Using docx4j with ColdFusion - coldfusion

I am attempting to create Word documents with ColdFusion, but it does not seem there is any way to do it with only ColdFusion. The best solution seems to be docx4j. However, I can't seem to find any in-depth docx4j and ColdFusion examples (Aside from this question). Where can I get some doc4jx and ColdFusion examples?

pulling the data from a database. shows one approach to doing this. There are other ways, as to which see
The document needs page numbers and to
Typically you'd add these via a header or footer. You might find it easier to start with an almost empty docx structured appropriately, rather than creating the necessary structures via ColdFusion calling docx4j. You could still do it this way in conjunction with the final paragraph of this answer below.
create a table of contents.
Search the docx4j forums for how to do this.
In general, it looks like the easiest approach would be to create a Java class file which does everything you want (by invoking docx4j), and for your ColdFusion to just invoke that Java class. In other words, do a bit of Java programming first, get that working, then hook it up to your ColdFusion stuff.

I am not sure what exactly you mean with creating word document, which in my opinion is pretty simple. Manipulating yes, a bit tricky with docx4j or so.
<cfsavecontent variable="variables.mydoc">
Your content here
<cffile action="write" file="#yourFile.doc#" output="#variables.mydoc#">
Also see this post
Creating a Word document in Coldfusion - how to have pagenumbering?


How to retrieve data from the web with marmalade

I am trying to make a basic app using Marmalade and am currently looking into using regular expressions to retrieve a very specific piece of information from within a web page. Is there an easier way to do this? I literally want the contents of a single p tag, which annoyingly doesn't have a unique id hence my thought to use regex.
I am completely new to c++ and Marmalade, hence my asking.
Sorry if this is a stupid question but I can find anything helpful on the internet.
Don't know about regex, but if your webservice supports GET/POST, that's what you need -
CIwHttp* m_Http = new CIwHTTP;
m_Http->SetFormData("user", user);
m_Http->SetFormData("pass", password);
//Gotheader is the callback function which will get called when header information is received from webservice
m_Http->Post(LOGIN_PATH, NULL, 0, GotHeaders, NULL);
More info in this IWHTTP example.
There are C++ functions for finding things inside strings, so it might be better to write C++ logic to find it, unless you are better at regexes. It sounds like you are not in control of the target page's content, though, so it will only work as long as the page's format remains something where your code can find the text you want.

ColdFusion - converting HTML webpage to Word or PDF document

I have a webpage, where user has a possible to Print this page OR to save it on his/her computer.
How may I save it as a Word or PDF document?
For the MS Word requirement, most versions of Office can interpret basic html/xml. So you might consider the old cfcontent hack as a simpler alternative to POI. (The Word package is not quite as mature as the spreadsheet package.)
Basically you generate html, but use cfheader/cfcontent to tell the browser the content is really a Word document. It is obviously not a true MS Word file. But it is simpler than most options.
<cfheader name="Content-Disposition" value="attachment; filename=someFile.doc">
<cfcontent type="application/msword">
... your html code here ...
For microsoft office documents you can use the Apache POI project. This means in your coldfusion code you need to use some basic java code to call the poi methods.
However, if you choose the pdf document things are quite easier. You can use the cfdocument tag with the PDF format option
Using the POI or OpenOffice interface (depending on your version) you can create a Word doc. Using the built-in PDF generation tools, you can create a PDF doc. HOwever, you can only present that as an option.
There is no way to override the save/print menu functions. No matter how you handle it, I cna save the source document instead of the .doc or .pdf. Similarly, you cannot prevent me from printing the original document, instead of a prepared PDF.
Here is a method that has worked for me:
Create PDF or FlashPaper with ColdFusion
However, just like printing, you will have to sacrifice some graphics, so this would be best used for exporting content (but as you did not specify, I'm just clarifying that this is possible but at a cost).
Hope that helps.
Use cfdocument to display as a PDF, then they can just click the disk image to save it to their computer. Or you can use the filename= attribute of cfdocument to assign a filename to it, and it will prompt them to save it instead of displaying in the browser.

How should I migrate a site from ZWiki to MediaWiki?

