Regex pattern to match period and pattern - regex

I have a string which I am trying to write an regex for
CODAA0870E - This an error string is not valid.
I wrote a regex COD[a-zA-Z0-9]*.....................................
but the length of the string can vary i.e. after COD till the period.
The regex needs to check COD at the start and should end at the period.`
The code I have written so far does not work
Dim value As String = "daafasfasfCODAA0870E - This an error string is not valid.dfsfsfsfcCODAAvcv0870E - This an second error string is not valid.sdfsdf "
Dim pattern As String = "COD[^.]+\."
Dim array() As String = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(value, pattern)

You need this regex:
Dim pattern As String = "COD[^.]+\."
And to get all matches use:
Dim matches As MatchCollection = Regex.Matches(value, pattern)
See more code samples here

Think you want something like this,


RegEx - VBA Finding splitting cell with two Uppercase [duplicate]

I'm new to VBA and would like to seek some help with regards to using RegEx and I hope somehow can enlighten me on what I'm doing wrong. I'm currently trying to split a date into its individual date, month and year, and possible delimiters include "," , "-" and "/".
Function formattedDate(inputDate As String) As String
Dim dateString As String
Dim dateStringArray() As String
Dim day As Integer
Dim month As String
Dim year As Integer
Dim assembledDate As String
Dim monthNum As Integer
Dim tempArray() As String
Dim pattern As String()
Dim RegEx As Object
dateString = inputDate
Set RegEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
pattern = "(/)|(,)|(-)"
dateStringArray() = RegEx.Split(dateString, pattern)
' .... code continues
This is what I am currently doing. However, there seems to be something wrong during the RegEx.Split function, as it seems to cause my codes to hang and not process further.
To just confirm, I did something simple:
pattern = "(/)|(,)|(-)"
dateStringArray() = RegEx.Split(dateString, pattern)
"Hi" msgbox pops out, but the "Bye" msgbox never gets popped out, and the codes further down don't seem to get excuted at all, which led to my suspicion that the RegEx.Split is causing it to be stuck.
Can I check if I'm actually using RegEx.Split the right way? According to MSDN here, Split(String, String) returns an array of strings as well.
Thank you!
Edit: I'm trying not to explore the CDate() function as I am trying not to depend on the locale settings of the user's computer.
To split a string with a regular expression in VBA:
Public Function SplitRe(Text As String, Pattern As String, Optional IgnoreCase As Boolean) As String()
Static re As Object
If re Is Nothing Then
Set re = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
re.Global = True
re.MultiLine = True
End If
re.IgnoreCase = IgnoreCase
re.Pattern = Pattern
SplitRe = Strings.Split(re.Replace(text, ChrW(-1)), ChrW(-1))
End Function
Usage example:
Dim v
v = SplitRe("a,b/c;d", "[,;/]")
Splitting by a regex is definitely nontrivial to implement compared to other regex operations, so I don't blame you for being stumped!
If you wanted to implement it yourself, it helps to know that RegExp objects from Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5 have a FirstIndex property and a Length property, such that you can loop through the matches and pick out all the substrings between the end of one match (or the start of the string) and the start of the next match (or the end of the string).
If you don't want to implement it yourself, I've also implemented a RegexSplit UDF using those same RegExp objects on my GitHub.
Quoting an example from the documentation of VbScript Regexp:
Function SubMatchTest(inpStr)
Dim retStr
Dim oRe, oMatch, oMatches
Set oRe = New RegExp
' Look for an e-mail address (not a perfect RegExp)
oRe.Pattern = "(\w+)#(\w+)\.(\w+)"
' Get the Matches collection
Set oMatches = oRe.Execute(inpStr)
' Get the first item in the Matches collection
Set oMatch = oMatches(0)
' Create the results string.
' The Match object is the entire match -
retStr = "Email address is: " & oMatch & vbNewLine
' Get the sub-matched parts of the address.
retStr = retStr & "Email alias is: " & oMatch.SubMatches(0) ' dragon
retStr = retStr & vbNewLine
retStr = retStr & "Organization is: " & oMatch.SubMatches(1) ' xyzzy
SubMatchTest = retStr
End Function
To test, call:
MsgBox(SubMatchTest("Please send mail to Thanks!"))
In short, you need your Pattern to match the various parts you want to extract, with the spearators in between, maybe something like:
The whole thing will be in oMatch, while the numbers (\d) will end up in oMatch.SubMatches(0) to oMatch.SubMatches(2).

