Anthill build giving errors in OnSite machine - build

We did a build of our app locally. It went smoothly without errors. But the build using anthill on onsite machine is giving errors like "cannot find symbol" in the class file generated. We downloaded the whole app in another machine here locally and the build was again went good. Want to know what may be possible issue?
The methods are already imported in the class files so there is no way of getting these errors. Also the jar file having these class files is downloaded for compiling from the repository.. The versions are same locally and onsite.
The only difference I found through log files is jdk 1.5.0 and 1.5.0_17.

Have you tried manually running the build on the machine AntHill is building it on? Make sure you do it as the use AntHill is running as.


VS compiling successfully when obvious errors exist after upgrading to framework 4.6.1

After upgrading my .net web project to use Framework 4.6.1 so that I can take advantage of c#6, I have experienced a problem building projects..
I say I have a 'problem' building, it's more like I don't have a problem building. It IS building successfully when in fact it should be failing! Take a look at the screenshot provided; web.config on the left, obvious syntax errors on the right, and a successful build below.
It builds successfully when I do a build / rebuild or run it in debugging; but does actually fail if I try to perform a publish.
Just to further, I have verified that the file that I am editing resides in the correct directory within App_Code, that I am building the correct project and have reset VS multiple times. I've tried to go through all school boy errors; but I think that as it successfully runs but throws a compilation error at that stage it is something down to the Roslyn compiler?
Also note, this is a freshly created project; All I have done is written some basic classes, upgraded the framework, and added a blank aspx page.
Recreating the solution file fixed this error.
Another cause could be down to the fact that I created the project as a WebApplication instead of a Website, but am unsure why this would cause successful builds with syntax errors.
Regenerating the solution with the project setup as a Website instead of a WebAppplication fixed the issue (although I had to change front-end control attributes 'CodeBehind' to 'CodeFile'; a difference between the two types of project).

VS2017 Error: The operation could not be completed

I'm attempting to merge some code from a 3rd party. I thought I merged the source file ok as well as the .vcxproj files. To test out, I tried to do a compile of a single source file. It did a compile and failed with a message (don't remember what atm) and I addressed the error and tried to build that source file again. What I got was
1>Error: The operation could not be completed
Yes, not very helpful error message and I'm at a loss. I tried to delete the object files and tried again, I still get the same message. It doesn't seem even building anything. What can I do to get VS2017 to give me more helpful diagnostics? What could be causing this issue?
I got this error when moving a website from .net 2 to .net 4.6.1 which was hosted on local IIS7.5. It also showed as Visual Studio throwing all manner of errors upon loading the solution (pointing me at the not very helpful activity log)
All of my assemblies had been recompiled to .Net 4.6.1 and I'd changed the app pool to run .net 4 and integrated, however, VS seemed to think the web site should be loaded or compiled as plain .Net 4.0. This meant that it couldn't load the .Net 4.6.1 assemblies but didn't register this error just said it couldn't complete the operation.
I amended the web.config to add targetFramework="4.6.1" into the compilation element and it fixed it.
I just had this same error which drove me mad for hours. It turned out to be due to some sort of mix-up in the compilation configurations in the solution file, which made reference to configurations that did not exist (because the solution had been copied from another with more projects in it). What appeared to fix it was just going into the configuration manager dialog and then saving.

