Can inner classes access private variables? - c++

class Outer {
class Inner {
Inner() {}
void func() ;
static const char* const MYCONST;
int var;
void Outer::Inner::func() {
var = 1;
const char* const Outer::MYCONST = "myconst";
This errors out when I compile with class Outer::Inner' has no member named `var'

An inner class is a friend of the class it is defined within.
So, yes; an object of type Outer::Inner can access the member variable var of an object of type Outer.
Unlike Java though, there is no correlation between an object of type Outer::Inner and an object of the parent class. You have to make the parent child relationship manually.
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
class Outer
class Inner
Inner(Outer& x): parent(x) {}
void func()
std::string a = "myconst1";
std::cout << parent.var << std::endl;
if (a == MYCONST)
{ std::cout << "string same" << std::endl;
{ std::cout << "string not same" << std::endl;
Outer& parent;
Outer(Outer& other)
void func()
static const char* const MYCONST;
Inner i;
int var;
const char* const Outer::MYCONST = "myconst";
int main()
Outer o1;
Outer o2(o1);

An inner class has access to all members of the outer class, but it does not have an implicit reference to a parent class instance (unlike some weirdness with Java). So if you pass a reference to the outer class to the inner class, it can reference anything in the outer class instance.

Anything that is part of Outer should have access to all of Outer's members, public or private.
Edit: your compiler is correct, var is not a member of Inner. But if you have a reference or pointer to an instance of Outer, it could access that.

First of all, you are trying to access non-static member var outside the class which is not allowed in C++.
Mark's answer is correct.
Anything that is part of Outer should have access to all of Outer's members, public or private.
So you can do two things, either declare var as static or use a reference of an instance of the outer class to access 'var' (because a friend class or function also needs reference to access private data).
Static var
Change var to static If you don't want var to be associated with the instances of the class.
#include <iostream>
class Outer {
static const char* const MYCONST;
static int var;
class Inner {
Inner() {
Outer::var = 1;
void func() ;
int Outer::var = 0;
void Outer::Inner::func() {
std::cout << "var: "<< Outer::var;
int main() {
Outer outer;
Outer::Inner inner;
Output- var: 1
Non-static var
An object's reference is a must to access any non-static member variables.
#include <iostream>
class Outer {
static const char* const MYCONST;
int var;
class Inner {
Inner(Outer &outer) {
outer.var = 1;
void func(const Outer &outer) ;
void Outer::Inner::func(const Outer &outer) {
std::cout << "var: "<< outer.var;
int main() {
Outer outer;
Outer::Inner inner(outer);
Output- var: 1
Edit - External links are links to my Blog.

var is not a member of inner class.
To access var, a pointer or reference to an outer class instance should be used. e.g. pOuter->var will work if the inner class is a friend of outer, or, var is public, if one follows C++ standard strictly.
Some compilers treat inner classes as the friend of the outer, but some may not. See this document for IBM compiler:
"A nested class is declared within the scope of another class. The name of a nested class is local to its enclosing class. Unless you use explicit pointers, references, or object names, declarations in a nested class can only use visible constructs, including type names, static members, and enumerators from the enclosing class and global variables.
Member functions of a nested class follow regular access rules and have no special access privileges to members of their enclosing classes. Member functions of the enclosing class have no special access to members of a nested class."


nested class invalid use of non static data member

Hi i need help with this little example.
I am unable to use _test from the nested class
class random
int _test;
class nestedClass
void notify() override {
_test = 123;
} _nestedClass;
You can use/pass a pointer to the outer class named random to achieve what you want as follows:
void notify(random* p)
p->_test = 123;
This is because a nested class can access a non-static member of the enclosing class through a pointer to the enclosing class.
You can also pass arguments as:
void notify(random* p, int i)
p->_test = i;
You can't access the non-static member of random without a instance of random. You need to tell your nestedClass which _test it want to access. There may be many instances of random out there, and therefor, many _tests.
I think what you want is:
class random
int _test;
class nestedClass
random& outer_;
nestedClass(random& outer): outer_(outer) {
void notify() {
outer_._test = 123;
} _nestedClass;
random(): _nestedClass(*this) {

