C++, always running processes or invoked executable files? - c++

I'm working on a project made of some separate processes (services). Some services are called every second, some other every minute and some services may not be called after days. (and there are some services that are called randomly and there is no exact information about their call times).
I have two approaches to develop the project. To make services always running processes using interprocess messaging, or to write separate C++ programs and run executable files when I need them.
I have two questions that I couldn't find a suitable answer to.
Is there any way I could calculate an approximated threshold that can help me answer to 'when to use which way'?
How much faster is always running processes? (I mean compared with process of initializing and running executable files in OS)
Edit 1: As mentioned in comments and Mats Petersson's answer, answer to my questions is heavily related to environment. Then I explain more about these conditions.
OS: CentOS 6.3
services are small (smaller that 1000 line codes normally) and use no additional resources (such as database)

I don't think anyone can answer your direct two questions, as it depends on many factors, such as "what OS", "what secondary storage", "how large an application is", "what your application does" (loading up the contents of a database with a million entries takes much longer than int x = 73; as the whole initialization outside main).
There is overhead with both approaches, and assuming there isn't enough memory to hold EVERYTHING in RAM at all times (and modern OS's will try to make use of the RAM as disk-cache or for other caching, rather than keep old crusty application code that doesn't run, so eventually your application code will be swapped out if it's not being run), you are going to have approximately the same disk I/O amount for both solutions.
For me, "having memory available" trumps other things, so executing a process when itäs needed is better than leaving it running in the expectation that in some time, it will need to be reused. The only exceptions are if the executable takes a long time to start (in other words, it's large and has a complex starting procedure) AND it's being run fairly frequently (at the very least several times per minute). Or you have high real-time requirements, so the extra delay of starting the process is significantly worse than "we're holding it in memory" penalty (but bear in mind that holding it in memory isn't REALLY holding it in memory, since the content will be swapped out to disk anyway, if it isn't being used).
Starting a process that was recently run is typically done from cache, so it's less of an issue. Also, if the application uses shared libraries (.so, .dll or .dynlib depending on OS) that are genuinely shared, then it will normally shorten the load time if that shared library is in memory already.
Both Linux and Windows (and I expect OS X) are optimised to load a program much faster the second time it executes in short succession - because it caches things, etc. So for the frequent calling of the executable, this will definitely work in your favour.
I would start by "execute every time", and if you find that this is causing a problem, redesign the programs to stay around.


Profiling a multiprocess system

I have a system that i need to profile.
It is comprised of tens of processes, mostly c++, some comprised of several threads, that communicate to the network and to one another though various system calls.
I know there are performance bottlenecks sometimes, but no one has put in the time/effort to check where they are: they may be in userspace code, inefficient use of syscalls, or something else.
What would be the best way to approach profiling a system like this?
I have thought of the following strategy:
Manually logging the roundtrip times of various code sequences (for example processing an incoming packet or a cli command) and seeing which process takes the largest time. After that, profiling that process, fixing the problem and repeating.
This method seems sorta hacky and guess-worky. I dont like it.
How would you suggest to approach this problem?
Are there tools that would help me out (multi-process profiler?)?
What im looking for is more of a strategy than just specific tools.
Should i profile every process separately and look for problems? if so how do i approach this?
Do i try and isolate the problematic processes and go from there? if so, how do i isolate them?
Are there other options?
I don't think there is a single answer to this sort of question. And every type of issue has it's own problems and solutions.
Generally, the first step is to figure out WHERE in the big system is the time spent. Is it CPU-bound or I/O-bound?
If the problem is CPU-bound, a system-wide profiling tool can be useful to determine where in the system the time is spent - the next question is of course whether that time is actually necessary or not, and no automated tool can tell the difference between a badly written piece of code that does a million completely useless processing steps, and one that does a matrix multiplication with a million elements very efficiently - it takes the same amount of CPU-time to do both, but one isn't actually achieving anything. However, knowing which program takes most of the time in a multiprogram system can be a good starting point for figuring out IF that code is well written, or can be improved.
If the system is I/O bound, such as network or disk I/O, then there are tools for analysing disk and network traffic that can help. But again, expecting the tool to point out what packet response or disk access time you should expect is a different matter - if you contact google to search for "kerflerp", or if you contact your local webserver that is a meter away, will have a dramatic impact on the time for a reasonable response.
There are lots of other issues - running two pieces of code in parallel that uses LOTS of memory can cause both to run slower than if they are run in sequence - because the high memory usage causes swapping, or because the OS isn't able to use spare memory for caching file-I/O, for example.
On the other hand, two or more simple processes that use very little memory will benefit quite a lot from running in parallel on a multiprocessor system.
Adding logging to your applications such that you can see WHERE it is spending time is another method that works reasonably well. Particularly if you KNOW what the use-case is where it takes time.
If you have a use-case where you know "this should take no more than X seconds", running regular pre- or post-commit test to check that the code is behaving as expected, and no-one added a lot of code to slow it down would also be a useful thing.

