Notepad++ or PowerGrep regex to find, multiply and replace a price - regex

I have an xml file that i need to find, multiply (e.g. by 1.25) and replace all prices.
Price tag looks like that:
The price tag should look like that after the operation:
Can this be done in Notepad++ or PowerGrep using a regular expression?
Thanks in advance.

As far as I know you can't use either program to preform the math but you can build a simple program in most any language of your choice to take a file use regex to find the number. Cast that string as a double do the math and put it back into the string. Later on today I could probably build something in c# but it should be relatively straight forward in most languages. You may even be able to build a shell script and use grep if you're not in a windows environment or use Powershell for windows but I have less experience with Powershell.
Edit: There is an easier way to do this
this is essentially what you want to do using the xmldocument object.
Edit2: I did this even though I couldn't get a hold of the original poster I thought someone might be able to use the info and I learned a lot. I can add the source code to github if anyone is interested.
public static void ChangePricesWork(string filepath, double multiply)
var document = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList nodeList = document.GetElementsByTagName("price");
foreach (XmlNode node in nodeList)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.InnerText))
node.InnerText = Convert.ToString(multiplyPrice(multiply, node.InnerText));
string newFilePath = string.Format(#"{0}\{1}_updated.xml", Path.GetDirectoryName(filepath), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filepath));
private static double multiplyPrice(double multiply, string oldPrice)
var newPrice = new double();
if (Double.TryParse(oldPrice, out newPrice))
newPrice = newPrice * multiply;
return newPrice;

Notepad++ has a Pythonscript plugin that allows you to create quick Python scripts that have access to your document and Notepad++ itself.
The install and setup is described in this answer.
The API has moved on a little bit since then, you do a regular expression replace with Editor.rereplace now.
# Start a sequence of actions that is undone and redone as a unit. May be nested.
# multiply_price_cdata
from decimal import *
TWOPLACES = Decimal(10) ** -2
def multiply_price_cdata( m ):
price = Decimal( ) * Decimal( 1.25 )
return + str(price.quantize(TWOPLACES)) +
def cdata( m ):
return "CDATA"
# npp++ search/replace
re_price = r'(<price><!\[CDATA\[)(\d+\.\d+|\d+)(\]\]></price>)'
editor.rereplace( re_price , multiply_price_cdata )
# end the undo sequence


Refactoring starting place for regex

I have a function that stripes HTML markup to display inside of a text element.
stripChar: function stripChar(string) {
string = string.replace(/<\/?[^>]+(>|$)/g, "")
string = string.trim()
string = string.replace(/(\n{2,})/gm,"\n\n");
string = string.replace(/…/g,"...")
string = string.replace(/ /g,"")
let changeencode = entities.decode(string);
return changeencode;
This has worked great for me, but I have a new requirement and Im struggle to work out where I should start refactoring the code above. I still need to stripe out the above, but I have 2 exceptions;
List items, <ul><li>, I need to handle these so that they still appear as a bullet point
Hyperlinks, I want to use the react-native-hyperlink, so I need to leave intack the <a> for me to handle separately
Whilst the function is great for generalise tag replacement, its less flexible for my needs above.
You may use
stripChar: function stripChar(string) {
string = string.replace(/ |<(?!\/?(?:li|ul|a)\b)\/?[^>]+(?:>|$)/g, "");
string = string.trim();
string = string.replace(/\n{2,}/g,"\n\n");
string = string.replace(/…/g,"...")
let changeencode = entities.decode(string);
return changeencode;
The main changes:
.replace(/ /g,"") is moved to the first replace
The first replace is now used with a new regex pattern where the li, ul and a tags are excluded from the matches using a negative lookahead (?!\/?(?:li|ul|a)\b).
See the updated regex demo here.

