d", "[,;/]")
Splitting by a regex is definitely nontrivial to implement compared to other regex operations, so I don't blame you for being stumped!
If you wanted to implement it yourself, it helps to know that RegExp objects from Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5 have a FirstIndex property and a Length property, such that you can loop through the matches and pick out all the substrings between the end of one match (or the start of the string) and the start of the next match (or the end of the string).
If you don't want to implement it yourself, I've also implemented a RegexSplit UDF using those same RegExp objects on my GitHub.
Quoting an example from the documentation of VbScript Regexp:
Function SubMatchTest(inpStr)
Dim retStr
Dim oRe, oMatch, oMatches
Set oRe = New RegExp
' Look for an e-mail address (not a perfect RegExp)
oRe.Pattern = "(\w+)#(\w+)\.(\w+)"
' Get the Matches collection
Set oMatches = oRe.Execute(inpStr)
' Get the first item in the Matches collection
Set oMatch = oMatches(0)
' Create the results string.
' The Match object is the entire match -
retStr = "Email address is: " & oMatch & vbNewLine
' Get the sub-matched parts of the address.
retStr = retStr & "Email alias is: " & oMatch.SubMatches(0) ' dragon
retStr = retStr & vbNewLine
retStr = retStr & "Organization is: " & oMatch.SubMatches(1) ' xyzzy
SubMatchTest = retStr
End Function
To test, call:
MsgBox(SubMatchTest("Please send mail to Thanks!"))
In short, you need your Pattern to match the various parts you want to extract, with the spearators in between, maybe something like:
The whole thing will be in oMatch, while the numbers (\d) will end up in oMatch.SubMatches(0) to oMatch.SubMatches(2).

regex .NET to find and replace underscores only if found between > and <

I have a list of strings looking like this:
and I need to replace the _ with a SPACE from the text between the html"> and </a> ONLY.
so that the result to look like this:
Title in Title by - Mr. John Doe
I've tried to do it in 2 steps:
first isolate that part only with .*html">(.*)<\/a.* & ^.*>(.*)<.* & .*>.*<.* or ^.*>.*<.*
and then do the replace but the return is always unchanged and now I'm stuck.
Any help to accomplish this is much appreciated
How I would do it is to .split it and then .replace it, no need for regex.
Dim line as string = "Title_in_Title_by_-_Mr._John_Doe"
Dim split as string() = line.split(">"c)
Dim correctString as String = split(1).replace("_"c," "c)
Boom done
here is the string.replace article
Though if you had to use regex, this would probably be a better way of doing it
Dim inputString = "Title_in_Title_by_-_Mr._John_Doe"
Dim reg As New Regex("(?<=\>).*?(?=\<)")
Dim correctString = reg.match(inputString).value.replace("_"c, " "c)
Dim line as string = "Title_and_Title_by_-_Mr._John_Doe"
line = Regex.Replace(line, "(?<=\.html"">)[^<>]+(?=</a>)", _
Function (m) m.Value.Replace("_", " "))
This uses a regex with lookarounds to isolate the title, and a MatchEvaluator delegate in the form of a lambda expression to replace the underscores in the title, then it plugs the result back into the string.

Remove tweet regular expressions from string of text

I have an excel sheet filled with tweets. There are several entries which contain #blah type of strings among other. I need to keep the rest of the text and remove the #blah part. For example: "#villos hey dude" needs to be transformed into : "hey dude". This is what i ve done so far.
Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro
Dim counter As Integer
Dim strIN As String
Dim newstring As String
For counter = 1 To 46
Cells(counter, "E").Select
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = strIN
StripChars (strIN)
newstring = StripChars(strIN)
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = StripChars(strIN)
Next counter
End Sub
Function StripChars(strIN As String) As String
Dim objRegex As Object
Set objRegex = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
With objRegex
.Pattern = "^#?(\w){1,15}$"
.ignorecase = True
StripChars = .Replace(strIN, vbNullString)
End With
End Function
Moreover there are also entries like this one: Ÿ³é‡ï¼Ÿã€€åˆã‚ã¦çŸ¥ã‚Šã¾ã—ãŸã€‚ shiftã—ãªãŒã‚‰ã‚¨ã‚¯ã‚¹ãƒ
I need them gone too! Ideas?
For every line in the spreadsheet run the following regex on it: ^(#.+?)\s+?(.*)$
If the line matches the regex, the information you will be interested in will be in the second capturing group. (Usually zero indexed but position 0 will contain the entire match). The first capturing group will contain the twitter handle if you need that too.
Regex demo here.
However, this will not match tweets that are not replies (starting with #). In this situation the only way to distinguish between regular tweets and the junk you are not interested in is to restrict the tweet to alphanumerics - but this may mean some tweets are missed if they contain any non-alphanumerical characters. The following regex will work if that is not an issue for you:
^(?:(#.+?)\s+?)?([\w\t ]+)$
Demo 2.

