Automatic Code completion in Eclipse 8.4? - c++

I recently installed Eclipse Luna(for win7) for developing C++ programs. The problem is the code completion only shows suggestions when I press Ctrl + Space button. I searched on the internet, but the only solution I was able to find is for old Eclipse(Java) version 3.4 or something. In that you have some text feilds in which you can enter the characters for auto-completion. But in 8.4 there are no such text-fields. Do they have a plugin for this? Please Help me

Yes they've changed the behavior a bit. The auto completion list pops up at entering ., -> or ::, and as you mentioned with CTRL + Space
If the list popped up, press TAB once to get inside the popup selection list, and go up down with the arrow keys. Press enter to select one.
If the entered symbol is specified enough, to select a proposal, hitting Space after the dialog popped up, will autocomplete though.


How to return debug window in Qt Creator

When I run C++ program under qt creator in debug mode, Qt creator shows me debug window with "local and expressions", "breakpoints" and so on.
Sometimes I close these windows to watch the code by pressing Esc. How to return this views back? I really need to loot at stack trace right now, but I can't find a button to show me the stack.
I looked at this question but it didn't help. My debugging window working well, but when I close it, I cannot open it again. The only way - restart whole program, than debugging view appear again and I can operate with it.
You need to go back to the "Debug" mode by clicking on the debug (bug) icon on the left hand side.
You can do so by pressing CTRL + 4.
"Debug" mode and CTRL + 4 didn't help me, so here is another solution:
Click "Views" which should be on the dark grey bar in the lower right area of your user interface, in small print. There you can check or uncheck any of the Debug windows you want to see.
I find it easier to just click "Reset to Default Layout" under this menu because I'm not hard to please and it brings all the debug windows I want to see back instantly.

I must to press spacebar twice to write some code in xCode

I just started to use xCode to code C++ recently and found this issue very annoying.
Whenever I start to code something, xCode underlined that and I have to press the spacebar once just to make it disappears and twice for the space letter.
Sorry for my English, I'm new at this, please help.
Whenever I start to code something, xCode underlined that and I have to press the spacebar once just to make it disappears and twice for the space letter.
You're using a keyboard input method like Telex or Simple Telex, right? With either of those methods enabled I get behavior you describe even in Safari. If you switch to a standard US keyboard, for example, you'll find that the behavior goes away in Xcode and everywhere else.
i found a solution, just change the keyboard layout and it's perfect

Tab navigation keyboard shortcut for webstorm

I wish this task did not take up so much of my time.
I am using webstorm along with VIM plugin active on MAC.
Attempting to navigate between open tabs(code files) using keyboard shortcuts.
As per intellij shortcut guide one must use Ctrl + Alt + left arrow or
Ctrl + Alt + right arrow.
( )
Went through webstorm settings and couldn't locate the keyboard short guide.
Googled enough
However these shortcuts are not working.
Any clue how to make this work ?
The shortcut you described is "Navigate backward", which is not what you are looking for. Furthermore, the shortcuts you linked are for Windows, not MAC.
The actions you want are "Select Next/Previous Tab". According to the MAC shortcut list (PDF), the shortcuts are Control + Right/Left.
You might want to look into "Recent Files" (Command + E) and "Recently Changed Files" (Command + Shift + E), which is usually faster than switching tabs manually.

key modifier Ctrl breaks Drag and Drop in Qt

I am following this example given by Qt to implement DnD. It currently drags and drops until I press a modifier key like Ctrl or Shift.
The weird part is when I try to debug using a break point in VS 2010 it starts to work when I resume until a key modifier is pressed again.
What am I doing wrong and how can I stop modifier keys from breaking DnD?
The issue I have has nothing to do with my code. It seems the same issue exist with the drag and drop demo provided by Qt 4.8.2.

VC++ Making a single line text box act (mimic a button) on the return key

I am learning Visual C++ 2010 Express on windows XP
This must be a standard task I am trying to do!!!
I have a very basic form with an input text box, an output text box and a button
I enter a value into the input text box and press the button and the answer is displayed in the output text box.
This all works.
I want to press the return key after I have enterd the value into the input textbox (single line box) and have the answer displayed in the output textbox. (the same as pressing the button).
Is this not a simple thing to do?
Any help will be appreciated.
I hate to break the news, but you are not writing C++ code. The language you are using is called C++/CLI, a managed language that resembles C++ about as well as C# does. The dead give-away is writing code that uses the ^ hat. Easy to see in the code that the GUI designer generates for you.
The Express edition you use is a major cue, it only supports creating GUIs by using C++/CLI. By taking advantage of the Winforms class library and the designer it supports. Very nice, you can plop controls on a form and double click them to implement the default event. Adding the Click event for a button is trivial.
The native way, MFC, is not supported in that edition. And is urky, MFC has no designer support beyond creating dialogs.
Biggest thing about a GUI app is that is does not use the Enter key to move from one control to another. Users are familiar, and know, to press the TAB key instead. The Enter key is reserved to operate the OK button in a dialog.
It is not like you couldn't make it work, Winforms is flexible enough to let you trap the Enter key to change the focus. it is just that you shouldn't, users know when they are not working with a console mode app and are happy to use the TAB key.
Wrong language, wrong UI mode, not what the school you went to told you about, I guess. They don't.