Private static class members - c++

When we declare a member variable static, it is shared between all instances of the class. I've heard that you should think of the variable belonging to the class itself, not any instance. This lets us initialize the variable without instantiating any object of the class, which makes sense.
class Something
static int s_nValue;
int Something::s_nValue = 1;
But why are we allowed to initialize a private static member?
class Something
static int s_nValue;
int Something::s_nValue = 1;
Does private even mean anything when we are talking about static members?

Yes, it does mean something. Consider the following example, which throws a compiler error, because the member is private. Being able to initialize a private variable is not the same as being able to change it from any context.
class Something
static int s_nValue;
int Something::s_nValue = 1;
int main(){
Something::s_nValue = 2; // Compiler error here.

Private still means the same thing: you cannot use the name Something::s_nValue except in the definition of a member of Something (or a friend, or a nested class within Something).
int Something::s_nValue = 1;
is the definition of a member of Something - namely, that static member s_nValue.
int Something::another_static_val = s_nValue; // also okay
int OtherClass::x = Something::s_nValue; // Illegal access!
int Something::getValue() const {
return s_nValue; // okay, getValue is a member of same class
int regularFunction() {
return Something::s_nValue; // Illegal access!

Does private even mean anything when we are talking about static members?
I'll try to answer with a classic example. Consider the following piece of code:
#include <iostream>
class foo {
static int count;
int id;
foo() : id(++count) {}
int getid() const { return id; }
int foo::count = 0;
int main() {
foo f1, f2, f3;
std::cout << f1.getid() << std::endl;
std::cout << f2.getid() << std::endl;
std::cout << f3.getid() << std::endl;
In the example above we use a private static int to count the instances of foo created. We made the count static member variable private because we don't want anyone else except object of type foo to mess with it.
And this is only a naive example, think of the possibilities.

Public, private and protected are properties of a class and not of an object. Their purpose is to let you specify which parts of this class are visible to other classes, and not to hide stuff from objects of the same class. So, you can write code like this :
class A
bool operator<(const A& other)
return this->val < other.val;
int val;
So, private makes sense even when applied to static members - it just says that other classes cannot see this member.


Can i manipulate the same element of every object of a class?

int main()
class exampleClass{
int x;
exampleClass one;
exampleClass two;
exampleClass three;
if (exampleClass manipulate_all x == 5)
// do something
return 0;
instead of:
int main()
class exampleClass{
int x;
exampleClass one;
exampleClass two;
exampleClass three;
if (one.x == 5)||(two.x == 5)||(three.x == 5)
// do something
return 0;
Very new to c++, so apologies if this is a stupid question, or if this is far too advanced for a beginner.
I'm trying to create a collision system for my game, where each sprite has a class object, so I can check the player object against every other sprite. If this is a terrible idea please tell me.
If you want to have all members share a variable, you can use static variables
If they're part of a collision system you probably need a larger structure to hold all of the variables and just use a loop over that.
Alternatively, you could have a static variable as a list keep track of all other members of the class and loop over this, where the static variable is a vector of pointers to instantiated objects. This requires a lot more overhead for the individual class and its own function to modify all of the values.
Either way you'd have to write the container to hold all the values, but it's up to you on how you want to design it.
Modifying your class:
class exampleClass{
static vector<exampleClass*> instances;
exampleClass(){ instances.push_back(this);}
~exampleClass(){ /*Use some kind of id to find and erase the current instance from the list here.*/}
int x;
You can, if your member is a static member, but not if it's an instance member, like your case. But you also need to initialize a static member outside the class.
class exampleClass
static int x;
int exampleClass::x = 0;
int main()
exampleClass one;
exampleClass two;
exampleClass three;
exampleClass::x = 5;
std::cout << one.x << two.x << three.x << std::endl;
return 0;

How can i modify variables in static member function?

