MFC data storage guidance - c++

I'm writing an application which will fetch all the network adapter card info and display that on screen. For my purpose I need to store them for future use.
Currently I'm using an array of CStringArray to store the data but the size of the array is fixed.
//member of class
CStringArray m_arrAdapterData[10];
//enumeration of network card
int iAdapterCount = 0;
while(some loop condition)
CString cstr = _T("Some data");
cstr = _T("Some data");
Now, I'm thinking to use double dimension vector or similar. Any suggestions would be helpful.

Why not use a vector ?
It allows fast random access to any element and can handle dynamic allocation.
You can modify your code somewhat as below to work with vectors.
#include <vector>
//member of class
vector<CString> m_arrAdapterData;
vector<vector<CString>> infoVectors;
for (int i = 0; i < 5 ; i++)
for (int j = 0; j< 5 ; j++)
CString cstr = _T("Some data");
vector<vector<CString>>::iterator outerItr = infoVectors.begin();
while(outerItr != infoVectors.end())
vector<CString>::iterator innerItr = outerItr->begin();
while(innerItr != outerItr->end())


how to allocate array of pointers in cpp?

I'm writing a cpp program and I want to allocate an array of pointers. the array is holding pointers to type Node which is a generic class i've already implemented. I've tried the following:
Node<int,Song>* songArray = new Node<int,Song>[numOfSongs]();
for (int i = 0; i < numOfSongs; ++i) {
Node<int,Song>* songArray[i] = new Node<int,Song>(i, Song(i, this->artistID));
but I get an error saying I don't have operator= (which I did implement for Node).
can anyone advice me on what am I doing wrong?
Thank you very much!
Your types are all over the place.
class Song {
Song(int i, int artistId);
Song(Song const& song);
Song &operator=(Sont const& song);
Node<int,Song>** songArray = new Node<int,Song>*[numOfSongs]();
for (int i = 0; i < numOfSongs; ++i) {
songArray[i] = new Node<int,Song>(i, Song(i, this->artistID));

Dynamically Expanding An Array of Pointers [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Initializing a pointer in a separate function in C
(2 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I am attempting to build a dictionary using C++.
The dictionary must be dynamically created and updated at all times.
For example, say I have 5 words in my dictionary and I want to add another word, I must create a new dictionary with room for 6 words, copy the old words and add the new word to the new dictionary.
In my main function, I created a lexicon** (pointer to an array of pointers, since each word has a char pointer to it).
I have created a newStr function to receive the new word and to add it to the dictionary and to resort it alphabetically.
The program runs once, but when I want to add another word I get an access violation warning:
0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xDDDDDDDD.
I don't understand what I am doing wrong. Thanks for the help!
Here's my code:
#define MAX 80
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
void newStr(char** lexicon, int& lexiconSize, char word[])
// create the new updated lexicon
char** updated = new char*[++lexiconSize];
// copy the words from the old to the updated lexicon
for (int i = 0; i < lexiconSize; i++)
updated[i] = new char[MAX];
if (i < lexiconSize - 1)
strcpy_s(updated[i], MAX, lexicon[i]);
// add the new word to the end of the updatedLexicon
strcpy_s(updated[i], MAX, word);
// deallocate the memory of the worlds of the old lexicon
for (int i = 0; i < lexiconSize - 1; i++)
delete[] lexicon[i];
// deallocate the memory of the old lexicon
delete[] lexicon;
// point the lexicon pointer to the updatedLexicon
lexicon = updated;
// now sort the lexicon including the new word
if (lexiconSize > 1)
for (int i = 1; i < lexiconSize; i++)
for (int j = 1; j < lexiconSize; j++)
if (strcmp(lexicon[j - 1], lexicon[j]) > 0)
char t[MAX];
strcpy_s(t, MAX, lexicon[j - 1]);
strcpy_s(lexicon[j - 1], MAX, lexicon[j]);
strcpy_s(lexicon[j], MAX, t);
// deallocate the memory created for the updated lexicon
for (int i = 0; i < lexiconSize; i++)
delete[] updated[i];
delete[] updated;
int main()
int lexiconSize = 3;
char** lexicon;
char word[MAX] = {};
// initialize lexicon for testing:
lexicon = new char*[lexiconSize];
lexicon[0] = new char[MAX];
strcpy_s(lexicon[0], MAX, "maybe");
lexicon[1] = new char[MAX];
strcpy_s(lexicon[1], MAX, "this");
lexicon[2] = new char[MAX];
strcpy_s(lexicon[2], MAX, "works");
cout << "enter the word to add" << endl;
cin >> word;
newStr(lexicon, lexiconSize, word);
// menu system that allows to add/delete/print the words
// delete the lexicon at the end of the program
for (int i = 0; i < lexiconSize; i++)
{ // delete the internal words
if (lexicon[i])
delete[] lexicon[i];
if (lexicon)
delete[] lexicon;
return 0;
Your problem is that lexicon is passed to newStr() by value.
The assignment lexicon = updated is therefore not visible to the caller.
Since the function releases all dynamically allocated memory referenced by lexicon[i], all subsequent uses of lexicon in main() therefore have undefined behaviour.
Incidentally, all the memory allocated inside newStr() is leaked - no variable refers to it after the function returns, so it cannot be released in code.
Instead of trying to use pointers and operator new directly, look up standard containers (std::vector) and std::string (to manage string data).
This is not a C++ code: it's C with some bit of syntax sugar.
Do not deallocate something inside function, if you have created it
in another place.
Use smart pointers.
Do you really think, that your implementation will be more effective
and potable, than std::vector/std::map?

