Computing lots of bools with OpenCL - c++

I'm using OpenCL to compute values, and then check if they're on a whitelist or not. I then need to store and eventually return the results of this check to the host.
The nature of my calculations is once the CL Kernel gets some initial data from the host, it can keep calculating successive values without host intervention - which, as I understand it, is a Good Thing™.
Obviously, the limitation on the number of calculations in this case is device memory - the amount needed to store all the results of the calculations increases exponentially with each iteration of the kernel.
I'm currently using unsigned chars to hold the booleans, one char for each calculation. This results in an 8x larger memory usage than plain bitfields... unfortunately, OpenCL does not support bitfields.
What's the most efficient way to store lots of bools with OpenCL?

Although there is no built-in bitfield type, nothing keeps you from doing bitcoded operations on any integral type. Plus, you can further increase your throughput by using vector types and calculating multiple outputs at once.
If I were you, I'd make my calculations (if possible) use vector types all the way through, one element of a vector contributing to one boolean. int4 as a general rule of thumb. Set to either 1 or 0. Then bitshift the result and bitwise or collect the result of 32 such operations into an int4 using |= which will be your output.
Thus one kernel instance can produce 4*32bit=128 boolean values and calculate all of them in a vectorized manner. Register pressure should depend on the intensity of the function producing the booleans, which if too high, might push you to falling back to using scalar types.


High performance table structure for really small tables (<10 items usually) where once the table is created it doesn't change?

I am searching for a high performance C++ structure for a table. The table will have void* as keys and uint32 as values.
The table itself is very small and will not change after creation. The first idea that came to my mind is using something like ska::flat_hash_map<void*, int32_t> or std::unordered_map<void*, int32_t>. However that will be overkill and will not provide me the performance I want (those tables are suited for high number of items too).
So I thought about using std::vector<std::pair<void*, int32_t>>, sorting it upon creation and linear probing it. The next ideas will be using SIMD instructions but it is possible with the current structure.
Another solution which I will shortly evaluate is like that:
struct Group
void* items[5]; // search using SIMD
int32_t items[5];
}; // fits in cache line
struct Table
Group* groups;
size_t capacity;
Are there any better options? I need only 1 operation: finding values by keys, not modifying them, not anything. Thanks!
EDIT: another thing I think I should mention are the access patterns: suppose I have an array of those hash tables, each time I will look up from a random one in the array.
Linear probing is likely the fastest solution in this case on common mainstream architectures, especially since the number of element is very small and bounded (ie. <10). Sorting the items should not speed up the probing with so few items (it would be only useful for a binary search which is much more expensive in this case).
If you want to use SIMD instruction, then you need to use structure of arrays instead of array of structures for the sake of performance. This means you should use std::pair<std::vector<void*>, std::vector<int32_t>> instead of std::vector<std::pair<void*, int32_t>> (which alternates void* types and int32_t values in memory with some padding overhead due to the alignment constraints of void* on 64-bit architectures). Having two std::vector is not great too because you pay its overhead twice. As mentioned by #JorgeBellon
in the comments, you can simply use a std::array instead of std::vector assuming the number of items is known or bounded.
A possible optimization with SIMD instructions is to compact the key pointers on 64-bit architectures by splitting them in 32-bit lower/upper part. Indeed, it is very unlikely that two pointers have the same lower part (least significant bits) while having a different upper part. This tricks help you to check 2 times more pointers at a time.
Note that using SIMD instructions may not be so great in this case in practice. This is especially true if the number of items is smaller than the one fitting in a SIMD vector. For example, with AVX2 (on 86-64 processors), you can work on 4 64-bit values at a time (or 8 32-bit values) but if you have less than 8 values, then you need to mask the unwanted values to check (or even not load them if the memory buffer do not contain some padding). This introduces an additional overhead. This is not much a problem with AVX-512 and SVE (only available on a small fraction of processors yet) since they provides advanced masking operations. Moreover, some processors lower they frequency when they execute SIMD instructions (especially with AVX-512 although the down-clocking is not so strong with integer instructions). SIMD instructions also introduce some additional latency compared to scalar version (which can be better pipelined) and modern processors tends to be able to execute more scalar instructions in parallel than SIMD ones. For all these reasons, it is certainly a good idea to try to write a scalar branchless implementation (possibly unrolled for better performance if the number of items is known at compile time).
You may want to look into perfect hashing -- not too difficult, and can provide simple constant time lookups. It can take technically unbounded time to create the table, though, and it's not as fast as a regular hash table when the regular hash table gets lucky.
I think a nice alternative is an optimization of your simple linear probing idea.
Your lookup procedure would look like this:
Slot *s = &table[hash(key)];
Slot *e = s + s->max_extent;
for (;s<e; ++s) {
if (s->key == key) {
return s->value;
return NOT_FOUND;
table[h].max_extent is the maximum number of elements you may have to look at if you're looking for an element with hash code h. You would pre-calculate this when you generate the table, so your lookup doesn't have to iterate until it gets a null. This greatly reduces the amount of probing you have to do for misses.
Of course you want max_extent to be as small as possible. Pick a hash result size (at least 2n) to make it <= 1 in most cases, and try a few different hash functions before picking the one that produces the best results by whatever metric you like. You hash can be as simple as key % P, where trying different hashes means trying different P values. Fill your hash table in hash(key) order to produce the best result.
NOTE that we do not wrap around from the end to the start of the table while probing. Just allocate however many extra slots you need to avoid it.