Python Regex: Finding multiple occurrences with Findall() method, separated by |

I'm new to Python and currently learning Regular Expressions.
The code I made is:
import re
text = ('Batmobile lost a wheel. At least Batcopter is still okay.')
batRegex = re.compile(r'Bat(man|mobile|copter|bat')
mo = batRegex.findall(text)
When I run this, I get this:
['mobile', 'copter']
But I want to get something like:
['Batmobile', 'Batcopter']
So I re-coded according to the comment,
and changing
batRegex = re.compile(r'Bat(man|mobile|copter|bat')
batRegex = re.compile(r'Bat(?:man|mobile|copter|bat)')
yields the desired result of:
['Batmobile', 'Batcopter']
That solves the problem!

sqlite valid email input [duplicate]

I'd like to use a regular expression in sqlite, but I don't know how.
My table has got a column with strings like this: "3,12,13,14,19,28,32"
Now if I type "where x LIKE '3'" I also get the rows which contain values like 13 or 32,
but I'd like to get only the rows which have exactly the value 3 in that string.
Does anyone know how to solve this?
As others pointed out already, REGEXP calls a user defined function which must first be defined and loaded into the the database. Maybe some sqlite distributions or GUI tools include it by default, but my Ubuntu install did not. The solution was
sudo apt-get install sqlite3-pcre
which implements Perl regular expressions in a loadable module in /usr/lib/sqlite3/
To be able to use it, you have to load it each time you open the database:
.load /usr/lib/sqlite3/
Or you could put that line into your ~/.sqliterc.
Now you can query like this:
SELECT fld FROM tbl WHERE fld REGEXP '\b3\b';
If you want to query directly from the command-line, you can use the -cmd switch to load the library before your SQL:
sqlite3 "$filename" -cmd ".load /usr/lib/sqlite3/" "SELECT fld FROM tbl WHERE fld REGEXP '\b3\b';"
If you are on Windows, I guess a similar .dll file should be available somewhere.
SQLite3 supports the REGEXP operator:
WHERE x REGEXP <regex>
A hacky way to solve it without regex is where ',' || x || ',' like '%,3,%'
SQLite does not contain regular expression functionality by default.
It defines a REGEXP operator, but this will fail with an error message unless you or your framework define a user function called regexp(). How you do this will depend on your platform.
If you have a regexp() function defined, you can match an arbitrary integer from a comma-separated list like so:
... WHERE your_column REGEXP "\b" || your_integer || "\b";
But really, it looks like you would find things a whole lot easier if you normalised your database structure by replacing those groups within a single column with a separate row for each number in the comma-separated list. Then you could not only use the = operator instead of a regular expression, but also use more powerful relational tools like joins that SQL provides for you.
A SQLite UDF in PHP/PDO for the REGEXP keyword that mimics the behavior in MySQL:
function ($pattern, $data, $delimiter = '~', $modifiers = 'isuS')
if (isset($pattern, $data) === true)
return (preg_match(sprintf('%1$s%2$s%1$s%3$s', $delimiter, $pattern, $modifiers), $data) > 0);
return null;
The u modifier is not implemented in MySQL, but I find it useful to have it by default. Examples:
SELECT * FROM "table" WHERE "name" REGEXP 'sql(ite)*';
SELECT * FROM "table" WHERE regexp('sql(ite)*', "name", '#', 's');
If either $data or $pattern is NULL, the result is NULL - just like in MySQL.
My solution in Python with sqlite3:
import sqlite3
import re
def match(expr, item):
return re.match(expr, item) is not None
conn = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
conn.create_function("MATCHES", 2, match)
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT MATCHES('^b', 'busy');")
print cursor.fetchone()[0]
If regex matches, the output would be 1, otherwise 0.
With python, assuming con is the connection to SQLite, you can define the required UDF by writing:
con.create_function('regexp', 2, lambda x, y: 1 if,y) else 0)
Here is a more complete example:
import re
import sqlite3
with sqlite3.connect(":memory:") as con:
con.create_function('regexp', 2, lambda x, y: 1 if,y) else 0)
cursor = con.cursor()
# ...
cursor.execute("SELECT * from person WHERE surname REGEXP '^A' ")
I don't it is good to answer a question which was posted almost an year ago. But I am writing this for those who think that Sqlite itself provide the function REGEXP.
One basic requirement to invoke the function REGEXP in sqlite is
"You should create your own function in the application and then provide the callback link to the sqlite driver".
For that you have to use sqlite_create_function (C interface). You can find the detail from here and here
An exhaustive or'ed where clause can do it without string concatenation:
WHERE ( x == '3' OR
x LIKE '%,3' OR
x LIKE '3,%' OR
x LIKE '%,3,%');
Includes the four cases exact match, end of list, beginning of list, and mid list.
This is more verbose, doesn't require the regex extension.
UPDATE TableName
SET YourField = ''
And :
SELECT * from TableName
SQLite version 3.36.0 released 2021-06-18 now has the REGEXP command builtin.
For CLI build only.
Consider using this
WHERE x REGEXP '(^|,)(3)(,|$)'
This will match exactly 3 when x is in:
Other examples:
WHERE x REGEXP '(^|,)(3|13)(,|$)'
This will match on 3 or 13
You may consider also
WHERE x REGEXP '(^|\D{1})3(\D{1}|$)'
This will allow find number 3 in any string at any position
You could use a regular expression with REGEXP, but that is a silly way to do an exact match.
You should just say WHERE x = '3'.
If you are using php you can add any function to your sql statement by using: SQLite3::createFunction.
In PDO you can use PDO::sqliteCreateFunction and implement the preg_match function within your statement:
See how its done by Havalite (RegExp in SqLite using Php)
In case if someone looking non-regex condition for Android Sqlite, like this string [1,2,3,4,5] then don't forget to add bracket([]) same for other special characters like parenthesis({}) in #phyatt condition
WHERE ( x == '[3]' OR
x LIKE '%,3]' OR
x LIKE '[3,%' OR
x LIKE '%,3,%');
You can use the sqlean-regexp extension, which provides regexp search and replace functions.
Based on the PCRE2 engine, this extension supports all major regular expression features. It also supports Unicode. The extension is available for Windows, Linux, and macOS.
Some usage examples:
-- select messages containing number 3
select * from messages
where msg_text regexp '\b3\b';
-- count messages containing digits
select count(*) from messages
where msg_text regexp '\d+';
-- 42
select regexp_like('Meet me at 10:30', '\d+:\d+');
-- 1
select regexp_substr('Meet me at 10:30', '\d+:\d+');
-- 10:30
select regexp_replace('password = "123456"', '"[^"]+"', '***');
-- password = ***
In Julia, the model to follow can be illustrated as follows:
using SQLite
using DataFrames
db = SQLite.DB("<name>.db")
register(db, SQLite.regexp, nargs=2, name="regexp")
SQLite.Query(db, "SELECT * FROM test WHERE name REGEXP '^h';") |> DataFrame
for rails
db = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.raw_connection
db.create_function('regexp', 2) do |func, pattern, expression|
func.result = expression.to_s.match(, Regexp::IGNORECASE)) ? 1 : 0