I have a fairly extensive wiki on ZWiki on Zope (in turn on Plone). Most pages are in reStructured text format, but there are several in straight HTML as well.
What is the best approach to migrate those pages over to a MediaWiki wiki with pages converted to MediaWiki and HTML formats? Of course I'd like to automagically convert all links (internal and external).
extract your wiki content to files, using the script. The command will be something like:
ZOPE/bin/zopectl run ZOPE/Products/ZWiki/bin/ /zodb/path/to/wiki/folder
convert the restructured text markup to mediawiki markup. pandoc should work well - for each wiki page, run something like:
pandoc -r rst -w mediawiki PAGE.rst >
convert the wiki links, which pandoc doesn't know about. Depending on your content, this may be the hardest part to do accurately. Write a perl script, or modify the zwikiexport script, using Zwiki's knowledge of where the links are (see methods in
import the mediawiki-format pages into mediawiki, however that's done
the exported file tree will reflect your zwiki page hierarchy - if you use this heavily, you'll want to think about how to represent it in mediawiki
as Mark says, you'll lose the page history, unless you work extra hard to find a way to replicate that. The same goes for all page metadata you may have have been using (you can inspect most of this metadata in the page's Properties tab in the zope management interface). In particular the page creation time, last edit time, and the usernames of the page's creator and last editor are quite important, to understand your content. So I would try to script some way of preserving those or if all else fails, doing it by hand.
if you have uploaded files to the wiki, I think the export script might save those too, otherwise use the ZMI to export/save them. When you import them to mediawiki, you may need to choose a page to attach them to. You could use grep or Zwiki's search to find the pages that reference a particular file.
be prepared to iterate, testing the results pretty thoroughly and refining the process, before you declare victory. After that, the content will diverge and you won't want to re-do this.
manual fixups: at some point, it may be cheaper to stop fiddling with scripts and do the remaining cleanup by hand, by yourself or with an army of helpers.
Good luck! - Simon
I've no experience of ZWiki and don't know how large your wiki is. But general advice - you can use find / replace in Notepad or Notepad++ - or you can write a macro in Excel.
This is per page copying which is only really suitable if your wiki is not larger than, say, 1000 pages.
I suspect you'll still have manually to check each page though, and update your scripts accordingly.
Good luck with it - I suspect you'll be pleased with the final result because MediaWiki is pretty awesome.
Update: one disadvantage of moving to a new wiki is that you will lose the page history (i.e. who wrote what, when).

building objects from xml file at runtime and initializing, in one pass?

I have to parse the XML file and build objects representation based on that, now once I get all these data I create entries in various database for these data objects. I have to do second pass over that for value as in the first pass all I could do is build the assets in various databases. and in second pass I get the values for all the data and put it in the database.
I have a feeling that this can be done in a single pass but I just want to see what are your opinions. As I am just a student who started with professional work, experienced ppl please help.
Can someone who have ideas or done similar work, please provide some light on the topic so that I can think over the possibility of the work and get the prototype going based on your suggestion.
Thanks a lot for your precious time, I honestly appreciate it.
You might be interested in learning several techniques of building XML parsers like DOM or SAX. As it is said in SAX description the only thing which requires second pass could be the XML validation but not the creating the tree.
Beside DOM and SAX parsing, you can use XQuery for querying data from XML files.It is fast, robust and efficient.
here is a link
You can use Qt Xml module for DOM ,SAX and XQuery, btw it is open source.
Another option is xml - C++ data binding, Here is the link.You can create C++ codes from definition directly.It is an elegant solution.
the latter one is at compile time.
You can also use Apache Licensed It works under Windows and Linux.
you could take a look at the somewhat simpler 'pull' api called stax instead of using sax (event based).

How do I programmatically sanitize ColdFusion cfquery parameters?

I have inherited a large legacy ColdFusion app. There are hundreds of <cfquery>some sql here #variable#</cfquery> statements that need to be parameterized along the lines of: <cfquery> some sql here <cfqueryparam value="#variable#"/> </cfquery>
How can I go about adding parameterization programmatically?
I have thought about writing some regular expression or sed/awk'y sort of solution, but it seems like somebody somewhere has tackled such a problem. Bonus points awarded for inferring the sql type automatically.
There's a queryparam scanner that will find them for you on RIAForge:
There is a script referenced here: that will do the majority of the heavy lifting for you. All you have to do is check the queries and make sure the syntax will parse properly.
There is no excuse for not using CFQueryParam, apart from it being much more secure, it is a performance boost and the best way to handle quoted values in character based column types.
Keep in mind that you may not be able to solve everything with <cfqueryparam>.
I've seen a number of examples where the order by field name is being passed in the query string, which is a slightly trickier problem to solve as you need to validate that in a more "manual" way.
scopes = "FORM,COOKIE,URL"
chars = "<,>,!,&,|,%,=,(,),',{,}"
We used this to counteract a recent SQL injection attack. We added it to the Application.cfm file for our site.
I doubt that there is a solution that will fit your needs exactly. The only option I see is to write your own recursive search that builds a report for you or use one of the apps/scripts that people have listed above. Basically, you are going to have to edit each page or approve all of the automated changes.