I have a code below, i want to modify class's variables in static function but there is some error.
How can i fix it with "this" pointer?
There is no access to "this" pointer for static members in class,on the other hand I am trying to make an access to class variables in Static member function, therefore i am looking for a way to use "this" pointer of class "me" to do it.
class me {
void X() { x = 1;}
void Y() { y = 2;}
static void Z() {
x = 5 ; y = 10;
int x, y;
int main() {
me M;
return 0;
I got this error :
invalid use of member ‘me::x’ in static member function.
You have two ways to do it :
Define your members as static if they are used in a static method.
Implement Dont use of static methods when class's members are non-static
Generally, the memory of static members or methods created once even when you dont create an object of your class. So you cannot use of a non-static members in a static method, because non-static members still have no memory While static methods have memory...
Try this :
static void X() { x = 1;}
static void Y() { y = 2;}
static int x;
static int y;
Dont forget to initialize static members :
int me::x = 0;
int me:y = 0;
You cannot use of this pointer inside a static method, because this may only be used inside a non-static member function. Notice the following :
this->x = 12; // Illegal use static `x` inside a static method
me::x = 12; // The correct way to use of `x` inside a static method
You can pass a pointer to an instance to the method:
class me {
void X() { x = 1;}
void Y() { y = 2;}
static void Z(me* this_) { // fake "this" pointer
this_->x = 5 ;
this_->y = 10;
int x, y;
int main() {
me M;
M.Z(&M); // this works, but
// usually you call static methods like this
// me::Z(&M);
return 0;
You are trying to use a non-static member from a static member function. That's why it's giving you an error.
You can fix this by making the member function non-static (by removing static keyword). You could also make the variable static, so that your static member function can access it, but if you do so, the two other functions will still not compile.
Static method can access static members only.
class me {
void X() { x = 1;}
void Y() { y = 2;}
static void Z() {
x = 5 ; y = 10;
static int x, y;
int main() {
me M;
return 0;
Adding to that #nivpeled said, think about this:
You may create several instances of me on your program. Which ones of the instances the static Z() method should modify?
I have the ultimate solution for you here lol.
I've asked this question so many time but instead of thinking or trying to solve the problem people starts judging my design which I think is funny.
So I have to explain that in some situations you will be in need to make static members gain access to non static ones, such case when you use a scripting interface in you program(Lua for example) that interface can only access static members of a class, which those members need to access to non static, anyways lets see how to do it.
class me {
me() { This = this; } // Or you can assign it wherever you want
void X() { x = 1;}
void Y() { y = 2;}
static me* This; // Here is our "this" pointer :P
static void Z() {
This->x = 5 ; This->y = 10;
int x, y;
//Remember to initialize it to avoid any linker's errors
me* me::This = nullpter; // or NULL or even 0
int main() {
me M;
// now you can access "this" pointer the usually way
return 0;
After a while of thinking this is the most efficient solution i found.

C++ declaring a static object in a class

I'm trying to declare a static object of a class A that I wrote in a different class B, like this:
class A // just an example
int x;
A(){ x = 4; }
int getX() { return x; }
class B
static A obj1; // <- Problem happens here
static void start();
int main()
void B::start()
int x = obj1.getX();
What I want to achieve is to get int x in B::start() to equal int x in class A (4).
I tried googling all this for the past hour and all I understood was that C++ doesn't allow static objects' declarations. Is that correct?
If so, here's my question. How can I get the same result? What are my available workarounds? Keeping in mind that the rest of my code depends on the functions in class B to be static.
error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "private: static class A B::obj1"
You should initialize static var, the code:
class A // just an example
int x;
A(){ x = 4; }
int getX() { return x; }
class B
static A obj1; // <- Problem happens here
static void start();
A B::obj1; // init static var
int main()
void B::start()
int x = obj1.getX();
As thinkerou said, you need to include the declaration of the variable:
A B::obj1;
For normal, non-static member variables you don't need this step because the variables are declared behind the scenes as part of the constructor. These variables are then tied to the instance of the class you just constructed. But static variables are not tied to any instance of a class; they are shared by all instances of a class. So constructors can't properly deal with them.
C++ gets around this by making you manually declare (and optionally initialize) any static member variables. Depending on where they are declared, they typically get constructed before your main() function starts, so they are available for use immediately.

