How does texture lookup in non fragment shaders works? - opengl

The following is an excerpt from GLSL spec:
"Texture lookup functions are available in all shading stages. However, automatic level of detail is computed only for fragment shaders. Other shaders operate as though the base level of detail were computed as zero."
So this is how I see it:
Vertex shader:
vec4 texel = texture(SamplerObj, texCoord);
// since this is vertex shader, sampling will always take place
// from 0th Mipmap level of the texture.
Fragment shader:
vec4 texel = texture(SamplerObj, texCoord);
// since this is fragment shader, sampling will take place
// from Nth Mipmap level of the texture, where N is decided
// based on the distance of object on which texture is applied from camera.
Is my understanding correct?

That sounds right. You can specify an explicit LOD by using textureLod() instead of texture() in the vertex shader.
I believe you could also make it use a higher LOD by setting the GL_TEXTURE_MIN_LOD parameter on the texture. If you call e.g.:
glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_LOD, 2.0f);
while the texture is bound, it should use mipmap level 2 when you sample the texture in the vertex shader. I have never tried this, but this is my understanding of how the behavior is defined.

// since this is fragment shader, sampling will take place
// from Nth Mipmap level of the texture, where N is decided
// based on the distance of object on which texture is applied from camera.
I think the bit about the distance isn't correct. The mipmap level to use is determined using the derivation of the texture coordinates for the neighbouring pixels. The sampler hardware can determine this because the generated code for the fragment shader typically uses SIMD instructions and generates values for multiple pixels simultaneously. For example, on Intel hardware a single thread usually operates on a 4x4 grid of pixels. That means that whenever a message is sent to the sampler hardware it is given a set 16 of texture coordinates and 16 texels are expected in reply. The sampler hardware can determine the derivation by looking at the difference between those 16 texture coordinates. That is probably why further down in the GLSL spec it says:
Implicit derivatives are undefined within non-uniform control flow and for non-fragment-shader texture fetches.
Non-uniform control flow would mess up the implicit derivatives because potentially not all of the fragments being processed in the thread would be sampling at the same time.


MSAA and vertex interpolation cause out-of-range values

I am using GLSL with a vertex shader and a fragment shader.
The vertex shader outputs a highp float in the range of [0,1]
When it arrives in the fragment shader, I see values (at triangle edges) that exceed 1.1 no less!
This issue goes away if I...
Either Disable MSAA
Or disable the interpolation by using the GLSL interpolation qualifier flat.
How can a clamped 0-to-1 high precision float arrive in fragment shader as a value that is substantially larger than 1, if MSAA is enabled?
vertex shader code:
out highp float lightcontrib2;
lightcontrib2 = clamp( irrad, 0.0, 1.0 );
fragment shader code:
in highp float lightcontrib2;
if (lightcontrib2>1.1) { fragColor = vec4(1,0,1,1); return; }
And sure enough, with MSAA 4x, this is the image generated by OpenGL. (Observe the magneta coloured pixels in the centre of the window.)
I've ruled out Not-A-Number values.
GL_VERSION: 3.2.0 NVIDIA 450.51.06
How can a clamped 0-to-1 high precision float arrive in fragment shader as a value that is substantially larger than 1, if MSAA is enabled?
Multisampling at its core is a variation of supersampling: of taking multiple samples from a pixel-sized area of a primitive. Different locations within the space of that pixel-sized area are sampled to produce the resulting value.
When you're at the edge of a primitive however, some of the locations in that pixel-sized area are outside of the area that the primitive actually covers. In supersampling that's fine; you just don't use those samples.
However, multisampling is different. In multisampling, the depth samples are distinct from the fragment shader generated samples. That is, the system might execute the FS only once, but take 4 depth samples and test them against 4 samples in the depth buffer. Any samples that pass the depth test get their color values from the single FS invocation that was executed. If some of those 4 depth samples are outside of the primitive's area, that's fine; they don't count.
However, by divorcing the FS invocation values from the depth sampling, we now encounter an issue: exactly where did that single FS invocation execute within the pixel area?
And that's where we encounter the problem. If the FS invocation executes on a location that's outside of the area of the primitive, that normally gets tossed away. But if any depth samples are within the area of the primitive, then those depth samples still need to get color data. And the whole point of MSAA is to not execute the FS for each sample, so they may get their color data from an FS invocation executed on a different location.
Ideally, it would be from an FS invocation executed on a location within the primitive's area. But hardware can't guarantee that. Well, it can't guarantee it by default, at any rate. Not every algorithm has issues if an FS location happens to fall slightly outside of the primitive's area.
But some algorithms do have issues. This is why we have the centroid qualifier for fragment shader inputs. It ensures that a particular interpolated value will be generated within the area of the primitive.
As you might have guessed, this isn't the default because it's slower than non-centroid interpolation. So use it only when you need it.

