Windows phone 8 application creation issues - templates

Recently I have updated to visual studio 2013 update 2 and tried creating windows phone 8.1 application. Everything worked fine.
But it is allowing me to create only windows phone 8.1 application and no more windows phone 8.0 application. It is not asking me to chose between 8.0 or 8.1.
Is there anyway to overcome this?
Thanks in advance.

Does visual studio 2013 express(update2) support the development for wp8?
Look at this question, it will help you solve your problem, Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 do allow you to create Windows Phone 8.1 (NEW XAML BASED API's) application & Windows Phone 8.1 & 8.0 (OLD SILVERLIGHT BASED API's) application.
Just go to Visual Studio 2013 -> New Project -> Universal App ->
Windows Phone -> Blank Application (Windows Phone Silverlight).
See if this helps.


Can I use Visual Studio 2015 for creating Windows Phone 8 applications?

I have Visual Studio 2015 Community edition installed with Windows Desktop development tools (languag - C++). Can I use it for creating Windows Phone 8 application with C++ language (especially with C++11/14 standard)? Which SDK\tools I have to install for this task or may be all required instruments are in Visual Studio 2015 Community package alredy?
Thank you for help.
P.S.: The "Visual Studio 2015 Platform Targeting and Compatibility" article, in the section "Visual Studio 2015 Support for Windows Universal, Windows Store, and Windows Phone App Development", says that Windows Phone 8 apps are supported by the Visual Studio 2015 but with footnotes "Supports migration of Windows Phone 8 projects to Windows Phone Silverlight 8.1.". So, I can't understand, does Visual Studio 2015 support the whole development cycle for Windows Phone 8 app or only migration to the Windows Phone 8.1?
UPDATE: I mean the Windows Runtime applications for Windows Phone 8 platform.
sure, you need to download windows phone 8/8.1 sdk from microsoft website or from somewhere which provide standalone installer for this.
after this, just open up visual studio go to c++ the expand windows > windows phone

How to installing Windows 10 Phone in Qt?

I want to develop Windows 10 Mobile applications. I installed Visual Studio 2015 Community and I installed Qt 5.6 packages from Qt 5.5.1 MaintenanceTool (Image) and I installed Universal Windows packages from VS 2015, so I think Win SDK installed. Then I installed Windows 8 Phone packages from VS 2015. But Win 10 Mobile packages is disabled on the Qt Creator (Image). How can I develop Win 10 Mobile apps with Qt? Thanks.
Edit: Debugger not found: MSVC, win rt armv7, win rt 32 bit
You should install Visual Studio 2013 to develop Windows Phone applications. If you want to develop WindowsRT applications you can use Visual Studio 2015.
Look at the picture with packages. There is information which version you should use to develop specific applications.
You need to install the debugging tools for windows, which are only available through the Windows SDK. You can select only the debugging tools, and leave the rest of the SDK as it was.

how can I add windows store template to visual studio 2013?

I have visual studio 2013 and 64x win 7 pc.
I want to create a windows phone app with a single button and textbox.
When I click file>new>project I cant see windows store in templates.
I couldnt find how to search online from tools>external tools.
Did you installed Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) for Windows 8.1?
The sdk contains the components needed to develop windows store apps.
If you are going to develop Windows phone 8.0 instead of 8.1, this XDA forum thread should help you. I haven't personally tried that because I am looking to develop Windows 8.1 in Win 7 x64.
You can also try to install the SDK 8.0 and 8.1 lite version by Arnold Vink. I tried the sdk 8.1 lite version with no luck but perhaps it will work for you.
You can check out my SO question on what I have done so far. Hope this helps.

Visual Studio 2012 for windows 8 not showing win32 console application option

I downloaded Microsoft visual studio 2012 for windows 8 to run C++ programs but when I go to New Project -> Templates -> Visual C++ it doesn't show option for win32 console application instead its showing App XAML files .What can be the solution to this problem ?
You have probably downloaded the version which allows only the development of Windows 8 apps.If you are not interested in doing so you should download the Express for Desktop version.

Visual Studio 2010 add Web reference greyed out - Windows Phone

I have problem with adding web service by add web reference button.
I tested that on Windows Phone Developer Pack (with Visual Studio 2010 Express) and wich Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate. Both on diffrent systems (Windows 7 Ultimate x86 nad Windows 7 Ultimate x64).
In windows form application project everything button is active and working good.
Earlier I added the same webserivce - NuSoap PHP webservice- in visual studio 2008 pack 1 to smart device - Windows Mobile 6.5 and works fine.
Screen at the link:
What is the problem?
Best regards
This is standard behavior for WP7 projects. A regular Web Reference is an outdated way to add references to older (XML-based) web services. You should use the standard Service Reference option instead.