C++ and internet program [closed] - c++

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I've been self teaching myself C++ for the last 6 months and I would like to put my little acquired knowledge into a relatively useful program.
I would like to make a program that will ask for an input, (here's the tricky part) search in a list of websites (including other pages in said website) for that input's value and display the results.
Truth is, I don't really know how to get started since I haven't read any guide on c++ and networking, so if you do have a good guide in mind, please share it with me, much appreciated.
EDIT: Sorry I wasn't clear enough, the program in itself isn't really what worries me, i'm just looking for a guide that explains how to combine c++ and networking. And I want it to be something like a price comparison program, take an input from the user, search the input in a list of websites, get the result, look for it's value and display the results in an increasing order

You may wish to start looking into Networking libraries for c++. keep in mind there are many library and choosing the right one will purely depends on your requirement. Here is the quick list of c++ networking libraries that I've considered in past!
Boost.Asio is really good, though the documentation is scarce.
C++ Network Library
Apache APR
Also see the post by 'George Stocker' at https://stackoverflow.com/a/118968/3685825

Generally We Use Sockets In c++ for Network programming. And Sockets uses following protocol families.
PF_UNIX Local communication
PF_INET Internet (TCP/IP)
PF_NDD The operating system NDD
PF_INET contains following protocol.
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
And for Calling an HTTP protocol you need a middle-ware since socket can't communicate directly to the HTTP protocol.
See this question for calling an HTTP URL from c++.
How do you make a HTTP request with C++?
And for socket Reference I suggest you to read
dvanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment.
By W. Richard Stevens, Stephen A. Rago
for other references
What is a good book/guide for socket programming in C?


What possible choices do I have to implement a high-performing low-level Linux TCP/IP Socket client for 5 concurrent connections? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a scenario where I'm trying to research (and utilise) the best available C++ Library to fulfill the following requirements:
Develop a low-level Linux based TCP/IP Socket CLIENT application, that,
a) can connect to a 3rd party SERVER via up to 4-5 sockets
b) POLL it every 200 milli seconds (with a small piece of data) - via all 5 sockets
c) and. based on the reply it gets, occassionally send an XML-formatted request(a rather important one).
The most important factor in this design is to be PERFORMANCE and latency + minimal development time(for me)
I already have a (past) background doing these things in C(and some C++), but have done some research and come up with a short=list of possible ready-made Socket libraries to use.
a) Boost::Asio
b) http://www.alhem.net/Sockets/index.html - C++ Sockets Library
c) other possible "small scale" and minimally functional libraries
design and Write it my self , using BSD sockets and some multi-threading options(which was my original plan)
Anyone with any ideas on the best and most time-saving route to take ??
Thanks folks.
I believe Poco C++ Library ( http://pocoproject.org/ ) is what you need.
it is a highly protective and the performance very impressive and mainly for networking + it is really well documented.

What kind of front end/ gui is used with trading applications? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I was wondering what kind of front end is used for trading applications. Coming from a quant background, I was always only concerned with research and back end of the application but am at a total loss when it comes to front end/ gui. Most of my coding has been done in c++ and I am using just a config file to pass parameters.
Now it turns out due to regulatory reasons, this might not suffice. I need to have a front end which can start/ stop the strategy, change parameters and fetch order and trade history. So question boils down to this, How can I create a simple ui which can sit on another machine, communicate with the colocated machine and do all this.
Initially I thought of using web/javascript but not much is out there regarding this. Qt is another option but I suspect it will require substantial rewrite of the code and learning.
What is the preferred front end for medium to high frequency trading applications which have the core strategy running in c++?
Coming from the industry, I can tell you with certainty: Anything goes. I have worked on trading application frontends using MFC, QT, Forms, WPF. Java is quite popular too, as are homegrown abominations. One non-obvious way to communicate with the colocated machine is Citrix or Remote Desktop.
You do need to make sure that you have well defined behavior in case the client crashes, server crashes, connection between them freezes/gets lost, connection to the market gets lost, connection comes back, etc. Tell the trader how it will react in these situations, in advance. If it doesn't make sense, the trader won't use your application.
Further details depend on many variables. Are you an ISV, or is it an in-house application? Are you working in an arcade? Which markets are you connecting to? Does your hosted co-lo environment have some special rules in regards to what can run there?