How does OpenGL decide between using MAG_FILTER and MIN_Filter when accessing in shader?

When configuring OpenGL with glTexParamteri(GL_Texture_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, ...) and glTexParamteri(GL_Texture_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, ...) how does OpenGL decide which filter to use when accessing a texture in shader with texture(...)?
My only guess it's that it is calculating the pixel footprint but since you could access the texture in either the fragment or vertex shader it can't know on which primitive what texture is projected.
My only guess it's that it is calculating the pixel footprint
Yes, that's what it does. It will approximate the pixel footprint in the texture space by calcualting the derivatives of the texcoords with respect to the window space x and y direction, and it will approximate these derivatives by finite differencing in a 2x2 pixel quad, just like the dFdx and dFdy GLSL functions are working. It will use the longer of the two partial derivative vectors as the size, and calculate the Level-Of-Detail value based on that.
but since you could access the texture in either the fragment or vertex shader it can't know on which primitive what texture is projected.
Correct, that's why the GLSL specification,
(Version 4.60) states the following in the beginning of section 8.9 Texture Functions:
Texture lookup functions are available in all shading stages. However, automatic level of detail is
computed only for fragment shaders. Other shaders operate as though the base level of detail were
computed as zero
Some (ie: most) GLSL texture accessing functions say that they require "implicit derivatives". All such functions only work entirely:
In the fragment shader.
Within uniform control flow of the FS.
If you call a texture access function that requires implicit derivatives in a non-fragment shader, then it will only access from the base mipmap level. However, if you're in a fragment shader but outside of uniform control flow, then all such functions have undefined behavior.
So if you're not in a fragment shader, you either want to access from the base mipmap level (in which case, MAG_FILTER applies), or you want to use functions that explicitly provide the values used for doing interpolation: Lod (where you explicitly say what mipmap level(s) you fetch from), Grad (where you explicitly specify derivatives used to decide where the pixel footprint is), or any of the texelFetch or textureGather functions (which don't do interpolation at all).

How vertex and fragment shaders communicate in OpenGL?

I really do not understand how fragment shader works.
I know that
vertex shader runs once per vertices
fragment shader runs once per fragment
Since fragment shader does not work per vertex but per fragment how can it send data to the fragment shader? The amount of vertices and amount of fragments are not equal.
How can it decide which fragment belong to which vertex?
To make sense of this, you'll need to consider the whole render pipeline. The outputs of the vertex shader (besides the special output gl_Position) is passed along as "associated data" of the vertex to the next stages in the pipeline.
While the vertex shader works on a single vertex at a time, not caring about primitives at all, further stages of the pipeline do take the primitive type (and the vertex connectivity info) into account. That's what typically called "primitive assembly". Now, we still have the single vertices with the associated data produced by the VS, but we also know which vertices are grouped together to define a basic primitive like a point (1 vertex), a line (2 vertices) or a triangle (3 vertices).
During rasterization, fragments are generated for every pixel location in the output pixel raster which belongs to the primitive. In doing so, the associated data of the vertices defining the primitve can be interpolated across the whole primitve. In a line, this is rather simple: a linear interpolation is done. Let's call the endpoints A and B with each some associated output vector v, so that we have v_A and v_B. Across the line, we get the interpolated value for v as v(x)=(1-x) * v_A + x * v_B at each endpoint, where x is in the range of 0 (at point A) to 1 (at point B). For a triangle, barycentric interpolation between the data of all 3 vertices is used. So while there is no 1:1 mapping between vertices and fragments, the outputs of the VS still define the values of the corrseponding input of the FS, just not in a direct way, but indirectly by the interpolation across the primitive type used.
The formula I have given so far are a bit simplified. Actually, by default, a perspective correction is applied, effectively by modifying the formula in such a way that the distortion effects of the perspective are taken into account. This simply means that the interpolation should act as it is applied linearily in object space (before the distortion by the projection was applied). For example, if you have a perspective projection and some primitive which is not parallel to the image plane, going 1 pixel to the right in screen space does mean moving a variable distance on the real object, depending on the distance of the actual point to the camera plane.
You can disable the perspective correction by using the noperspective qualifier for the in/out variables in GLSL. Then, the linear/barycentric interpolation is used as I described it.
You can also use the flat qualifier, which will disable the interpolation entirely. In that case, the value of just one vertex (the so called "provoking vertex") is used for all fragments of the whole primitive. Integer data can never by automatically interpolated by the GL and has to be qualified as flat when sent to the fragment shader.
The answer is that they don't -- at least not directly. There's an additional thing called "the rasterizer" that sits between the vertex processor and the fragment processor in the pipeline. The rasterizer is responsible for collecting the vertexes that come out of the vertex shader, reassembling them into primitives (usually triangles), breaking up those triangles into "rasters" of (partially) coverer pixels, and sending these fragments to the fragment shader.
This is a (mostly) fixed-function piece of hardware that you don't program directly. There are some configuration tweaks you can do that affects what it treats as a primitive and what it produces as fragments, but for the most part its just there between the vertex shader and fragment shader doing its thing.

