wave file export is corrupted - c++

I wrote two functions which should export an audio-float buffer into a .wav-file, but I have problems with playing the exported file. Audacity plays it like it should be (sounds exactly like within my application), however, Ableton (DAW-software) seems to misinterprets some part of the wav so it sounds realy distorted. (like a distortion-effekt)
I guess that ableton somehow assumes a wrong sample-depth (smaller) so the actuall samples blow the limits.
I have two functions, the one creates an int32_t buffer from two float-buffers (mixing left and right into one buffer), the other function writes the .wav-file, including the format chunk etc. I guess that somewhere there is the problem.
class members / structs
// static I use in the export function
static const int FORMAT_PCM = 1;
static const int CHANNEL_COUNT = 2; // fix stereo
static const int BYTES_PER_SAMPLE = 4; // fix bytes per sample, 32bit audio
// a function I found in the internet, helps writting the bytes to the file
template <typename T>
static void write(std::ofstream& stream, const T& t) {
stream.write((const char*)&t, sizeof(T));
// used "structure" to store the buffer
class StereoAudioBuffer {
StereoAudioBuffer(int length) : sizeInSamples(2*length){
samples = new int32_t[2*length];
~StereoAudioBuffer() {delete samples;};
int32_t *samples;
const int sizeInSamples;
converting function
StereoAudioBuffer* WaveExport::convertTo32BitStereo(
float *leftSamples,
int length)
StereoAudioBuffer *buffer = new StereoAudioBuffer(length);
float max = 0;
// find max sample
for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if(abs(leftSamples[i]) > max) {
max = abs(leftSamples[i]);
if(abs(rightSamples[i]) > max) {
max = abs(rightSamples[i]);
// normalise and scale to size(int32_t)
float factor = 2147483000.0f / max;
for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
buffer->samples[2*i] = leftSamples[i] * factor ;
buffer->samples[2*i+1] = rightSamples[i] * factor;
return buffer;
the exporting function (part of this code comes from the internet, sadly, I can't find the source anymore
void WaveExport::writeStereoWave(
const char *path,
StereoAudioBuffer* buffer,
int sampleRate)
std::ofstream stream(path, std::ios::binary);
stream.write("RIFF", 4);
write<int>(stream, 36 + buffer->sizeInSamples * BYTES_PER_SAMPLE); // 32 bits -> 4 bytes
stream.write("WAVE", 4);
stream.write("fmt ", 4);
write<int>(stream, 16);
write<short>(stream, FORMAT_PCM); // Format
write<short>(stream, CHANNEL_COUNT); // Channels
write<int>(stream, sampleRate); // Sample Rate
write<int>(stream, sampleRate * CHANNEL_COUNT * BYTES_PER_SAMPLE); // Byterate
write<short>(stream, CHANNEL_COUNT * BYTES_PER_SAMPLE); // Frame size
write<short>(stream, 8 * BYTES_PER_SAMPLE); // Bits per sample
int dataChunkSize = buffer->sizeInSamples * BYTES_PER_SAMPLE;
stream.write("data", 4);
stream.write((const char*)&dataChunkSize, 4);
stream.write((const char*)buffer->samples, BYTES_PER_SAMPLE*buffer->sizeInSamples);
Does anybody know how to write .wav files and maybe can tell me what I did wrong or missed?

There was no problem. I used 32bit .wav which just wasn't supported in the application, I used for playback.
I changed the export functions to use int16_t, 16bit depth, and it works fine.


VP8 C/C++ source, how to encode frames in ARGB format to frame instead of from file

I'm trying to get started with the VP8 library, I'm not building it in the standard way they tell you to, I just loaded all of the main files and the "encoder" folder into a new Visual Studio C++ DLL project, and just included the C files in an extern "C" dll export function, which so far builds fine etc., I just have no idea where to start with the C++ API to encode, say, 3 frames of ARGB data into a very basic video, just to get started
The only example I could find is in the examples folder called simple_encoder.c, although their premise is that they are loading in another file already and parsing its frames then converting it, so it seems a bit complicated, I just want to be able to pass in a byte array of a few ARGB frames and have it output a very simple VP8 video
I've seen How to encode series of images into VP8 using WebM VP8 Encoder API? (C/C++) but the accepted answer just links to the build instructions and references the general specification of the vp8 format, the closest I could find there is the example encoding parameters but I just want to do everything from C++ and I can't seem to find any other examples, besides for the default one simple_encoder.c?
