Tab navigation keyboard shortcut for webstorm - webstorm

I wish this task did not take up so much of my time.
I am using webstorm along with VIM plugin active on MAC.
Attempting to navigate between open tabs(code files) using keyboard shortcuts.
As per intellij shortcut guide one must use Ctrl + Alt + left arrow or
Ctrl + Alt + right arrow.
( )
Went through webstorm settings and couldn't locate the keyboard short guide.
Googled enough
However these shortcuts are not working.
Any clue how to make this work ?

The shortcut you described is "Navigate backward", which is not what you are looking for. Furthermore, the shortcuts you linked are for Windows, not MAC.
The actions you want are "Select Next/Previous Tab". According to the MAC shortcut list (PDF), the shortcuts are Control + Right/Left.
You might want to look into "Recent Files" (Command + E) and "Recently Changed Files" (Command + Shift + E), which is usually faster than switching tabs manually.


Is there a VS2017 keyboard shortcut to change document tab order?

In VsCode I use ctrl + pgup ctrl + pgdn to navigate left and right between open document tabs, and I use ctrl + shift + pgup and ctrl + shift + pgdn to shift the position of open document tabs left and right.
I find this very helpful to order my documents when following an execution path down a call stack.
Is there anyway to change the document tab order with the keyboard in VS2017?
My Tabs Studio extension with Navigator add-in lets you assign keyboard shortcuts to NavigateToNextTab/NavigateToPreviousTab and MoveTabLeft/MoveTabRight commands.

Coded UI Test winforms menu item identification wrong

I use the assertion function to identify controls. When I use the assertion function for the Coded UI Test (Ctrl + Shift + I) the menu items in my .NET application running on Windows 10 are always recogniced at the wrong position. I use Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise (version 15.5.7).
My cursor was at the "Öffnen" menu item but the MSAA thinks it is the "Speichern" menu item. It seems shifted for one menu entry.
For other application the control identification works fine. It seems a problem with this particular application.
What could possibly be wrong in using Coded UI Test Builder?
I also tried to increase the MaxLevelsForItemContainer from the default value of 2 to 5 in the CodedUITestBuilder.exe.config without success.
The SearchConfiguration.NextSibling() method didn't work either.
It is probably an issue with the Spiechern button masking the Öffnen button -
atleast so far as the test builder sees it.
Try navigating to the Öffnen button through usage of the parent child navigator in the test builder (the button button 4 arrows around a blue box, next to Retry and Add Assertion), and then identify with the NextSibling() method. This would look like:
// Clicks Öffnen - Change NextSibling()to be whatever filial relation is required
var offnen = new WpfButton();
offnen = offnen.SearchProperties.Add(WpfButton.PropertyNames.Name, "Spiechern").NextSibling();
If that doesn't work set your tests up to use the identification of the Spiechern button, and then alter the portion that needs to click on the Öffnen button to click slightly above above the Spiechern button. That would look like:
// Clicks Öffnen - Change xOffset and yOffset to whatever is required to click Öffnen
var spiechern = new WpfButton();
spiechern= spiechern.SearchProperties.Add(WpfButton.PropertyNames.Name, "Spiechern");
Mouse.Click(spiechern, new Point(xOffset, yOffset));
I was able to do what I wanted by using the menu keyboard shortcuts and navigating through the menu and record this.
Possible solution in this case:
use keyboard shortcuts
After an Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise update from version 15.5.7 to 15.6.1 the menu item was recognized correctly. I'm not aware of any other change I did on my system but since the update it seems to work.
Update Visual Studio 2017

Automatic Code completion in Eclipse 8.4?

I recently installed Eclipse Luna(for win7) for developing C++ programs. The problem is the code completion only shows suggestions when I press Ctrl + Space button. I searched on the internet, but the only solution I was able to find is for old Eclipse(Java) version 3.4 or something. In that you have some text feilds in which you can enter the characters for auto-completion. But in 8.4 there are no such text-fields. Do they have a plugin for this? Please Help me
Yes they've changed the behavior a bit. The auto completion list pops up at entering ., -> or ::, and as you mentioned with CTRL + Space
If the list popped up, press TAB once to get inside the popup selection list, and go up down with the arrow keys. Press enter to select one.
If the entered symbol is specified enough, to select a proposal, hitting Space after the dialog popped up, will autocomplete though.

Shortcut of watch window in VS2012

I'm C++ user, and I like to use watch window.
Everytime I want to investigate variables
I do it in watch window pannel..
Before vs2008 the shortcut was ALT+3.
really easy to press.
But with vs2012,
I must press CTRL+ALT+W, 1
I think this is really ugly.
hard to press, multiple step...
But I don't want to change default setting,
because I have many environment and
I don't want to configure the key setting
every time I move or change computer.
Is there any good way or
easy way to debug with out pressing that CTRL+ALT+W, 1 commend?
You could make the change to the shortcut key/keys, then you could export the settings.
Tools > Import and Export Settings Wizard. Exports into a file you can send to yourself etc.
Then you could import the settings you like into other visual studio environments you have ;).
To change it back to Alt+3
Select Tools/Options
Goto Environment/Keyboard
In the list of commands, scroll down to Debug.Watch1
It will tell you that the shortcut is Ctrl+Alt+W,1
In Press Shortcut keys box, press Alt+3

Visual Studio 2012 Intelli-sense isn't working

ok, i'm not sure how to say this but you know how when you type something it will have a dropdown menu of possible things you might be trying to do, like when you type in #include
If you start to type something, and then press CTRL + Space it will show code completion suggestions. If that still does not work then you should probably restart the instance of visual studio.
Ctrl + Space. or. Ctrl + J. or Tools > Options > Environment > Keyboard and check what is assigned to these shortcuts. The command name should be Edit.CompleteWord