Template Parameters of the version Type - c++

So there are 3 types of template parameters:
SO if the use of templates is to serve as a "class" to classes...in other words a template is to a class what a class is to an object... and provide things such as data type independence, why would I want to use a type parameter template?
for example, why would I ever want to use something like
template <int n = 1>
Thank you

There are plenty of uses, C++ templates are not just a mean to "get away with types".
std::array<T, N> is one example : capture the array size at compile time
Many examples in the standard library : see std::get<> to access tuple elements
Integrals arguments can server as an input for MTP algorithms (and consequently, allow C++ templates to form a complete Turing machine, which is a major property of the language ):
Example of a compile-time factorial :
template <int n>
struct factorial {
enum { value = n * factorial<n - 1>::value };
template <>
struct factorial<0> {
enum { value = 1 };

As I understand your question, you have a relationship like:
Meta templates are templates which can act as a kind of template generator. This is not really the truth but is also not really the truth that a template is a class generator.
Templates can be used as a class generator. This is what often results in multiple copies of the same code in the binary and is sometimes not what is really useful.
But a template can do much more!
Templates allow calculations during compile time. They maybe did not generate code and they will not result in any class and also not in an instance. The complete code is evaluated during compile time and results in new types which itself can be used as traits for other templates or they can calculate constants which can be used as normal values in the code. All this without any template->class->object relation.
And this is the place where sometimes integer values come in use. They can be used to do compile time calculations. And also this values can be used as traits for selecting specialization.
So simply your rule is only one facet of the c++ template world. And also in this little world, an integer can be used to create classes with this int parameters, like fixed sized arrays and others. See std::array for example where a int value for the size is a template parameter.
Another use case for int parameters in templates are recursive templates which runs over types. In this case often a counting int parameter can be used. Maybe this will be evaluated like a switch in compile time and the counter in compile time is something like an enum in the run time world.
Hope this helps.

Your question is confusing. You claim to ask:
why would I want to use a type parameter template?
However your example is an example of using a non-type template parameter.
You would want/need to use a non-type template parameter (as in your example) when the value-in-question must be a compile time constant.
For example, the second template parameter of std::array affects its size, which must be a compile time constant, and therefore can only be affected by compile time constants. Therefore you cannot specify this at run time, and therefore it must be specified via template parameter at compile time.

You can see an example here:
ArenaAllocatorStatsImpl is defined as (line 63):
template class ArenaAllocatorStatsImpl;
where kCount means that you want to count allocations if it's true.
Then you have an implementation (line 66) of version which doesn't count allocations
template <> class ArenaAllocatorStatsImpl
In line 82 there is a generic implementation but it's used only for the case where kCount is true because false is covered by implementation in line 66.
This allows you to have two version of code. One for debugging and developing and other for production. Templates are resolved at compile time so you have no overhead on production.


Is all use of templates in C++ metaprogramming?