C++ Declaring arrays in class and declaring 2d arrays in class

I'm new with using classes and I encountered a problem while delcaring an array into a class. I want to initialize a char array for text limited to 50 characters and then replace the text with a function.
#ifndef MAP_H
#define MAP_H
#include "Sprite.h"
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <iostream>
class Map : public sprite
char mapname[50];
int columnnumber;
int linenumber;
char casestatematricia[];
void setmapname(char newmapname[50]);
void battlespace(int column, int line);
void setcasevalue(int col, int line, char value);
void printcasematricia();
By the way I could initialize my 2d array like that
char casestatematricia[][];
I want later to make this 2d array dynamic where I enter a column number and a line number like that
to create a battlefield.
this is the cpp code so that you have an idea of what I want to do.
#include "Map.h"
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <iostream>
using namespace sf;
void Map::setmapname(char newmapname[50])
this->mapname = newmapname;
void Map::battlespace(int column, int line)
void Map::setcasevalue(int col, int line, char value)
void Map::printcasematricia()
thank you in advance.
Consider following common practice on this one.
Most (e.g. numerical) libraries don't use 2D arrays inside classes.
They use dynamically allocated 1D arrays and overload the () or [] operator to access the right elements in a 2D-like fashion.
So on the outside you never can tell that you're actually dealing with consecutive storage, it looks like a 2D array.
In this way arrays are easier to resize, more efficient to store, transpose and reshape.
Just a proposition for your problem:
class Map : public sprite
std::string mapname;
int columnnumber;
int linenumber;
std::vector<char> casestatematricia;
static constexpr std::size_t maxRow = 50;
static constexpr std::size_t maxCol = 50;
casestatematricia(maxRow * maxCol, 0)
void setmapname(std::string newmapname)
if (newmapname.size() > 50)
// Manage error if you really need no more 50 characters..
// Or just troncate when you serialize!
mapname = newmapname;
void battlespace(int col, int row);
void setcasevalue(int col, int row, char value)
// check that col and line are between 0 and max{Row|Column} - 1
casestatematricia[row * maxRow + col] = value;
void printcasematricia()
for (std::size_t row = 0; row < maxRow; ++row)
for (std::size_t col = 0; col < maxCol; ++col)
char currentCell = casestatematricia[row * maxRow + col];
For access to 1D array like a 2D array, take a look at Access a 1D array as a 2D array in C++.
When you think about serialization, I guess you want to save it to a file. Just a advice: don't store raw memory to a file just to "save" time when your relaunch your soft. You just have a non portable solution! And seriously, with power of your computer, you don't have to be worry about time to load from file!
I propose you to add 2 methods in your class to save Map into file
void dump(std::ostream &os)
os << mapname << "\n";
std::size_t currentRow = 0;
for(auto c: casestatematricia)
os << static_cast<int>(c) << " ";
if (currentRow >= maxRow)
currentRow = 0;
os << "\n";
void load(std::istream &is)
std::string line;
std::getline(is, line);
mapname = line;
std::size_t current_cell = 0;
while(std::getline(is, line))
std::istringstream is(line);
char c;
is >> c;
casestatematricia[current_cell] = c;
This solution is only given for example. They doesn't manage error and I have choose to store it in ASCII in file. You can change to store in binary, but, don't use direct write of raw memory. You can take a look at C - serialization techniques (just have to translate to C++). But please, don't use memcpy or similar technique to serialize
I hope I get this right. You have two questions. You want know how to assign the value of char mapname[50]; via void setmapname(char newmapname[50]);. And you want to know how to create a dynamic size 2D array.
I hope you are comfortable with pointers because in both cases, you need it.
For the first question, I would like to first correct your understanding of void setmapname(char newmapname[50]);. C++ functions do not take in array. It take in the pointer to the array. So it is as good as writing void setmapname(char *newmapname);. For better understanding, go to Passing Arrays to Function in C++
With that, I am going to change the function to read in the length of the new map name. And to assign mapname, just use a loop to copy each of the char.
void setmapname(char *newmapname, int length) {
// ensure that the string passing in is not
// more that what mapname can hold.
length = length < 50 ? length : 50;
// loop each value and assign one by one.
for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
mapname[i] = newmapname[i];
For the second question, you can use vector like what was proposed by Garf365 need to use but I prefer to just use pointer and I will use 1D array to represent 2d battlefield. (You can read the link Garf365 provide).
// Declare like this
char *casestatematricia; // remember to initialize this to 0.
// Create the battlefield
void Map::battlespace(int column, int line) {
columnnumber = column;
linenumber = line;
// Clear the previous battlefield.
// Creating the battlefield
casestatematricia = new char[column * line];
// initialise casestatematricia...
// Call this after you done using the battlefield
void Map::clearspace() {
if (!casestatematricia) return;
delete [] casestatematricia;
casestatematricia = 0;
Just remember to call clearspace() when you are no longer using it.
Just for your benefit, this is how you create a dynamic size 2D array
// Declare like this
char **casestatematricia; // remember to initialize this to 0.
// Create the battlefield
void Map::battlespace(int column, int line) {
columnnumber = column;
linenumber = line;
// Clear the previous battlefield.
// Creating the battlefield
casestatematricia = new char*[column];
for (int i = 0; i < column; ++i) {
casestatematricia[i] = new char[line];
// initialise casestatematricia...
// Call this after you done using the battlefield
void Map::clearspace() {
if (!casestatematricia) return;
for(int i = 0; i < columnnumber; ++i) {
delete [] casestatematricia[i];
delete [][] casestatematricia;
casestatematricia = 0;
Hope this help.
PS: If you need to serialize the string, you can to use pascal string format so that you can support string with variable length. e.g. "11hello world", or "3foo".

