MFC ribbon large images resource on multiple rows - mfc

I'm working on a ribbon application and I need lots of icons for each category. If I put all the images for the category on the same row it becomes too wide, i.e. difficult for maintainance when I need to add/edit something. So my question is: is there a way to put the images on several rows? Thanks!

There is no way to put images on several rows.
The toolbar mode to manipulate tiles of the bitmaps isn't available on demand.
I use a different tool to manage such bitmaps (i.E. Axialis)

Axialis Icon Workshop is a good choice. Try to get the free version somewhere: It has everything you need for ribbon icons, including good alpha channel handling.
If you really insist on using smaller bitmaps, you could use an alternative constructor to associate icons to your UI elements:
CMFCToolBarImages smallerIconGroup; // load some bitmap ressource into this object
CMFCRibbonButtonEx myButton = new CMFCRibbonButtonEx(ID_MYCOMMAND, _T("My Button"), smallerIconGroup.ExtractIcon(0));

OK, I saw Axialis. It looks good, but for now I'm sticking to Gimp :D If I see the icons are too much, I'll check the portable version.


wxWidgets Overlay Text (C++)

I am trying to place some overlay text over a wxPanel.
I have several panels with completely different Content but I want to place this overlay text over all of these panels in the top right Corner of the panel.
I am restricted to wxWidgets 2.8.12..
Do you see any way to achieve this behaviour?
Here a bit more detailed Version of what I am trying to do:
I have a Layout that consists of e.g. 5 containers and each container can contain a module. A module can be either wxPanels that contain Plain text or Input controls or for example a OpenGL canvas or an Image or something else.
Because I have much content and it does not fit on a single page I want to make the modules inside a Container exchangeable. It would be also nice if the user is able to perform this action only by using its keyboard. E.g. if he presses the key "3" the content of the third container has to be switched.
To handle these shortcuts isn't a problem. However I need to signalize to the user the identifier / hotkey of the containers.
I could do this by placing a additional headline above each container, but I want to waste as little space as possible on the gui.
I also could draw directly to the modules content, but I would have to do this for every module and every module is designed in a different way (images, multi column, opengl, ...) and maybe even by different persons.
So I am looking for a simple solution to indicate the number of these containers that does not consume that much space.
Thanks for your help
You can use a wxWindowDC to draw anywhere on the window, even on child windows. However anything you draw will be painted over whenever the windows or controls repaint themselves. You can draw your overlay in an UpdateUI event handler to minimize this. I have used this approach with success on Windows with wxWidgets 2.8.12. Not sure if it works with OpenGL though.

Add drop shadow to ListView (Icon mode)?

If you look at the thumbnail images in Windows Explorer you'll notice that they have a drop shadow, is this effect associated with the ListView control or does Windows Explorer does some extra coding to accomplish this effect?
So it turned out that Windows uses another control. So my question now is how can I add a drop shadow to the "normal" ListView.
For a standard list view, you may want to use a technique called custom draw (
Basically, you ask your list view not to draw its items, but instead send you some window messages for you to draw them yourself. This is a very flexible but also troublesome technique, because you need to handle many things (like whether an item is selected/disabled, font, color etc.)
The drop shadow you see in Windows Explorer is not publicly available for you to use. So you will have to custom-draw the items (NM_CUSTOMDRAW) by yourself.
Not sure if such effect is available in GDI/GDI+, but Direct2D does have one:

Expanding Qt interface if necessary

I'm working on a Qt project and I've noticed a persistent problem with some GUI forms. The form looks fine on KDE (bottom picture) and Windows , but when the app runs on anything GNOME3-based (like Unity or GNOME3 itself) some parts of the form are hidden from view. (Top picture, everything below the Sort Ascending radio button is cut off)
The problem seems to be with how Qt layouts handle large font sizes. If the user is using normal-sized system font (<= 10pt) everything works fine. If they are using larger fonts, the form is not large enough to accommodate everything. Other forms affected by this bug are merely crowded, but that isn't as serious as having vital controls out of bounds. The layout doesn't want to resize itself to take advantage of new space if I enlarge the dialog. Is there an easy way to make it do this or do I need to hard-code it? Originally the code prevented dialog resizing during runtime, but restoring that functionality didn't fix the bug. Even if the dialog can expand, the problem is the layout won't expand with it.
Up until now, I've made all affected forms oversized to compensate for this bug, but it looks strange to have the dialogs much bigger than they need to be on Windows and KDE systems where the font is the proper size. Is there a way to cause an affected dialog/layout to resize itself so everything fits properly at runtime? If so, how would the program detect it when parts of the GUI are out of bounds? I would prefer not to force a certain font size (some people may prefer large fonts due to vision problems).
Thanks in advance for help.
The fix for this is using a different approach when displaying forms. A more dynamic way as I'll describe. I've successfully used this approach on Windows with 96 and very high DPI modes (over 120).
Query the OS and get the user's chosen font for a particular system item; say the font used for the window caption or system dialog boxes. Also you could allow the user to choose their font later if they desired. Use True Type fonts when doing this if possible.
Using that font, construct a string object that you'll use for a label or edit control (I don't know what this is for QT, for Windows it is GetTextExtentPoint32) and pass it to a system function to determine the width and height of the string for your environment.
Given the above value, place the control and dynamically resize the form with the padding all around the control as you like. For buttons you might always add a certain percentage of pixels above and below the button to taste.
For graphical elements like Bitmaps and jpegs, again query the OS for the current DPI settings of the monitor and use larger, pre-made resources. Naturally, all text around theses elements will be dynamically placed on the fly.
Note that on Windows you'll need to mark your exe as high dpi aware using a manifest.

Qt scrolling a large image

I need to implement a simple sound editor with a specific signal processing function.
I want to display the sound information vertically as a large picture - 1024 x [large height].
So I'm looking for Qt's best way to implement low-cpu-consuming vertical scrolling similar to web-browsers scrolling.
You need to create a custom widget by overriding it's paintEvent().
Have a look at this self-explanatory example on how to create a following widget.
A normal QScrollArea will give you what you want 99% of the time. But you're wanting to create a bitmap of potentially massive size, and you want to store it in RAM - you will quickly run out of space.
You are probably going to need a need a system where you save the image to file, and use the scroll area's bounds to intelligently load it's contents from the file (and a certain size around it to make it smooth) - Qt does not provide this. This is hardly groundbreaking stuff, so a web search for "scrolling very large images" or something similar should give a smart result.
If your intention is to plot STFT data, then you can easily adopt one of the widgets in the QWT library:
Anyway, take a look at it, it is a great source of inspiration and the code is available...

How to display different size images in CListCtrl

In my MFC program,I want to display different size images in a list!
I use CListCtrl and CImageList!
But the CImageList only can load fixed images!
Variable row heights in CListCtrl is not supported. You could take a look at this article that describes a control based on CWnd that handles drawing of variable row heights.
I would consider to use the so called "owner drawn" mode to draw these myself. I don't know about another option (there is no built-in mode)... Maybe you can also take the biggest size and fit the smaller images into the bigger frames but I think it will be the same effort and be less efficient...
I mean use the
Create a "grid," a non-symmetrical grid most likely, on a dialog or Form. Then populate it with irregular shaped images as you choose. If you need more space look into a Scrollable “whatever,” view, dialog, etc.
Irregular or non rectangular shaped bitmaps seems a good place to start.