statvfs not behaving as expected - diskspace

I am using statvfs() to find out the available space on a uSD card. statvfs() returns expected results if I call it when the uSD card was plugged in from boot, but if I call statvfs() after I unplug the uSD statvfs() returns success and odd numbers for the number of blocks. If I call statvfs() when the uSD card was not plugged in from boot statvfs() correctly returns -1 for failure. Why doesn't statvfs() return -1 when I call it after I unplug the uSD? Is this a known issue?
Booted with uSD:
Removed uSD:
Booted w/o uSD:
The uSD is 32 GB.

I think the comment by "lurker" on this question is what I was looking for on how to properly detect the uSD card being removed.


MPOS doesn't accept credit card payment D365

This is on a test environment.
Using D365 Retail.
Modern Point of sales (MPOS)
The terminal device is a Verifone P400Plus from Adyen.
I'm getting this error on the MPOS when paying with a credit card:
"The card type is not an accepted form of payment. Use a different
payment card, and then try again"
The card I'm using is a test card with the following details:
EXP: 31/12/2025
Version: 012
Cardnumber: 541333 **** 9999
In D365\Retail\Channel setup\POS setup\Hardware profiles, I've added Master and Maestro card to the hardware profile:
In D365\Retail\Channel setup\Payment methods\Card numbers, I've added the card number on both MasterCard and Maestro
In D365\Retail\Channel setup\Payment methods\Card types, the cards are also present
Job 1070 and 1090 has been applied.
I might be missing something that I don't know about, but I've no clue what to look for. Any suggestions?
I did a full push, but the same error happens.
So I found what was causing the MPOS to trigger the error. It was due to the card type. The mastercard was configured to have the "Card types" value set to "International debit card".
In the js file "Commerce.Core.js" line 49377, the code calls the method "Commerce.PaymentHelper.isCreditCard(...) where it checks for the credit card.
When my mastercard was configured to "International debit card" the if statement inside of the method wasn't true so my card would always be rejected. Changing the Card types value for mastercard to "International credit card" or "Corporate card" solved my problem.

Interpreting PGI_ACC_TIME output

I have some OpenACC-accelerated C++ code that I've compiled using the PGI compiler. Things seem to be working, so now I want to play efficiency whack-a-mole with profiling information.
I generate some timing info by setting:
export PGI_ACC_TIME=1
And then running the program.
The following output results:
-bash-4.2$ ./a.out not found
Accelerator Kernel Timing data
PGI_ACC_SYNCHRONOUS was set, disabling async() clauses
_MyProgram NVIDIA devicenum=1
time(us): 97,667
75: data region reached 2 times
75: data copyin transfers: 3
device time(us): total=101 max=82 min=9 avg=33
76: compute region reached 1000 times
76: kernel launched 1000 times
grid: [1938] block: [128]
elapsed time(us): total=680,216 max=1,043 min=654 avg=680
95: compute region reached 1000 times
95: kernel launched 1000 times
grid: [1938] block: [128]
elapsed time(us): total=487,365 max=801 min=476 avg=487
110: data region reached 2000 times
110: data copyin transfers: 1000
device time(us): total=6,783 max=140 min=3 avg=6
125: data copyout transfers: 1000
device time(us): total=7,445 max=190 min=6 avg=7
real 0m3.864s
user 0m3.499s
sys 0m0.348s
It raises some questions:
I see time(us): 97,667 at the top. This seems like a total time, but, at the bottom, I see real 0m3.864s. Why is there such a difference?
If time(us): 97,667 is the total, why is it so much smaller than values lower down, such as elapsed time(us): total=680,216?
This kernel including the line (elapsed time(us): total=680,216 max=1,043 min=654 avg=680) was run 1000 times. Are max, min, and avg values based on per-run values of the kernel?
Since the [grid] and [block] values may vary, are the elapsed total values still a good indicator of hotspots?
For data regions (device time(us): total=6,783) is the measurement transfer time or the entire time spent dealing with the data (preparing to transfer, post-receipt operations)?
The line numbering is weird. For instance, Line 76 in my program is clearly a for loop, Line 95 in is a close-brace, and Line 110 is a variable definition. Should line numbers be interpreted as "the loop most closely following the indicated line number", or in some other way?
The kernel at 76 contains the kernel at 95. Are the times calculated for 76 inclusive of time spent in 95? If so, is there a convenient way to find the time spent in a kernel minus the times of all the subkernels?
(Some of these questions are a bit anal retentive, but I haven't found documentation for this, so I thought I'd be thorough.)
Part of the issue here is that the runtime can't find the CUDA Profiling library (, hence you're only seeing the PGI CPU side profiling not the device profiling. PGI ships library with the compilers (under $PGI/[linux86-64|linuxpower]/2017/cuda/[7.5|8.0]/lib64) but this is an optional install so you may not have it install on the system you're running. CUPTI also ships with the CUDA SDK, so if the system has CUDA install, you can try setting you're LD_LIBRARY_PATH there instead. On my system it's installed in "/opt/cuda-8.0/extras/CUPTI/lib64/".
The missing CUPTI library is why you're seeing the bad time, 97,667, for the file time. Also since you're missing CUPTI, the time you're seeing is being measured from the host. With CUPTI, in addition to the elapsed time, you'd see the device time for each kernel. The difference between the elapsed time and the device time is the launch overhead per kernel.
Are max, min, and avg values based on per-run values of the kernel?
4.Since the [grid] and [block] values may vary, are the elapsed total values still a good indicator of hotspots?
I tend to first look at the avg time since there's typically more opportunities to tune these loops. If you are varying the amount of work per kernel iteration (i.e the grid size changes), then it might not be as useful, but a good starting point.
Now if you had a low average but many calls, then the elapsed time may be dominated by kernel launch overhead. In which case, I'd look to see if you can combine loops or push more work into each loop.
5.For data regions (device time(us): total=6,783) is the measurement transfer time or the entire time spent dealing with the data
(preparing to transfer, post-receipt operations)?
Just the data transfer time. For the overhead, you would need to use PGPROF/NVPROF.
6.The line numbering is weird. For instance, Line 76 in my program is clearly a for loop, Line 95 in is a close-brace, and Line 110 is a
variable definition. Should line numbers be interpreted as "the loop
most closely following the indicated line number", or in some other
It's because the code's been optimized so the line number may be a bit off though it should correspond to the line numbers from compiler feedback messages (-Minfo=accel). So "the loop most closely..." option should be correct.