C++ Builder Delete Objects of dynamic Array

I want to delete old images I created in a for loop.
The first time clicking the Button the images are created. The second time or third, whatever, the old Images that were created should now be deleted (before the loop) and then directly recreated in the loop.
Because I am getting the Image properties from the database and when someone changed something in the database you should be enabled to get the newest Image properties from the database.
I tried it with delete Image[i], free() and delete[] (whole Array) but I am always getting an Access Violation Error. Here is my following code:
TImage *Image[c]= ; //c is 5
I want to delete the old Images here and then create the new in the loop below
for (int i = 0; i < c; i++)
str = " Test "
Image[i] = new TImage(this);
Image[i]->Parent = BoardItem ;
Image[i]->Height = 20 ;
Image[i]->Width = 20 ;
Image[i]->Position->X = d ; // The program asks you the coordinate at the begining of a new loop
Image[i]->Position->Y = e ;
Image[i]->Bitmap = Icon->Bitmap ;
Image[i]->StyleName = str ;
Image[i]->OnClick = ImageClick ;
#Mykola i pulled the example out of my code , so it is not that complicated to understand. in button2 i want to delete now all images that are on tabitem1
void __fastcall TForm2::Button2Click(TObject *Sender)
TImage *Image[5] ;
for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) {
Image[i] = new TImage(this);
Image[i]->Parent = TabItem1 ;
Image[i]->Height = 20 ;
Image[i]->Width = 20 ;
Image[i]->Position->X = 10 ;
Image[i]->Position->Y = 10 ;
Image[i]->Bitmap = Image1->Bitmap ;
Image[i]->StyleName = "Something" ;
Image[i]->OnClick = ImageClick ;
void __fastcall TForm2::ImageClick(TObject *Sender)
TImage *Img = dynamic_cast<TImage *>(Sender);
void __fastcall TForm2::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
You must delete single image by simple delete operator like:
for (int i = 0; i < c; i++)
delete Image[i];
// NULL deleted pointer
Image[i] = NULL;
Access Violation also may be caused because you still use this images somewhere in your code. And why did you want delete this images? As they are pointers you may simple renew values.
To reserve values for unpredictable amount of pointers TImage* you can use:
TImage** ppImage= NULL;
than create amount of pointers you want:
ppImage = new TImage*[c];
after that you may work with those pointers like you did before.
You could go like this. In the header of the class you define the array and some methods:
int c; // Maximum (better as define?)
TImage *Image[];
bool CheckImagesLoaded();
void DeleteAllImages();
void CreateImage(int nIndex, AnsiString str);
void CreateAllImages();
Then, in the constructor you init the array:
c = 5;
for (int i = 0; i < c; i++)
Image[i] = NULL;
Now you can do the check if images were already loaded:
bool TForm1::CheckImagesLoaded()
return Image[0]!=NULL;
To delete them all:
void TForm1::DeleteAllImages()
for (int i = 0; i < c; i++)
delete Image[i];
Image[i] = NULL;
Create a a single image like this (you have to expand the parameters as you need them):
void TForm1::CreateImage(int nIndex, AnsiString str)
Image[nIndex] = new TImage(this);
/*Image[nIndex]->Parent = BoardItem ;
Image[nIndex]->Height = 20 ;
Image[nIndex]->Width = 20 ;
Image[nIndex]->Position->X = d ; // The programm asks you the coordinate at the begining of a new loop
Image[nIndex]->Position->Y = e ;
Image[nIndex]->Bitmap = Icon->Bitmap ;
Image[nIndex]->StyleName = str ;
Image[nIndex]->OnClick = ImageClick ;
And in a loop you can create all images as you like:
void TForm1::CreateAllImages()
AnsiString str = " Test ";
for (int i = 0; i < c; i++)
// load data from anywhere...
CreateImage(i, str);
So, now you can operate in the Button-Event.
Delete all old Images, if existing.
Create all new Images.
void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
// Delete old Images, if existing
if (CheckImagesLoaded())
// Create new Images
Hope this helps...

