What kind of front end/ gui is used with trading applications? [closed] - c++

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I was wondering what kind of front end is used for trading applications. Coming from a quant background, I was always only concerned with research and back end of the application but am at a total loss when it comes to front end/ gui. Most of my coding has been done in c++ and I am using just a config file to pass parameters.
Now it turns out due to regulatory reasons, this might not suffice. I need to have a front end which can start/ stop the strategy, change parameters and fetch order and trade history. So question boils down to this, How can I create a simple ui which can sit on another machine, communicate with the colocated machine and do all this.
Initially I thought of using web/javascript but not much is out there regarding this. Qt is another option but I suspect it will require substantial rewrite of the code and learning.
What is the preferred front end for medium to high frequency trading applications which have the core strategy running in c++?

Coming from the industry, I can tell you with certainty: Anything goes. I have worked on trading application frontends using MFC, QT, Forms, WPF. Java is quite popular too, as are homegrown abominations. One non-obvious way to communicate with the colocated machine is Citrix or Remote Desktop.
You do need to make sure that you have well defined behavior in case the client crashes, server crashes, connection between them freezes/gets lost, connection to the market gets lost, connection comes back, etc. Tell the trader how it will react in these situations, in advance. If it doesn't make sense, the trader won't use your application.
Further details depend on many variables. Are you an ISV, or is it an in-house application? Are you working in an arcade? Which markets are you connecting to? Does your hosted co-lo environment have some special rules in regards to what can run there?


C++ and internet program [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I've been self teaching myself C++ for the last 6 months and I would like to put my little acquired knowledge into a relatively useful program.
I would like to make a program that will ask for an input, (here's the tricky part) search in a list of websites (including other pages in said website) for that input's value and display the results.
Truth is, I don't really know how to get started since I haven't read any guide on c++ and networking, so if you do have a good guide in mind, please share it with me, much appreciated.
EDIT: Sorry I wasn't clear enough, the program in itself isn't really what worries me, i'm just looking for a guide that explains how to combine c++ and networking. And I want it to be something like a price comparison program, take an input from the user, search the input in a list of websites, get the result, look for it's value and display the results in an increasing order
You may wish to start looking into Networking libraries for c++. keep in mind there are many library and choosing the right one will purely depends on your requirement. Here is the quick list of c++ networking libraries that I've considered in past!
Boost.Asio is really good, though the documentation is scarce.
C++ Network Library
Apache APR
Also see the post by 'George Stocker' at https://stackoverflow.com/a/118968/3685825
Generally We Use Sockets In c++ for Network programming. And Sockets uses following protocol families.
PF_UNIX Local communication
PF_INET Internet (TCP/IP)
PF_NDD The operating system NDD
PF_INET contains following protocol.
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
And for Calling an HTTP protocol you need a middle-ware since socket can't communicate directly to the HTTP protocol.
See this question for calling an HTTP URL from c++.
How do you make a HTTP request with C++?
And for socket Reference I suggest you to read
dvanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment.
By W. Richard Stevens, Stephen A. Rago
for other references
What is a good book/guide for socket programming in C?

Fast voice recognition for limited number of commands [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Does anyone have experience programming voice recognition in C++ (Windows and/or Mac) for a limited number of commands aiming for SPEED? Is it realistic at this point to achieve recognition of the command from the first syllable - ie, command is recognized by the time user gets to second syllable at reasonably fast speaking tempo? All commands would be programmed to start with a different syllable, if necessary, a radically different one (like, "oo", "xy", "fay" - only some 30 commands would be required).
Similar questions have been asked, but this is a fast moving field. Would the best idea be to look for open source libraries or to interface with compiled implementations?
I'm working professionally in this field, and I seriously doubt whether it is possible at all. C++ isn't the problem, the question is whether a computer allows it. The error rate on small sound clips is large, it's the Hidden Markov Model that fixes recognition. But in your case you simply can't feed it enough data.
Not that humans can do it either. Speech processing isn't as instant as your brain makes you believe.
You can do this with CMUSphinx with Pocketsphinx decoder.
The partial hypothesis of decoding is avaiable during the recognition process and you can usually get a first syllable as soon as it is uttered. If you give it 0.1s to stabilize (not visible for the user), you will get an accurate results on a command set.
There are even tools build on the top of CMUSphinx specifically designed for realtime control, for example in games, you can check InProTK and their demonstrations.

Environment to simulate classic distributed computation model on single machine [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm searching for a tool to simulate the classic distributed computation model on a single machine to implement several algorithms in the purpose of the paper that I'm working on. Thus, performance isn't so important, it's only for scientific applications.
I want to have the possibility to specify the number of processes and the communication links between them. In other words, I want to define the network graph structure.
The computation should be asynchronous and message driven i.e. I want to send messages between connected processes and react to these messages.
Is there any library or framework for such computations? Simpler is better. Language doesn't matter so much, but I'd prefer Python or C++. I've given a look at Celery but I didn't find there the possibility to specify the connection between processes.
Very easy - python remote objects - pyro will run on a single machine or on multiple across a network.
You might also stick to python multiprocessing primitives, that allow you to create processes that communicate via queues, shared memory etc. Way easier than it seems ;)
See: http://docs.python.org/3/library/multiprocessing.html

Cloud service for applications? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to make an application that has (preferably native) versions for multiple platforms (Windows, Mac, maybe Linux, iOS). By native I mean versions made independently with native tools (Visual Studio and maybe C# on Windows, Xcode and maybe Objective-C on Mac). I want that application to have cloud-stored user-based structural data (not much; maybe XML-based? I want to minimize the server-side part, because I'm not comfortable with it) so it would be an advantage if it could be easily accessible from different network libraries. I don't need any server-side data processing. I don't want to have to learn (I don't understand well any) any web technologies; I would simply need an interface for creating and managing users and data client-side using desktop programming languages and tools.
If I were only targeting Apple platforms, iCloud would be an option.
The best I've found is Appcelerator Cloud Services (http://www.appcelerator.com/cloud), but I'm looking for other solutions.
I have virtually no budget for the project; I'm a high-school student doing programming for fun and in order not to remain idle.
What are my options?

As a software developer what is your SNMP suite that easy to integrate into your software [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Well, altough the S of the SNMP stands for Simple, yet, so far I haven't experienced it that way. And now that I am about to deploy my software on around around 180 remote Linux servers and wants to monitor the servers and configure my daemons all from a centralized point.
I simply want you to recommend me the library which you'll confidently describe as "SNMP Made Easy".
I am looking for a suite of software which not standing in the developer's way, easy to work with (install, configure).
Speaking from the NOC perspective, the ideal would be such one which requires no maintenance once installed.
Note: Open Source is mandatory.
I wouldn't describe it as easy, but the easiest I've found (quite a while ago) was pysnmp -- I had to wrap it with a couple of façades to make it somewhat usable by people who weren't deep SNMP experts (and that code I had to leave behind at a previous employer, was never open-sourced, and I couldn't reconstruct it right now but would have to develop again from scratch). However, so many years have passed (with PySNMP in continuous development, now with a PSF grant too) that it may definitely have gotten better (one can hope;-).
Try Net-SNMP . It has BSD licence. If you are open for java snmp4j is the best.
I am still searching for that easy to use suite of SNMP tools/API myself.
I build OA&M and I've tried NET-SNMP, Windows SNMP and lately agentpp (www.agentpp.com).
Personally, I preferred the agentpp.
Good luck to you.
The "S" in SNMP is actually for "simple" not because using it is simple, but rather because the protocol (on the wire) is designed to be simple and easy to implement. And it is. Now... actually implementing it and then using it is where the S completely drops away.