angularjs ui-router: find level of current state - regex

So I'm using ui-router and stateparams to nest child states, and it works well. I'm now trying to find a way to dictate a css class what state level the app is at. main.route1.section1 would be 3 levels.
Here's some non-working code to help show:
<div ng-class="{findState().currentCount}"></div>$rootScope, $state, $stateParams) {
$rootScope.$state = $state;
$rootScope.$stateParams = $stateParams;
$rootScope.findState = function() {
var currentName = $;
var currentMatch = currentName.match(/./g);
$rootScope.currentCount = currentMatch.length;
I'm basically looking for a way to take $ which say equals main.route1.section1 and split it at the dot and count how many are in the array and return that number to the mg-class. Unless you have a better idea... like a regex filter?

Take a look of the object $state.$current (instead of $state.current). In particular, the property path : it's an array representing the state hierarchy of the current state.
So what you are looking for is : $state.$current.path.length


vue testing vuetify input for disabled

I am very new to testing and I'm struggling my way through all this new stuff I am learning. Today I want to write a test for a vuetify <v-text-field> component like this:
my test should handle the following case:
an active, logged in user has a array in vuex store which has his permissions as a array of strings. exactly like this
userRights: ['dashboard', 'imprint', 'dataPrivacy']
the checkPermissionFor() function is doing nothing else then checking the array above with a arr.includes('x')
after it came out the right is not included it gives me a negotiated return which handles the disabled state on that input field.
I want to test this exact scenario.
my test at the moment looks like this:
it('user has no rights to edit other user overview data', () => {
const store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {
ActiveUser: {
userData: {
isLoggedIn: true,
isAdmin: false,
userRights: ['dashboard', 'imprint', 'dataPrivacy']
const wrapper = shallowMount(Overview, {
const addUserPermission = wrapper.vm.checkPermissionFor('users.write')
const inputName = wrapper.find(
big questions now:
how can I select a input from vuetify which has no class like in my case
how can I test for "is the input disabled?"
wrapper.find method accepts a query string. You can pass a query string like this :
input[label='Name'] or if you know the exact index you can use this CSS query too : input:nth-of-type(2).
Then find method will return you another wrapper. Wrapper has a property named element which returns the underlying native element.
So you can check if input disabled like this :
const buttonWrapper = wrapper.find("input[label='Name']");
const isDisabled = buttonWrapper.element.disabled === true;
expect(isDisabled ).toBe(true)
For question 1 it's a good idea to put extra datasets into your component template that are used just for testing so you can extract that element - the most common convention is data-testid="test-id".
The reason you should do this instead of relying on the classes and ids and positional selectors or anything like that is because those selectors are likely to change in a way that shouldn't break your test - if in the future you change css frameworks or change an id for some reason, your tests will break even though your component is still working.
If you're (understandably) worried about polluting your markup with all these data-testid attributes, you can use a webpack plugin like to strip them out of your dev builds. Here's how I use that with laravel mix:
const createAttributeRemover = require('vue-remove-attributes');
if (mix.inProduction()) {
vue: {
compilerOptions: {
modules: [
as for your second question I don't know I was googling the same thing and I landed here!

Regex for getting content of a html property when another specific property doesn't exist

I struggle to find a solution for what is probably pretty simple, and despite I crawl a lot of questions, I can't manage to make it work.
Here are 2 HTML elements:
I want to get ONLY the content of the 1st element's href property (#content1). It must match because the html element contains no "onclick" property.
This regex works for matching the 1st element only:
^<a href="#"((?!onclick).)*$
but I can't figure out how to get the HREF content.
I've tried this:
^<a href="#(.*)"((?!onclick).)*$
but in this case, both elements are matching.
Thanks for your help !
I strongly suggest that you should do that in two steps. For one thing, parsing arbitrary html with a regexp is a notoriously slippery and winding road. For the other: there is no achievement in doing everything with one illegible regex.
And there's more to it: "contains no "onclick" attribute" is not the same as "href attribute is not directly followed by onclick attribute". So, a one-regex-solution would be either very complicated or very fragile (html tags have arbitrary attributes order).
var a = [
a.filter(i => i.match(/onclick/i) == null)
.map(i => i.match(/href="([^"]+)"/i)[1]
This assumes that your href attribute values are valid and do not contain quotes (which is, of course, technically possible).
Regex is not made for this. JavaScript would work better. This code will store an array of the hrefs matching your requirements in the variable hrefArray.
var hrefArray = [];
for (var elem of document.getElementsByTagName('a')) {
if (elem.onclick) hrefArray.push(elem.href)
An example with your HTML is in the snippet below:
var hrefArray = [];
for (var elem of document.getElementsByTagName('a')) {
if (elem.onclick) hrefArray.push(elem.href)
body {
background-color: gray;

Is it good practice to reference services in html templates in Angular 2?

