How to display different size images in CListCtrl - mfc

In my MFC program,I want to display different size images in a list!
I use CListCtrl and CImageList!
But the CImageList only can load fixed images!

Variable row heights in CListCtrl is not supported. You could take a look at this article that describes a control based on CWnd that handles drawing of variable row heights.

I would consider to use the so called "owner drawn" mode to draw these myself. I don't know about another option (there is no built-in mode)... Maybe you can also take the biggest size and fit the smaller images into the bigger frames but I think it will be the same effort and be less efficient...
I mean use the

Create a "grid," a non-symmetrical grid most likely, on a dialog or Form. Then populate it with irregular shaped images as you choose. If you need more space look into a Scrollable “whatever,” view, dialog, etc.
Irregular or non rectangular shaped bitmaps seems a good place to start.


MFC ribbon large images resource on multiple rows

I'm working on a ribbon application and I need lots of icons for each category. If I put all the images for the category on the same row it becomes too wide, i.e. difficult for maintainance when I need to add/edit something. So my question is: is there a way to put the images on several rows? Thanks!
There is no way to put images on several rows.
The toolbar mode to manipulate tiles of the bitmaps isn't available on demand.
I use a different tool to manage such bitmaps (i.E. Axialis)
Axialis Icon Workshop is a good choice. Try to get the free version somewhere: It has everything you need for ribbon icons, including good alpha channel handling.
If you really insist on using smaller bitmaps, you could use an alternative constructor to associate icons to your UI elements:
CMFCToolBarImages smallerIconGroup; // load some bitmap ressource into this object
CMFCRibbonButtonEx myButton = new CMFCRibbonButtonEx(ID_MYCOMMAND, _T("My Button"), smallerIconGroup.ExtractIcon(0));
OK, I saw Axialis. It looks good, but for now I'm sticking to Gimp :D If I see the icons are too much, I'll check the portable version.

How to provide a custom column width calculation for CListCtrl?

I'm using a CListCtrl with my own "DrawItem" to draw some custom graphics into the first column, in front of the text. The text is moved ~20 pixels to the right for this. That part works.
If the user double-clicks the column divider in the header, Windows calculates the best column width. But of course Windows doesn't know my custom drawing. So the result is ~20 pixels too small for the first column.
How can I correct that?
Found a workaround:
I can trick MFC into thinking that the list control uses checkboxes:
pMyList->SetExtendedStyle(pMyList->GetExtendedStyle() | LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES);
The user will never ever see the system's checkboxes (because of my custom drawing), but this gives me just the space that I need.

Avoid truncation of Labels in a ListView

I use a listview (Icon mode) to display items which consist of an image and a label.
As you can see in the shots the row height is variable on y depending on the label length. The problem is that I want the complete labels to be drawn, but they are automatically shrinked into two lines:
The strange thing about it is that once you select an item the whole label will be shown:
This is also the case when deselecting the item, but when another item gets selected, only that one will be shown completely.
Is there a way (without drawing the text manually) to avoid truncation in my case?
If some code is needed to answer this question, don't hesitate to ask.
I'm guessing this was a design choice: make things look less cluttered. E.g. picture your desktop with all labels shown completely... will look messy in my case.
However, you can fix this by drawing the label yourself. Have a look into custom draw which is a service provided by the list control. The thing is that it's usually an all or nothing approach, so this will likely require you to draw everything yourself: border, image, label, etc. The other option is to get hacky: subclass the window and draw the labels again after Windows did in response to several messages (unfortunately Windows does not restrict the painting to WM_PAINT, an optimization that is a left-over from the old days...)

How can you make buttons on a MSVS C++ CToolBar larger along with their images?

We have a touch screen, and the toolbar is too small to hit with my meaty fingers. Is there an easy way I can have an option to make the toolbar buttons bigger and easier to hit?
So far I've attempted a few things:
m_toolbar.SetSizes( CSize(64,64), CSize(50,50) );
m_toolbar.SetSizes( CSize(64,64), CSize(50,50) );
m_toolbar.GetToolBarCtrl().SetButtonWidth( 64, 64 );
m_toolbar.GetToolBarCtrl().SetButtonSize( CSize(64, 64) );
None of these approaches stretches the images as well. The buttons get larger, and are fully functional, but the images do not overlap the buttons the way they normally would. I would prefer to keep a single image list for the icons, and have the images stretched to fit.
At toolbar creation time, create an empty CImageList with size 64x64 (let's call it large). Load the original image list from resources (we call it small).
Iterate over each image in small and copy/resize it to large.
Then assign large to your toolbar. Somewhat cumbersome bui should work.
As far as I know there is no way to make images resize with the size of the buttons. MFC applications use bmp and not vectorial images.
So you will have to supply a bmp images with the disired sizes.
You can use a CImageList and SetImageList to set the images but then you will have to
initialize images there with the disired size also.

How could I insert a bitmap or other image objects in a CListCtrl in MFC?

I want to list the thumbnails of a set of photos in a listctrl. But the only way to achieve this is to use the setImageList method to bind a image list to the CListCtrl object and insert items like this: InsertItem (int nItem, LPCTSTR lpszitem, int nImage). I also must modify the listctrl's style by ModifyStyle(LVS_TYPEMASK, LVS_ICON) to force it to display the icon of each item.
I don't think this approach a good way to achieve my goal. Can I add items of bitmap or other image objects directly in a CListCtrl?
Thank you very much!
Why do you think it's not a good approach? Your other options are to make it an owner-drawn control and render the images yourself, or use a callback for the images via CListCtrl::SetCallbackMask.
List controls use image lists for a reason; the bitmaps are stored in a way that is most efficient for rendering the list control. You would be pretty hard pressed to do it any better.
Given that you need these sorts of extended features, sounds like you must use owner-draw. A good example is here. It doesn't show how to draw the image, but once you've got the owner-draw procedure set up you should be able to use typical BitBlts to paint the images.