EC2: Downgrade m1.small to t2.micro - amazon-web-services

I am trying to downgrade our m1.small instance to the new t2.micro instance.
When the instance is stopped, and I try to change instance type, it will not display the t2.micro as an option.
I suspect it has to do with the new way the t2 instances virtualize (PV vs. HMV).
Anyone has an idea on how to perform the downgrade? Is it necessary to take a snapshot/image of the m1.small instance, and start a new t2.micro instance?

Here is a complete guide which you can use to change your existing PV instance to HVM instance. Just follow the steps carefully and you would be able to do it. Create an Image of your existing instance before you follow the guide

Okay, so after a few minutes of trying stuff in the AWS dashboard, I found the following solution. For anyone having the same problem, please perform the following steps:
create a snapshot of your PV-based instance (in my case, m1.small).
select your snapshot, and choose "create image". then, you can select the option to create a HMV-based image (which is needed for my case, as t2.micro only supports HMV).
Launch a new HMV-based instance (for example t2.micro) from your newly created image.
Hope somebody finds this useful! :-)
This does not seem to work, as the instance crashes when trying to be launched using the AMI.
Client.InstanceInitiatedShutdown: Instance initiated shutdown
Anyone has an idea on how to perform the downgrade / change PV->HMV?


Why do Spot Instances(EC2) change from cancelled_terminating to cancelled?

I have been struggling with this since last 2 days - A. Trying to create AWS Spot Instance with Deep Learning AMI for Linux (free).
B. Upon launching EC2 Instance it says Spot Instance request successfully created but it fails to create the instance.
C. Using Spot Fleet role, and later have been trying to change it to provide Admin access to this role through Policies.
However, the instance is never created and in the History tab I see Event Type = fleetRequestChange goes from Submitted, active, cancelled_terminating within a minute and later cancelled.
I have been reading through its documentation but don't see a reason for it to fail. Verified the Region and AMI as well. Tried changing bid price and with default recommended option as well. But nothing seems to work.
This is the link I'm referring - AWS setup for Deep Learning
Please skip the initial portion of getting credits and you can directly jump to EC2 instance configuration setup.
Kindly help! I am unable to proceed for the past 2 days.
Thank you!
It worked perfectly fine for me.
Launched the Deep Learning AMI (ami-df77b6a7) in the Oregon region
Spot pricing as documented in the article you referenced
I could ssh into the instance after it launched
One thing you could check... Click the Limits link in your EC2 console to confirm that you can launch this type of instance.
Mine said:
Running On-Demand g2.2xlarge instances: 5

AWS: Update instance type to a non-supported instance type by the AMI

I am using "MariaDB 10.0.10 on Ubuntu 14.04" on an m1.large instance. I am unable to update to m3.large due to the fact that it is unsupported by the AMI. How can I bypass this?
I have tried making an image directly from the instance. I tried making a snapshot from the volume then making an AMI from it. Both did not work.
Zed, since I can't comment, I'll let you know here AWS knows that the AMI is a MariaDB AMI because it's specified in the metadata.
Unfortunately, there isn't any way you can bypass this problem save by rebuilding that machine yourself. I'm sure there's a reason SkySQL Ab doesn't want their customers to use m3.large.

EC2 "clone" from snapshot NOT working

I wanted to take a pre-existing t2.medium EC2 instance and essentially clone it. Knowing no exact feature exists within AWS I scoured their documentation, asked people I know and came up with:
Create snapshot of said EC2 instance
Create AMI of snapshot
Build EC2 instance from AMI
When I went to build the new EC2 I was only given the option for a t1.micro OR m3.medium and above. I tried both (in and out of same region as original) and kept getting "insufficient data" under Status Checks.
Any ideas on what is going on here?
It sounds like you selected "paravirtual" as the virtualization type when you created the AMI, when you should have selected "hvm".
If you are doing this from the console you can create an AMI directly from the pre-existing EC2 instance, skipping the manual snapshot step, which should automatically use the correct settings for the AMI.

Create EC2 Instance With Instance Storage

I'm looking into removing EBS from my EC2 instances and instead using instance storage (primarily to remove the cost of EBS - my applications can live with ephemeral storage just fine).
Trying to attach instance storage when creating an instance via the management console results in a Javscript error though, and searching for advice online I haven't been able to find anyone online who seems to be doing this - which is leading me to wonder if it's even possible.
Does anyone have experience with this and could lend some advice or pointers? Thanks.
Make sure you select an AMI that has Instance Store as its Root Device, by default you would get and EBS as your root volume.
You can set such filter in the AMI selection screen of the launch instance tool in the EC2 Management Console, here:

Amazon EC2 Instance Unable to stop/terminate Default-Environment Instance

I am experimenting with Amazon EC2.
When I signup to EC2 and launched the console - I got a Default Instance already running.
I terminated the Default Instance and Launched Another instance - Windows 2008 with .net and SQL.
Now the issue is - I have 2 Instances running.
Unable to stop or Terminate the Defaul-Environment Instance.
I have setup the complete environment in the other instance - if I terminate that, all the setting will be lost.
I am afraid since 2 instances are running - I will be out of the free tier usage in 15 days only - and they will start charging.
Kindly advise.
If you don't want to lose your environment you can create an Image (AMI) for the instance where you have all your environment. Like this:
Later, you can launch a new instance with the Image that you created. That instance will be an exact copy of the one that you create the Image (AMI) from.
The free tier only applies to a single instance, so if you have two instances running you will get charged for the second instance anyways.