Regex pattern to match period and pattern

I have a string which I am trying to write an regex for
CODAA0870E - This an error string is not valid.
I wrote a regex COD[a-zA-Z0-9]*.....................................
but the length of the string can vary i.e. after COD till the period.
The regex needs to check COD at the start and should end at the period.`
The code I have written so far does not work
Dim value As String = "daafasfasfCODAA0870E - This an error string is not valid.dfsfsfsfcCODAAvcv0870E - This an second error string is not valid.sdfsdf "
Dim pattern As String = "COD[^.]+\."
Dim array() As String = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(value, pattern)
You need this regex:
Dim pattern As String = "COD[^.]+\."
And to get all matches use:
Dim matches As MatchCollection = Regex.Matches(value, pattern)
See more code samples here
Think you want something like this,

Splitting a String into a List(Of T)

I have a data string that I want to split into a list of a class parses out all the data into different properties in the constructor. Each block starts with an STX character and ends with a string "PLC"(I don't know why the vendor didn't use ETX)
so basicly something that takes String datastream splits it at the string "PLC"(and keeps it) and puts it into dataList(of DataClass)
The data stream looks like this:
and would result in three entries in a list(of dataclass):
I have looked and I found lots of info on splitting strings in general but nothing about putting it into a class or list. I'm sure I could just do something like:
dim datalist as list(of dataclass)
dim splitdata() as string = datastream.split("PLC")
for each data as string in splitdata
datalist.Add(new dataclass(data))
but I'm sure there's a more efficant way(probably using regex or LINQ but I'm not really familary with either.
Thanks in advance!
Yes, a regular expression would do nicely for splitting the data into the pieces you show:
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim s = "STX;1;0;0;0;0;1;0;0;0;0;0;+3272;-2145;+3273;-2145;PLC\r\nSTX;1;0;0;0;0;1;0;0;0;0;0;+3276;-2145;+3272;-2145;PLC\r\nSTX;1;0;0;0;0;1;0;0;0;0;0;+3281;-2145;+3272;-2145;PLC"
Dim re As New Regex("(STX;.*?;PLC)")
Dim matches = re.Matches(s)
If matches.Count > 0 Then
For i = 0 To matches.Count - 1
'TODO: do whatever is required with matches(i)
End If
End Sub
End Module
In the above regex, the parentheses capture a group, the text parts STX; and ;PLC are literals to match, and the .*? matches anything (.) zero-or-more times (*) until the following text. The ? makes it "non-greedy". If it was greedy, it would match everything up until the final ;PLC and you would end up with the match being the whole line.
In the light of your comments, I suggest using the String.Split Method (String(), StringSplitOptions) overload:
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim s As String = "STX;1;0;0;0;0;1;0;0;0;0;0;+3272;-2145;+3273;-2145;PLC\r\nSTX;1;0;0;0;0;1;0;0;0;0;0;+3276;-2145;+3272;-2145;PLC\r\nSTX;1;0;0;0;0;1;0;0;0;0;0;+3281;-2145;+3272;-2145;PLC"
' transform the test string to its actual form
s = s.Replace("\r\n", vbCrLf)
' split it into the required parts as an array
Dim parts() As String = s.Split({vbCrLf}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
' show the split worked as desired
For i = 0 To parts.Length - 1
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Part {0}: {1}", i, parts(i)))
'TODO: do something with parts(i)
End Sub
End Module
You didn't mention which version of VS you are using, so if the above complains about the line
Dim parts() As String = s.Split({vbCrLf}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
then please replace it with
Dim splitAt() As String = {VbCrLf}
Dim parts() As String = s.Split(splitAt, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Also, if the data is being read from a file then you can use the File.ReadAllLines Method to grab all the lines into an array in one go.