Just to cite some of the relevant parts I think I understand, but still need more help on
//in int main...
vpx_image_t raw;
if (!vpx_img_alloc(&raw, VPX_IMG_FMT_I420, info.frame_width,
info.frame_height, 1)) {
//"Failed to allocate image." error
So that part I think I understand for the most part, VPX_IMG_FMT_I420 is the only part that's not made in this file itself, but its in vpx_image.h, first as
//then after...
typedef enum vpx_img_fmt {
VPX_IMG_FMT_RGB24, /**< 24 bit per pixel packed RGB */
///some other formats....
VPX_IMG_FMT_ARGB, /**< 32 bit packed ARGB, alpha=255 */
} vpx_img_fmt_t; /**< alias for enum vpx_img_fmt */
So I guess part of my question is answered already just from writing this, that one of the formats is VPX_IMG_FMT_ARGB, although I don't where where it's defined, but I'm guessing in the above code I would replace it with
const VpxInterface *encoder = get_vpx_encoder_by_name("v8");
vpx_image_t raw;
VpxVideoInfo info = { 0, 0, 0, { 0, 0 } };
info.frame_width = 1920;
info.frame_height = 1080;
info.codec_fourcc = encoder->fourcc;
info.time_base.numerator = 1;
info.time_base.denominator = 24;
bool didIt = vpx_img_alloc(&raw, VPX_IMG_FMT_ARGB,
info.frame_width, info.frame_height/*example width and height*/, 1)
//check didIt..
vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t cfg;
vpx_codec_ctx_t codec;
vpx_codec_err_t res;
res = vpx_codec_enc_config_default(encoder->codec_interface(), &cfg, 0);
//check if !res for error
cfg.g_w = info.frame_width;
cfg.g_h = info.frame_height;
cfg.g_timebase.num = info.time_base.numerator;
cfg.g_timebase.den = info.time_base.denominator;
cfg.rc_target_bitrate = 200;
VpxVideoWriter *writer = NULL;
writer = vpx_video_writer_open(outfile_arg, kContainerIVF, &info);
//check if !writer for error
bool startIt = vpx_codec_enc_init(&codec, encoder->codec_interface(), &cfg, 0);
//not even sure where codec was set actually..
//check !startIt for error starting
//now the next part in the original is where it reads from the input file, but instead
//I need to pass in an array of some ARGB byte arrays..
