Getting generated xml from server control - xslt

I don't have much experience in server controls and xslt. I think I'm missing something fundamental and it seems that I can't find the right keywords to find what I need...
This works fine, it was not written by me. I'm just trying to understand it:
<CMS:FlexMenu ID="flexmenu1" runat="server" CssClass="usersClass" DefaultMenuID="83"
WrapTag="div" AutoCollapseBranches="True" StartCollapsed="True" EnableMouseOverPopUp="False"
EnableSmartOpen="True" StartLevel="1" MenuDepth="0" EnableAjax="False" DisplayXslt="/xmlfiles/flexmenu-to-list.xsl" />
This is an Ektron server control. If I needed to change or write a new xslt file, where can I find the structure of the XML?
I'm aware that you can write up an xslt that will spit out the raw xml. But my intuition tells me there has to be an easier way. What am I missing?

You can tell the FlexMenu control to write out the raw XML.


XSLT Reports and Internet Explorer

with IE at its EOL and allowing file access from files in Chrome is not a viable option for us, what is the future of XSLT reports?
I am fairly new to this, and have just been "thrown" into finding a solution. Everything I'm finding online is years old, it's strange that no one is talking about this since "death" of IE.
our data is in XML format, using XSL templates to display formatted reports to browser via ScriptX ( (with page breaks, headers, etc). The user then "prints to PDF"
I am hoping to see what other organizations are doing to ensure existing XSLT reports continue to work. Converting to something else? Making them work with other, currently supported, browsers?
thank you, all and any tips, links and comments much appreciated.
You could try executing your XSLT transformations using a local script.
Take note that these solutions only support XSLT 1.0.
successor of msxsl.exe?
Applying XSL to XML with PowerShell : Exception calling "Transform"
If you want to use XSLT 2.0+
You can use Saxon and call the jar file from a batch file.

Using docx4j with ColdFusion

I am attempting to create Word documents with ColdFusion, but it does not seem there is any way to do it with only ColdFusion. The best solution seems to be docx4j. However, I can't seem to find any in-depth docx4j and ColdFusion examples (Aside from this question). Where can I get some doc4jx and ColdFusion examples?
pulling the data from a database. shows one approach to doing this. There are other ways, as to which see
The document needs page numbers and to
Typically you'd add these via a header or footer. You might find it easier to start with an almost empty docx structured appropriately, rather than creating the necessary structures via ColdFusion calling docx4j. You could still do it this way in conjunction with the final paragraph of this answer below.
create a table of contents.
Search the docx4j forums for how to do this.
In general, it looks like the easiest approach would be to create a Java class file which does everything you want (by invoking docx4j), and for your ColdFusion to just invoke that Java class. In other words, do a bit of Java programming first, get that working, then hook it up to your ColdFusion stuff.
I am not sure what exactly you mean with creating word document, which in my opinion is pretty simple. Manipulating yes, a bit tricky with docx4j or so.
<cfsavecontent variable="variables.mydoc">
Your content here
<cffile action="write" file="#yourFile.doc#" output="#variables.mydoc#">
Also see this post
Creating a Word document in Coldfusion - how to have pagenumbering?

XSLT to convert an XML element containing RTF data to HTML?

OK, so here's the background:
We have a third-party piece of software that does a lot of complicated stuff to generate an XML file from a lot of tables based on a wide array of business rules. The software allows you to apply an XSL transformation by supplying an XSLT file as part of its workflow, before continuing on in the process, which is usually an upload to one or more servers, based on more business rules.
Here's the problem:
One of the elements (with more on the way) this application is processing contains RTF text, and needs to be converted into formatted HTML before being uploaded. There are no means of transforming the XML inside the application other than through an XSLT file, and once we output the file, we cannot resume the workflow. My original thought was, "Easy! someone must have written a few XSL transforms for converting RTF to formatted HTML!" Hours of searching later, I must conclude I either suck at searching or it's awfully obscure.
I know the software is pretty darned limited; I'm stuck with it.
I know there are a lot of third-party tools to do this; they are not available to me because I would need to run them externally.
I know that this is not a pretty or efficient thing to do with XSLT. Changing that is not an option for me at this point.
If I cannot find a means to do this through pure XSL transforms, I will need to output the files locally, run the extra process, and take the destination routing on through a custom process. I really don't want to do that.
Does anyone have access to an XSL transformation function/ scheme that will allow me to do this natively in the application? Perhaps a series of regular expressions I could use or something?
So it turns out that external scripts can be invoked from the XSLT. It seems I will be using another scripting language to get this to work. I'm a little bummed there was no other answer available.

what is the best way to write xslt -fo out of xsl+xml

i have complex xslt that formats xml to html
now i need to be able to create xsl fo out of it
what is the best way to do it ?
Here is some ineresting article for you
Also you can try next library (I dont't remember, probably it can creat fo files from xslt+xml):
I had a similar requirement, and I did some research, but didn't find a reliable XHTML to FO transformer. There may be one, but there comes a point in some web searches when you have to give up and roll your own.
Instead I took the XML to HTML transformer I had already written and changed it to output FO.
This is a much simpler proposition that a full blown XHTML to FO transformer.
Whilst your details will differ, most structures in HTML have analogues in FO, so you can normally decide what FO construct to use in replacing HTML in your transform fairly easily.
I did this incrementally. If you start with the transform producing the outline of an FO document, and most of your XML being ignored in the transform, you can then build up the output in a measured fashion.

building objects from xml file at runtime and initializing, in one pass?

I have to parse the XML file and build objects representation based on that, now once I get all these data I create entries in various database for these data objects. I have to do second pass over that for value as in the first pass all I could do is build the assets in various databases. and in second pass I get the values for all the data and put it in the database.
I have a feeling that this can be done in a single pass but I just want to see what are your opinions. As I am just a student who started with professional work, experienced ppl please help.
Can someone who have ideas or done similar work, please provide some light on the topic so that I can think over the possibility of the work and get the prototype going based on your suggestion.
Thanks a lot for your precious time, I honestly appreciate it.
You might be interested in learning several techniques of building XML parsers like DOM or SAX. As it is said in SAX description the only thing which requires second pass could be the XML validation but not the creating the tree.
Beside DOM and SAX parsing, you can use XQuery for querying data from XML files.It is fast, robust and efficient.
here is a link
You can use Qt Xml module for DOM ,SAX and XQuery, btw it is open source.
Another option is xml - C++ data binding, Here is the link.You can create C++ codes from definition directly.It is an elegant solution.
the latter one is at compile time.
You can also use Apache Licensed It works under Windows and Linux.
you could take a look at the somewhat simpler 'pull' api called stax instead of using sax (event based).