How to get an accurate performance measure?

In our project we're trying to automatically monitor the performance of test runs, to make sure that we don't have any significant changes in the performance of the program over time.
The problem is that there seems to be a consistent 5% variability in the measures we get. That is, on the same machine with the same program (no recompilation) running the same test we get values that differ by around 5% from run to run. This is way too much for what we want to use the numbers for.
We're already excluding setup costs from the timing considerations - that is, from within C++ code itself we're grabbing the time immediately before and after running the time-critical portions, rather than doing the timing of the whole program on the OS level. We are also doing averaging and outlier exclusion. The problem is that the variability looks to also have long-term trends, so we get tight clustering of times for replicates right after each other, but an hour or two later the times are substantially different. (Unfortunately, spreading the test out over several hours is not feasible.) The tests are also being run on a dedicated machine while "nothing else" is being run on it.
We're not quite sure where the timing variation is coming from, but it may have to do with the processor and the system - there's indications that the size of the variability depends on what machine the program is running on.
Does anyone have an idea where this variation is likely to be coming from, and how to remove it? The tests are running on a dedicated machine, so changing the operating system settings would be possible.
(As indicated by the tags, this is a C++ program running on a x86 Linux system, if that helps clarify things.)
Edit: Response to comments
Our current timing scheme is to use the clock() function from the C standard library, looking at the difference in the return value from before/after the functions we want to test.
The code we're testing should be deterministic, and shouldn't involve heavy IO.
I realize that the situation is a little hazy for a "silver bullet" answer. I guess I'm more looking for a "these are the factors that are important to consider, this is the order you probably should check them in, and here's how you go about checking each of them" type answer.
I'm amazed you got down to 5% variation.
Unless you can get rid of all the unnecessary things running on your system, you will be getting high variation. This is at the top level.
You OS needs to be deterministic. You need to know what other tasks and threads are running and their durations. For example, there is the clock interrupt. Now, how many other functions are chained to this interrupt? Do these other functions vary?
Is your system isolated? For example, your measurements may vary if your system is connected to a network.
Does your program use external resources? For example a hard drive. If the program writes to the hard drive, the drive will not be deterministic. Files and parts of files may move on the drive. The drive may become fragmented. This fragmentation may cause variance in your measurements.
The operating system memory may get fragmented. Also, the executable's memory may become fragmented. Fragmentation may add to the variance.

