modelview and projection - which code is more common? - opengl

1.which code is more common and why?
2. How will you describe the meaning of this code?

B. It correctly separates the modelview/"camera"-type transforms from the projection matrix.
There are some concerns with putting "camera"-type transforms in the projection matrix:
Lighting: OpenGL has to transform vertex normals into world coordinate
space - that is to say WITHOUT the effects of perspective - but WITH
the effects of the camera position. Hence, only the GL_MODELVIEW
matrix is applied to the normals for lighting. If you put the camera
transform into the GL_PROJECTION matrix then your lighting will be
wrong. However, some people do their own lighting - and in any case,
it can be a subtle error that you might not have noticed previously.
Fog: OpenGL has to figure out how far each vertex is from the camera.
Once again, perspective effects are not relevent to this calculation -
so the GL_PROJECTION matrix is not used. If you put the camera
transform into the GL_PROJECTION matrix then your fogging will be
wrong. Since few people use fog, many people have the error and don't
know it.
TexGen: Since OpenGL uses the eyepoint to figure out some of the
TexGen'ed texture coordinates, if the camera position is all mixed up
with the projection information then you'll end up with some pretty
strange texture coordinates. (Thanks to Brian Sharp at 3Dfx for
pointing this one out)


OpenGL Fog does not appear

I wanted to create a coordinate system with some lines in it, and wanted to display one window with depth-fog.
My "fog-code" looks like this:
float fogColor[4] = {0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1};
glFogfv(GL_FOG_COLOR, fogColor);
and is placed in my main function (don't know yet if this could cause any problems, but just to be sure), right after the init()-call and before my display-function-call.
The problem was actually really simple: My problem was, that I worked solely on the GL_MODELVIEW-matrix, thinking there was no real difference to the GL_PROJECTION-matrix. According to this article and the post from Reto Koradi, there is a pretty significant difference. I hugely recommend reading the full article to better understand the system behind OpenGL (definitely helped me a lot).
The corrected code (for my init()-call) would then be:
void init2()
glClearColor (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0); // set background color to white
glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); // switch to projection mode
glLoadIdentity(); // initialize a projection matrix
glOrtho(-300, 300, -300, 300, -800, 800); // map coordinates to the viewport
gluLookAt(2,2,10, 0,0,-0.5, 0,1,0);
glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); // now switch to modelview mode
The fog equation is evaluated based on the value of (quote from OpenGL 2.1 spec):
Otherwise, if the fog source is FRAGMENT DEPTH, then c is the eye-coordinate distance from the eye, (0,0,0,1) in eye coordinates, to the fragment center.
FRAGMENT_DEPTH is the default, so this applies in your case. Eye coordinate refers to the coordinates after the model-view transformation has been applied. So it's the distance from the origin after applying the model-view transform. The spec also allows implementations to use the absolute value of the z-coordinate instead of the distance from the origin.
One small observation on your code: GL_FOG_DENSITY does not matter if the mode is GL_LINEAR. It is only used for the exponential modes.
For GL_LINEAR mode, the behavior is pretty much as you would expect. The original fragment color is linearly blended with the fog color within the range GL_FOG_START to GL_FOG_END. So everything smaller than GL_FOG_START has the original fragment color, everything after GL_FOG_END has the fog color, and the values in between are linear interpolations between the two, with gradually more fog color and less original fragment color.
To get good results, you'll have to play with the GL_FOG_START and GL_FOG_END values. If you don't get as much for as desired, you can start by reducing the value of GL_FOG_END.
I peeked at the linked code, and noticed one problem: You're specifying the projection matrix while you're in GL_MODELVIEW matrix mode. You need to be careful that you specify the matrices in the correct matrix mode, which is GL_PROJECTION for the projection matrix.
Mixing up the matrix modes does not have an adverse effect on the resulting vertex coordinates, since both the model-view and projection matrices are applied to the vertices. So for very simple use, you can sometimes get away with using the wrong mode. But once lighting comes into play, it is critical to use the correct matrix mode, since lighting calculations are done after the model-view transformation has been applied, but before the projection transformation.
And yes, as others already pointed out, a lot of this actually gets simpler if you write your own shaders. The fact that I quoted the OpenGL 2.1 spec is probably a hint that this functionality is old and obsolete.
Like to many things that OpenGL-1.1 did, fog is calculated on a per vertex level. So if you have a long line, with only two points, fog is calculated only for the end points and then the color interpolated linear inbetween. Depending on how your line is aligned and which shading mode you use, this may result in no apparent fogging.
Two solutions:
Subdivide the lines into a couple of dozen line segments, so to sample the fog at more than two points.
Use a fragment shader instead and calculate the fog term therein. This is what I suggest doing.