Accessing private static variable outside class

I'm doing C++ after along time , i had declared a static variable inside the class as private and as far i know the static variables are independent of objects and shared across the objects .If i try to print the static variable outside the class using a class name i get the compilation errors is this because the variable is private ? I did read that the static variables can be accessed just by the Class name and the scope resolution operator .
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Sample{
int val;
static int value;
Sample(int in);
void setval(int in){
val = in;
void printval ()const{
cout << val<<endl;
Sample::Sample(int in){
val = in;
val = 0;
int Sample::value = 34;
int main()
const Sample obj(1);
Sample obj2;
cout <<"static value = " << Sample::value;
return 0;
main.cpp:37:5: error: 'int Sample::value' is private
int Sample::value = 34;
main.cpp:49:39: error: within this context
cout <<"static value = " << Sample::value;
as far i know the static variables are independent of objects and shared across the objects
That is correct. However, sharing variables across object instances and making variables accessible are independent of each other. There are four combinations of (shared, accessible) pairs. All four are available to you:
public static variable is shared and accessible outside the class
private static variable is shared, but not accessible outside the class
public non-static variable is not shared, but accessible outside the class
private non-static variable is neither shared nor accessible outside the class
Note that the way you deal with the private static value can be modeled after the way you work with non-static val, i.e. by giving your class users some public member-functions to work with the static variable:
class Sample {
static int getvalue() { return value; }
Now you can print it like this:
cout << "static value = " << Sample::getvalue();
Private class members and methods are accessible only by the class's members and methods. This is true whether the class member is static, or not. This has no influence on the accessibility of the class member.
Note that a public class method has access to private class members, just like any other method, and this does not preclude a public class method from returning a pointer or a reference to the private class members. That's one option for you.

Dont allow access to member variable directly within same class

I am not sure is my question is right or not? But let me still try to ask once.
I have a Class with have few member variables defined. As per OO concepts, every member function can access , all member variables of its class.
But I want these member variable to be accessed via specific methods (Lets say Getters) , even within same class member functions.
It there any way to do it?
class A {
void func1();
void func2();
B getB();
B b;
void A::func1() {
b.functionFromB(); // function uses member variable b directly
void A::func2() {
B b1=getB(); // function ask for B from a function and then uses it. // I need something like this... And ensure each function uses same way otherwise there should be warning...
No, there is not. You can do it via encapsulation and inheritance like:
class shape
int angles;
shape(int angles_):angles(angles_){};
int getAngles() const;
class square : private shape
void doSth()
\\ you can access angles only via getAngles();
Any private members of the class can be accessed from within the class, but not by users of the class. So it looks like you need private members and public methods that allow access to them.
class A
int a;
int getA() {return a;}
int main()
A inst;
int t;
inst.a =5; // error member a is private
t = inst.getA(); //OK
The concept extends fine to nested class declarations in case you only want to allow instance of a class to be created from another class; details here
As others have said - you have to add an additional layer.
If you want to give access to specific methods then you can use the friend keyword. E.g.
// Public.h
#pragma once
class Public
int GetI() const;
float GetF() const;
std::unique_ptr<Private> p_;
#include "Public.h"
: p_(new Private)
int Public::GetI() const
return p_->i_;
float Public::GetF() const
return p_->f_;
// Private.h
#pragma once
class Private
friend int Public::GetI() const;
friend float Public::GetF() const;
int i_;
float f_;
Keep in mind that every friend method can access ALL private members.
If you really really want to limit which methods can access which members then you can wrap each member in a separate class/struct and make only the getter/setter of that member a friend of that class/struct but I would not recommend this approach.

Private static class members

When we declare a member variable static, it is shared between all instances of the class. I've heard that you should think of the variable belonging to the class itself, not any instance. This lets us initialize the variable without instantiating any object of the class, which makes sense.
class Something
static int s_nValue;
int Something::s_nValue = 1;
But why are we allowed to initialize a private static member?
class Something
static int s_nValue;
int Something::s_nValue = 1;
Does private even mean anything when we are talking about static members?
Yes, it does mean something. Consider the following example, which throws a compiler error, because the member is private. Being able to initialize a private variable is not the same as being able to change it from any context.
class Something
static int s_nValue;
int Something::s_nValue = 1;
int main(){
Something::s_nValue = 2; // Compiler error here.
Private still means the same thing: you cannot use the name Something::s_nValue except in the definition of a member of Something (or a friend, or a nested class within Something).
int Something::s_nValue = 1;
is the definition of a member of Something - namely, that static member s_nValue.
int Something::another_static_val = s_nValue; // also okay
int OtherClass::x = Something::s_nValue; // Illegal access!
int Something::getValue() const {
return s_nValue; // okay, getValue is a member of same class
int regularFunction() {
return Something::s_nValue; // Illegal access!
Does private even mean anything when we are talking about static members?
I'll try to answer with a classic example. Consider the following piece of code:
#include <iostream>
class foo {
static int count;
int id;
foo() : id(++count) {}
int getid() const { return id; }
int foo::count = 0;
int main() {
foo f1, f2, f3;
std::cout << f1.getid() << std::endl;
std::cout << f2.getid() << std::endl;
std::cout << f3.getid() << std::endl;
In the example above we use a private static int to count the instances of foo created. We made the count static member variable private because we don't want anyone else except object of type foo to mess with it.
And this is only a naive example, think of the possibilities.
Public, private and protected are properties of a class and not of an object. Their purpose is to let you specify which parts of this class are visible to other classes, and not to hide stuff from objects of the same class. So, you can write code like this :
class A
bool operator<(const A& other)
return this->val < other.val;
int val;
So, private makes sense even when applied to static members - it just says that other classes cannot see this member.