c++ Distributed computing of an executable program

I was wondering if it is possible to run an executable program without adding to its source code, like running any game across several computers. When i was programming in c# i noticed a process method, which lets you summon or close any application or process, i was wondering if there was something similar with c++ which would let me transfer the processes of any executable file or game to other computers or servers minimizing my computer's processor consumption.
Everything is possible, but this would require a huge amount of work and would almost for sure make your program painfully slower (I'm talking about a factor of millions or billions here). Essentially you would need to make sure every layer that is used in the program allows this. So you'd have to rewrite the OS to be able to do this, but also quite a few of the libraries it uses.
Why? Let's assume you want to distribute actual threads over different machines. It would be slightly more easy if it were actual processes, but I'd be surprised many applications work like this.
To begin with, you need to synchronize the memory, more specifically all non-thread-local storage, which often means 'all memory' because not all language have a thread-aware memory model. Of course, this can be optimized, for example buffer everything until you encounter an 'atomic' read or write, if of course your system has such a concept. Now can you imagine every thread blocking for synchronization a few seconds whenever a thread has to be locked/unlocked or an atomic variable has to be read/written?
Next to that there are the issues related to managing devices. Assume you need a network connection: which device will start this, how will the ip be chosen, ...? To seamlessly solve this you probably need a virtual device shared amongst all platforms. This has to happen for network devices, filesystems, printers, monitors, ... . And as you kindly mention games: this should happen for a GPU as well, just imagine how this would impact performance in only sending data from/to the GPU (hint: even 16xpci-e is often already a bottleneck).
In conclusion: this is not feasible, if you want a clustered application, you have to build it into the application from scratch.
I believe the closest thing you can do is MapReduce: it's a paradigm which hopefully will be a part of the official boost library soon. However, I don't think that you would want to apply it to a real-time application like a game.
A related question may provide more answers: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2168558/is-there-anything-like-hadoop-in-c
But as KillianDS pointed out, there is no automagical way to do this, nor does it seem like is there a feasible way to do it. So what is the exact problem that you're trying to solve?
The current state of research is into practical means to distribute the work of a process across multiple CPU cores on a single computer. In that case, these processors still share RAM. This is essential: RAM latencies are measured in nanoseconds.
In distributed computing, remote memory access can take tens if not hundreds of microseconds. Distributed algorithms explicitly take this into account. No amount of magic can make this disappear: light itself is slow.
The Plan 9 OS from AT&T Bell Labs supports distributed computing in the most seamless and transparent manner. Plan 9 was designed to take the Unix ideas of breaking jobs into interoperating small tasks, performed by highly specialised utilities, and "everything is a file", as well as the client/server model, to a whole new level. It has the idea of a CPU server which performs computations for less powerful networked clients. Unfortunately the idea was too ambitious and way beyond its time and Plan 9 remained largerly a research project. It is still being developed as open source software though.
MOSIX is another distributed OS project that provides a single process space over multiple machines and supports transparent process migration. It allows processes to become migratable without any changes to their source code as all context saving and restoration are done by the OS kernel. There are several implementations of the MOSIX model - MOSIX2, openMosix (discontinued since 2008) and LinuxPMI (continuation of the openMosix project).
ScaleMP is yet another commercial Single System Image (SSI) implementation, mainly targeted towards data processing and Hight Performance Computing. It not only provides transparent migration between the nodes of a cluster but also provides emulated shared memory (known as Distributed Shared Memory). Basically it transforms a bunch of computers, connected via very fast network, into a single big NUMA machine with many CPUs and huge amount of memory.
None of these would allow you to launch a game on your PC and have it transparently migrated and executed somewhere on the network. Besides most games are GPU intensive and not so much CPU intensive - most games are still not even utilising the full computing power of multicore CPUs. We have a ScaleMP cluster here and it doesn't run Quake very well...

running time of two programs run separately and then together

I was recently asked this question in an interview, and while I did alright on the first two parts [I am assuming] I struggled a bit on the third. Here's the question:
You have two Linux programs, A and B. When run separately, A and B each take one minute to complete on a system that has just been restarted. [ie: fresh system: you reboot it, log in, get a shell prompt, run the program.]
What can you tell me about the programs if:
a) when run together, they take 2 minutes
b) when run together, they take 1 minute
c) when run together, they take 30 seconds
I said for a) that if they take exactly double the time when run together, they share no mutual exclusion and are vying for all the same resources, probably don't share any sort of cache data or instructions [and thus don't help each other out from a cache perspective] and each program needs the full utilization of said resource to complete such that the OS cannot parallelize them.
For b), I said that if they can run just as fast together, they probably share some spacial/temporal locality in the cash, and may lend themselves to being properly pipelined in such a way that while program A is waiting on something, program B can run in between those stages, and vice versa-- effectively running them both in 1 minute.
For c), I was a bit stuck. In retrospect, I probably should have said that perhaps program A and B were both doing a common task, where two of them running at once could complete said task faster than one running alone-- such as a garbage collector. But the best that I could come up with was that perhaps they loaded out of the same sector on the hard disk, and that helped them both together run quickly.
I am just looking for some input from some of the smarties here on things I probably missed. The position was for a platforms/systems position that require a good understanding of hardware/software and operating systems, and namely interactions between them which is why [I'm assuming] the question was asked.
I was also trying to think of examples that I could apply to each part to help show my knowledge of the questions real life applications, but on the spot I was coming up short.
Together they take 2 minutes to complete
In this case, I think that each program is fully CPU-bound and can saturate 100% of the CPUs available on the machine. Therefore when the programs run together, each runs at half speed.
It's also possible that this would be the observed behavior if both programs were able and willing to saturate some other resource apart from the CPU, for example some I/O device. However, since in practice, usually the performance of I/O devices does not decrease linearly with the load applied to them if they are oversaturated, I would consider that a less likely scenario and go with CPU-bound as a first guess.
Together they take 1 minute to complete
The two programs do not contest the same resources, or there are ample resources in the system to satisfy the demands of both. Therefore, they end up not interfering with each other.
Together they take half a minute to complete
The programs operate on the same input, and both can tell when all input is used up, so each ends up doing half the work it would do if launched alone at half the running time. Also, the system obviously has the capacity to supply double the amount of whatever resource these programs are constrained by.
Since in this case the running time decreases linearly with the amount of processes (perfect scaling), it seems more likely that the resource constraining the programs is CPU for the same reasons explained in the "2 minutes" scenario. This also fits in well with the "common input" assumption, as the input would not be very likely to be coming from one source if there were e.g. different I/O devices supplying it.
Therefore, the first guess in this case is that each program is CPU-bound and written such that it consumes at most half the CPU resources in the system.
For A, They're programs that are in competition for a mutually exclusive resource.
For B, They're independent programs that don't really interact.
For C, which is the one you're struggling with, it seems they both have the same work to pick from. For example, there's a queue of tasks to do, both programs are capable of doing the tasks, and they know what tasks have been done. So if they both run at the same time (assuming multi core machine, but even then not necessarily, all that's important is that they don't have a resource bottleneck) they get the work done in half the time.
See Performance in multithreaded Java application for another possible reason why processes can run faster when you have more than one.
Although I admit that the queue of tasks that canbeperformed concurrently is a much simpler reason to explain this reduced running time.