VSTS Build Definition for Android failing

I'm starting using the build definitions from Team Services for a Xamarin Android App. In Visual Studio everything works fine and I can check in the code to VS Team Services.
Now, at the moment to create an Build Definitions for my project, it's falling.
And this is part of the log:
2016-10-13T03:30:45.7198826Z Considered treating "Xamarin.Forms.Xaml, Version=, Culture=neutral, processorArchitecture=MSIL" as a file name, but it didn't exist.
2016-10-13T03:30:45.7748834Z 2>C:\a\1\s\DentalLife\packages\Xamarin.Forms.\build\portable-win+net45+wp80+win81+wpa81+MonoAndroid10+MonoTouch10+Xamarin.iOS10\Xamarin.Forms.targets(40,3): error MSB4062: The "Xamarin.Forms.Build.Tasks.FixedCreateCSharpManifestResourceName" task could not be loaded from the assembly C:\a\1\s\DentalLife\packages\Xamarin.Forms.\build\portable-win+net45+wp80+win81+wpa81+MonoAndroid10+MonoTouch10+Xamarin.iOS10\Xamarin.Forms.Build.Tasks.dll. Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\a\1\s\DentalLife\packages\Xamarin.Forms.\build\portable-win+net45+wp80+win81+wpa81+MonoAndroid10+MonoTouch10+Xamarin.iOS10\Xamarin.Forms.Build.Tasks.dll' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. Confirm that the declaration is correct, that the assembly and all its dependencies are available, and that the task contains a public class that implements Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITask. [C:\a\1\s\DentalLife\DentalLife\DentalLife\DentalLife.csproj]
2016-10-13T03:30:45.7778918Z 2>Done Building Project "C:\a\1\s\DentalLife\DentalLife\DentalLife\DentalLife.csproj" (default targets) -- FAILED.
2016-10-13T03:30:45.7808866Z 1>Done Building Project "C:\a\1\s\DentalLife\DentalLife\DentalLife.Droid\DentalLife.Droid.csproj" (clean;PackageForAndroid target(s)) -- FAILED.
2016-10-13T03:30:45.8018852Z Build FAILED.
After, a couple of days trying to find any information I found the following stackoverflow links:
Visual Studio Team Services - Build fails, definition wrong?
TFS remains out of sync after Get Sources step
Basically, in those post they mention that this could be a security related issue.
I tried following all suggestion from changing the permissions to changing some parameters like the Build job authorization scope. But any luck so far :-(
After a lot of attempts and looking on Internet, I found that te problem was the hosted agent had a different version for Xamarin.Froms. Then I found this post where I created a on-premise agent and the Xamarin.Forms version got updated to be 6.1.1. After that I was able to queue a build ALL in Green :-)
However, I decided to upgrade the Xamarin.Forms version to be in my Solution, because I needed to use a class that is available in that version. Locally, it builds and run OK.
Now, the problem is again the agent build in VSTS. This time is showing me a different error. That there are some dlls that couldn't be found:
obj\Release\android\src\mono\android\support\v7\internal\widget\ error: package does not exist
obj\Release\android\src\mono\android\support\v7\internal\widget\ error: package does not exist
2016-10-17T02:26:08.1053649Z private native boolean n_onChooseActivity ( p0, android.content.Intent p1);
In my Android project I have:
Finally, this is the link of the GitHub repo where you can find the code:
Any help would be very appreciate. Thanks and sorry for this long post :-(
The solution is that you need to specify JDK version in Xamarin.Android step of your build definition.

Error when running QDB2 driver on deployment machine

I am using Win7 and db2 express. I have successfully compiled and used the db2 drivers on one of my machines, but when trying to use it on another computer that does not have db2 installed the driver won't run and return an empty string as an error.
Just to make sure I copied everything from ibm/sqllib/bin to a directory that can be found on the computer I use for deployment and dependency walker confirms that indeed the qsqldb2 driver can find the libraries inside that directory.
Yet the problem remains and my app won't run properly, any ideas on how to solve this error?
I am yet not sure if this classifies as an answer or not but, even though in my development machine it worked fine with the libraries inside ibm/sqllib/bin. The way I made it work on my deployment machine is by instead providing it with the libraries coming with the clidriver.

Unable to get Hoplon to run

I'm following the tutorial given here, have installed boot (and tested it) and created a new hoplon project called hoplon-webapp.
When I run boot development in my project directory, I get no response. No files are compiled or generated.
I'm using Ubuntu 12.04.
What might be the problem?
The compilation succeeded when I tried it again at home.
I'm guessing that it needed to download some dependencies over the net.
It should have given some error or warning, though. This behavior was very strange.