I'm trying to understand what metaprogramming is general and what it is in C++ in particular. If I search for c++ metaprogramming I do get tutorials of template metaprogramming (TMP), but no explanation of if it only categorizes a specific use of templates or all usages of templates.
My question is if all usages of templates in C++ is categorized as metaprogramming. An explanation of why it is or isn't would also be helpful. Thank you.
My question is if all usages of templates in C++ is categorized as metaprogramming.
Not all usages of templates, in C++, are metaprogramming.
Obviously it's a question of definitions but, in C++, "metaprogramming" is synonymous of "compile-time computation".
So with templates we do metaprogramming (specifically template metaprogramming) but not all uses of templates are metaprogramming.
A simple counter-example
template <typename K, typename V>
void printKeyVal (K const & k, V const & v)
{ std::cout << k << ": " << v << std::endl; }
The preceding printKeyVal() is a template function that print, to standard output (so run-time, not compile-time), a couple of generic values.
It can't run compile-time so it's "template" but isn't "metaprogramming".
More in general: std::vector is a template class that uses memory allocation. And memory allocation (till C++17; maybe in future can be different) can't be used in compile-time code.
So std::vector (contrary to std::array that, having a fixed size, doesn't use memory allocation) is a template feature that can't be used (when the use involve the instantiation of a std::vector object) for metaprogramming.
What is TMP in C++?
Template metaprogramming (TMP) in C++ is a technique for expressing and executing arbitrary algorithms in compile-time using C++ templates. It is usually enabled by the use of template specialization to emulate conditional branches and recursive template definition to emulate loops. The most well-known example is a compile-time factorial computation:
template <unsigned int n>
struct factorial {
// recursive definition to emulate a loop or a regular recursion
enum { value = n * factorial<n - 1>::value };
// specialization that describes "break" condition for the recursion
template <>
struct factorial<0> {
enum { value = 1 };
which uses both of the aforementioned techniques.
A far more common, however, is a use of TMP for type detection and transformation rather than actual numeric computation, e.g. a standard std::is_pointer utility (source):
// generic definition that emulates "false" conditional branch
template<class T>
struct is_pointer_helper : std::false_type {};
// a specialization that emulates "true" conditional branch
template<class T>
struct is_pointer_helper<T*> : std::true_type {};
template<class T>
struct is_pointer : is_pointer_helper< typename std::remove_cv<T>::type > {};
Most of the utilities provided by the standard type_traits header are implemented using TMP techniques.
Given that TMP algorithms are expressed using type definitions, it's worth mentioning that TMP is a form of declarative programming in which the logic of computation is expressed without the use of explicit control flow statements (if, else, for, etc...).
Is all usage of C++ templates a metaprogramming?
The short answer is: No. If the templates aren't used for expressing a compile-time algorithm then it's not a metaprogramming, it's a generic programming.
The primary goal for introducing templates in C++ was to enable generic programming, that is to allow reusing the same algorithms (find, copy, sort, etc...) and data structures (vector, list, map, etc...) for any types, including user-defined ones, that satisfy certain requirements.
In fact TMP in C++ was discovered by accident and was not the intended use of templates.
In summary: Template metaprogramming in C++ is the use of templates to express a compile-time algorithm, most (all?) other uses of C++ templates is a form of generic programming.
I'm trying to understand what metaprogramming is general and what it is in C++ in particular
You haven't said what you understand by metaprogramming in general yet, so your answers don't have a common starting point.
I'm going to assume the wikipedia definition is good enough for this:
Metaprogramming is a programming technique in which computer programs have the ability to treat other programs as their data.
... can be used to move computations from run-time to compile-time, to generate code using compile time computations ...
C++ doesn't generally allow self-modifying code, so I'm ignoring that. I'm also choosing not to count the preprocessor, as textual substitution at (or arguably just before) compile time is not the same as operating on the semantics of the program.
My question is if all usages of templates in C++ is categorized as metaprogramming
No, it is not.
Consider, for reference:
#define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
which is loosely the way to write a generic (type-agnostic) max function without using templates. I've already said I don't count the preprocessor as metaprogramming, but in any case it always produces identical code whenever it is used.
It simply delegates parsing that code, and worrying about types and whether a>b is defined to the compiler, in a later translation phase. Nothing here operates at compile time to produce different resulting code depending on ... anything. Nothing, at compile time, is computed.
Now, we can compare the template version:
template <typename T>
T max(T a, T b) { return a > b ? a : b; }
This does not simply perform a textual substitution. The process of instantiation is more complex, name lookup rules and overloads may be considered, and in some sense different instantiations may not be textually equivalent (eg. one may use bool ::operator< (T,T) and one bool T::operator<(T const&) or whatever).
However, the meaning of each instantiation is the same (assuming compatible definitions of operator< for different types, etc.) and nothing was computed at compile time apart from the compiler's usual (mechanical) process of resolving types and names and so on.
As an aside, it's definitely not enough that your program contains instructions for the compiler to tell it what to do, because that's what all programming is.
Now, there are marginal cases like
template <unsigned N>
struct factorial() { enum { value = N * factorial<N-1>::value }; };
which do move a computation to compile time (and in this case a non-terminating one since I can't be bothered to write the terminal case), but are arguably not metaprogramming.
Even though the Wikipedia definition mentioned moving computations to compile time, this is only a value computation - it's not making a compile-time decision about the structure or semantics of your code.
When writing C++ functions with templates, you are writing "instructions" for the compiler to tell it what to do when encountering calls of the function. In this sense, you are not directly writing code, therefore we call it meta-programming.
So yes, every C++ code involving templates is considered meta-programming
Note that only the parts defining templates functions or classes are meta-programming. Regular functions and classes are categorized as regular C++ !

