Scraping the data from Google Maps - python-2.7

The problem is to collect the map coordinates of some given locations and display on the site that i'm creating.I have heard that it is called Scraping.Can anyone tell me how to do this?

Google has really tight controls on what they let you get to -- there's an API, but there are limits on the order of 1,000 queries/day, depending on what information you need exactly. If you try to get around their API, they have incredibly clever algorithms that shut you out immediately -- attempting to scrape Google search results, I found that after a few minutes, they were able to immediately block me as soon as I hopped on new Tor endpoints.
The people at Google are extremely good software developers, and if they don't want you to have some info, you can't get it.


Ember Way to Add Rss Feed without third party widget, Front-end only

I am using Ember 3.0 at the moment. Wrote my first lines of code in ANY language about 1 year ago (I switched careers from something totally unrelated to development), but I quickly took to ember. So, not a ton of experience, but not none. I am writing a multi-tenant site which will include about 20 different sites, all with one Ember frontend and a RubyOnRails backend. I am about 75% done with the front end, now just loading content into it. I haven’t started on the backend yet, one, because I don’t have MUCH experience with backend stuff, and two, because I haven’t needed it yet. My sites will be informational to begin with and I’ll build it up from there.
So. I am trying to implement a news feed on my site. I need it to pull in multiple rss feeds, perhaps dozens, filtered by keyword, and display them on my site. I’ve been scouring the web for days just trying to figure out where to get started. I was thinking of writing a service that parses the incoming xml, I tried using a third party widget (which I DON’T really want to do. Everything on my site so far has been built from scratch and I’d like to keep it that way), but in using these third party systems I get some random cross domain errors and node-child errors which only SOMETIMES pop up. Anyway, I’d like to write this myself, if possible, since I’m trying to learn (and my brain is wired to do the code myself - the only way it sticks with me).
Ultimately, every google result I read says RSS feeds are easy to implement. I don’t know where I’m going wrong, but I’m simply looking for:
1: An “Ember-way” starting point. 2: Is this possible without a backend? 3: Do I have to use a third party widget/aggregator? 4: Whatever else you think might help on the subject.
Any help would be appreciated. Here in New Hampshire, there are basically no resources, no meetings, nothing. Thanks for any help.
Based on the results I get back when searching on this topic, it looks like you’ll get a few snags if you try to do this in the browser:
CORS header issues (sounds like you’ve already hit this)
The joy of working with XML in JavaScript (that just might be sarcasm 😉, it’s actually unlikely to be fun)
If your goal is to do this as a learning exercise, then doing it Javascript/Ember will definitely help you learn lots of new things. You might start with this article as a jumping off point:
However, if you want to have this be maintainable for the long run and want things to go quickly and smoothly, I would highly recommend moving the RSS parsing system into your backend and feeding simple data out to Ember. There are enough gotchas and complexities to RSS feeds over time that using a battle-tested library is going to be your best way to stay sane. And loading that type of library up in Ember (while quite doable) will end up increasing your application size. You will avoid all those snags (and more I’m probably not thinking of) if you move your parsing back to the server ...

Split screen map and streetview

Google’s 2017 map documentation does not say how to specify a split screen, lower part map, upper part streetview. Please, is this possible within a Google-map URL, and if it is, how?
Since you haven't give any more information about the language you use, im just gonna link the documentation from google.
Since its still usable, the realtime examples work and they haven't said a word in changelog or else, I would assume its still working.
Here you can get to the overall Google API Documentation
As an exmaple for the question, Google made a realtime Example with documentation, here in JS.
Also, even if its not possible to do in a short way, you can simply build two synchronized boxes. It just would take more effort.

C++ Usage Statistics

I have made an application in C++ and would like to know how to go about implementing a usage statistics system so that I may gather some data regarding how users use the program.
Eg. IP Address, Number of hours spent in application, and OS used.
In theory I know I can code this myself if I must, but I was wondering if there is a framework available to make this easier to do. Unfortunately I was unable to find anything on google.
Though there is no any kind of such framework, you could reduce the work you have to do (in order to retrieve all these information) by using some approaches and techniques, which I tried describe below. Please, anybody feel free to correct me.
Let's summarise, what groups of information do we need to complete the task:
User Environment Information. I suggest you to look at Microsoft's WMI infrastructure, in particular to WMI classes: Desktop, File System, Networking, etc. Using this classes in your application can help you retrieve almost all kind of system information. But if you don't satisfy with this, see #2.
Application and System Performance. Under these terms I mean overall system performance, processor's count, processes running in OS, etc. To retrieve these data you can use the NtQuerySystemInformation function. With its help, you will get an access to detailed SystemProcessInformation, SystemProcessorPerformanceInformation (retrieves info about each processor) information, and much more.
User Related Information. It's hard to find a framework to do such things, so I suggest you simply start writing code, having in mind your requirements:
counting how many times each button was pressed, each text field was changes, etc.
measuring delay time between consecutive actions in some kind of predefined sequences (for example, if you have a settings gui form and you expect from the user to fill very fast all required text fields, so using a time delay measuments can give you an information if the user acted as we expected from him or delayed after TextBox2 for a 5 minutes).
anything that could be interested to you.
So, how you could implement the last item (User Related Information) requirements? As for me, I'd do something like folowing (some may seem very hard to implement or too pointless):
- creating a kind of base Counter class and derive from it some controls (buttons, edits, etc).
- using a windows hooks for mouse or keybord while getting a child handle (to recognize a control, for example).
- using Callback class, which can do all "dirty" work (counting, measuring, performing additional actions).
You could store all this information either in a textfile or an SQLite database or there wherever you prefer.
I would recommend taking a look at DeskMetrics. This StackOverflow post summarizes the issue.
Building your own framework could take you months of development (apart from maintenance). With something like Trackerbird Software Analytics you can integrate a DLL with your app and start tracking in 30 minutes and you get all the cool real-time visualizations.
Disclaimer: I am affiliated with company.