VB.Net regex random string

I have regex code that gets string between 2 strings from TextBox1.
TextBox1 looks something like this:
So, it will get value from href=" to "> (usernames)
The problem is, how to do it? My regex code:
I know i could replace RANDOM_STRING with \w{4}, but some IDs are 5-digit.
You need a negated character class [^/] that matches any char but a /. So, replace RANDOM_STRING with [^/]*.
Also, in a regex pattern, to match ., you need to escape the dot - \..
Thus, your regex pattern can be fixed as
However, you may user a simpler regex with a capturing group:
The value you need is in Match.Groups(1).Value.
Or another option would be to do this
Dim strOne As String = ""
Dim strMain As String = Split(strOne, "/account/")(1)
Dim strSubOne As String = Split(strMain, "/")(0)
Dim strSubTwo As String = Split(strMain, "/")(1)

using regex to split Combobox entry into two variables

I am looking for some instructions. I have a combobox that is being populated by a concatenation of two tables from a SQL database. Example of the text: "The Wild - 11/16/2014 2:00 AM". I am trying to have staA hold "The Wild" and staB "11/16/2014 2:00 AM". The length. I tried using a traditional string split on " - ", but this only return the first word. Next I tried a regex statement:
Dim input As String = strA
Dim pattern As String = "-"
Dim substring() As String = Regex.Split(input, pattern)
For Each match As String In substring
Console.WriteLine("'{0}'", match)
but am not sure how to verify that the split happened or how to access the information from the split.
I prefer to use groups to do things like this with regex.
This way you can detect the absence of the expected pattern to deal with other inputs.
pattern = "^(?<a>[^-]+) - (?<b>[^-]+)$"
dim m as match=regex.match(input,pattern)
dim a as string=""
dim b as string=""
if m.success then
end if

regex matching not correctly in VB.NET

I am trying to get specific string using regex in VB.NET.
Below is my code
The number 8538 is what I want.
However, I can only get full string, {"pushToken":"8538"} , which is not what I want.
Please tell my what I am doing wrong.
Thanks a lot.
Dim pushToken As String = "{""pushToken"":""8538""}"
Dim pattern = "{""pushToken"":""(.*)""}"
Dim match As Match = Regex.Match(pushToken, pattern)
pushToken = match.Value
match.Value would print the matched string only, in-order to print the chars which are at the group index 1, you need to call match.Groups(1).Value
pushToken = match.Groups(1).Value

VBA Regular Expressions - Run-Time Error 91 when trying to replace characters in string

I am doing this task as part of a larger sub in order to massively reduce the workload for a different team.
I am trying to read in a string and use Regular Expressions to replace one-to-many spaces with a single space (or another character). At the moment I am using a local string, however in the main sub this data will come from an external .txt file. The number of spaces between elements in this .txt can vary depeneding on the row.
I am using the below code, and replacing the spaces with a dash. I have tried different variations and different logic on the below code, but always get "Run-time error '91': Object Variable or with clock variable not set" on line "c = re.Replace(s, replacement)"
After using breakpoints, I have found out that my RegularExpression (re) is empty, but I can't quite figure out how to progress from here. How do I replace my spaces with dashes? I have been at this problem for hours and spent most of that time on Google to see if someone has had a similar issue.
Sub testWC()
Dim s As String
Dim c As String
Dim re As RegExp
s = "hello World"
Dim pattern As String
pattern = "\s+"
Dim replacement As String
replacement = "-"
c = re.Replace(s, replacement)
Debug.Print (c)
End Sub
Extra information: Using Excel 2010. Have successfully linked all my references (Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5". I was sucessfully able to replace the spaces using the vanilla "Replace" function, however as the number of spaces between elements vary I am unable to use that to solve my issue.
Ed: My .txt file is not fixed either, there are a number of rows that are different lengths so I am unable to use the MID function in excel to dissect the string either
Please help
You're not setting up the RegExp object correctly.
Dim pattern As String
pattern = "\s+" ' pattern is just a local string, not bound to the RegExp object!
You need to do this:
Dim re As RegExp
Set re = New RegExp
re.Pattern = "\s+" ' Now the pattern is bound to the RegExp object
re.Global = True ' Assuming you want to replace *all* matches
s = "hello World"
Dim replacement As String
replacement = "-"
c = re.Replace(s, replacement)
Try setting the pattern inside your Regex object. Right now, re is just a regex with no real pattern assigned to it. Try adding in re.Pattern = pattern after you initialize your pattern string.
You initialized the pattern but didn't actually hook it into the Regex. When you ended up calling replace it didn't know what it was looking for pattern wise, and threw the error.
Try also setting the re as a New RegExp.
Sub testWC()
Dim s As String
Dim c As String
Dim re As RegExp
Set re = New RegExp
s = "hello World"
Dim pattern As String
pattern = "\s+"
re.Pattern = pattern
Dim replacement As String
replacement = "-"
c = re.Replace(s, replacement)
Debug.Print (c)
End Sub