//thing is, in the next step they use a while loop for
//vpx_img_read(&raw, fopen("path/to/YV12formatVideo", "rb"))
//to set the contents of the raw vpx image allocated earlier, then
//they call another program that writes it to the writer object,
//but I don't know how to read the actual ARGB data directly into the raw image
//without using fopen, so that's one question (review at end)
//so I'll just put a placeholder here for the **question**
//assuming I have an array of byte arrays stored individually
//for simplicity sake
int size = 1920 * 1080 * 4;
uint8_t imgOne[size] = {/*some big byte array*/};
uint8_t imgTwo[size] = {/*some big byte array*/};
uint8_t imgThree[size] = {/*some big byte array*/};
uint8_t *images[] = {imgOne, imgTwo, imgThree};
int framesDone = 0;
int maxFrames = 3;
//so now I can replace the while loop with a filler function
//until I find out how to set the raw image with ARGB data
while(framesDone < maxFrames) {
magicalFunctionToSetARGBOfRawImage(&raw, images[framesDone]);
encode_frame(&codec, &raw, framesDone, 0, writer);
//now apparently it needs to be flushed after
while(encode_frame(&codec, 0, -1, 0, writer)){}
bool isDestroyed = vpx_codec_destroy(&codec);
//check if !isDestroyed for error
//now we gotta define the encode_Frames function, but simpler
//(and make it above other function for reference purposes
//or in header
static int encode_frame(
vpx_codex_ctx_t *coydek,
vpx_image_t pic,
int currentFrame,
int flags,
VpxVideoWriter *koysayv/*writer*/
) {
//now to substitute their encodeFrame function for
//the actual raw calls to simplify things
const DidIt = vpx_codec_encode(
1,//duration I think
flags,//whatever that is
VPX_DL_REALTIME//different than simlpe_encoder
if(!DidIt) return;//error here
vpx_codec_iter_t iter = 0;
const vpx_codec_cx_pkt_t *pkt = 0;
int gotThings = 0;
(pkt = vpx_codec_get_cx_data(
)) != 0
) {
gotThings = 1;
== VPX_CODEC_CX_FRAME_PKT //don't exactly
//understand this part
) {
keyframe = (
) != 0; //don'texactly understand the
//& operator here or how it gets the keyframe
bool wroteFrame = vpx_video_writer_write_frame(
//I'm guessing this is the encoded
//frame data
if(!wroteFrame) return; //error
return gotThings;
Thing is though, I don't know how to actually read the
ARGB data into the RAW image buffer itself, as mentioned
above, in the original example, they use
vpx_img_read(&raw, fopen("path/to/file", "rb"))
but if I'm starting off with the byte arrays themselves
then what function do I use for that instead of the file?
I have a feeling it can be solved by the source code for the vpx_img_read found in tools_common.c function:
int vpx_img_read(vpx_image_t *img, FILE *file) {
int plane;
for (plane = 0; plane < 3; ++plane) {
unsigned char *buf = img->planes[plane];
const int stride = img->stride[plane];
const int w = vpx_img_plane_width(img, plane) *
((img->fmt & VPX_IMG_FMT_HIGHBITDEPTH) ? 2 : 1);
const int h = vpx_img_plane_height(img, plane);
int y;
for (y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
if (fread(buf, 1, w, file) != (size_t)w) return 0;
buf += stride;
return 1;
although I personally am not experienced enough to necessarily know how to get a single frames ARGB data in, I think the key part is fread(buf, 1, w, file) which seems to read parts of file into buf which represents img->planes[plane];, which I think then by reading into buf that automatically reads into img->planes[plane];, but I'm not sure if that is the case, and also not sure how to replace the fread from file to just take in a bye array that is alreasy loaded into memory...
VPX_IMG_FMT_ARGB is not defined because not supported by libvpx (as far as I have seen). To compress an image using this library, you must first convert it to one of the supported format, like I420 (VPX_IMG_FMT_I420). The code here (not mine) : https://gist.github.com/racerxdl/8164330 do it well for the RGB format. If you don't want to use libswscale to make the conversion from RGB to I420, you can do things like this (this code convert a RGBA array of bytes to a I420 vpx_image that can be use by libvpx):