How access class variables in c++

Is it possible in c++ to access class variables in other classes without creating an object. I have tried to use static, but the other class doesnt recognize my variable.
I have 3 classes. In two of those the sae variables should be used. In the third class I am changing the values. Would be grateful if you could help. Maybe youve got an example.
class Myclass
static int i;
int Myclass::i = 10;
class YourClass
void doSomething()
Myclass::i = 10; //This is how you access static member variables
int main()
YourClass obj;
return 0;
static is the right keyword here:
class A {
static int i; // <-- this is a class variable
class B {
void f() { A::i = 3; } // <-- this is how you access class variables
They only potential problem I can think of is that
You made the class variable protected or private, thus rendering it inaccessible from other code.
You forgot to specify the full scope of the class variable (with A:: in this example).
I think the Singleton Pattern would help, but I'm no big fan of it. A lot better design would be to have one class take ownership of the object, and pass references to this object to the other classes.
yes you can bro, try this
struct car{
string model;
string paint;
int price;
int main(){
// creates an object of the class car
car BMW;
// assign the values
bmw.model = "m sports";
bmw.paint ="red";
bmw.price = 24000;

Can inner classes access private variables?

class Outer {
class Inner {
Inner() {}
void func() ;
static const char* const MYCONST;
int var;
void Outer::Inner::func() {
var = 1;
const char* const Outer::MYCONST = "myconst";
This errors out when I compile with class Outer::Inner' has no member named `var'
An inner class is a friend of the class it is defined within.
So, yes; an object of type Outer::Inner can access the member variable var of an object of type Outer.
Unlike Java though, there is no correlation between an object of type Outer::Inner and an object of the parent class. You have to make the parent child relationship manually.
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
class Outer
class Inner
Inner(Outer& x): parent(x) {}
void func()
std::string a = "myconst1";
std::cout << parent.var << std::endl;
if (a == MYCONST)
{ std::cout << "string same" << std::endl;
{ std::cout << "string not same" << std::endl;
Outer& parent;
Outer(Outer& other)
void func()
static const char* const MYCONST;
Inner i;
int var;
const char* const Outer::MYCONST = "myconst";
int main()
Outer o1;
Outer o2(o1);
An inner class has access to all members of the outer class, but it does not have an implicit reference to a parent class instance (unlike some weirdness with Java). So if you pass a reference to the outer class to the inner class, it can reference anything in the outer class instance.
Anything that is part of Outer should have access to all of Outer's members, public or private.
Edit: your compiler is correct, var is not a member of Inner. But if you have a reference or pointer to an instance of Outer, it could access that.
First of all, you are trying to access non-static member var outside the class which is not allowed in C++.
Mark's answer is correct.
Anything that is part of Outer should have access to all of Outer's members, public or private.
So you can do two things, either declare var as static or use a reference of an instance of the outer class to access 'var' (because a friend class or function also needs reference to access private data).
Static var
Change var to static If you don't want var to be associated with the instances of the class.
#include <iostream>
class Outer {
static const char* const MYCONST;
static int var;
class Inner {
Inner() {
Outer::var = 1;
void func() ;
int Outer::var = 0;
void Outer::Inner::func() {
std::cout << "var: "<< Outer::var;
int main() {
Outer outer;
Outer::Inner inner;
Output- var: 1
Non-static var
An object's reference is a must to access any non-static member variables.
#include <iostream>
class Outer {
static const char* const MYCONST;
int var;
class Inner {
Inner(Outer &outer) {
outer.var = 1;
void func(const Outer &outer) ;
void Outer::Inner::func(const Outer &outer) {
std::cout << "var: "<< outer.var;
int main() {
Outer outer;
Outer::Inner inner(outer);
Output- var: 1
Edit - External links are links to my Blog.
var is not a member of inner class.
To access var, a pointer or reference to an outer class instance should be used. e.g. pOuter->var will work if the inner class is a friend of outer, or, var is public, if one follows C++ standard strictly.
Some compilers treat inner classes as the friend of the outer, but some may not. See this document for IBM compiler:
"A nested class is declared within the scope of another class. The name of a nested class is local to its enclosing class. Unless you use explicit pointers, references, or object names, declarations in a nested class can only use visible constructs, including type names, static members, and enumerators from the enclosing class and global variables.
Member functions of a nested class follow regular access rules and have no special access privileges to members of their enclosing classes. Member functions of the enclosing class have no special access to members of a nested class."