OCaml in enterprise stack [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm trying to figure out how OCaml is represented in enterprise technology stack. For example, Is there in Ocaml own enterprise message queue or workflow engine?
So, can anybody advice me frameworks for OCaml from the following aspects:
Workflow engine
Service bus
Message Queue
HTTP Server
Update #1: Workflow Engine
http://www.jboss.org/drools - one of implementations in Java technology stack.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Workflow_Foundation - implementation of WE in .NET technology stack
Perhaps ocamlnet answers partly to your questions. If you want to code web server (or services) in Ocaml, consider also Ocsigen
(and I don't really understand the entreprise stack sentence; for me it is a marketing buzz word without a clearly defined technical content)
I have no idea of what a "list item" is for you. I am not sure to understand "workflow engine" neither.
And the Ocaml Hump is a nice place to find Ocaml software.
For message queues: NetAMQP.
For an ORM: maybe Macaque can fit here. It's not exactly like what you can find elsewhere, but it fits the functional spirit.
For an HTTP server: Ocsigen. It also includes a framework for developing web applications (client and server) entirely in OCaml. Ocamlnet also provides libraries useful to write CGI applications as well as an Apache connector.
ocamlmq is a pure OCaml STOMP message broker written by Mauricio Fernandez
ocamlnet is a high-performance evented system layer for network programming, by Gerd Stolpmann. Besides a complete HTTP server, it contains a:
Sun RPC service layer that lets you transparently bind to fault-tolerant services across the network by using a locator
In addition to the other answers already posted, see Opa
It's a web development langauge/framework written in OCaml. It takes a unique approach in that the server, database and app are all in one executable.

Recommendation for a HTTP parsing library in C/C++ [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am looking for HTTP parsing library for C/C++.
I have looked curl library, but it seems it is a http client library.
I am looking for a library which parses HTTP header (e.g. a way to
get the query string, get cookie, get request url, get Post Data)?
Thank you.
About 6 months ago, I was looking for the same exact thing. Then I found this page:
HTTP Made Really Really Easy
and I just wrote my own... Works great, surprisingly simple to implement...
Check out libebb, it has a parser generated with Ragel using the easy yet powerful PEG (it's based on Zed Shaw's mongrel parser)
libebb is a lightweight HTTP server library for C. It lays the
foundation for writing a web server by providing the socket juggling
and request parsing. By implementing the HTTP/1.1 grammar provided
in RFC2612, libebb understands most most valid HTTP/1.1 connections
(persistent, pipelined, and chunked requests included) and rejects
invalid or malicious requests. libebb supports SSL over HTTP.
Also check this speedy parser
I would suggest you to have a look to cpp-netlib, which is based on Boost.Asio.

Tutorial on understanding strings in Symbian [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have Carbide.c++ Developer from Nokia and I want to create applications for my S60 phone.
I've looked at the samples that goes with the different SDK's for S60 but I haven't found any simple explanation on how strings, called descriptors, are used in Symbian.
One of the problems are that I'm visually impaired and therefore it takes quite some time to read through large documents that has page up and page down with lots of unuseful info and I've given up.
I'm willing to give it another try. Can anyone help me?
Here are a few sites on blogspot that may help. They have RSS feeds that will hopefully be easier to consume than paging through PDFs.
Yeah, The strings in Symbian is nightmarish.. atleast when you start with..
Here are few good references to help:
Introducing the RBuf Descriptor from Symbian Developer
Comparing C strings and descriptors from Forum Nokia discussion
Using Symbian OS String Descriptors from NewLC
I'd second http://descriptors.blogspot.com/ This is invaluable for getting to grips with Descriptors.
Also, sites such as newlc.com have forums for Symbian C++ specific code problems.
The best advice regarding descriptors I give to any new Symbian developer in my company is to try and avoid using the descriptors when not necessary. The Symbian SDK has the libc API which includes stdio, stdlib, string and more. I usually use char* types and when necessary I convert it to a descriptor (when I need to send a string to an SDK method which requires it).