unsigned int tx = <width of your image>
unsigned int ty = <height of your image>
unsigned char *image = <array of bytes : RGBARGBA... of size ty*tx*4>
vpx_image_t *imageVpx = <result that must have been properly initialized by libvpx>
imageVpx->stride[VPX_PLANE_U ] = tx/2;
imageVpx->stride[VPX_PLANE_V ] = tx/2;
imageVpx->stride[VPX_PLANE_Y ] = tx;
imageVpx->stride[VPX_PLANE_ALPHA] = tx;
imageVpx->planes[VPX_PLANE_U ] = new unsigned char[ty*tx/4];
imageVpx->planes[VPX_PLANE_V ] = new unsigned char[ty*tx/4];
imageVpx->planes[VPX_PLANE_Y ] = new unsigned char[ty*tx ];
imageVpx->planes[VPX_PLANE_ALPHA] = new unsigned char[ty*tx ];
unsigned char *planeY = imageVpx->planes[VPX_PLANE_Y ];
unsigned char *planeU = imageVpx->planes[VPX_PLANE_U ];
unsigned char *planeV = imageVpx->planes[VPX_PLANE_V ];
unsigned char *planeA = imageVpx->planes[VPX_PLANE_ALPHA];
for (unsigned int y=0; y<ty; y++)
if (!(y % 2))
for (unsigned int x=0; x<tx; x+=2)
int r = *image++;
int g = *image++;
int b = *image++;
int a = *image++;
*planeY++ = max(0, min(255, (( 66*r + 129*g + 25*b) >> 8) + 16));
*planeU++ = max(0, min(255, ((-38*r + -74*g + 112*b) >> 8) + 128));
*planeV++ = max(0, min(255, ((112*r + -94*g + -18*b) >> 8) + 128));
*planeA++ = a;
r = *image++;
g = *image++;
b = *image++;
a = *image++;
*planeA++ = a;
*planeY++ = max(0, min(255, ((66*r + 129*g + 25*b) >> 8) + 16));
for (unsigned int x=0; x<tx; x++)
int const r = *image++;
int const g = *image++;
int const b = *image++;
int const a = *image++;
*planeA++ = a;
*planeY++ = max(0, min(255, ((66*r + 129*g + 25*b) >> 8) + 16));

JPEG image rotation in C++ using libjpeg

I am trying to rotate a JPEG image in C++ using libjpeg v9 based on the "Orientation" parameter present in EXIF metadata. I am able to get the "Orientation" parameter and on its basis, i am also able to rotate image into another file so that rotated image corresponds to "Orientation" value 1.
See code, which i have taken from "jpegtran.c" file and working fine(reading EXIF metadata code is not present):
#include <iostream>
#include <jpeglib.h>
#include <jerror.h>
#include "transupp.h"
void setTransformation(jpeg_transform_info *transformObj, JXFORM_CODE transformation){
transformObj->perfect = FALSE;
transformObj->trim = FALSE;
transformObj->force_grayscale = FALSE;
transformObj->crop = FALSE;
transformObj->transform = transformation;
void releaseRes(j_decompress_ptr srcPtr, j_compress_ptr destPtr){
(void) jpeg_finish_decompress(srcPtr);
void rotateImage(const char *inputFilename, const char *outputFilename, JXFORM_CODE transformVal){
FILE *inputFile = fopen(inputFilename, "r");
std::cerr<<"ERROR: cannot open input file\n";
struct jpeg_decompress_struct srcObj;
struct jpeg_error_mgr srcErrMgr;
struct jpeg_compress_struct destObj;
struct jpeg_error_mgr destErrMgr;
jvirt_barray_ptr *srcCoefArr;
jvirt_barray_ptr *destCoefArr;
//transformation object
jpeg_transform_info transformObj;
//set error handler
srcObj.err = jpeg_std_error(&srcErrMgr);
destObj.err = jpeg_std_error(&destErrMgr);
//set the transformation properties
setTransformation(&transformObj, transformVal);
jpeg_stdio_src(&srcObj, inputFile);
jcopy_markers_setup(&srcObj, copyOpt);
(void) jpeg_read_header(&srcObj, TRUE);
if(!jtransform_request_workspace(&srcObj, &transformObj)){
std::cerr<<"Transformation is not perfect\n";
srcCoefArr = jpeg_read_coefficients(&srcObj);
jpeg_copy_critical_parameters(&srcObj, &destObj);
destCoefArr = jtransform_adjust_parameters(&srcObj, &destObj, srcCoefArr, &transformObj);
FILE *outputFile = fopen(outputFilename, "wb");
std::cerr<<"ERROR: cannot open output file\n";
releaseRes(&srcObj, &destObj);
jpeg_stdio_dest(&destObj, outputFile);
jpeg_write_coefficients(&destObj, destCoefArr);
jcopy_markers_execute(&srcObj, &destObj, copyOpt);
jtransform_execute_transformation(&srcObj, &destObj, srcCoefArr, &transformObj);
releaseRes(&srcObj, &destObj);
//close files
However, i do not want to store rotated image into another file and rather want to rotate in place into buffer or using temp buffer but without compression as in above code.