RTP timestamp not linear?

I was trying to reconstruct an audio conversation (a-b call using g711 audio) using the rtp time-stamp. I used to fill silence using difference of two rtp time-stamp and sampling rate. The conversation went out of sync and then I see that rtp time-stamp is not linear.I was not able to get exact clock time using rtp time-stamp and resulted in sync issues. How do i calculate the exact time.
I have the same problem with a Stream provided by GStreamer, whic doesnt provide monotonic timestamps.
for Example: The Difference between the stamps should bei exactly 1920, but it is between ~120 and ~3500, but in average 1920.
The problem here is that there is no way to find missing samples, because you never know if the high difference is from the Encoder delay or from a sample missing.
If you have only Audio to decode, I would try to put "valid" PTS values to each sample (in my case basetime+1920, basetime+3840 and so on.)
The big problem here comes when video AND audio were combined. Here this trick doesnt work well, when samples are missing and there is no way to find out when this is the case :(
when you want to send rtp you should notice about two things:
the time stamp is incremented due to the amout of byte sents.
e.g for PT=10, you may have this pattern:
1160 byte , time stamp increment: 1154 and wait 26 ms
lets see how this calculation happens:
. number of packet should be sent in one second : 1/(26ms) = 38
time stamp increment : clockrate / # = 1154
Regarding to RFC3550 (
The sampling instant MUST be derived from a clock that increments
Its not a choice nor an option. By the way please read the full description of the timestamp field of the RTP packet, there I found it also:
As an example, for fixed-rate audio
the timestamp clock would likely increment by one for each
sampling period. If an audio application reads blocks covering
160 sampling periods from the input device, the timestamp would be
increased by 160 for each such block, regardless of whether the
block is transmitted in a packet or dropped as silent.
If you want to check linearity then use the RTCP SR RTP and NTP timestamps field. At the SR report the RTP timestamp belongs to the NTP timestamp.
So the difference of two consecutive RTP timestamp (lets call them dRTPt_1, dRTP_2, ...) and the difference of two consecutive NTP timestamps (lets call them dNTP_1, dNTP_2, ...) and then multiply dRTP_t* with clock rate and check weather you get dNTP_t*.
But first please read the RFC.

How to represent the Battery Temperature value in Wince using GetSystemPowerStatusEx2 API?