Using Regex in Pig in hadoop

I have a CSV file containing user (tweetid, tweets, userid).
396124436476092416,"Think about the life you livin but don't think so hard it hurts Life is truly a gift, but at the same it is a curse",Obey_Jony09
396124436740317184,"“#BleacherReport: Halloween has given us this amazing Derrick Rose photo (via #amandakaschube, #ScottStrazzante)” yes",Colten_stamkos
396124436845178880,"When's 12.4k gonna roll around",Matty_T_03
Now I need to write a Pig Query that returns all the tweets that include the word 'favorite', ordered by tweet id.
For this I have the following code:
A = load '/user/pig/tweets' as (line);
B = FOREACH A GENERATE FLATTEN(REGEX_EXTRACT_ALL(line,'(.*)[,”:-](.*)[“,:-](.*)')) AS (tweetid:long,msg:chararray,userid:chararray);
C = filter B by msg matches '.*favorite.*';
D = order C by tweetid;
How does the regular expression work here in splitting the output in desired way?
I tried using REGEX_EXTRACT instead of REGEX_EXTRACT_ALL as I find that much more simpler, but couldn't get the code working except for extracting just the tweets:
B = FOREACH A GENERATE FLATTEN(REGEX_EXTRACT(line,'[,”:-](.*)[“,:-]',1)) AS (msg:chararray);
the above alias gets me the tweets, but if I use REGEX_EXTRACT to get the tweet_id, I do not get the desired o/p: B = FOREACH A GENERATE FLATTEN(REGEX_EXTRACT(line,'(.*)[,”:-]',1)) AS (tweetid:long);
(396124554353197056,"Just saw #samantha0wen and #DakotaFears at the drake concert #waddup")
(396124554172432384,"#Yutika_Diwadkar I'm just so bright 😁")
(396124554609033216,"#TB23GMODE i don't know, i'm just saying, why you in GA though? that's where you from?")
(396124554805776385,"#MichaelThe_Lion me too 😒")
(396124552540852226,"Happy Halloween from us 2 #maddow & #Rev_AlSharpton :)")
Please help.
Can't comment, but from looking at this and testing it out, it looks like your quotes in the regex are different from those in the csv.
" in the csv
” in the regex code.
To get the tweetid try this:
B = FOREACH A GENERATE FLATTEN(REGEX_EXTRACT(line,'.*(,")',1)) AS (tweetid:long);