Below is the code to get the decompressed data into buffer:
void rotateImage(const char *filename){
FILE *file = fopen(filename, "r");
std::cerr<<"Error in reading file\n";
struct jpeg_decompress_struct info;
struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr;
info.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr);
jpeg_CreateDecompress(&info, JPEG_LIB_VERSION, (size_t) sizeof(struct jpeg_decompress_struct));
jpeg_stdio_src(&info, file);
(void) jpeg_read_header(&info, TRUE);
uint32_t channels = 3;
uint32_t rowStride = info.output_width * channels;
uint64_t dataSize = rowStride * info.output_height;
unsigned char *buffer = new unsigned char[dataSize];
unsigned char *rowData[1];
while(info.output_scanline < info.output_height){
//initial value of output_Scanline state var is 0
rowData[0] = buffer + info.output_scanline * rowStride;
jpeg_read_scanlines(&info, rowData, 1);
/*Now, i want to rotate this buffer (or with other temp buffer without compression as in
first code) as per "orientation", either 90, 180, 270*/
/* here */
delete buffer;
Though, i tried to rotate buffer using temp buffer (analogous to matrix rotation for non-square matrix) with following code for 90 degree:
//90 degree clockwise
unsigned char *tmpBuf = new unsigned char[dataSize];
int row = info.output_height;
int col = info.output_width;
for(int i=0; i<row; i+=1){
for(int j=0;j<col; j+=1){
//copied 3 bytes as each pixed takes 3 bytes for RGB
memcpy(tmpBuf + (j*row + row-i-1)*3, buffer + (i*col + j)*3, 3);
However, i believe, it is not correct way for rotating JPEG as the rotated data is not accepted by the application i am sending this data to(FYI, i am rotating it as per "Orientation" as application respect it). Which makes me believe that it is not the correct way to rotate JPEG image. As with first method, first rotating into compressed data and then decompressing again into buffer is accepted by the application i am sending data to. But, i think, it is not the better way to do it.
So, i need your help for this. Please let me know the step required to achieve it. Any code example or tutorials will also be helpful.

Superpowered: real time pitch shift with timestretcher not working

I am using Superpowered for various real-time FX and they all work very straightforward. However the pitch shifting is a whole other story, I think in fact because it's based on the time-stretching algorithm that of course has to deal with output that changes in time which is a lot more complex than applying FX like EQ or reverb. However I'm only interested in change the pitch of my mic input.
I looked at the only example I could find on GitHub and I slightly adapted it to fit my work:
static bool audioProcessing(void *clientdata,
float **buffers,
unsigned int inputChannels,
unsigned int outputChannels,
unsigned int numberOfSamples,
unsigned int samplerate,
uint64_t hostTime) {
__unsafe_unretained Superpowered *self = (__bridge Superpowered *)clientdata;
SuperpoweredAudiobufferlistElement inputBuffer;
inputBuffer.startSample = 0;
inputBuffer.samplesUsed = 0;
inputBuffer.endSample = self->timeStretcher->numberOfInputSamplesNeeded;
inputBuffer.buffers[0] = SuperpoweredAudiobufferPool::getBuffer(self->timeStretcher->numberOfInputSamplesNeeded * 8 + 64);
inputBuffer.buffers[1] = inputBuffer.buffers[2] = inputBuffer.buffers[3] = NULL;
self->timeStretcher->process(&inputBuffer, self->outputBuffers);
int samples = self->timeStretcher->numberOfInputSamplesNeeded;
float *timeStretchedAudio = (float *)self->outputBuffers->nextSliceItem(&samples);
if (timeStretchedAudio != 0) {
SuperpoweredDeInterleave(timeStretchedAudio, buffers[0], buffers[1], numberOfSamples);
return true;
I have removed most of the code that I thought wasn't necessary. For example there was a while loop that seemed to deal with time-stretch scenarios, I'm just outputting the same time as I input.