I just want to get confirmation on Battery Temperature data.
I am using GetSystemPowerStatusEx2 API to get battery temperature for windows ce device using c++..
I am using the variable say "psse" of type "SYSTEM_POWER_STATUS_EX2".
On success, the value returned for battery temperature is mentioned below:-
psse.BatteryTemperature = 29 //which is of dword type.
My doubt is what is the actual battery temperature representation?
Is it 2.9 degree celsius or 29 degree celsius & why?
Plz reply. Thanks in advance.
According to the documentation on MSDN
Battery temperature in degrees Celsius. This member can have a value in the range of –3,276.8 to 3,276.7; the increments are 0.1 degrees Celsius.
So a value of 29 means 2.9 degrees Celsius.
did you zero out the BatteryStatusEx2 struct memory to zero before calling the function?
OTOH the OEMs can, but do not need to fill all values correctly. So if the function returns 29, which is 2.9°C, I assume the OEM does not fill the value correctly. Either it is ment as 29°C, which is alos not a real value over time, as the battery temperature should go up during usage of the device.
Posibly the OEM offers a new firmware or service release for the device which corrects the wrong reading.
The accuracy of the values depends on the implementation of the driver. Possibly the battery does not expose any temperature at all and the driver always fills the struct with the value 29.
Do not trust to much in OEMs implementing all features correctl all the time.

How to get an accurate 1ms Timer Tick under WinXP

I try to call a function every 1 ms. The problem is, I like to do this with windows. So I tried the multimediatimer API.
Multimediatimer API
idTimer = timeSetEvent(
My result was that most of the time the 1 ms was ok, but sometimes I get the double period. See the little bump at around 1.95ms
My first thought was that maybe my method was running too long. But I measured this already and this was not the case.
Queued Timers API
My next try was using the queud timers API with
hTimerQueue = CreateTimerQueue();
if(hTimerQueue == NULL)
printf("Error creating queue: 0x%x\n", GetLastError());
BOOL res = CreateTimerQueueTimer(
1, // 1ms
But also the result was not as expected. Now I get most of the time 2 ms cycletime.
For measuring the times I used the method QueryPerformanceCounter and QueryPerformanceFrequency.
So now my question is if somebody encountered similar problems under windows and maybe even found a solution?
Without going to a real-time OS, you cannot expect to have your function called every 1 ms.
On Windows that is NOT a real-time OS (for Linux it is similar), a program that repeatedly read a current time with microsecond precision, and store consecutive differences in an histogram have a non-empty bin for >10 ms! This means that sometimes you will have 2 ms, but you can also get more between your calls.
You can try to run timeBeginPeriod(1) at the program start and timeEndPeriod(1) before quitting. This probably can enhance timer precision.
A call to NtQueryTimerResolution() will return a value for ActualResolution. In your case the actual resolution is almost certainly 0.9765625 ms. This is exactly what you show in the first plot.
The second occurace of about 1.95 ms is more precisely Sleep(1) = 1.9531 ms = 2 x 0.9765625 ms
I guess the interrupt period runs at someting close to 1ms (0.9765625).
And now the trouble begins: The timer signals when the desired delay expires.
Say the ActualResolution is set to 0.9765625, the interrupt heartbeat of the system will run at 0.9765625 ms periods or 1024 Hz and a call to Sleep is made with a desired delay of 1 ms. Two scenarios are to be looked at:
The call was made < 1ms (ΔT) ahead of the next interrupt. The next interrupt will not confirm that the desired period of time has expired. Only the following interrupt will cause the call to return. The resulting sleep delay will be ΔT + 0.9765625 ms.
The call was made >= 1ms (ΔT) ahead of the next interrupt. The next interrupt will force the call to return. The resulting sleep delay will be ΔT.
So the result depends a lot on when the call was made and therefore you may observe 0.98ms events as well as 1.95ms events.
Edit: Using the CreateTimerQueueTimer will push the observed delay to 1.95 because the timer tick (interrupt period) is 0.9765625 ms. On the first occurence of the interrupt, the requested duration of 1 ms has not quite expired, thus the TimerProc will only be triggered after the second interrupt (2 x 0.9765625 ms = 1.953125 ms > 1 ms). Consequently, the queueTimer plot shows the peak at 1.953125 ms.
Note: This behavior strongly depends on the underlying hardware.
More details can be found at the Windows Timestamp Project