Regular Expressions to find C++ elements?

I'm looking for some predefined Regexes for elements of ANSI C++.
I would like to create a program which takes a headerfile (with includes, namespaces, classes etc) as input and returns lists with the found classnames, methods, attributes etc.
Its hard to google for something like that, I always end up with tutorials of how to use Regexes in C++. Perhaps I'm just googling the wrong terms?
Perhaps someone already has found/used/created such Regexes.
This type of operation is not possible to do with a regular expression. C++ is not a regular language and hence can't be reliably parsed with a regular expression. The safest approach here is to use an actual parser here to locate C++ elements.
If 100% correctness is not a goal though then a regular expression will work because it can be crafted to catch the majority of cases within a code base. The simplest example would be the following
However it will incorrectly match the following as a class
Forward declarations
Any string literal with text like "class foo"
Template parameters
etc ...
You might find the code for ctags handy. It will parse code and break out the symbols for use in emacs and other programs. In fact, it might just do all the work you are trying to do yourself.
You may also find something interesting in ctags or cscope as already mentioned. I also have encountered flist here
I'm writing a Python program to extract some essential class info from a large messy C++ source tree. I'm having pretty good luck with using regexes. Fortunately, nearly all the code follows a style that lets me get away with defining just a few regexes to detect class declarations, methods, etc. Most member variables have names like "itsSomething_" or "m_something". I kludge in hard-coded hackwork to catch anything not fitting the style.
class_decl_re = re.compile( r"^class +(\w+)\s*(:|\{)" )
close_decl_re = re.compile( r"^\};" )
method_decl_re = re.compile( r"(\w[ a-zA-Z_0-9\*\<\>]+) +(\w+)\(" )
var_decl1_re = re.compile( r"(\w[ a-zA-Z_0-9\*\<\>]+) +(its\w+);" )
var_decl2_re = re.compile( r"(\w[ a-zA-Z_0-9\*\<\>]+) +(m_\w+);" )
comment_pair_re = re.compile( r"/\*.*\*/" )
This is a work in progress, but I'll show this (possibly buggy) (no, almost certainly buggy) snip of code to show how the regexes are used:
# at this point, we're looking at one line from a .hpp file
# from inside a class declaration. All initial whitespace has been
# stripped. All // and /*...*/ comments have been removed.
is_static = (line[0:6]=="static")
if is_static:
is_virtual = (line[0:7]=="virtual")
if is_virtual:
# I believe "virtual static" is impossible, but if our goal
# is to detect such coding gaffes, this code can't do it.
mm = method_decl_re.match(line)
vm1 = var_decl1_re.match(line)
vm2 = var_decl2_re.match(line)
if mm:
meth_name =
minfo = MethodInfo(meth_name, # class to hold info about a method
minfo.rettype = # return type
minfo.is_static = is_static
if is_static:
if is_virtual:
classinfo.class_methods[meth_name] = minfo
minfo.is_polymorphic = is_virtual
classinfo.obj_methods[meth_name] = minfo
elif vm1 or vm2:
if vm1: # deal with vars named "itsXxxxx..."
var_name =[3:]
if var_name.endswith("_"):
else: # deal with vars named "m_Xxxxx..."
var_name =[2:] # remove the m_
datatype =
vi = VarInfo(var_name, datatype)
vi.is_static = is_static
classinfo.vars[var_name] = vi
I hope this is easy to understand and translate to other languages, at least for a starting point for anyone crazy enough to try. Use at your own risk.