Is there any reason to make a template template parameter non variadic?

If I expect a template template parameter to have one arguement then I could declare it as follows:
template<template<typename> class T>
struct S {
T<int> t_;
//other code here
however if I later want to provide a template template parameter which takes two arguements where the second has a default value (like std::vector) T<int> t_; would still work but the template would not match template<typename> class T. I could fix this by making template<typename> class T into a variadic template template template<typename...> class T. Now my code is more flexible.
Should I make all my template template parameters variadic in future? Is there any reason I should not (assuming C++11 support is already required for my code for other reasons)?
First, documentation. If the parameter is variadic, the user now needs to check some other source to find out that this really wants something that will takes one template parameter.
Second, early checking. If you accidentally pass two arguments to T in S, the compiler won't tell you if it's variadic until a user actually tries to use it.
Third, error messages. If the user passes a template that actually needs two parameters, in the variadic version the compiler will give him an error message on the line where S instantiates T, with all the backtrace stuff in-between. In the fixed version, he gets the error where he instantiates S.
Fourth, it's not necessary, because template aliases can work around the issue too.
S<vector> s; // doesn't work
// but this does:
template <typename T> using vector1 = vector<T>;
S<vector1> s;
So my conclusion is, don't make things variadic. You don't actually gain flexibility, you just reduce the amount of code the user has to write a bit, at the cost of poorer readability.
If you know already that you will need it with high probability, you should add it. Otherwise, You Ain't Gonna Need It (YAGNI) so it would add more stuff to maintain. It's similar to the decision to have a template parameter in the first place. Especially in a TDD type of environment, you would refactor only when the need arises, rather than do premature abstraction.
Nor is it a good idea to apply rampant abstraction to every part of
the application. Rather, it requires a dedication on the part of the
developers to apply abstraction only to those parts of the program
that exhibit frequent change. Resisting premature abstraction is as
important as abstraction itself
Robert C. Martin
Page 132, Agile Principles, Patterns and Practices in C#
The benefits of variadic templates can be real, as you point out yourself. But as long as the need for them is still speculative, I wouldn't add them.

For C++ templates, is there a way find types that are "valid" inputs?

I have a library where template classes/functions often access explicit members of the input type, like this:
template <
typename InputType>
bool IsSomethingTrue(
InputType arg1) {
typename InputType::SubType1::SubType2 &a;
//Do something
Here, SubType1 and SubType2 are themselves generic types that were used to instantiate InputType. Is there a way to quickly find all the types in the library that are valid to pass in for InputType (likewise for SubType1 and SubType2)? So far I have just been searching the entire code base for classes containing the appropriate members, but the template input names are reused in a lot of places so it is very cumbersome.
From a coding perspective, what is the point of using a template like this when there is only a limited set of valid input types that are probably already defined? Why not just overload this function with explicit types rather than making them generic?
From a coding perspective, what is the point of using a template like this when there is only a limited set of valid input types that are probably already defined? Why not just overload this function with explicit types rather than making them generic?
First of all, because those overload would have the exact same body, or very similar ones. If the body of the function is long enough, having more versions of it is a problem for maintenance. When you need to change the algorithm, you now have to do it N times and hope you won't make mistakes. Most of the times, redundancy is bad.
Moreover, even though now there could be just a few such types which satisfy the syntactic requirements of your function, there may be more in future. Having a function template allows you to let your algorithm work with new types without the need to write a new overload every time one new such type is introduced.
The advantage of using generic types is not on the template end: if you're willing to explicitly name them and edit the template code every time, it's the same.
What happens, however, when you introduce a subclass or variant of a type accepted by the template? No modification needed on the other end.
In other words, when you say that all types are known beforehand, you are excluding code modifications and extensions, which is half the point of using templates.

