How to change cookie values between pages in JMeter - cookies

I know how to modify cookies using BeanShell PreProcessor from:
How to modify / add to Cookie in JMeter?
Thanks to PMD UBIK-INGENIERIE for the answer!
Now, my question is: how do I modify the cookie value between pages? Let me explain, I've a cookie called 'Answers' that for the first page is empty, i.e., Answers="" (empty), then in second page takes the value Answers="-,-,-,-,-,-"; finally in a third page it takes a longer value Answers="-,A,B,-,C,- ..."
How do I modify the same cookie in different pages? I have seen the CookieManager API:
But can anyone please explain with an example? Thank you!

As there cannot be 2 cookies having the same name, the CookieManager is smart enough to replace existing cookie with a new value (see removeMatchingCookies(c); // Can't have two matching cookies line)
Request 1: nothing required as you cannot send a cookie having empty value
Requests 2 and 3: Add a Beanshell PreProcessor with the same code like:
import org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.control.Cookie;
import org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.control.CookieManager;
CookieManager manager = ctx.getCurrentSampler().getProperty("HTTPSampler.cookie_manager").getObjectValue();
Cookie cookie = new Cookie("Answers", "**VALUE**", sampler.getDomain(), sampler.getPath(), false, System.currentTimeMillis());
Where **Value** for Request 2 will be -,-,-,-,-,- and for Request 3 will be -,A,B,-,C,- ...
For more information on Beanshell scripting and kind of Beanshell cookbook refer to How to use BeanShell: JMeter's favorite built-in component guide.


Storing the value of cookie in variable but doesn't appear in cookie data in request body in Jmeter

There are lots of cookies present and I need to extract those cookie and pass them as a post parameter in further request. So i have changed the setting for them in file as
Then after running the test, I got those cookie value in debug sampler as ${COOKIE_}
GET data:
Cookie Data:
Actual Result
GET data:
[no cookies]
I have passed in the value in HTTP header manager as
But instead of value, same variable is passed as ${COOKIE_private_content_version}
Also there are multiple cookies and I need to fetch them too and pass them in further http request payload,but unable to do that.What I AM MISSING?Please help
Also how to define them ?
You don't need to manually add cookies in the HTTP Header Manager, the Cookie Manager should normally handle them.
If for some reason you need to build Cookie header manually make sure to use strict Cookie name and in the value one or more name/value pairs of cookies separated by semicolons
You might find HTTP Cookie Manager Advanced Usage - A Guide article useful, it contains comprehensive information on HTTP Cookie Manager configuration and troubleshooting.

JMeter clear cookie after HTTP Request in same iteration

I am struggling with the cookies to clear after certain step. This is what I have in a sample test plan
enter image description here
enter image description here
enter image description here
enter image description here
I am getting a data from CSV file and then I have multiple cookies - which are location IDs which I need to pass for each row from CSV. I have tried using the Cookie Manager with option to clear iteration which works fine for next row from CSV but not to loop through cookie list defined in the user defined variable. I looked at this article
I have tried adding this code at the same level as the HTTP request but get an error
sampler.getCookieManager().clear() function should do the trick for you
Given you're getting an NPE most probably something is wrong with your HTTP Cookie Manager configuration, you can try enabling debug logging for it to see if JMeter "complains" on anything and if it does - fix the HTTP Cookie Manager configuration accordingly.
In order to get extended debug information for the HTTP Cookie Manager add the next line to log4j2.xml file:
<Logger name="org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.control.CookieManager" level="debug" />
JMeter restart will be required to pick the property up.
Anyone looking for the answer it was quite simple in my case. I just had to add the blank Cookie Manager
Header Cookies
Earlier I had these filled with the values which was causing some issues.
Now I have added the JSR223 PreProcessor with this code and it worked fine
import org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.control.CookieManager;
import org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.control.Cookie;
Cookie newCookie;
CookieManager manager = sampler.getCookieManager();
location = vars.get("locationID_"+ vars.get("counter"))
Cookie myCookie = new Cookie("location_ID", location,"/",false , 0);