Is treating two uint8_ts as a uint16_t less efficient

Suppose I created a class that took a template parameter equal to the number uint8_ts I want to string together into a Big int.
This way I can create a huge int like this:
SizedInt<1000> unspeakablyLargeNumber; //A 1000 byte number
Now the question arises: am I killing my speed by using uint8_ts instead of using a larger built in type.
For example:
SizedInt<2> num1;
uint16_t num2;
Are num1 and num2 the same speed, or is num2 faster?
It would undoubtedly be slower to use uint8_t[2] instead of uint16_t.
Take addition, for example. In order to get the uint8_t[2] speed up to the speed of uint16_t, the compiler would have to figure out how to translate your add-with-carry logic and fuse those multiple instructions into a single, wider addition. I'm sure that some compilers out there are capable of such optimizations sometimes, but there are many circumstances which could make the optimization unlikely or impossible.
On some architectures, this will even apply to loading / storing, since uint8_t[2] usually has different alignment requirements than uint16_t.
Typical bignum libraries, like GMP, work on the largest words that are convenient for the architecture. On x64, this means using an array of uint64_t instead of an array of something smaller like uint8_t. Adding two 64-bit numbers is quite fast on modern microprocessors, in fact, it is usually the same speed as adding two 8-bit numbers, to say nothing of the data dependencies that are introduced by propagating carry bits through arrays of small numbers. These data dependencies mean that you will often only be add one element of your array per clock cycle, so you want those elements to be as large as possible. (At a hardware level, there are special tricks which allow carry bits to quickly move across the entire 64-bit operation, but these tricks are unavailable in software.)
If you desire, you can always use template specialization to choose the right sized primitives to make the most space-efficient bignums you want. Otherwise, using an array of uint64_t is much more typical.
If you have the choice, it is usually best to simply use GMP. Portions of GMP are written in assembly to make bignum operations much faster than they would be otherwise.
You may get better performance from larger types due to a decreased loop overhead. However, the tradeoff here is a better speed vs. less flexibility in choosing the size.
For example, if most of your numbers are, say, 5 bytes in length, switching to unit_16 would require an overhead of an extra byte. This means a memory overhead of 20%. On the other hand, if we are talking about really large numbers, say, 50 bytes or more, memory overhead would be much smaller - on the order of 2%, so getting an increase in speed would be achieved at a much smaller cost.

Does int32_t have lower latency than int8_t, int16_t and int64_t?