Templates: statically typed or dynamic?

C++ is considered statically typed. I understand that.
I don't understand how that applies to templates.
Here is a simple example of a type that cannot be determined at compile time:
template <typename... t>
struct foo {
using type = typename foo<t..., t...>::type;
foo<int>::type x; // type of x cannot be determined without running meta-program
I presume there are cases where it's impossible to detect type errors without solving the halting problem.
So my question is, why aren't templates considered dynamically typed?
Static/dynamic typing typically refers to the behavior at runtime of the final compiled program, not of the meta-program. Since foo<int>::type is resolved by the time you reach runtime of the final compiled program, it's considered statically typed.
As for the template metaprogram, one could consider it to be using duck typing, which is a kind of dynamic typing. Note, however, that there are still static types (in pre-C++11) - the number of template arguments on a template can be considered a meta-type for a meta-function that produces a concrete type (which is a value as far as the meta-program is concerned).
By comparison, in Haskell, they have a concept of a hierarchy of types. You have typical types - things like functions, integers, etc. Then you have 'kinds', which describe types and meta-functions on types. For example, the Haskell kind * -> * -> * could refer to a mapping of keys to values, much like a template<typename Key, typename Value> class Map in C++. Any determination on whether the language is statically or dynamically typed then would have to refer to which level of the hierarchy you're referring to. Historically, C++ templates were never really thought of as meta-programs when they were first designed, so this kind of terminology isn't as widely used in C++, but the same concepts can still be applied.

How to reduce compile time with C++ templates

I'm in the process of changing part of my C++ app from using an older C type array to a templated C++ container class. See this question for details. While the solution is working very well, each minor change I make to the templated code causes a very large amount of recompilation to take place, and hence drastically slows build time. Is there any way of getting template code out of the header and back into a cpp file, so that minor implementation changes don't cause major rebuilds?
Several approaches:
The export keyword could theoretically help, but it was poorly supported and was officially removed in C++11.
Explicit template instantiation (see here or here) is the most straightforward approach, if you can predict ahead of time which instantiations you'll need (and if you don't mind maintaining this list).
Extern templates, which are already supported by several compilers as extensions. It's my understanding that extern templates don't necessarily let you move the template definitions out of the header file, but they do make compiling and linking faster (by reducing the number of times that template code must be instantiated and linked).
Depending on your template design, you may be able to move most of its complexity into a .cpp file. The standard example is a type-safe vector template class that merely wraps a type-unsafe vector of void*; all of the complexity goes in the void* vector that resides in a .cpp file. Scott Meyers gives a more detailed example in Effective C++ (item 42, "Use private inheritance judiciously", in the 2nd edition).
I think the general rules apply. Try to reduce coupling between parts of the code. Break up too large template headers into smaller groups of functions used together, so the whole thing won't have to be included in each and every source file.
Also, try to get the headers into a stable state fast, perhaps testing them out against a smaller test program, so they wouldn't need changing (too much) when integrated into a larger program.
(As with any optimization, it might be less worth to optimize for the compiler's speed when dealing with templates, rather than finding an "algorithmic" optimization that reduces the work-load drastically in the first place.)
First of all, for completeness, I'll cover the straightforward solution: only use templated code when necessary, and base it on non-template code (with implementation in its own source file).
However, I suspect that the real issue is that you use generic programming as you would use typical OO-programming and end up with a bloated class.
Let's take an example:
// "bigArray/bigArray.hpp"
template <class T, class Allocator>
class BigArray
size_t size() const;
T& operator[](size_t index);
T const& operator[](size_t index) const;
T& at(size_t index);
T const& at(size_t index);
// impl
Does this shock you ? Probably not. It seems pretty minimalist after all. The thing is, it's not. The at methods can be factored out without any loss of generality:
// "bigArray/at.hpp"
template <class Container>
typename Container::reference_type at(Container& container,
typename Container::size_type index)
if (index >= container.size()) throw std::out_of_range();
return container[index];
template <class Container>
typename Container::const_reference_type at(Container const& container,
typename Container::size_type index)
if (index >= container.size()) throw std::out_of_range();
return container[index];
Okay, this changes the invocation slightly:
// From
// To
However, thanks to Koenig's lookup, you can call them unqualified as long as you put them in the same namespace, so it's just a matter of habit.
The example is contrived but the general point stands. Note that because of its genericity at.hpp never had to include bigArray.hpp and will still produce as tight code as if it were a member method, it's just that we can invoke it on other containers if we wish.
And now, a user of BigArray does not need to include at.hpp if she does not uses it... thus reducing her dependencies and not being impacted if you change the code in that file: for example alter std::out_of_range call to feature the file name and line number, the address of the container, its size and the index we tried to access.
The other (not so obvious) advantage, is that if ever integrity constraint of BigArray is violated, then at is obviously out of cause since it cannot mess with the internals of the class, thus reducing the number of suspects.
This is recommended by many authors, such as Herb Sutters in C++ Coding Standards:
Item 44: Prefer writing nonmember nonfriend functions
and has been extensively used in Boost... But you do have to change your coding habits!
Then of course you need to only include what you do depend on, there ought to be static C++ code analyzers that report included but unused header files which can help figuring this out.
Using templates as a problem solving technique can create compilation slowdowns. A classical example of this is the std::sort vs. qsort function from C. The C++ version of this function takes longer to compile because it needs to be parsed in every translation unit and because almost every use of this function creates a different instance of this template (assuming that closure types are usually provided as sorting predicate).
Although these slowdowns are to be expected, there are some rules that can help you to write efficient templates. Four of them are described below.
The Rule of Chiel
The Rule of Chiel, presented below, describes which C++ constructs are the most difficult ones for the compiler. If possible, it’s best to avoid those constructs to reduce compilation times.
The following C++ features/constructs are sorted in descending order by compile time:
Instantiating a function template
Instantiating a type
Calling an alias
Adding a parameter to a type
Adding a parameter to an alias call
Looking up a memorized type
Optimizations based on the above rules were used when Boost.TMP was designed and developed. As much as possible, avoid top constructs for quick template compilation.
Below are some examples illustrating how to make use of the rules listed above.
Reduce Template Instantiations
Let's have a look at std::conditional. Its declaration is:
template< bool B, typename T, typename F >
struct conditional;
Whenever we change any of three arguments given to that template, the compiler will have to create a new instance of it. For example, imagine the following types:
struct first{};
struct second{};
Now, all the following will end up in instantiations of different types:
using type1 = conditional<true, first, second>;
using type2 = conditional<true, second, first>;
std::is_same_v<type1, type2>; // it’s false
using type3 = conditional<false, first, second>;
using type4 = conditional<false, second, first>;
std::is_same_v<type1, type2>; // it’s false
We can reduce the number of instantiations by changing the implementation of conditional to:
template <bool>
struct conditional{
template <typename T, typename F>
using type = T;
template <>
struct conditional<false>{
template <typename T, typename F>
using type = F;
In this case, the compiler will create only two instantiations of type “conditional” for all possible arguments. For more details about this example, check out Odin Holmes' talk about the Kvasir library.
Create Explicit Template Instantiations
Whenever you suspect that an instance of a template is going to be used often, it’s a good idea to explicitly instantiate it. Usually, std::string is an explicit instantiation of std::basic_string<char>.
Create Specializations for Compile-time Algorithms
Kvasir-MPL specializes algorithms for long lists of types to speed them up. You can see an example of this here. In this header file, the sorting algorithm is manually specialized for a list of 255 types. Manual specialization speeds up compilations for long lists.
You can use explicit instantiation; however, only the template types you instantiate will compile ahead of time.
You might be able to take advantage of c++20's modules.
If you can factor out the templated types from your algorithm, you can put it in its own .cc file.
I wouldn't suggest this unless it's a major problem but: you may be able to provide a template container interface that is implemented with calls to a void* implementation that you are free to change at will.
Before c++11 you could use a compiler that supports the export keyword.
You can define a base class without templates and move most of the implementation there. The templated array would then define only proxy methods, that use base class for everything.