Path Specific Cookie in Django

i want to create cookie based authentication depends on path ,
so simply for testing i have create two views and set cookies respectively
View 1 Cookie With globalLy available
View 2 Cookie With Specific
But the problem in both view only global cookie is available
View 1
View 2
You can see both cookie have same name but different path, but when we get cookies only global cookie is available
if i display request.META.get('HTTP_COOKIE')) then all cookie are display but not in request.COOKIES.get('last_visit')
please help, i have tested in php , it works fine but not in python django
The problem that you face relates partly to Django, but firstly to the properties of HTTP cookies mechanism itself.
A cookie valid for a path is also valid for all its subpaths (a query string doesn't matter). So last_visit cookie intended for / is also valid for /view2/. For specifics of the matching mechanism, defining whether a cookie is suitable for a path, see subsection "5.1.4. Paths and Path-Match" in RFC6265.
So both cookies are sent, and the order in which they are listed in Cookie: HTTP header is from more specific paths to less specifics ones. See over here in RFC6265.
Now, Django processes cookies from the header one by one and populates a plain python dictionary request.COOKIES, rewriting values when keys are already present. That is how your value for last_visit is rewriten when both cookies for both paths are sent in http request.
While Django processes cookies like that, though it would be more reasonable to only keep the first (not the last) value for the key as it relates to more specific path, you can fix the issue by only using the same cookie names for paths of the same level -- for /root/view1/ and /root/view2/, but not for /root/. Or You can divert cookie names with respect to http path like that:
import hashlib
cookie_name = 'last_visit%s' % hashlib.md5(request.path).hexdigest()
# ...
cookie = request.COOKIES.get(cookie_name)
# ...
response.set_cookie(cookie_name, cookie, path=request.path)

How to extract Cookie Data from Jmeter Request

On Jmeter: View Result tree: Request: Raw
Cookie Data:
Regular expression extractor
Main Sampler Only
Request Headers
Regular Expression : Cookie Data:(.*)
Template : $1$
Match No : 1
Still getting Null Value
Also tryed with
Cookie Data:\n(.*)
Please Suggest.
Given the value is stored in the HTTP Cookie Manager, you can access it using below steps:
Add line to file
Restart JMeter to pick the property up
Access the cookie value as ${COOKIE_.ASPXAUTH} where required.
See Using the HTTP Cookie Manager in JMeter article for more detailed explanation of the above steps
In Regular Expression Extractor, under Field to check, please select Response Headers radio button.
To save Cookies automatically, In file, set as following:
Restart Jmeter.
You can access the saved cookies with COOKIE prefix.
example (in your case):
${COOKIE_Cookie_Data} # confirm the same in debug sampler result in View Results Tree
I strongly suggest adding Debug Sampler & View Results Tree, which shows the saved cookie values.
Try "Cookie Data:\n(.+)" as your regex.
= Anything In ()
= At least one character in ()

JMeter - Changing a Cookie's Value during a Test?

I have created a test plan in JMeter *(Version 2.13). I was able to add a Cookie Manager to the plan and have my cookies preserved between HTTP Requests, which works just fine.
What I'm trying to do now is, if possible, preserve one Cookie from the start (*Called "JSESSIONID") and then have another Cookie (*let's call it "MYID") which can be modified during the test.
My 1st try at this was like the following:
+Thread Group
-HTTP Request Defaults
-HTTP Cookie Manager
+HTTP Request - Goto HomePage
-HTTP Cookie Manager - Set MYID="server_1"
+HTTP Request - Load Login Page
-HTTP Cookie Manager - Set MYID="server_2"
....and so on for about 3 more HTTP Requests....
But, doing it this way only kept the original Cookies which were captured by the initial Cookie Manager which was set right under the Thread Group element.
Apache's site warns that:
"If there is more than one Cookie Manager in the scope of a Sampler, there is currently no way to specify which one is to be used. Also, a cookie stored in one cookie manager is not available to any other manager, so use multiple Cookie Managers with care."
Another test I did, that was similar to the first except I added a User Defined Variables element to the start of the test which had a variable for the MYID Cookie set to one server, and then about 2 or 3 HTTP Requests down I had a second User Defined Variables element, this time setting the variable to another server. But, after reading a bit more on the User Variables, JMeter only reads User Defined Variables ONCE, at the beginning of the test. So the variable I set last would remain as whatever I set it to in the 2nd User Defined Variables section. So that way won't work to change the Cookie value during the test...
I also, read this from ApacheJMeter's site, here Using Variables to Parametrize Tests, which seems closest to what I am trying to achieve. But, from their example it seems as though it's for modifying variables before the test starts, like for example setting a variable from the command line...
To sum things up, what I am trying to achieve is to send my HTTP Requests with 2 Cookies:
Where JSESSIONID will remain the same from the very start, and MYID which I want to change it's value during test *(multiple times if posible).
Let me know if that does not make sense and I will try and explain further.
Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in Advance,
You can use Beanshell scripting for cookies manipulation as:
Add a Beanshell PreProcessor to your HTTP Request
Put the following code into the PreProcessor's "Script" area:
import org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.control.Cookie;
import org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.control.CookieManager;
CookieManager manager = sampler.getCookieManager();
for (int i = 0; i < manager.getCookieCount(); i++) {
Cookie cookie = manager.get(i);
if (cookie.getName().equals("MYID")) {
Above code will substitute "MYID" cookie value with "foo" JMeter Variable value via direct calls to CookieManager class (see API documentation for all possible methods and fields)
Check out How to use BeanShell: JMeter's favorite built-in component guide for advanced information on Beanshell scripting in Apache JMeter.