MySQL in Visual Studio 2012 for C++ - c++

I am creating an application using Visual Studio with C and I would like to link it to mysql.
I have the problem that I don't see the wizard in the database explorer:
and I am not able to add references to mysql
I have downloaded the MySQL Connector/C++ 1.1.3.. Can you please help me?


Connecting MySQL to Visual Studio Community 2019 using MySQL Connector/NET

I have installed MySQL server, workbench, shell and connector/NET on my computer. I want to add following reference: in visual studio community 2019. I searched in assembles section for but nothing is visible in search result.
I am using the following statement to connect to SQL database.
using namespace MySql::Data::MySqlClient;

The docker-compose project hasn't been creating on Visual Studio 2017

I created a new webApi project (.Net Core) with Docker Support option enabled. However, the Visual Studio 2017 Community created only DockerFile. According some articles that I have read it should create also docker-compose project with the files: and docker-compose.override? Does anybody know what I have to do to solve this issue? Thanks a lot.

MySQL data provider / connector not available in VS 2017

I tried everything, but cant make MySQL working in VS 2017. Apparently, there is support for VS2017 in the latest version of MySQL, but that does not work either.
How do I enable MySQL in VS 2017 ?
Support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 added since MySQL for Visual Studio version 1.2.7. Please use actual version of MySQL for Visual Studio!
Your link to MySQL refers to version 1.2, however version 2.0 is also available, check here: MySQL 2.0 for Visual Studio
Have you installed the ADO.Net driver from MySQL to add support for MySQL connections to Visual Studio?

Associate Azure WebJobs in Visual Studio 2013

In the Windows Azure build keynote (2014-04-03) they demo Azure WebJobs. You can clearly see how they associate the current WebJob with the ASP.Net website application. However, I don't have this option available in Visual Studio 2013. Does it come with the new Web Features in Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 RC? I haven't installed it (still RC...) but it's clearly not in the release notes. I've installed the latest Windows Azure SDK for .NET (VS 2013) - 2.3.
In the video you can see the association in action:
After installing Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 RC I still don't see the option
Just found this awesome extension that I was looking for:
With this extension you can right click on a web project in Visual Studio and associate a console project as a WebJob. After doing that when you publish the web project the webjob project will be published into the correct location in your Azure Web Site

How to connect to MySQL Database from eMbedded Visual C++

How can I connect to a remote Mysql database, from Cpp code using Microsoft eMbedded Visual C++ (which is configured for a special board running WindowsCE)? I have downloaded the source files for Mysql C and C++ Connector/APIs but; their 'make' or installation process is pretty complicated and valid only for Visual Studio.
I have found that, there are no ports of mysql-client to any mobile platform. If anyone has any other information, please feel free to answer this question.