As the question states, is there any downside in referencing the service directly in the template as such :
[disabled]="stateService.selectedClient == null || stateService.currentStep == 1"
In my opinion this doesn't seem like good practice and I'd much rather keep a "selectedClient" object in whatever component needs to use it. How can I get the state and store it into local variables, while observing the changes:
example: I want to move from step1 to step2 by changing "currentStep" in the "stateService", however I want the component that keeps "currentStep" ALSO as a local variable to reflect the change in the state?
Is it good practice to reference services in html templates in Angular
I'd generally avoid it. It seems to bring more chaos than good.
Coming from OOP background, this approach looks like it breaks the Law of Demeter, but more importantly,
It's no longer MVC, where your controller (Angular2's Component) acts like a mediator between the view and the services.
Like Ced said, what if a call to a service's member is costly and we need to refer to it multiple times in the view?
At the moment my editor of choice (VS Code) does not fully support Angular2 templates; referencing too many things outside of its own Component's scope in a template makes refactoring not fun anymore.
Sometimes it looks more elegant (because it saves you 2 lines of code), but trust me, it's not.
How can I get the state and store it into local variables, while
observing the changes
Madhu Ranjan has a good answer to this. I'll just try to make it more complete here for your particular example:
In your StateService, define:
currentStep : Subject<number> = new Subject<number>();
selectedClient: Subject<Client> = new Subject<Client>();
changeStep(nextStep: number){;
selectClient(client: Client) {;
In your Component:
currentStep: number;
constructor(stateService : StateService){
(currStep, client) => {
if (client == null) {
// I'm assuming you are not showing any step here, replace it with your logic
return -1;
return currStep;
.subscribe(val => {
this.currentStep = val;
You may try below,
currentStep : Subject<number> = new Subject<number>();
somestepChangeMethod(){<set step here to depending on your logic>);
// use this in template
currentStep: number;
constructor(stateService : stateServiceClass){
stateService.currentStep.subscribe(val => {
this.currentStep = val;
Hope this helps!!
It is probably not a good idea to expose your subject inside of your state service. Something like this would be better.
private currentStep: Subject<number> = new Subject<number>();
changeStep(value: number) {;
get theCurrentStep(): Observable<number> {
currentStep: number;
constructor(private stateService: StateService) {
this.currentStep = this.stateService.theCurrentStep;
[disabled]="(currentStep | async) == 1" // Not sure if this part would work

Creating Groups out of two different lists

I guess this is an easy one but I have no clue how to do this.
I have two lists of Persons
List<Person> specificPersons
List<Person> allPersons
I would like to create groups out of the two complete lists like the following with linq.
IEnumerable<IGrouping<string, Person>> personsGroups
The string will be any custom string. I would use this to display both lists separated by a group header in a Windows 8.1 Metro Application ListView using a CollectionViewSource binding to the IEnumerable.
You can do something like this:
string headerSpecific = "Specific";
string headerAll = "All";
var query =
specificPersons.GroupBy(_ => headerSpecific )
allPersons.GroupBy(_ => headerAll));
Note you have other ways to accomplish similar functionality (although not matching your question's requirements), for instance using anonymous types instead of groups:
var query =
specificPersons.Select(p => new { Header = headerSpecific, p})
allPersons.Select(p => new { Header = headerAll, p}));
I would suggest adding a Group property to Person, which you can set via a simple loop on each of your lists. Then you can do this:
IEnumerable<IGrouping<string, Person>> personsGroups = specificPersons.Concat(allPersons).GroupBy(p => p.Group);
Note that this would not make sense if Person is a domain entity and/or exists in your database. Since these groups are for display purposes, use a view model (e.g. PersonViewModel) and add the Group property to that model to avoid changing your domain model.

Ignore or replace Handlebars blocks that don't compile

In a handlebars template in Ember.js, I have blocks like the following:
Some of these attributes don't exist and I'm implementing them slowly.
Is there a way to get these templates to compile and either ignore the blocks that don't evaluate or better yet, replace them with a html element so they're easier to spot in the browser?
(the template is pretty large and it's being converted from ERB slowly,
Is there a way to get these templates to compile and either ignore the blocks that don't evaluate
Properties that don't exist are undefined, and don't get rendered at all. In other words {{thisDoesNotExist}} will simply be invisible -- it will compile just fine.
or better yet, replace them with a html element so they're easier to spot in the browser
As Cory said, you could use a helper for this that checks for undefined, using Ember.Handlebars.registerBoundHelper.
This seems like a perfect case for a handlebars helper. The helper could validate the value and return the value or the html that you desire.
The following code should be used very carefully, since it has not been tested within an application.
A possible solution to replace the possible undefined value in a template is to overwrite Ember.getPath, which is used to lookup the value of a path in a template, see
var getPath = Ember.getPath;
Ember.getPath = function(obj, path) {
var value = getPath(obj, path);
return (Ember.none(value) ? 'OMG %# is not defined!!'.fmt(path) : value);
If this code would be used temporarily in an application, I would also restrict the check for undefined values to a specific obj. So something along those lines:
App.objectWhichHasUndefinedProps = Ember.Object.create({
templateName: 'templateWithAttributes',
objBinding: 'App.objectWhichHasUndefinedProps'
var getPath = Ember.getPath;
Ember.getPath = function(obj, path) {
var value = getPath(obj, path);
if (obj === App.objectWhichHasUndefinedProps) {
return (Ember.none(value) ? 'OMG %# is not defined!!'.fmt(path) : value);
return value;