Random Complete System Unresponsiveness Running Mathematical Functions

I have a program that loads a file (anywhere from 10MB to 5GB) a chunk at a time (ReadFile), and for each chunk performs a set of mathematical operations (basically calculates the hash).
After calculating the hash, it stores info about the chunk in an STL map (basically <chunkID, hash>) and then writes the chunk itself to another file (WriteFile).
That's all it does. This program will cause certain PCs to choke and die. The mouse begins to stutter, the task manager takes > 2 min to show, ctrl+alt+del is unresponsive, running programs are slow.... the works.
I've done literally everything I can think of to optimize the program, and have triple-checked all objects.
What I've done:
Tried different (less intensive) hashing algorithms.
Switched all allocations to nedmalloc instead of the default new operator
Switched from stl::map to unordered_set, found the performance to still be abysmal, so I switched again to Google's dense_hash_map.
Converted all objects to store pointers to objects instead of the objects themselves.
Caching all Read and Write operations. Instead of reading a 16k chunk of the file and performing the math on it, I read 4MB into a buffer and read 16k chunks from there instead. Same for all write operations - they are coalesced into 4MB blocks before being written to disk.
Run extensive profiling with Visual Studio 2010, AMD Code Analyst, and perfmon.
Set the thread priority to THREAD_MODE_BACKGROUND_BEGIN
Set the thread priority to THREAD_PRIORITY_IDLE
Added a Sleep(100) call after every loop.
Even after all this, the application still results in a system-wide hang on certain machines under certain circumstances.
Perfmon and Process Explorer show minimal CPU usage (with the sleep), no constant reads/writes from disk, few hard pagefaults (and only ~30k pagefaults in the lifetime of the application on a 5GB input file), little virtual memory (never more than 150MB), no leaked handles, no memory leaks.
The machines I've tested it on run Windows XP - Windows 7, x86 and x64 versions included. None have less than 2GB RAM, though the problem is always exacerbated under lower memory conditions.
I'm at a loss as to what to do next. I don't know what's causing it - I'm torn between CPU or Memory as the culprit. CPU because without the sleep and under different thread priorities the system performances changes noticeably. Memory because there's a huge difference in how often the issue occurs when using unordered_set vs Google's dense_hash_map.
What's really weird? Obviously, the NT kernel design is supposed to prevent this sort of behavior from ever occurring (a user-mode application driving the system to this sort of extreme poor performance!?)..... but when I compile the code and run it on OS X or Linux (it's fairly standard C++ throughout) it performs excellently even on poor machines with little RAM and weaker CPUs.
What am I supposed to do next? How do I know what the hell it is that Windows is doing behind the scenes that's killing system performance, when all the indicators are that the application itself isn't doing anything extreme?
Any advice would be most welcome.
I know you said you had monitored memory usage and that it seems minimal here, but the symptoms sound very much like the OS thrashing like crazy, which would definitely cause general loss of OS responsiveness like you're seeing.
When you run the application on a file say 1/4 to 1/2 the size of available physical memory, does it seem to work better?
What I suspect may be happening is that Windows is "helpfully" caching your disk reads into memory and not giving up that cache memory to your application for use, forcing it to go to swap. Thus, even though swap use is minimal (150MB), it's going in and out constantly as you calculate the hash. This then brings the system to its knees.
Some things to check:
Antivirus software. These often scan files as they're opened to check for viruses. Is your delay occuring before any data is read by the application?
General system performance. Does copying the file using Explorer also show this problem?
Your code. Break it down into the various stages. Write a program that just reads the file, then one that reads and writes the files, then one that just hashes random blocks of ram (i.e. remove the disk IO part) and see if any particular step is problematic. If you can get a profiler then use this as well to see if there any slow spots in your code.
