I have a recursive Json file the format is below; I have two parts condition and action. In condition part there can be n-root and leaves pairs, and inside leaves part there can be
additional values. I have problems about handling this data structure using json-spirit. Can anyone had same issue and solved or anyone have any clue. I would be appreciate.
"condition": {
"root": "&",
"leaves": [ "A",
{ "root": "|",
"leaves": ["p","r"]
"action": ["a=7","event B"]
I dont know json-spirit. Do you absolutlely need to use it ?
If not, you may try this : https://github.com/Rel4X/HandyJson
Really easy to use (and I'd love some tests \o/)
I need help to build a regex rule to find some [ on a text file.
Here is a sample of te text. It is a Json, but I can't use it as it is because of limitation of the program I'm using.
I need to find a regex that matches the line "data[BOT][123][BOT_ID]":[ and find all [ on it. The objectve is to replace it by an underscore so I would end up with something like this:
I can't just remove all special characters because this would destroy the json structure.
I found a way to select each one of the lines that need to be corrected with the rule below, but I was not able to apply another rule over the result. I don't know how to do it.
pattern = (("data\[[a-zA-Z]+]\[[0-9]+]\[([a-zA-Z]+_[a-zA-Z]+)\]":\[)|("data\[[A-Z]+]\[([A-Z]+(_|)[A-Z]+)\]":\[)|("data\[[A-Z]+]\[([A-Z]+(_|)[A-Z]+(_|)[A-Z]+)\]":\[))
Any ideas on how to solve it? Thank you in advance.
Replacing weird data* key by only data:
jq '.["data"] = .[keys[0]] | del(.[keys[1]])' file
"event": [
"data": [
I am new to MongoDB, and so far it seems like it is trying to go out of it's way to make doing simple things overly complex.
I am trying to run the below MYSQL equivalent
SELECT userid, COUNT(*)
FROM userinfo
WHERE userdata like '%PC% or userdata like '%wire%'
GROUP BY userid
I have mongo version 3.0.4 and i am running MongoChef.
I tried using something like the below:
"key": {
"userid": true
"initial": {
"countstar": 0
"reduce": function(obj, prev) {
"cond": {
"$or": [{
"userdata": /PC/
}, {
"userdata": /wire/
but that did not like the OR.
when I took out the OR, thinking I’d do half at a time and combine results in excel, i got an error "group() can't handle more than 20000 unique keys", and the result table should be much bigger than that.
From what I can tell online, I could do this using aggregation pipelines, but I cannot find any clear examples of how to do that.
This seems like it should be a simple thing that should be built in to any DB, and it makes no sense to me that it is not.
Any help is much appreciated.
Works "sooo" much better with the .aggregate() method, as .group() is a very outmoded way of approaching this:
{ "$match": {
"userdata": { "$in":[/PC/,/wire/] }
{ "$group": {
"_id": "$userid",
"count": { "$sum": 1 }
The $in here is a much shorter way of writing your $or condition as well.
This is native code as opposed to JavaScript translation as well, so it runs much faster.
Here is an example which counts the distinct number of first_name values for records with a last_name value of “smith”:
db.collection.distinct("first_name", {“last_name”:”smith”}).length;
I started to look into creating a specific ES-mapping for tweets, but quickly realized that an ES-mapping of the tweet-model would become a nightmare to maintain over time so I started to think about dynamic templates. I've registered a dynamic template for every possible property according to the twitter object description. A tweet is a very hierarchical and redundant format which means that a property, say "created_at", may be present at a number of places - thus the nightmare to maintain a stable explicit mapping.
In the mapping I've created so far I have no explicit mappings ("properties"-attribute is empty) as I want all the mappings to be controlled by dynamic templates. As an example my dynamic template for the "created_at" property looks like:
"created_at": {
"match": "created_at",
"mapping": {
"format": "EEE MMM d HH:mm:ss Z YYYY",
"index": "no"
I thought that having this template would take care of the mapping of a "created_at" property whereever it would appear in the json-structure. I know that I may specify "path_match" in order to explicitly specify a give property-instance but I want all the "created_at" attributes to be mapped according to the template above.
However - when I start indexing data into ES I get numerous errors looking something like:
Caused by: org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException: unknown property [created_at]
at org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.core.StringFieldMapper.parseCreateFieldForString(StringFieldMapper.java:331)
at org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.core.StringFieldMapper.parseCreateField(StringFieldMapper.java:277)
at org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.core.AbstractFieldMapper.parse(AbstractFieldMapper.java:399)
... 13 more
What am I doing wrong here?
You could try the following example to set up a dynamic template:
curl -XPUT localhost:9200/_template/template_for_created_at -d '
"template": "*",
"mappings": {
"_default_": {
"dynamic": true,
"dynamic_templates": [
"created_at_tmpl": {
"match": "created_at",
"match_mapping_type": "date",
"mapping": {
"type": "date",
"format": "EEE MMM d HH:mm:ss Z YYYY",
"index": "no",
"null_value": null
More details and examples can be found here: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/1.6/indices-templates.html
I'm soo sorry I haven't marked this question as "solved"!!!! I managed to get it working after some investigations. Thanks for the suggestion though.
I would like to create a new Syntax Rule in Sublime in order to search a string pattern so that that pattern is highlighted. The parttern I am looking for is IPC or TST, therefore I was making use of the following Sublime Syntax rule
{ "name": "a3",
"scopeName": "source.a3",
"fileTypes": ["a3"],
"patterns": [
{ "name": "IPC",
"match": "\\b\\w(IPC|TST)\\w\\b "
"uuid": "c76f733d-879c-4c1d-a1a2-101dfaa11ed8"
But for some reason or another, it doesn't work at all.
Could someone point me out in the right direction?
Thanks in advance
After looking around and testing a lot, I have found the issue, apparently apart from identifying the patter, I should invoke the colour, for doing it I have to make use of "capture", being the command as follows:
{ "name": "IPC colour",
"match": "\\b(IPC|TST)\\b",
"captures": {
"1": { "name": "meta.preprocessor.diagnostic" }
Where "name": "meta.preprocessor.diagnostic" will indicate the sort of colour assign to the found pattern.
Reg-ex always confuses me, plus super simple syntax's are hard to Google. I am using reg-ex here strictly with find and replace no need for any languages to do some reg-ex just want to save time editing a lot of data :)
I have a huge json file, these are only two pieces of data, but it's good for this example.
name: 'John',
team: 'Wolves',
team_id: 1,
number: 24
name: 'Kevin',
team: 'Rockets',
team_id: 1,
number: 6
Inside my json I need to put double quotes over pretty much every key:value pair, numbers are optional.
I need to get rid of the single quotes, then put double quotes over everything.
Final result looking like this.
"name": "John",
"team": "Wolves",
"team_id": "1",
"number": "24"
"name": "Kevin",
"team": "Rockets",
"team_id": "1",
"number": "6"
Again, numbers are optional but it would be nice to know how to double quote those.
Extra: I vaguely remember doing something like this awhile back, but can't find where I found that information. This would be a nice reference. Does anyone have any good links to the basics of regex, I just want to save time when working with a lot of data. Thanks.
Try something along the lines of this:
(\w+):\s*('?)([^']+?)\2(?=[\n,]) and replace by "\1": "\3"
Demo: http://regex101.com/r/pX9xX6
Just tested in Sublime, seems to work fine.
Well, the exact syntax depends on the tool. If you were using vim, for instance:
:%s/^\([ ^I]*\)\([^ ^I]*\):/\1"\2":/
would probably do the trick, although you'd want to do a manual check for any quoted quotes..