(I'm referring to Intel CPUs and mainly with GCC, but poss ICC or MSVC)
Is it true using int8_t, int16_t or int64_t is less efficient compared with int32_tdue to additional instructions generated to to convert between the CPU word size and the chosen variable size?
I would be interested if anybody has any examples or best practices for this? I sometimes use smaller variable sizes to reduce cacheline loads, but say I only consumed 50 bytes of a cacheline with one variable being 8-bit int, it may be quicker processing by using the remaining cacheline space and promote the 8-bit int to a 32-bit int etc?
You can stuff more uint8_ts into a cache line, so loading N uint8_ts will be faster than loading N uint32_ts.
In addition, if you are using a modern Intel chip with SIMD instructions, a smart compiler will vectorize what it can. Again, using a small variable in your code will allow the compiler to stuff more lanes into a SIMD register.
I think it is best to use the smallest size you can, and leave the details up to the compiler. The compiler is probably smarter than you (and me) when it comes to stuff like this. For many operations (say unsigned addition), the compiler can use the same code for uint8, uint16 or uint32 (and just ignore the upper bits), so there is no speed difference.
The bottom line is that a cache miss is WAY more expensive than any arithmetic or logical operation, so it is nearly always better to worry about cache (and thus data size) than simple arithmetic.
(It used to be true a long time again that on Sun workstation, using double was significantly faster than float, because the hardware only supported double. I don't think that is true any more for modern x86, as the SIMD hardware (SSE, etc) have direct support for both single and double precision).
Mark Lakata answer points in the right direction.
I would like to add some points.
A wonderful resource for understanding and taking optimization decision are the Agner documents.
The Instruction Tables document has the latency for the most common instructions. You can see that some of them perform better in the native size version.
A mov for example may be eliminated, a mul have less latency.
However here we are talking about gaining 1 clock, we would have to execute a lot of instruction to compensate for a cache miss.
If this were the whole story it would have not worth it.
The real problems comes with the decoders.
When you use some length-changing prefixes (and you will by using non native size word) the decoder takes extra cycles.
The operand size prefix therefore changes the length of the rest of the instruction. The predecoders are unable to resolve this problem in a single clock cycle. It takes 6 clock cycles to recover from this error. It is therefore very important to avoid such length-changing prefixes.
In, nowadays, no longer more recent (but still present) microarchs the penalty was severe, specially with some kind arithmetic instructions.
In later microarchs this has been mitigated but the penalty it is still present.
Another aspect to consider is that using non native size requires to prefix the instructions and thereby generating larger code.
This is the closest as possible to the statement "additional instructions [are] generated to to convert between the CPU word size and the chosen variable size" as Intel CPU can handle non native word sizes.
With other, specially RISC, CPUs this is not generally true and more instruction can be generated.
So while you are making an optimal use of the data cache, you are also making a bad use of the instruction cache.
It is also worth nothing that on the common x64 ABI the stack must be aligned on 16 byte boundary and that usually the compiler saves local vars in the native word size or a close one (e.g. a DWORD on 64 bit system).
Only if you are allocating a sufficient number of local vars or if you are using array or packed structs you can gain benefits from using small variable size.
If you declare a single uint16_t var, it will probably takes the same stack space of a single uint64_t, so it is best to go for the fastest size.
Furthermore when it come to the data cache it is the locality that matters, rather than the data size alone.
So, what to do?
Luckily, you don't have to decide between having small data or small code.
If you have a considerable quantity of data this is usually handled with arrays or pointers and by the use of intermediate variables. An example being this line of code.
t = my_big_data[i];
Here my approach is:
Keep the external representation of data, i.e. the my_big_data array, as small as possible. For example if that array store temperatures use a coded uint8_t for each element.
Keep the internal representation of data, i.e. the t variable, as close as possible to the CPU word size. For example t could be a uint32_t or uint64_t.
This way you program optimize both caches and use the native word size.
As a bonus you may later decide to switch to SIMD instructions without have to repack the my_big_data memory layout.
The real problem is that programmers have spent far too much time worrying about efficiency in the wrong places and at the wrong times; premature optimization is the root of all evil (or at least most of it) in programming.
D. Knuth
When you design your structures memory layout be problem driven. For example, age values need 8 bit, city distances in miles need 16 bits.
When you code the algorithms use the fastest type the compiler is known to have for that scope. For example integers are faster than floating point numbers, uint_fast8_t is no slower than uint8_t.
When then it is time to improve the performance start by changing the algorithm (by using faster types, eliminating redundant operations, and so on) and then if it is needed the data structures (by aligning, padding, packing and so on).

Is there any workaround to "reserve" a cache fraction?

