User specific database entries - django

I am trying to do user and group specific database entries in my Django-REST-Framework backend. I am conceptually lost. Here's the idea I have so far:
On the database objects I want to retrieve, add a group attribute as well as a creator attribute. When I query the database, depending on the situation, I will filter by creator=request.user or group=request.user.groups.all().
However I do know that the above group part doesn't work. And I imagine I could loop through every group the user belongs to and check the group against each one. However this (to me) seems like a conceptually terrible idea. Lets say the user belongs to 20 groups and the database has 100000 entries - that's up to 2 million checks for one retrieval. That can't be okay. So my question is - how should I do this type of by group retrieval?


Django multiple admin modifying the same databases

i'm a total noob in django and just wondering if it's possible for an admin doing a same thing at the same time ? the only thing i get after looking at the django documentation is that it is possible to have two admins, but is it possible for the admins to do a task in the same databases at the same time ?
thanks for any help
You didn't made it clear that what do you actually want but:
If by admin you mean a superuser then yes you can have as many admins as you want.
Admins can change anything in database at the same time, but if you mean changing a specific row of a specific table at the same time, its not possible because of these reasons:
Its kinda impossible to save something at the same time. when both admins tries to save anything, the last request will be saved (the first one will be saved too but it changes to the last request)
and if there is any important data in database, you should block any other accesses to that row till the first user has done his job and saved the changes. (imagine a ticket reservation website which has to block any other users to be allowed to order the same ticket number till user finishes the order or cancel it.)
Also if you mean 2 different django projects using a single database, then its another yes. Basically they are like 2 different admins and all above conditions works for them too.

Accessing a distant relation using $owner in loopback

I just started using loopback, and I am stuck with ACL. My database has a relation like so:
User has many tests and tests have many users ( many to many, in loopback I am using hasmanythrough).
Each test has several sections (one to many)
Each section has several question(one to many)
Now, I want to get all sections that a user has , or all questions that a user has. I know that using $owner needs a belongsTo in the respective model, but in my case that is not possible.
Is there any way to achieve this without having to completely write my own queries ?
Unfortunately the $owner role doesn't work as a filter, but as security access to end-points when an instance ID is specified; basically it only works when you perform a findById, but not when you perform a find.
GET /api/tests/ does nothing. The current user sees ALL The tests. No filtering is performed
GET /api/tests/{id} checks that the currently logged in userId corresponds to the userId in the test you are trying to retrieve. If the userIds match, then the user can view this particular test. if they do not match then you get an AUTHORIZATION_REQUIRED or ACCESS_DENIED error (I can't remember which).
as I just wrote in this question, you might want to look at creating a Mixin.

Django, each user having their own table of a model

A little background. I've been developing the core code of an application in python, and now I want to implement it as a website for the user, so I've been learning Django and have come across a problem and not sure where to go with it. I also have little experience dealing with databases
Each user would be able to populate their own list, each with the same attributes. What seems to be the solution is to create a single model defining the attributes etc..., and then the user save records to this, and at the same time very frequently changing the values of the attributes of the records they have added (maybe every 5~10 seconds or so), using filters to filter down to their user ID. Each user would add on average 4000 records to this model, so say just for 1000 users, this table would have 4 million rows, 10,000 users we get 40million rows. To me this seems it would impact the speed of content delivery a lot?
To me a faster solution would be to define the model, and then for each user to have their own instance of this table of 4000ish records. From what I'm learning this would use more memory and disk-space, but I'd rather get a faster user experience as my primary end point.
Is it just my thinking because I don't have experience with databases? Or are my concerns warranted and I should find a solution as to how to be able to do the latter?
This post asked the same question I believe, but no solution on how to achieve it. How to create one Model (table) for each user on django?

How to restrict certain rows in a Django model to a department?

This looks like it should be easy but I just can't find it.
I'm creating an application where I want to give admin site access to people from different departments. Those people will read and write the same tables, BUT they must only access rows belonging to their department! I.e. they must not see any records produced by the other departments and should be able to modify only the records from their own department. If they create a record, it should automatically "belong" to the department of the user which created it (they will create records only from the admin site).
I've found django-guardian, but it looks like an overkill - I don't really want to have arbitrary per-record permissions.
Also, the number of records will potentially be large, so any kind of front-end permission checking on a per-record basis is not suitable - it must be done by DB-side filtering. Other than that, I'm not really particular how it will be done. E.g. I'm perfectly fine with mapping departments to auth groups.

How best to handle m2m relationships within an API

I'm busy creating an API using django with tastypie. I'm at a bit of a loss on how I should manage the foreign key relationship updates. I have User and Group objects related in a many-to-many fashion. Tastypie offers functionality for me to update the related set within each update, ie when I update a group I must supply the whole corresponding user set.
Ideally I'd like to have separate functionality to add and remove relationships. Consider the fact that 1 group has 1000 users, and I simply want to remove 2 users. I would love to access a url and give the 2 users that need to be deleted instead of loading the group object with its 1000 users, removing 2, then sending 998 users back along with the group details.
What is the correct design method to handle this case? Considering my use of tastypie, how can I best implement this practically?