More ideas. Perhaps your program is holding on to the GDI lock too much. This would explain everything else being slow without high CPU usage. Only one app at a time can have the GDI lock. Is this a GUI app, or just a simple console app?
You also mentioned RtlEnterCriticalSection. This is a costly operation, and can hang the system quite easily, i.e. mismatched Enters and Leaves. Are you multi-threading at all? Is the slow down due to race conditions between threads?
XPerf is your guide here - watch the PDC Video about it, and then take a trace of the misbehaving app. It will tell you exactly what's happening throughout the system, it is extremely powerful.
I like the disk-caching/thrashing suggestions, but if that's not it, here are some scattershot suggestions:
What non-MSVC libraries, if any, are you linking to?
Can your program be modified (#ifdef'd) to run without a GUI? Does the problem occur?
You added ::Sleep(100) after each loop in each thread, right? How many threads are you talking about? A handful or hundreds? How long does each loop take, roughly? What happens if you make that ::Sleep(10000)?
Is your program perhaps doing something else that locks a limited resources (ProcExp can show you what handles are being acquired ... of course you might have difficulty with ProcExp not responding:-[)
Are you sure CriticalSections are userland-only? I recall that was so back when I worked on Windows (or so I believed), but Microsoft could have modified that. I don't see any guarantee in the MSDN article Critical Section Objects (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms682530%28VS.85%29.aspx) ... and this leads me to wonder: Anti-convoy locks in Windows Server 2003 SP1 and Windows Vista
Hmmm... presumably we're all multi-processor now, so are you setting the spin count on the CS?
How about running a debugging version of one of these OSes and monitoring the kernel debugging output (using DbgView)... possibly using the kernel debugger from the Platform SDK ... if MS still calls it that?
I wonder whether VMMap (another SysInternal/MS utility) might help with the Disk caching hypothesis.
It turns out that this is a bug in the Visual Studio compiler. Using a different compiler resolves the issue entirely.
In my case, I installed and used the Intel C++ Compiler and even with all optimizations disabled I did not see the fully-system hang that I was experiencing w/ the Visual Studio 2005 - 2010 compilers on this library.
I'm not certain as to what is causing the compiler to generate such broken code, but it looks like we'll be buying a copy of the Intel compiler.
It sounds like you're poking around fixing things without knowing what the problem is. Take stackshots. They will tell you what your program is doing when the problem occurs. It might not be easy to get the stackshots if the problem occurs on other machines where you cannot use an IDE or a stack sampler. One possibility is to kill the app and get a stack dump when it's acting up. You need to reproduce the problem in an environment where you can get a stack dump.
Added: You say it performs well on OSX and Linux, and poorly on Windows. I assume the ratio of completion time is some fairly large number, like 10 or 100, if you've even had the patience to wait for it. I said this in the comment, but it is a key point. The program is waiting for something, and you need to find out what. It could be any of the things people mentioned, but it is not random.
Every program, all the time while it runs, has a call stack consisting of a hierarchy of call instructions at specific addresses. If at a point in time it is calculating, the last instruction on the stack is a non-call instruction. If it is in I/O the stack may reach into a few levels of library calls that you can't see into. That's OK. Every call instruction on the stack is waiting. It is waiting for the work it requested to finish. If you look at the call stack, and look at where the call instructions are in your code, you will know what your program is waiting for.
Your program, since it is taking so long to complete, is spending nearly all of its time waiting for something to finish, and as I said, that's what you need to find out. Get a stack dump while it's being slow, and it will give you the answer. The chance that it will miss it is 1/the-slowness-ratio.
Sorry to be so elemental about this, but lots of people (and profiler makers) don't get it. They think they have to measure.