redmine : due date remainder not migrating - redmine

I am currently developing a project management system using Bitnami Redmine. I am using Redmine 1.4.7.
I found a plugin on which I want use on my project. I copied the plugin to C:\BitNami\redmine-1.4.7-2\apps\redmine\htdocs\vendor\plugins. I followed the instructions provided but when I try to install the plugin it does not get migrated.
I'm running this command in C:\BitNami\redmine-1.4.7-2\apps\redmine\htdocs:
bundle exec rake db:migrate_plugins rails_env=production
and receive the following error:
Expected C:/BitNami/redmine-1.4.7-2/apps/redmine/htdocs/app/models/user.rb to define User
Tasks: TOP => db:migrate_plugins => environment
See full trace by running task with --trace
I don't get what is the problem with the user.rb file. Please help.


using watchman only on specific project

I am running 2 ember applications on my computer.
On one of them I want watchman to run (to solve EMFILE: too many open files, watch),
on the other project I do not want it to run - since it causes an error (TypeError: Invalid Version: 2022.06.27.00)
Is there a way to configure watchman to run/ not run on specific projects?

Unable to access rails console

I have deployed my application onto openshift and everything is working great until I tried to access the rails console.
ssh openshiftsshlogin
cd ~/app-root/repo/
rails c
When I run the above command I get this error.
bash: rails: command not found
My web application is open source which may help to diagnose the error.
Link to the Github repository.
Also when I run...
bundle exec rails c
I get the following error,
bundler: command not found: rails
Install missing gem executables with `bundle install`
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.5.2/lib/bundler/friendly_errors.rb:10:in `with_friendly_errors': uninitialized constant Thor::AmbiguousTaskError (NameError)
from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.5.2/bin/bundle:20
from /usr/bin/bundle:19:in `load'
from /usr/bin/bundle:19
I dont belive i need to manually install the rails gem as the gear is running a rails application just fine.
try RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails console
So weirdly enough I solved the issue by just running "gem install rails" even though I should not of needed to. So if a future person runs into this issue just run...
gem install rails
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails console
That should solve the issue.

Running rake commands in cloudfoundry

I am using cloudfoundry to deploy a rails 3.1 app. Is there a way to run common rake commands, like for e.g. rake db:reset?
You can also push another instance of the application, purposefully setting the application type to 'Standalone' and also bound to the same services. You will be then prompted for a command to run which you can set to something like;
bundle exec rake VERBOSE=true QUEUE=default resque:work
This example starts a Resque worker but you could easily start a different task.
Here's a similar question on their forums:

deploy a node.js application to and got an error

Error 402: App packaging failed: 'Failed synchronizing resource pool'
I got this error when deploy a node.js application to
the vmc I used is:
vmc 0.3.10
I want to know how does this error happened. Is there something wrong with my vmc? or something wrong with my node.js application?
Thank you.
You'll definitely want to upgrade to the latest vmc. "gem update" should refresh it to 0.3.18 for you but if not, "gem install vmc" to grab the newest.
What steps did you follow to deploy the app - did you just run vmc push and follow the prompts, did you have a manifest.yml file in place (probably not as vmc 0.3.10 may have pre-dated manifest support), did you provide additional parameters to vmc push?

Spree Starting Server

I cloned the git repository onto a local machine and Amazon Web Services.
I've tried using script/server and rails s
The code is cloned using git://
How do you start the server?
I'd rather use the full git so I can ultimately change the template.
Check out the section on the github page under "Working With Edge Source"
Clone the Git repo
git clone git://
cd spree
Install the gem dependencies
bundle install
Create a sandbox Rails application for testing purposes (and automatically perform all necessary database setup)
bundle exec rake sandbox
Start the server
cd sandbox
rails server
I just checked it out and it works, but edge currently isn't working. You might just want to fork it and use your own fork as a gem for a standard spree-store set up.