Determine unique visitors to site

I'm creating a django website with Apache2 as the server. I need a way to determine the number of unique visitors to my website (specifically to every page in particular) in a full proof way. Unfortunately users will have high incentives to try to "game" the tracking systems so I'm trying to make it full proof.
Is there any way of doing this?
Currently I'm trying to use IP & Cookies to determine unique visitors, but this system can be easily fooled with a headless browser.
Unless it's necessary that the data be integrated into your Django database, I'd strongly recommend "outsourcing" your traffic to another provider. I'm very happy with Google Analytics.
Failing that, there's really little you can do to keep someone from gaming the system. You could limit based on IP address but then of course you run into the problem that often many unique visitors share IPs (say, via a university, organization, or work site). Cookies are very easy to clear out, so if you go that route then it's very easy to game.
One thing that's harder to get rid of is files stored in the appcache, so one possible solution that would work on modern browsers is to store a file in the appcache. You'd count the first time it was loaded in as the unique visit, and after that since it's cached they don't get counted again.
Of course, since you presumably need this to be backwards compatible then of course it leaves it open to exactly the sorts of tools which are most likely to be used for gaming the system, such as curl.
You can certainly block non-browserlike user agents, which makes it slightly more difficult if some gamers don't know about spoofing browser agent strings (which most will quickly learn).
Really, the best solution might be -- what is the outcome from a visit to a page? If it is, for example, selling a product, then don't award people who have the most page views; award the people whose hits generate the most sales. Or whatever time-consuming action someone might take at the page.
Possible solution:
If you're willing to ignore people with JavaScript disabled, you could choose to count only people who access the page and then stay on that page for a given window of time (say, 1 minute). After a given period of time, do an Ajax request back to the server. So if they tried to game by changing their cookie and loading multiple tabs at once, it wouldn't work because they'd need to have the same cookie in order to register that they'd been on that page long enough. I actually think this might work; I can't honestly see a way to game that. Basically on the server side you store a dictionary called stay_until in request.session with keys for each unique page and after 1 minute or so you run an Ajax call back to the server. If the value for stay_until[page_id] is less than or equal to the current time, then they're an active user, otherwise they're not. This means that it will take someone at least 20 minutes to generate 20 unique visitors, and so long as you make the payoff worth less than the time consumed that will be a strong disincentive.
I'd even make it more explicit: on the bottom of the page in a noscript tag, put "Your access was not counted. Turn on JavaScript to be counted" with a page that lays out the tracking process.
As HTML Requests are stateless and you have no control over the users behavior on his clientside, there is no bulletproof way.
The only way you're going to be able to track "unique" visitors in a fool-proof way is to make it contingent on some controlled factor such as a login. Anything else can and will fail to be completely accurate.

Geocoding things from the database?

I am kind of new to Geocoding. What I want to do is pull a bunch of names of places from the DB, and display them as markers on the page. And then allow people to choose different options which would force another db query, which would place a number of new markers on the page.
Is that possible? It seems like relatively simple functionality, but since I am not good at JSON, it is giving me a hard time.
There are lots of ways to geocode and really you need to give more information!
For example, in an offline environment, MapPoint is a pretty good solution (costs about $200/300 license). It can be made to work on a webserver but isn't usually worth the effort.
For a web server, then I would look at a web service. These are usually limited for free use, or pay for heavier (or commercial) use. Your question is too wide to give specifics, but look at the web services provided by Bing Maps, Google Maps, Yahoo (yes they're still around), and OpenStreetMaps-based. bing Maps and Google Maps look like they'll be around for a long time - but might cost, depending on your application. OpenStreetMaps promises to have the widest coverage (including non NAm/EUR countries), but probably doesn't have the coverage of the others, yet.
After figuring this out, I made a tool that takes an address and converts it to lat/lng. It also has a code tutorial:
I hope it helps people. Would be fun to get feedback too :)