Why is it not possible to use private method in a lambda?

Having a class like this:
class A {
bool hasGrandChild() const;
bool hasChild() const;
vector<A> children_;
Why is it not possible to use a private method hasChild() in a lambda expression defined in the method hasGrandChild() like this?
bool A::hasGrandChild() const {
return any_of(children_.begin(), children_.end(), [](A const &a) {
return a.hasChild();
Compiler issues an error that the method hasChild() is private within the context. Is there any workaround?
It seems that the code as I posted it originally works. I thought that it is equivalent, but the code that does not work on GCC is more like this:
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
class Foo;
class BaseA {
bool hasChild() const { return !children_.empty(); }
std::vector<Foo> children_;
class BaseB {
bool hasChild() const { return false; }
class Foo : public BaseA, public BaseB {
bool hasGrandChild() const {
return std::any_of(children_.begin(), children_.end(), [](Foo const &foo) {
return foo.BaseA::hasChild();
int main()
Foo foo;
return 0;
Seems that there is a problem with fully qualified names as this does not work, but this works.
It seems to be just a GCC bug in a special case when the lambda tries to access a protected member from parent class using fully qualified name. This does not work:
class Base {
bool hasChild() const { return !childs_.empty(); }
std::vector<Foo> childs_;
class Foo : public Base {
bool hasGrandChild() const {
return std::any_of(childs_.begin(), childs_.end(), [](Foo const &foo) {
return foo.Base::hasChild();
, but this works:
class Foo : public Base {
bool hasGrandChild() const {
return std::any_of(childs_.begin(), childs_.end(), [](Foo const &foo) {
return foo.hasChild();
According to C++11, 5.1.2/3:
The type of the lambda-expression (which is also the type of the
closure object) is a unique, unnamed non-union class type — called the
closure type — whose properties are described below. This class type
is not an aggregate (8.5.1). The closure type is declared in the
smallest block scope, class scope, or namespace scope that contains
the corresponding lambda-expression.
And then C++11, 11.7/1:
A nested class is a member and as such has the same access rights as
any other member.
So the mentioned function-local lambda should have the same access rights as any other member of the class. Therefore it should be able to call a protected method from a parent class.
The standard (C++11, §5.1.2/3) states that
The type of the lambda-expression (which is also the type of the
closure object) is a unique, unnamed non-union class type — called
the closure type.
Since it's a unique class type that is not a friend of A, it doesn't have access to A's private members.
What the compiler does here is create a class type that has appropriate members to store any captured variables, an appropriate operator() etc -- which is exactly what you would write yourself if you wanted to emulate lambdas in C++03. This type would certainly not have access to private members, which might make it easier to visualize why the limitation exists and why there is no workaround.
Update regarding possible workarounds:
It would be better to say "there are no workarounds using a lambda", because in general workarounds do exist although they require that you forgo the convenient lambda syntax. For example, you could:
Write a local class type that explicitly captures this along with any other locals it requires (inspired by Björn Pollex's comment below).
Write a private method instead of a lambda and pass that as the callback (e.g. using std::bind for convenience). If you want to capture locals in addition to this you can use more std::bind at the call site to do so.
typedef bool (A::*MemFn)(void) const;
bool A::hasGrandChild() const {
MemFn f = &A::hasChild;
return any_of(childs_.begin(), childs_.end(), [=](A const &a) {
return (a.*f)();
You can capture this explicitly and make it a "member lambda" that has access to private members.
For example, consider the following sample:
#include <iostream>
class A {
void f() { std::cout << "Private"; }
void g() {
[this] {
// doesn't need qualification
class B {
void f() { std::cout << "Private"; }
void g() { [] { f(); }(); } // compiler error
int main() {
A a;
It isn't possible because the lambda is not a part of the class. It's the same as making an out-of-class function, and calling it instead of creating a lambda. Of course it doesn't have access to private members.