Assume I have to write a C or C++ computational intensive function that has 2 arrays as input and one array as output. If the computation uses the 2 input arrays more often than it updates the output array, I'll end up in a situation where the output array seldom gets cached because it's evicted in order to fetch the 2 input arrays.
I want to reserve one fraction of the cache for the output array and enforce somehow that those lines don't get evicted once they are fetched, in order to always write partial results in the cache.
Update1(output[]) // Output gets cached
DoCompute1(input1[]); // Input 1 gets cached
DoCompute2(input2[]); // Input 2 gets cached
Update2(output[]); // Output is not in the cache anymore and has to get cached again
I know there are mechanisms to help eviction: clflush, clevict, _mm_clevict, etc. Are there any mechanisms for the opposite?
I am thinking of 3 possible solutions:
Using _mm_prefetch from time to time to fetch the data back if it has been evicted. However this might generate unnecessary traffic plus that I need to be very careful to when to introduce them;
Trying to do processing on smaller chunks of data. However this would work only if the problem allows it;
Disabling hardware prefetchers where that's possible to reduce the rate of unwanted evictions.
Other than that, is there any elegant solution?
Intel CPUs have something called No Eviction Mode (NEM) but I doubt this is what you need.
While you are attempting to optimise the second (unnecessary) fetch of output[], have you given thought to using SSE2/3/4 registers to store your intermediate output values, update them when necessary, and writing them back only when all updates related to that part of output[] are done?
I have done something similar while computing FFTs (Fast Fourier Transforms) where part of the output is in registers and they are moved out (to memory) only when it is known they will not be accessed anymore. Until then, all updates happen to the registers. You'll need to introduce inline assembly to effectively use SSE* registers. Of course, such optimisations are highly dependent on the nature of the algorithm and data placement.
I am trying to get a better understanding of the question:
If it is true that the 'output' array is strictly for output, and you never do something like
output[i] = Foo(newVal, output[i]);
then, all elements in output[] are strictly write. If so, all you would ever need to 'reserve' is one cache-line. Isn't that correct?
In this scenario, all writes to 'output' generate cache-fills and could compete with the cachelines needed for 'input' arrays.
Wouldn't you want a cap on the cachelines 'output' can consume as opposed to reserving a certain number of lines.
I see two options, which may or may not work depending on the CPU you are targeting, and on your precise program flow:
If output is only written to and not read, you can use streaming-stores, i.e., a write instruction with a no-read hint, so it will not be fetched into cache.
You can use prefetching with a non-temporally-aligned (NTA) hint for input. I don't know how this is implemented in general, but I know for sure that on some Intel CPUs (e.g., the Xeon Phi) each hardware thread uses a specific way of cache for NTA data, i.e., with an 8-way cache 1/8th per thread.
I guess solution to this is hidden inside, the algorithm employed and the L1 cache size and cache line size.
Though I am not sure how much performance improvement we will see with this.
We can probably introduce artificial reads which cleverly dodge compiler and while execution, do not hurt computations as well. Single artificial read should fill cache lines as many needed to accommodate one page. Therefore, algorithm should be modified to compute blocks of output array. Something like the ones used in matrix multiplication of huge matrices, done using GPUs. They use blocks of matrices for computation and writing result.
As pointed out earlier, the write to output array should happen in a stream.
To bring in artificial read, we should initialize at compile time the output array at right places, once in each block, probably with 0 or 1.

Is it possible to use a value in d[x] register as address in vld?

I have an Image with sizes M x N, and each pixel is 14 bits (all of them are stored in 16 bit integers but 2 least significant bits are not used). I want to map each pixel to an 8 bit value, due to a mapping function which is simply an array of 16384 values. I perform this image tone mapping using pure C++ as follows:
for(int i=0;i<imageSize;i++)
resultImage[i] = mappingArray[image[Index]];
However, I want to optimize this operation using ARM Neon intrinsics. Since there are 32 (correct it if I'm wrong) neon (dx) registers registers, I cannot use VTBL instruction for a lookup table larger than
8x32 = 256 elements. Moreover, there is another discussion on stacoverflow to use a lookup table larger than 32 bytes:
ARM NEON: How to implement a 256bytes Look Up table
How can I manage to optimize such simple looking operation? I think of using pixels of the image as address parameter of VLD function just as something like the following:
VLD1.8 {d1},[d0] ??
Is it possible? Or how can I handle this?
The optimization in the other example works by holding an entire lookup table in registers. You simply cannot do this: your table is 16384 bytes (2^14 -> 2^8), and that is way, way more than you have in register space.
Hence, your table will reside in L1 cache. The obvious C++ code:
unsigned char mappingArray[16384];
for(int i=0;i<imageSize;i++)
resultImage[i] = mappingArray[image[i]>>2];
will probably compile straight to the most efficient code. The problem isn't how you get things in registers. The problem is that you need memory access to your input image, mapping table and output image.
If speed was a problem, I'd solve this by aggressively trimming the table to perhaps 128 entries, and using linear interpolation on the next few bits.
Given a large look-up table, the normal process is to look very closely at it to figure out (or find on the internet) the algorithm to compute each entry. If that algorithm turns out to be simple enough then you might find that it's faster to perform the calculations in parallel rather than to perform scalar table look-ups.
Alternatively, based on the shape of the data you can try to find approximations which are up to requirements but which are easier to compute.
For example, you can use VTBL on the top three or four bits of the input, and linear interpolation on the rest. But this only works if the curve is smooth enough that linear interpolation is an adequate approximation.
A common operation which matches the parameters stated is linear to sRGB conversion; in which case you're looking at raising each input to the power of 5/12. That's a bit hairy, but you might still be able to get some performance gain if you don't need to be too accurate.