Bind pre rendered depth texture to fbo or to fragment shader?

In a deferred shading framework, I am using different framebufer objects to perform various render passes. In the first pass I write the DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT for the whole scene to a texture, let's call it DepthStencilTexture.
To access the depth information stored in DepthStencilTexture from different render passes, for which I use different framebuffer objects, I know two ways:
1) I bind the DepthStencilTexture to the shader and I access it in the fragment shader, where I do the depth manually, like this
uniform vec2 WinSize; //windows dimensions
float depth=texture(DepthStencilTexture ,uv).r;
if(gl_FragCoord.z>depth) discard;
I also set glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) and glDepthMask(GL_FALSE)
2) I bind the DepthStencilTexture to the framebuffer object as DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT and set glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) and glDepthMask(GL_FALSE) (edit: in this case I won't bind the DepthStencilTexture to the shader, to avoid loop feedback, see the answer by Nicol Bolas, and I if I need the depth in the fragment shader I will use gl_FragCorrd.z)
In certain situations, such as drawing light volumes, for which I need the Stencil Test and writing to the stencil buffer, I am going for the solution 2).
In other situations, in which I completely ignore the Stencil, and just need the depth stored in the DepthStencilTexture, does option 1) gives any advantages over the more "natural" option 2) ?
For example I have a (silly, I think) doubt about it . Sometimes in my fragment shaders Icompute the WorldPosition from the depth. In the case 1) it would be like this
uniform mat4 invPV; //inverse PV matrix
vec4 WorldPosition=invPV*vec4(uv, texture(DepthStencilTexture ,uv).r ,1.0f );
In the case 2) it would be like this (edit: this is wrong, gl_FragCoord.z is the current fragment's depth, not the actual depth stored in the texture)
uniform mat4 invPV; //inverse PV matrix
vec4 WorldPosition=invPV*vec4(uv, gl_FragCoord.z, 1.0f );
I am assuming that gl_FragCoord.z in case 2) will be the same as texture(DepthStencilTexture ,uv).r in case 1), or, in other words, the depth stored in the the DepthStencilTexture. Is it true? Is gl_FragCoord.z read from the currently bound DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT also with glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) and glDepthMask(GL_FALSE) ?
Going strictly by the OpenGL specification, option 2 is not allowed. Not if you're also reading from that texture.
Yes, I realize you're using write masks to prevent depth writes. It doesn't matter; the OpenGL specification is quite clear. In accord with 9.3.1 of OpenGL 4.4, a feedback loop is established when:
an image from texture object T is attached to the currently bound draw framebuffer object at attachment point A
the texture object T is currently bound to a texture unit U, and
the current programmable vertex and/or fragment processing state makes it
possible (see below) to sample from the texture object T bound to texture
unit U
That is the case in your code. So you technically have undefined behavior.
One reason this is undefined is so that simply changing write masks won't have to do things like clearing framebuffer and/or texture caches.
That being said, you can get away with option 2 if you employ NV_texture_barrier. Which, despite the name, is quite widely available on AMD hardware. The main thing to do here is to issue a barrier after you do all of your depth writing, so that all subsequent reads are guaranteed to work. The barrier will do all of the cache clearing and such you need.
Otherwise, option 1 is the only choice: doing the depth test manually.
I am assuming that gl_FragCoord.z in case 2) will be the same as texture(DepthStencilTexture ,uv).r in case 1), or, in other words, the depth stored in the the DepthStencilTexture. Is it true?
Neither is true. gl_FragCoord is the coordinate of the fragment being processed. This is the fragment generated by the rasterizer, based on the data for the primitive being rasterized. It has nothing to do with the contents of the framebuffer.

