Groups API - someGroup.setShowInGroupDirectory(true) - "List this group in the directory" is checked - group not appearing in "Browse All" - google-admin-sdk

Google Apps for Business account here.
I am creating a new group using the Directory API -> all ok.
I am then doing the following:
get the Group I just created using the Groups API and assign it
to "someGroup"
invoke "someGroup.setShowInGroupDirectory(true)"
patch "someGroup" using the Groups API
No issues on the execution - everything comes back with no complaints.
I go to the Google Apps Admin console and search for the group I created. All ok - it appears.
I go to the Google Groups homepage for my domain and click "Browse All". The Group I created does not appear here.
I go to the Google Groups / Information / Directory settings page for the Group I created (!groupsettings/MY_GROUP/directory) and observe that "List this group in the directory" is checked.
However, if at this stage I manually uncheck "List this group in the directory", save, recheck it, save... It does appear in the "Browse All" view. I am trying to build an automated solution and can't really depend on my uses to execute this manual step for every group they create.
I've waited 24+ hours for any background sync to occur and still the group is not appearing in the Browse All view unless I manually toggle as described.
Anyone seen anything similar?

On the off-chance someone finds this one day: it actually took +-24 hours for the groups to start dropping in.
The first test apparently look just under 25 hours; another subsequent one took around 23.
The painful thing is that if you manually uncheck, save, recheck and save, they appear immediately.


Adding user to group chrome-remote-desktop - Failed to access group. Is the user a member?

I created an instance with Debian 9 and was following the instructions on Google's site here. I have done this before successfully. All was going fine, but now when I do this part:
DISPLAY= /opt/google/chrome-remote-desktop/start-host \
--code="4/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
--redirect-url="" \
I get the error
Adding user newuser_gmail_com to group chrome-remote-desktop
ERROR:Failed to access chrome-remote-desktop group. Is the user a
Can anyone help me out here? I notice that when I did this previously, the username create was not newuser_gmail_com, but rather simply newuser. Any suggestions you have would be much appreciated. Many thanks!
I found the answer, but this raises a possible bug for the Google Cloud team. The bug occurs if I add enable-oslogin = TRUE as a metadata. This causes the chrome-remote-desktop to fail.
When a user is added to a group (chrome-remote-desktop in this case), the change is not reflected in existing sessions until the user logs out and back in. To work around this limitation, Chrome Remote Desktop attempts to use sg to access the new group from the existing session. It looks like this isn't working for some reason on this system (apparently OS Login related?), so starting the host fails.
It should be sufficient to log out and back in. Once logged back in, very that the output of groups contains chrome-remote-desktop, then try running the headless setup flow again. (Make sure you generate a new command, as the --code argument is one-time-use only.)

Two different interfaces for AWS Tag Editor?

It seems that there are two different Web UI for AWS Tag Editor (you need an AWS account to try them):
I got this link from AWS Doc
In Management Console, if you select Resource Group > Tag Editor on the top of the console page, it will take you to this page
The two WebUI behave differently:
The former is global but the latter is region-specific (it will put you into a region even if you don't put the region parameter in the URL)
The former allows you to search for Not tagged in the filter; but the latter does not
The UI are slightly different
Is one of UI a newer version?
Update (2019-05-14)
(Please also see an explanation about the two links being NEW and OLD UIs that AWS offered at a certain point in time) By now the first link is gone. If you visit it, you will get a 404 Not Found error from AWS.
I am part of the team building the new Tag Editor. Yes, you are correct: Classic Tag Editor is deprecated, and will be shut down soon entirely. We are working on full feature parity between the two Editors, so you will very soon find everything you can do in the old one as well in the new one.
To add some more context on your different items below:
1) Both old and new Tag Editor use the same underlying tagging infrastructure, so this should never happen. Maybe there is some browser issue involved here? Feel free to open a support issue so we can look deeper into it, if this continues the case.
2) Yes, the new one also includes Lambda, and will very soon add more resource types. The same by the way for regions: The old Tag Editor supports not all regions, for example eu-north-1 or eu-west-3.
3) No, Route53 Hosted Zones are supported in both Editors. Route53 resources only exists in the us-east-1 region, so maybe you used the Tag Editor in another region?
4) Both Editors show the same data. The old editor merged what you used as Name Tag and the ID in the same field - in the new one, you see only the ID in the column ID, and the Name Tag is displayed in the column Tag: Name.
Searching across regions is something the new Editor soon will support, too, and the same applies for the filter you mention. For showing resources without a specific tag, there is a workaround you already can do: Click on the settings icon in the top right of the table, and enable the tag you are interested in as a column. You then can sort this column so that all untagged ones show up on top.
If you have any other ideas or requests for the Tag Editor, please let us know. The fastest and most reliable way is to just use the 'Feedback' Button in the console in the bottom left.
Hi I am providing my own answer here (thanks my colleagues Kannan for the insight)
#1 above is what AWS called Class Tag Editor. If you click on the Question mark on the Web UI (upper right corner), you will be taken to a page that says:
This documentation is for classic Tag Editor, which has been
So #2 is the version that AWS want us to use.
Below I will called #1 Old and #2 New
I compared the example outputs from our environment (about 50 resources). The two outputs differ in these respects:
New seems to retain past resources for a longer time. For example, if an EC2 instance has been terminated, it may take a
longer time to be removed from the listing of New
New seems to include resources for DynamoDB but Old does not
Old seems to include resources for Route 53 Hosted Zones but New does not.
Both New and Old show Security Groups, but the ID strings are rendered slightly differently.
New renders an ID as sg-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Old renders an ID as someName (sg-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)

GCP instance group rolling update fails with error "Invalid Fingerprint"

Rolling update for an instance group fails with "Invalid Fingerprint" error message at console. Earlier rollouts had no issues but recently started seeing this error and updates are failing, even a times Instance Group section of console is going unresponsive.
Already tried :
Creating New Image and using it in a new Template for rolling out update in instance group
Appreciate any clues or help.
When trying to roll-out an update to my instance group with the "ROLLING RESTART/REPLACE" button, I got a “Invalid Fingerprint” error message in the Notification. This issue might also be caused by the "ROLLING UPDATE" button. (capital letters are shown at the source GCE interface)
My instance group size was set to 1 instance, and I was getting the error:
"Invalid fingerprint"
To solve the problem, I changed the Instance Group size from 1 to 2, and then rolled the update.
After the update was done - I change the group size back to 1.
For documentation purposes, the error looks like this:
Edit the Instance Group (set number of instances) by clicking the edit button:
.. and update the number of instances:
Currently, our Internal Compute Engine team working on the issue, The current workaround is to use the gcloud command which should also fix the issue on the Cloud Console afterwards. you can do a rolling replace using:
gcloud beta compute instance-groups managed rolling-action replace [instance group]
You can find the details of the command at this link. Also, you can keep an eye for complete resolution of the issue at this public issue tracker link where other users field a defect report. I must also mention that Updating Managed Instance Group is a beta feature as of now.

Add Network Location to My Computer (Group Policy)

The shares at my company are becoming unwieldy and we have now officially ran out of letters to map shares to having exhausted A, B, H-Z. Not all of our users need access to some of these shares, but there are enough people who need access to enough different shares that we can't simply recycle letters for them which are used by other shares. At this point we're going to need to start moving shares over to network locations.
Adding a network location shortcut on My Computer isn't difficult, I right click and use the Wizard, but how do I do it through Group Policy? I don't want to have to set up 100 or so computers manually
This absolutely can be done using only existing Group Policy preferences, but it's a little tedious.
Background Info
When you create a network location shortcut it actually creates three things.
A read-only folder with the name of your network shortcut
A target.lnk within that folder with your destination
A desktop.ini file that contains the following
I found this information on this Spiceworks community forum post.
How to make it happen
I figured out how to do this from a comment in the same forum post linked above.
You need to create four settings in a group policy. All of the settings are located in the group policy editor under: User Configuration>Preferences>Windows Settings
as seen in this image.
Folders Setting
Add a new folder with preference with the following settings as seen in this image.
Path: %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Network Shortcuts\SHARENAME
Read-only checked
Ini Files Settings
There are two setting that you must make in this setting, as seen in this image.
Create one for the CLSID2 settings image
File Path: %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Network Shortcuts\SHARENAME\desktop.ini
Section Name: .ShellClassInfo
Property Name: CLSID2
Property Value: {0AFACED1-E828-11D1-9187-B532F1E9575D}
And another for the Flags setting image
File Path: %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Network Shortcuts\SHARENAME\desktop.ini
Section Name: .ShellClassInfo
Property Name: Flags
Property Value: 2
Shortcuts Setting
Add a new shortcut preference with the following settings image
Name: %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Network Shortcuts\SHARENAME\target
Target type: File System Object
Location: <Specify full path>
Target path: SHARETARGET
Closing Notes
This will work to create the network location using group policy. I would recommend using item level targeting to keep all of your network locations in one group policy.
It can be a handful to manage all of these separate preferences, so I created an application to help with managing the shares, and the user security group filters. Here is my application on github, you must create the first share using the settings above, but the application can handle adding more shares, deleting shares, and updating existing shares.
You can make a bat script which you can add to startup policy to run:
net use <driver letter> \\<servername>\<sharename> /user:<username> <password>
#echo off
net use w: \\server /user:Test TestPassword
And this will add on every computer a network shortcut to \\server with letter W .
And you can modify to make some this only on some computers or users.
Let's say you want only on user 'MikeS' to run this command, so you put something like that:
IF %USERNAME% == 'MikeS'(
net use w: \\server /user:Test TestPassword

Sharepoint 2013 workflow not firing when document checked in but works if checked out

We have a document library that has both Document sets and Documents. We also have a Workflow that is manually started by the user on any item in this library. The problem we are having is that the workflow doesn't start if the document is checked in and . If the document is checked out, it works fine. The workflow runs fine on a Document Set.
Looking into the log files, I see the following messages:
Skip lookup field SortBehavior as it's not dependent lookup, but it has PrimaryFieldId ID 46fff461-81e3-b73a-9fba-f4f1e8088cbe
Skip lookup field CheckedOutUserId as it's not dependent lookup, but it has PrimaryFieldId ID 46fff461-81e3-b73a-9fba-f4f1e8088cbe
Skip lookup field SyncClientId as it's not dependent lookup, but it has PrimaryFieldId ID 46fff461-81e3-b73a-9fba-f4f1e8088cbe
The target list of field Taxonomy Catch All Column, TaxCatchAll, does not exists in the current web or the current user does not have permissioin to see it. Skip it. 46fff461-81e3-b73a-9fba-f4f1e8088cbe
Immediately below these lines, I see the following message:
The file "" is not checked out. You must first check out this document before making changes......
The workflow is very simple and only logs a test message. I am not sure why SharePoint is trying to check-out the document but I have a feeling that it has something to do with the above messages.
Anyone has any idea why this is happening?
We were able to fix the issue after getting some support on Microsoft TechNet forum.
Assuming the workflow is a SharePoint Designer Workflow, Open SharePoint Designer and Connect to your site. Click on Workflows from the left navigation, and click on your workflow. Workflow information page will open. In the "Settings" area in the right pane, uncheck the "Automatically update the workflow status to the current stage name". This will fix the problem.