data frame library in C++ [closed] - c++

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Closed 8 years ago.
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How might one implement data frame in R, Python, and other languages using C++?

In general, data.frame solves a problem which is solved fundamentally differently in C++ (and other languages) – namely via class hierarchies, or, in the simplest case, via a vector of tuples.
Since you haven’t given specifics it’s hard to know what exactly you are after but if it’s ease of computation, Armadillo is a good linear algebra library for C++ (one among many). I haven’t yet found a good statistics framework for C++ – I suggest simply sticking with R for that.


Native library for stereo-images and computing disparity/depth map [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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For a more complex project, I need to compute the approximate, relative distances of objects from two images (from stereo-cameras). Practically what this neat tutorial explains: and with a result like that
Think I shouldn't be reinventing the wheel for this project and since speed is very important (realtime from two videostreams) I'm looking for a native library (preferably in C++ where the whole project is written in) for this task.
Does anyone have a suggestion?
Open source would be greatest but not mandatory.
Huge thanks in advance!
try with LIBELAS library (Library for Efficient Large-scale Stereo Matching).

Implementation of generalized hypergeometric function pFq [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Is there an implementation callable from C or C++ that allows the evaluation of the generalized hypergeometric function pFq(a1,...,ap; b1,...,bp; x)?
I tried GSL and Boost, but I don't think the generalized function is available in either of those libraries.
I believe the Arb library, a C library for arbitrary-precision floating-point ball arithmetic developed by the creator of mpmath, now provides an implementation.
I would suggest using this python library for the functions you need. It seems like it has it.
The trick however is you need to be able to call a python script from C++. For that you can use a boost component.
This seems like the easiest solution, even if it is possibly inefficient.

Boost or TR1 equivalent of gsl_matrix and the like [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I cannot use gsl_matrix because my app is closed source and, according to this question, if I used GPL code directly, I'd have to make my app open source. And that's a no-no from the higher ups.
So... Does Boost, or even better, TR1, have a library with classes equivalent to gsl_matrix, gsl_vector and other types from the GNU Scientific Library? If there are such classes, how are they called?
Edit: I need to:
Perform dense matrix-vector products and sums (like gsl_blas_dgemv and gsl_blas_dgemm do)
Optionally, solve quadratic programming models.
First of all, there is C interface for BLAS/LAPACK. Some people find it 'hard' to deal with the call signatures which directly mirror the original BLAS ones.
If you're more into fancier side of things, there's Boost uBLAS interface, there's Armadillo, to name just two. Performance-wise, your mileage may vary.

What is the most "standard" worthy database library for c++? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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In my personal c++ studies, I've focused on projects that 1) Keep me engaged and 2) Help teach a standard principle. I want to do a project with database access. Which libraries do you think best stick with the c++ programming paradigm?
I understand that this question is open to interpretation, so please elaborate on your choice.
You might consider using the Database Template Library.
It provides a clean, iterator-based interface to access collections of records, so you can use it with all of the Standard Library algorithms. It also does a pretty good job of limiting the boilerplate you need to write to map database entities to user-defined types in your project.
I'm a fan of OTL ( which also provides a clean, STL-like interface. It's worked for my needs and is simple to use.

Corner Stitching Datastructure, Any Open Source Implementations? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I recall learning about the corner-stitched data structure a number of years ago and have been fascinated with it ever since. It originated with a paper by Ousterhout.
I've searched and not been able to find a free/open implementations. I'd prefer a C++ implementation, but at this point would accept any pointers people might have.
Note: a corner-stitched data structure is a way to store 2 dimensional, rectangluar data, explicitly maintaining the whitespace between inserted elements. This is as opposed to a quad-tree which just stores the inserted data elements. There are many trade-offs, I'm mostly interested in an implementation - but would also accept alternatives that have similar properties.
Ousterhout's own software package Magic implements corner stitching. The C source code is available BSD-licensed at