Some observations:
If I don't clear the outputBuffers my memory usage goes through the roof
If I use self->outputBuffers->rewindSlice(); the app becomes silent, probably meaning the buffers are getting overwritten with silence
If I do not use self->outputBuffers->rewindSlice(); I can hear my own voice coming back, but timeStretchedAudio is always 0 except the very first time
I finally got it working:
static bool audioProcessing(void *clientdata,
float **buffers,
unsigned int inputChannels,
unsigned int outputChannels,
unsigned int numberOfSamples,
unsigned int samplerate,
uint64_t hostTime) {
__unsafe_unretained Superpowered *self = (__bridge Superpowered *)clientdata;
//timeStretching->setRateAndPitchShift(realTimeRate, realTimePitch);
SuperpoweredAudiobufferlistElement inputBuffer;
inputBuffer.startSample = 0;
inputBuffer.samplesUsed = 0;
inputBuffer.endSample = numberOfSamples;
inputBuffer.buffers[0] = SuperpoweredAudiobufferPool::getBuffer((unsigned int) (numberOfSamples * 8 + 64));
inputBuffer.buffers[1] = inputBuffer.buffers[2] = inputBuffer.buffers[3] = NULL;
// Converting the 16-bit integer samples to 32-bit floating point.
SuperpoweredInterleave(buffers[0], buffers[1], (float *)inputBuffer.buffers[0], numberOfSamples);
//SuperpoweredShortIntToFloat(audioInputOutput, (float *)inputBuffer.buffers[0], (unsigned int) numberOfSamples);
self->timeStretcher->process(&inputBuffer, self->outputBuffers);
// Do we have some output?
if (self->outputBuffers->makeSlice(0, self->outputBuffers->sampleLength)) {
while (true) { // Iterate on every output slice.
// Get pointer to the output samples.
int numSamples = 0;
float *timeStretchedAudio = (float *)self->outputBuffers->nextSliceItem(&numSamples);
if (!timeStretchedAudio || *timeStretchedAudio == 0) {
// Convert the time stretched PCM samples from 32-bit floating point to 16-bit integer.
//SuperpoweredFloatToShortInt(timeStretchedAudio, audioInputOutput,
// (unsigned int) numSamples);
SuperpoweredDeInterleave(timeStretchedAudio, buffers[0], buffers[1], numSamples);
self->recorder->process(timeStretchedAudio, numSamples);
// Write the audio to disk.
//fwrite(audioInputOutput, 1, numSamples * 4, fd);
// Clear the output buffer list.
// If we have enough samples in the fifo output buffer, pass them to the audio output.
//SuperpoweredFloatToShortInt((float *)inputBuffer.buffers[0], audioInputOutput, (unsigned int) numberOfSamples);
return true;
I am not sure if changing the rate also works, but I don't care for this application. YMMV.
Implement the part marked with TODO. That's the point where you need to provide input for the timeStretcher. Also take care of separating the output from the input. Output could be written before the input is consumed.

Export buffer to WAV in C++

I have a simple program that creates a single cycle sine wave and puts the float numbers to a buffer. Then this is exported to a text file.
But I want to be able to export it to a WAV file (24 bit). Is there a simple way of doing it like on the text file?
Here is the code I have so far:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main ()
long double pi = 3.14159265359; // Declaration of PI
ofstream textfile; // Text object
textfile.open("sine.txt"); // Creating the txt
double samplerate = 44100.00; // Sample rate
double frequency = 200.00; // Frequency
int bufferSize = (1/frequency)*samplerate; // Buffer size
double buffer[bufferSize]; // Buffer
for (int i = 0; i <= (1/frequency)*samplerate; ++i) // Single cycle
buffer[i] = sin(frequency * (2 * pi) * i / samplerate); // Putting into buffer the float values
textfile << buffer[i] << endl; // Exporting to txt
textfile.close(); // Closing the txt
return 0; // Success
First you need to open the stream for binary.