My code Currently looks like this :
glViewport (0, 0, this->w(), this->h());
glFrustum(-1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.5, 20.0);
//glTranslated (m_fXmovement, 0.0, m_fZmovement - 5);
//glRotated (m_fYangleView, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
//glRotated (m_fXangleView, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
///// Model View \\\\\
glTranslated (m_fXmovement, 0.0, m_fZmovement - 5 );
glRotated (m_fYangleView, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
glRotated (m_fXangleView, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
DrawWaveFrontObject (m_pDataObjectMedia);
glTranslated (0.0, -3.0, 0.0);
First I had the movement part in GL_PROJECTION and all was running fine until I was working with fog.... It felt like the Camera isn't moving, it felt more like an additional camera pointing to that camera....
Then I accidentally copied the movement parts to the GL_MODELVIEW and the fog was acting as I wanted it to act..... all was fine accepting the click animation wasn't in relation to the area anymore, now the animation moved with my ego perspective.... and I don't really get it what kind of drawing I have to put in which of these two VIEW's. Could anyone give me examples or explanations according to my code or a hint what I could improve in my styl?
Quote from forum:
The projection matrix is used to create your viewing volume. Imagine a
scene in the real world. You don't really see everything around you,
only what your eyes allow you to see. If you're a fish for example you
see things a bit broader. So when we say that we set up the projection
matrix we mean that we set up what we want to see from the scene that
we create. I mean you can draw objects anywhere in your world. If they
are not inside the view volume you won't see anything. When you create
the view volume imagine that you create 6 clipping planes that define
your field of view.
As for the modelview matrix, it is used to make various
transformations to the models (objects) in your world. Like this you
only have to define your object once and then translate it or rotate
it or scale it.
You would use the projection matrix before drawing the objects in your
scene to set the view volume. Then you draw your object and change the
modelview matrix accordingly. Of course you can change your matrix
midway of drawing your models if for example you want to draw a scene
and then draw some text (which with some methods you can work easier
in orthographic projection) then change back to modelview matrix.
As for the name modelview it has to do with the duality of modeling
and viewing transformations. If you draw the camera 5 units back, or
move the object 5 units forwards it is essentially the same.
First of all, I suggest that you try to abandon the fixed-function pipeline (glTranslate etc) since it's been deprecated for like 10 years now. Look here for a more modern tutorial if you're interested.
As for your problem, you can imagine the meaning of the two matrices like this: The projection matrix essentially captures properties intrinsic to the camera itself, like how its field of view is shaped.
On the other hand, the modelview matrix is composed of two parts, the model matrix and the view matrix. The model part is for transforming from object space (relative to an object itself) to world space. Then, the view part translates from there to the eye space, in which the camera sits at the origin and points down the (negative?) z axis. Together, the modelview matrix essentially states how objects are to be positioned relative to the camera.
For further information, this resource gives a detailed description of graphics transformations in the context of OpenGL.
[Jan, 2017] Edit: Pages from the first link seem to be unable to access these days, so there is another link to the same content from their archive.

glOrtho in a 3D scene isn't working

I made a 3D scene and I used glOrtho and gluOrtho2D to get things to stay on my screen when I move the camera to look around in my 3D scene. But when I start to look around the characters disappear.
How do you get the characters to stay on your screen.
The projection matrix kind of defines your lens. But no matter what lens you use, if you turn the scene or move the camera, the view will change.
How do you get the characters to stay on your screen.
Well, by keeping the "camera" in place.
OpenGL actually doesn't have a camera. It doesn't even have a scene. The only thing it sees are points, lines and triangles it draws one after another to the screen. What OpenGL has are transformation matrices. And in your case, all you have to do is set a projection and modelview, that will draw the characters at the desired place on the screen. And since OpenGL does not maintain a scene, you can change the transformation matrices anytime you want.
You probably forgot a "glLoadIdentity();" somewhere...
After your calls to glOrtho...
glOrtho(0.0, windowWidth, 0.0, windowHeight, -10.0, 10.0);
Hope this helps.

Creating a tiled world with OpenGL

I'm planning to create a tiled world with OpenGL, with slightly rotated tiles and houses and building in the world will be made of models.
Can anybody suggest me what projection(Orthogonal, Perspective) should I use, and how to setup the View matrix(using OpenGL)?
If you can't figure what style of world I'm planning to create, look at this game:
Using Orhtogonal vs Perspective projection is entirely an art style choice. The Pokemon serious you're talking about is orthogonal -- in fact, it's entirely layered 2D sprites (no 3D involved).
OpenGL has no VIEW matrix. It has a MODELVIEW matrix and a PROJECTION matrix. For Pokemon-style levels, I suggest using simple glOrtho for the projection.
Let's assume your world is in XY space (coordinates for tiles, cameras, and other objects are of the form [x, y, 0]). If a single tile is sized 1,1, then something like glOrtho(12, 9, -10, 10) would be a good projection matrix (12 wide, 9 tall, and Z=0 is the ground plane).
For MODELVIEW, you can start by loading identity, glTranslate() by the tile position, and then glTranslate() by the negative of the camera position, before you draw your geometry. If you want to be able to rotate the camera, you glRotate() by the negative (inverse) of the camera rotation between the two Translate()s. In the end, you end up with the following matrix chain:
output = Projection × (CameraTranslation-1 × CameraRotation-1 × ModelLocation × ModelRotation) × input
The parts in parens are MODELVIEW, and the "-1" means "inverse" which really is negative for translation and transpose for rotation.
If you want to rotate your models, too, you generally do that first of all (before the first glTranslate().
Finally, I suggest the OpenGL forums ( or the OpenGL subforums of might be a better place to ask this question :-)
The projection used by that video game looks Oblique to me. There are many different projections, not just perspective and orthographic. See here for a list of the most common ones:
You definitely want perspective, with a fixed rotation around the X-axis only. Around 45-60 degrees or thereof. If you don't care about setting up the projection code yourself, the gluPerspective function from the GLU library is handy.
Assuming OpenGL 2.1:
glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); //clip matrix
gluPerspective(90.0, width/height, 1.0, 20.0);
glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); //world/object matrix
glRotatef(45.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
/* render */
The last two parameters to gluPerspective is the distance to the near and far clipping planes. Their values depend on the scale you use for the environment.

OpenGL Rotation

I'm trying to do a simple rotation in OpenGL but must be missing the point.
I'm not looking for a specific fix so much as a quick explanation or link that explains OpenGL rotation more generally.
At the moment I have code like this:
glRotatef(90.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
glVertex3f( 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
glVertex3f( 3.0, 2.0, 0.0 );
glVertex3f( 3.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
But the result is not a triangle rotated 90 degrees.
Hmm thanks to Mike Haboustak - it appeared my code was calling a SetCamera function that use glOrtho. I'm too new to OpenGL to have any idea of what this meant but disabling this and rotating in the Z-axis produced the desired result.
Ensure that you're modifying the modelview matrix by putting the following before the glRotatef call:
Otherwise, you may be modifying either the projection or a texture matrix instead.
Do you get a 1 unit straight line? It seems that 90deg rot. around Y is going to have you looking at the side of a triangle with no depth.
You should try rotating around the Z axis instead and see if you get something that makes more sense.
OpenGL has two matrices related to the display of geometry, the ModelView and the Projection. Both are applied to coordinates before the data becomes visible on the screen. First the ModelView matrix is applied, transforming the data from model space into view space. Then the Projection matrix is applied with transforms the data from view space for "projection" on your 2D monitor.
ModelView is used to position multiple objects to their locations in the "world", Projection is used to position the objects onto the screen.
Your code seems fine, so I assume from reading the documentation you know what the nature of functions like glPushMatrix() is. If rotating around Z still doesn't make sense, verify that you're editing the ModelView matrix by calling glMatrixMode.
The "accepted answer" is not fully correct - rotating around the Z will not help you see this triangle unless you've done some strange things prior to this code. Removing a glOrtho(...) call might have corrected the problem in this case, but you still have a couple of other issues.
Two major problems with the code as written:
Have you positioned the camera previously? In OpenGL, the camera is located at the origin, looking down the Z axis, with positive Y as up. In this case, the triangle is being drawn in the same plane as your eye, but up and to the right. Unless you have a very strange projection matrix, you won't see it. gluLookat() is the easiest command to do this, but any command that moves the current matrix (which should be MODELVIEW) can be made to work.
You are drawing the triangle in a left handed, or clockwise method, whereas the default for OpenGL is a right handed, or counterclockwise coordinate system. This means that, if you are culling backfaces (which you are probably not, but will likely move onto as you get more advanced), you would not see the triangle as expected. To see the problem, put your right hand in front of your face and, imagining it is in the X-Y plane, move your fingers in the order you draw the vertices (1,1) to (3,2) to (3,1). When you do this, your thumb is facing away from your face, meaning you are looking at the back side of the triangle. You need to get into the habit of drawing faces in a right handed method, since that is the common way it is done in OpenGL.
The best thing I can recommend is to use the NeHe tutorials - They begin by showing you how to set up OpenGL in several systems, move onto drawing triangles, and continue slowly and surely to more advanced topics. They are very easy to follow.
Regarding Projection matrix, you can find a good source to start with here:
It explains a bit about how to construct one type of projection matrix. Orthographic projection is the very basic/primitive form of such a matrix and basically what is does is taking 2 of the 3 axes coordinates and project them to the screen (you can still flip axes and scale them but there is no warp or perspective effect).
transformation of matrices is most likely one of the most important things when rendering in 3D and basically involves 3 matrix stages:
Transform1 = Object coordinates system to World (for example - object rotation and scale)
Transform2 = World coordinates system to Camera (placing the object in the right place)
Transform3 = Camera coordinates system to Screen space (projecting to screen)
Usually the 3 matrix multiplication result is referred to as the WorldViewProjection matrix (if you ever bump into this term), since it transforms the coordinates from Model space through World, then to Camera and finally to the screen representation.
Have fun