Deallocation of an array of objects?

I'm having some issues deallocating arrays of a class I have. Below is the Class, a simplified implementation and my code I have tried to use to close it.
Characters class
#include <cstdlib>
class Character
bool human;
int Xposition; // the character's postion on the board.
int Yposition; // the character's postion on the board.
bool alive;
Character(); //This is my constructor
~Character(); //This is my destructor
bool isHuman(); //return whether type 1 aka Human
bool isZombie(); //return whether type 2 aka Zombie
void setHuman(); //set to type 1 or Human
void setZombie(); //set to type 2 or Zombie
void setPos(int xpos, int ypos); //set the board position
int X();
int Y();
bool isAlive(); //checks to see if a Human is still alive and to be displayed
bool Dead(); //kills the character and sets alive to false
int num_moves_allowed; //number of moves allowed.
Allocation code:
Character *characters[11];
int human_count = 0;
for(int i=0; i<12; i++)
characters[human_count] = new Character();
Termination code:
delete characters[i]; characters[i] = NULL;
delete [] characters;
I have tried a number of different "delete" commands on the array and I keep getting an "Debug Assertion Failed!" window. It says that the dbgdel.cpp from visual studio vctools is the problem place on Line 52.
It also says "Expression: _BLOCK_TYPE_IS_VALID(pHead->nBlockUse)
Someone please help me I'm sure this is very simple.
I'd suggest you avoid using arrays all together. Use a vector of characters.
Declare your vector as
vector<Character> vCharacters;
then insert objects as
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
If you want to store pointers to Character objects then wrap them in a shared_ptr which will take care of deallocating them for you.
vector<shared_ptr<Character>> vCharacters;
for(int i =0; i < 100; i++)
shared_ptr<Character> spCharacter(new Character());
Avoid managing memory yourself when C++ can do it fo ryou
The characters array was allocated on the stack, so you don't have to delete it. However, if you want the array to survive the local scope, create it with something like this:
Character **characters = new Character[11];
then your delete[] line should work fine.
Also note that you don't need to call the destructor of Character explicitly: it is called automatically by delete.
As obelix mentioned, you should use a vector from the Standard Template Library.
However, if you're determined to use a raw array:
const int MAX_CHARACTERS = 11;
Character *characters[MAX_CHARACTERS];
for(int characterCount = 0; characterCount < MAX_CHARACTERS; ++characterCount)
characters[characterCount] = new Character();
if (characters != NULL)
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CHARACTERS; ++i)
delete characters[i];
Paolo Capriotti is correct that characters should be declared with new if you want it to last beyond its scope:
const int MAX_CHARACTERS = 11;
Character **characters = new Character*[MAX_CHARACTERS];
for(int characterCount = 0; characterCount < MAX_CHARACTERS; ++characterCount)
characters[characterCount] = new Character();
if (characters != NULL)
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CHARACTERS; ++i)
delete characters[i];
delete [] characters;
A better solution is the standard vector class:
#include <vector>
const int MAX_CHARACTERS = 11;
std::vector<Character> characters;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CHARACTERS; ++i)
Notice how much easier the cleanup was? (And in this case, it's optional, since when characters is destroyed it will automatically call the destructor of each item it contains.)
Character *characters[11];
should be
Character *characters[12];
should be
i realize this is a simplified use and all, but why bother with heap access at all?
just using
Character characters[11];
could be just as valid, and safe.
std::vector<> is nice, but if the list is always fixed size, and there's no heap involved in member data, why not?