Visual Studio 2013 C++ Intellisense no Pre-Selection - c++

Im currently running Visual Studio 2013 with Update 3.
My project is an Arduino project with the Aruduino IDE for Visual Studio.
When I start typing Intellisense is showing up and giving suggestions, but without Pre-Selection like
in a normal C#, C++, Java... project.
I've already tried CTRL + ALT + SPACE to switch to Completion mode but unfortunately didn't solved the problem (Nothing happens).
If I hit CTRL + SPACE with active suggestion window, auto-completion works quite fine as long as the current window is still open.
Also if I change the Member List Commit Aggressive in
Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> C++ -> Advanced
from False to True, it doesn't even show suggestions but if I hit CTRL + J after I typed something, autocompletion works fine but again only in the current window.
Hope you can Help


Visual Studio 2015 - Can't see code to existing project

When I open a C++ project created recently on Visual Studio 2015 I am able to debug it and have it run, but the code window is blank. I've clicked all around and can not find anything to show me the code so I can continue to work on it.
I have tried:
F7: View Code does not work.
Opening from the Solution Explorer window does not do anything.
Searching Google, Stack Exchange, and YouTube tutorials for my identical problem.
I suspect it is a very straightforward misunderstanding of the interface on my part, but wanted to get involved on Stack Exchange to figure it out.
Fixed with the following for me.
Change 'Color Theme' to something other that what you have.
Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Color theme:
Select OK then exit Visual Studio.
Open project and should see your source.
Please clear Visual Studio Cache, then open the Visual Studio again.
You can find cache folder on follwing path
Note : Close Visual Studio, and stop all Visual Studio processes.

Is it possible that my C++ program accidentally crash Visual Studio or Windows?

I created a Visual Studio C++ project, write a game (about 10K-lines).
Yesterday, I compile and ran it in release mode, then I got some access violation error.
My program doesn't have any virus-like command, the closest one is just the array access,
so I think it came from array-index-out-of-bound.
Therefore, I aborted my program - using STOP button - and edit my code, test it again - F5 (release mode, not-optimized).
This happened around 10-20 times - crash & debug ; my happy life cycle.
When I shut down, Windows 7 created a popup error about access violation.
(It has sometimes happened before, but has never caused any serious long-term affect.)
Today, after I turned on the computer, it began to act strangely
Windows and Visual Studio start up a little slower. (I may be biased.)
Windows task bar (that has the start button) is quite non-responsive. (obvious, happen only once)
Visual Studio : some shortcuts (Ctrl K + Ctrl O to switch .cpp /.h) not work anymore except it open a file instead (look like it recognize only Ctrl O).
Visual Studio : I can't assign any shortcut that has 2 Ctrl button (e.g. Ctrl xxx + Ctrl xxx)
I test with on-screen keyboard, after a bit of testing, my computer crashed. (mouse cursor disappear)
After I turned on my computer again - avoid opening Visual Studio, my computer act as almost normal, but alt+tab not work anymore.
Note that I didn't install any new software in the last 7 days.
Is it possible that bug / crash of my C++ program (always run within Visual Studio) can destroy some structure of Visual Studio or OS unintentionally?
If so, is there any setting of Windows / Visual Studio to prevent it?

Visual Studio 2013, unable to create Win32 Console Application

I tried repairing the installation and reinstalling everything from scratch but nothing seems to fix this problem. This problem also exists when I try to create a Win32 Application in Visual C++ as well as Visual Studio 2013.
Clicking finish and cancel seem to do nothing while the only button that works is the red X on the top right hand corner.
I have heard good things about this IDE but I can't seem to create a new project. Please help!

Intellisense "Toggle Completion Mode" doesn't work with C++ in Visual Studio 2010 Professional

I am having problems with my "Toggle Completion Mode" under the Edit->Intellisense tab in Visual Studio 2010 Professional. The picture describes it quite well.
The completion mode works fine in C#.
Please help.
Thank you in advance!
There is no possibility to turn on suggestion mode on C++ IntelliSense (both in VS 2010 and 2012).
MSDN Library (for VS 2010) says:
Suggestion mode is available in Visual Basic and C#.
It was reported (link) as a bug in VS 2012 RTM and the answer from Microsoft was:
C++ Intellisense only has one completion mode, while VB and C# Intellisense has two different completion modes. Therefore, this command to toggle between completion modes is not available for C++ Intellisense.
If you're annoyed by inserting unwanted code after pushing space when you forget to press ESC you can make the member's list show up only after pressing ctrl+space (or alt+right arrow). In order to do that go to Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> C/C++ -> General and uncheck Auto list members.
I know this was posted a long time ago but I figured I would offer my solution. I changed the shortcut to something that is not as annoying as ctrl + space. You can do this in Options -> Keyboard -> Edit.CompleteWord.
Hope this helps someone.

Help with Eclipse shortcuts in Visual Studio C++ 2010

Is there a way to import Eclipse keyboard shortcuts into visual C++ ? I am being forced to use this in my work and I miss my shortcuts.
If not then can you guys help me figure out these shortucts
Quick Outline View of the code: C-O in eclipse
Type Hierarchy : C-S-T in eclipse
Call Hierarchy : C-H in eclipse
Find all the references of a word
QuickFix : C-1 in eclipse
Import all packages : C-S-O
Format all : C-S-F in eclipse
Move Lines : Alt+ Arrow
Thanks a lot!
I went through the same thing as you but on Visual Studio 2008. All I can say is that the experience was not fun. While I know Microsoft has upgraded the C++ intellisense in Visual Studio 2010, I don't know how much they improved the editor.
My recommendation is to just skip the headache and get Visual Assist. It provides all the Eclipse features you want and then some.
I have been using NavitageToTest, DPack and Productivity Power Tools, which works well. Using those two I have managed to configure these:
QuickFix , Ctrl + 1 ,- View.ShowSmartTag
Quick Access , Ctrl + 3 , View.QuickAccess
Open Type, Ctrl+Shift+T - DPack.Solution browser
Open Resource , Ctrl+Shift+R - DPack.File browser
Call Hierarchy , Ctrl+Alt+H , View.Callhiearchy
Quick Outline , Ctrl+O , DPack.Code browser.All
Previous member, Ctrl+Shift+Up, Dpack.CodeNavigator.Prev
Next member, Ctrl+Shift+Down, Dpack.CodeNavigator.Next
Jump to test file (and back), Ctrl+J, NavigateToTestFile