Vertex shader vs Fragment Shader [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What are Vertex and Pixel shaders?
(6 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I've read some tutorials regarding Cg, yet one thing is not quite clear to me.
What exactly is the difference between vertex and fragment shaders?
And for what situations is one better suited than the other?
A fragment shader is the same as pixel shader.
One main difference is that a vertex shader can manipulate the attributes of vertices. which are the corner points of your polygons.
The fragment shader on the other hand takes care of how the pixels between the vertices look. They are interpolated between the defined vertices following specific rules.
For example: if you want your polygon to be completely red, you would define all vertices red. If you want for specific effects like a gradient between the vertices, you have to do that in the fragment shader.
Put another way:
The vertex shader is part of the early steps in the graphic pipeline, somewhere between model coordinate transformation and polygon clipping I think. At that point, nothing is really done yet.
However, the fragment/pixel shader is part of the rasterization step, where the image is calculated and the pixels between the vertices are filled in or "coloured".
Just read about the graphics pipeline here and everything will reveal itself:
Vertex shader is done on every vertex, while fragment shader is done on every pixel. The fragment shader is applied after vertex shader. More about the shaders GPU pipeline link text
Nvidia Cg Tutorial:
Vertex transformation is the first processing stage in the graphics hardware pipeline. Vertex transformation performs a sequence of math operations on each vertex. These operations include transforming the vertex position into a screen position for use by the rasterizer, generating texture coordinates for texturing, and lighting the vertex to determine its color.
The results of rasterization are a set of pixel locations as well as a set of fragments. There is no relationship between the number of vertices a primitive has and the number of fragments that are generated when it is rasterized. For example, a triangle made up of just three vertices could take up the entire screen, and therefore generate millions of fragments!
Earlier, we told you to think of a fragment as a pixel if you did not know precisely what a fragment was. At this point, however, the distinction between a fragment and a pixel becomes important. The term pixel is short for "picture element." A pixel represents the contents of the frame buffer at a specific location, such as the color, depth, and any other values associated with that location. A fragment is the state required potentially to update a particular pixel.
The term "fragment" is used because rasterization breaks up each geometric primitive, such as a triangle, into pixel-sized fragments for each pixel that the primitive covers. A fragment has an associated pixel location, a depth value, and a set of interpolated parameters such as a color, a secondary (specular) color, and one or more texture coordinate sets. These various interpolated parameters are derived from the transformed vertices that make up the particular geometric primitive used to generate the fragments. You can think of a fragment as a "potential pixel." If a fragment passes the various rasterization tests (in the raster operations stage, which is described shortly), the fragment updates a pixel in the frame buffer.
Vertex Shaders and Fragment Shaders are both feature of 3-D implementation that does not uses fixed-pipeline rendering. In any 3-D rendering vertex shaders are applied before fragment/pixel shaders.
Vertex shader operates on each vertex. If you have a fixed polygon mesh and you want to deform it in a shader, you have to implement it in vertex shader. I.e. any physical change in vertex appearances can be done in vertex shaders.
Fragment shader takes the output from the vertex shader and associates colors, depth value of a pixel, etc. After these operations the fragment is send to Framebuffer for display on the screen.
Some operation, as for example lighting calculation, you can perform in vertex shader as well as fragment shader. But fragment shader provides better result than the vertex shader.
In rendering images via 3D hardware you typically have a mesh (point, polygons, lines) these are defined by vertices. To manipulate vertices individually typically for motions in a model or waves in an ocean you can use vertex shaders. These vertices can have static colour or colour assigned by textures, to manipulate vertex colours you use fragment shaders. At the end of the pipeline when the view goes to screen you can also use fragment shaders.