Unable to get Hoplon to run - clojure

I'm following the tutorial given here, have installed boot (and tested it) and created a new hoplon project called hoplon-webapp.
When I run boot development in my project directory, I get no response. No files are compiled or generated.
I'm using Ubuntu 12.04.
What might be the problem?

The compilation succeeded when I tried it again at home.
I'm guessing that it needed to download some dependencies over the net.
It should have given some error or warning, though. This behavior was very strange.


Bad Image error when trying to run cygwin on windows 10

I recently installed cygwin together with clion on my laptop. It worked fine for a few hours, suddenly the IDE could not build the project, and then when I tried to run cygwin terminal, I got the message:
Bad image :C:\cygwin64\bin\cygwin1,dll is either not designed to run
on Windows or it contains an error...
I tried to look it up and I realized it is something to do with a bad update which was installed automatically. I didn't find any information about cygwin in this context and i don't know how to find the update that caused this.
in anyone here familiar with the problem?

OpenCV haartraining: Mergevec error: Input file does not exist or not readable

Following this tutorial, I've created my positive samples but need to merge them now, using mergevec. I downloaded the mergevec.exe binary file provided and got the two required dlls cxcore100.dll and highgui100.dll. However, when I run it like so:
mergevec samples.txt samples.vec
it gives me the error:
ERROR: Input file <filename> does not exist or not readable.
What should I do to fix this? My vec files are fine, because I was able to view them using the opencv_createsamples utility. So I know they're fine.
I ran into this issue as well and made a python utility that combines .vec files to avoid installing openCV again: https://github.com/wulfebw/mergevec
Hope it helps.
I was in the same situation as you few days ago so i'll try to help you out =P.
First of all i am interested to know where you found the mergevec.exe, because it isn't available to download anymore if i recall. I ask because i think that you might have downloaded an exe compiled on Linux. I had the same error when i tried to execute the mergevec, i had compiled on Ubuntu, on my Windows computer. Even with the 2 dlls.
As i explained it here , The mergevec from Naotoshi was originally made for Unix distribution, so under windows you will encounter a lot of problems. I first tried to do it on windows but i abandonned because it was too complicated and even with a full Cygwin installation i could not compile the mergevec.cpp.
What i advise you to do is to create yourself an Ubuntu virtual machine and to compile your own mergevec.exe. Once done you can copy your vec files in your virtual machine and merge them under Ubuntu. After this you can bring back the merged vec file to Windows if you want (It is better to not run the training under a VM: less computation power).
Here is what i did:
Installed VMware player with Ubuntu 14.0.4 (although i don't recommend it, still some bugs)
Installed OpenCV from the sources with TBB. There are a lot of tutorials, but the only one that worked for me is the OPenCV website, they are the more accurate on the libraries you mandatorily need.
I downloaded the GitHub classifier training and then I followed the commands given and it worked well.
If you encounter any library problem or OpenCV Installation issue don't hesitate i went through them too.

using gtest with xcode

I'm trying to set up a c++ unit testing library on my computer and figured that google's gtest would be a good fit.
I am currently running mountain lion with the most recent release of xcode.
I have been attempting to follow the instructions found here but am running into an intresting problem.
I am opening the gtest project, building it, and even though xcode tells me that the build was successful, I cant seem to find the framework anywhere. any help on this subject would be highly appreciated!
Thank you!
This worked for me:
Get the code from https://github.com/dmonopoly/gtest-cmake-example
Run the cmake GUI in the usual way (I used version 3.0.0). Hit "Configure", one of the prompts allows you to choose XCode generation. Hit configure again, Enable the "test" config option, hit configure again (and maybe even once again), then hit "Generate".
You should now be able to find the XCode project in the build directory that you specified. Open that project, and you will find the gtest source code, some demo test code, as well as a target for running the tests.

Use Jenkins CI for Qt projects

I'm trying to use Jenkins for some project I have written in Qt framework.
There is qmake plug-in for Jenkins in Jenkins wiki page, although this plug-in doesn't exist in Jenkins plug-in list.
I've looked for .hpi file for qmakebuilder plug-in, couldn't find it though. So I download the source code from the given repository, tried to compile it as described in Jenkins wiki... but I get list of error indicating java.util.NoSuchElementException.
Any of you guys have used this plug-in? or any other Jenkins plug-in to compile Qt projects with?
First of all, my JAVA_HOME variable was not pointing at the right folder i.e. JDK folder and it was set to JRE which caused the maven to not work properly.
But after fixing that, I was still getting some compilation error.
Finally, I asked Jenkins people and realized for some reason qmakebuilder is not compatible with JDK 7. Therefore, I download the JDK 6 compile the code with that version and it got compiled just fine. I got the hpi file in the target folder.
Plus, the hpi file for this plug-in NOW can be find here.

Anthill build giving errors in OnSite machine

We did a build of our app locally. It went smoothly without errors. But the build using anthill on onsite machine is giving errors like "cannot find symbol" in the class file generated. We downloaded the whole app in another machine here locally and the build was again went good. Want to know what may be possible issue?
The methods are already imported in the class files so there is no way of getting these errors. Also the jar file having these class files is downloaded for compiling from the repository.. The versions are same locally and onsite.
The only difference I found through log files is jdk 1.5.0 and 1.5.0_17.
Have you tried manually running the build on the machine AntHill is building it on? Make sure you do it as the use AntHill is running as.