ofstream stream;
stream.open("sine.wav", ios::out | ios::binary);
Next you'll need to write out a wave header. You can search to find the details of the wave file format. The important bits are the sample rate, bit depth, and length of the data.
int bufferSize = (1/frequency)*samplerate;
stream.write("RIFF", 4); // RIFF chunk
write<int>(stream, 36 + bufferSize*sizeof(int)); // RIFF chunk size in bytes
stream.write("WAVE", 4); // WAVE chunk
stream.write("fmt ", 4); // fmt chunk
write32(stream, 16); // size of fmt chunk
write16(stream, 1); // Format = PCM
write16(stream, 1); // # of Channels
write32(stream, samplerate); // Sample Rate
write32(stream, samplerate*sizeof(int)); // Byte rate
write16(stream, sizeof(int)); // Frame size
write16(stream, 24); // Bits per sample
stream.write("data", 4); // data chunk
write32(stream, bufferSize*sizeof(int)); // data chunk size in bytes
Now that the header is out of the way, you'll just need to modify your loop to first convert the double (-1.0,1.0) samples into 32-bit signed int. Truncate the bottom 8-bits since you only want 24-bit and then write out the data. Just so you know, it is common practice to store 24-bit samples inside of a 32-bit word because it is much easier to stride through using native types.
for (int i = 0; i < bufferSize; ++i) // Single cycle
double tmp = sin(frequency * (2 * pi) * i / samplerate);
int intVal = (int)(tmp * 2147483647.0) & 0xffffff00;
stream << intVal;
A couple other things:
1) I don't know how you weren't overflowing buffer by using the <= in your loop. I changed it to a <.
2) Again regarding the buffer size. I'm not sure if you are aware but you can't have a repeated waveform represented by a single cycle for all frequencies. What I mean is that for most frequencies if you use this code and expect to play the waveform repeated, you're going to hear a glitch on every cycle. It'll work for nice synchronous frequencies like 1kHz because there will be exactly 48 samples per cycle and it will come around to exactly the same phase. 999.9 Hz will be a different story though.

Circular buffer optimizations

I've got a circular buffer that has size power of 2. My goal is to optimize its work. Here's brief code:
class CircularBuffer
CircularBuffer(unsigned int bufferSize); // align this size to power of 2
void read(char * dst, unsigned int bytes);
void write(char * src, unsigned int bytes);
unsigned int m_readOffset;
unsigned int m_writeOffset;
std::vector<char> m_buffer;
CircularBuffer::write(char * src, unsigned int bytes)
int dif = bytes - (m_buffer.size() - m_writeOffset);
unsigned int mask = ~(dif >> 31); // 0 or 0xFFFFFFFF
dif &= mask; // now i know how much bytes i need to put at the beginning of the buffer
memcpy(&m_buffer[m_writeOffset], src, bytes - dif);
memcpy(&m_buffer[0], src + bytes - dif, dif);
m_writeOffset = (m_wirteffset + bytes) & (m_buffer.size() -1);
m_writeOffset indicates how many bytes already put in buffer.
As you can see I get rid of conditions like if (remain size in buff < srcSize) etc, and calculate writeOffset using bitmask.
But my lead programmer tells me there's a way to calculate how many bytes to put at the end of the buffer and how many bytes to put at the start using bitwise operations, because size of buffer is power of 2. Any suggestions?
You are already using unsigned variables to keep track of the front and back of your queue (this is good); simply increment m_writeOffset on each write (enqueue) operation and increment m_readOffset on each read (dequeue) operation. Calculating the remaining amount of buffer elements is as simple as:
// returns the distance between m_readOffset and m_writeOffset
// (the count of the actual buffer elements):
uint32_t CircularBuffer::Size()
if (m_readOffset < m_writeOffset)
return (m_writeOffset - m_readOffset);
return (m_readOffset - m_writeOffset);
Check out the source code to my STL template implementation of a base-2 circular queue: