Emberjs one way & two way bindings? - ember.js

Lets say I want that my page's title will change depending on a really simple field what is the Ember way of doing it?
I didn't really understand the bindings in Ember, do I have to create an object even if all I need is just 1 field?
Does Ember support two way bindings? if it does so how can I constrain the bindings to one-way only?
I think i'm a bit confused with Ember-data & regular Ember, when I use Ember-data do I need to care about bindings at all?
Thanks in advance :)

This is a little vague (or I just don't fully understand what you're asking), so I'll shotgun approach and we can narrow down as you ask more questions.
Preface: Ember Data is a client side record management library, Ember works completely fine without it.
A page's title is a little tricky since it's kind of out of the scope of the viewable dom, but the best way to handle it would be with an observer. In the example below, as the title property changes inside of my application controller I'm setting the document.title.
App.ApplicationController = Em.Controller.extend({
watchTitle: function(){
document.title = this.get('title');
Example: http://emberjs.jsbin.com/haducafu/1
Computed Properties
Ember does support one way bindings (though rarely do you need to care about bindings). More often you want to care about dependent properties. eg if property a has changed, property b should be updated etc. In the case below, b is a computed property that depends on a, if a changed, b is dirty, and ember should re-computed it.
App.ApplicationController = Em.Controller.extend({
b: function(){
return 'Hello: ' + this.get('a');
Example: http://jsbin.com/haducafu/2/edit
Simple Binding
Additionally Ember can do just simple bindings (you can actually skip defining name, since ember would define it the first time it uses it).
App.ApplicationController = Em.Controller.extend({
<h2>Hello {{name}}</h2>
Name: {{input value=name}}
Example: http://jsbin.com/haducafu/3/edit
One Way/Read Only:
One way will take the value from its host property, unless you set it, if you set it it stops following the dependent property and becomes its own (not modifying the dependent property).
Read only will take values form the host property, and if you try and set it it will blow chunks.
App.ApplicationController = Em.Controller.extend({
oneWay: Em.computed.oneWay('name'),
readOnly: Em.computed.readOnly('name')
Try changing name first, they will all update, then change oneWay and it will diverge and never return, then change readOnly and it will throw errors.
Example: http://jsbin.com/haducafu/4/edit


Fetch new data from API in jQuery plugin's callback

I am new to ember, so please treat me like a fool. What I'm trying to do first is to understand the concept.
In my application I heavily rely on few jQuery plugins they fetch new portion of data in their callbacks, that's how these plugins are designed, but I am not sure how can I trigger them to fetch a new portion of data from API passing to API updated query parameters after plugin has been rendered.
I have wrapped the plugin in a component, in component's template I send data to it as (I use emblem.js syntax here)
= plotly-chart chartData=model
In model I have
import DS from 'ember-data';
export default DS.Model.extend({
// time: DS.attr(),
ch1: DS.attr(),
ch2: DS.attr(),
ch3: DS.attr(),
temperature: DS.attr(),
And then in component itself I fetch data
dataPoints: Ember.computed.map('chartData', function(item){
return item.getProperties('ch1', 'ch2', 'ch3', 'temperature');
and make some manipulations with data, which isn't so important for the question itself.
Ah, and I have a route graph/ which later calls that component
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Route.extend({
queryParams: {
start_timestamp: {
refreshModel: true
end_timestamp: {
refreshModel: true
model(params) {
return this.get('store').query('data-point', params);
So as you see I have tried to fetch new properties via query params, finally it works great if I just update the url in browser, but now can I trigger new call to API and fetch new data and get this new data in a component itself?
Also I'm struggling to understand what role controllers play in all of these. It is mentioned that controllers will be deprecated soon, but still used here https://guides.emberjs.com/v2.10.0/routing/query-params/
My code seems to work without controllers, so this is really confusing.
Also I suspect maybe I should use services for what I'm trying to achieve, but not sure how.
Ember experts, could you please point me into a right direction? The most important thing is how to fetch new portion of data from API with updated query parameters (query parameters to API itself, not nessesarely the ember application, but I suspect in ember-data it is the same thing? or not %) %) %)).
Really I should use services for that, shouldn't I? Pass arguments into a service and query a store there. Would that be a correct pattern?
Then query parameters in url are not the same as querying the store and is an independent thing. Am I right?
but how can I trigger new call to API and fetch new data and get this new data in a component itself?
If you change your queryParam values in a controller using an action (combined with your current route setup) it will adjust your route and re-call your API, as the values are bound together to make this particular use case simple :-) You're about 98% of the way there ... :-)
Re controllers going away, they won't for a long time as the replacement hasn't been worked out yet. You could do some of this in a service if you want to, but there is no need as you are almost done.
Thanks, that make sense though. I just worried I'm doing it wrong.
By they way finally I found a way to access store from the controller Access store from component but:
1. I was unable to take out the data from that variable, probably it's me being stupid.
2. I double it's the right way to access store directly in a component and better to use services for that or rely on “Data Down Actions Up” (DDAU) paradigm?
Finally I was able to fetch new portion of a data calling a controller's action from within the controller, but then the next problem raised - the data was updated, but the JS code did not know about that because I feed the jQuery plugin with this data and it did not pick up changes automatically. I think I might be doing it a wrong way there %)
But finally I get it working by adding an Ember's observer to that variable and in observer calling a redraw function (for chart in this particular place).
#acorncom Thanks!

Ember: Ember Data results into components

On my route im requesting via ember-data some records. Lets say the model-type is 'item'.
model: function(){
return this.get('store').find('item');
now ive got a component named 'my-foo' which should use the records to do something with the data. Therefore Im calling the component like that:
{{my-foo myItems=model}}
in my routes template. In the components js part, Im trying to get the myItems-field and iterate over them.
Unfortunalety its not clear for me if the model i want to overgive to the component is an collection from records or just a single record (since on some routes the model is the result of store.find('item') on other store.find('item', 23424).
How can I check what kind of data arrives in the component.
(Also Im wondering what kind of object is it since im using ember-data. Is it a DS.recordarray or a promise or something else at this time?)
I can see two solutions to the problem:
Making component aware of the form that model receives
Checking and/or adjusting data type in component (in my opinion better default scenario)
As for making component aware - you could go with 2 approaches. Either differentiate in a way how your component take arguments, so there could be:
{{my-foo myItems=model}} - when you expect to receive multiple items
{{my-foo item=model}} - when you expect to receive single one
And then work accordingly further on, or - the second approach - is to actually split component (while extracting shared part to a different structure) so you would have my-foo for single items and my-foo-array for multiple.
Advantage of this approach is that you don't deal with what-if-multiple logic, that might grow to something unmanagable later on, yet usage of it is dependant on project requirements.
As for checking and/or adjusting - you already have data in, so could make assumption that your data is dirty and sanitize it using computed property. Below example, where single item is wrapped into an array.
export default Ember.Component.extend({
sanitizedItems: Ember.computed('items', function() {
var items = this.get('items');
if(!Array.isArray(items)) {
return [items];
} else {
return items;
Since you're using Ember.Data, depending on your setup, you might get a promise instead of object/array. In this case, you might want to resolve promise using this.get('items').then(function(items) { ... }) before doing sanitization, yet the idea behind is exactly the same.
You can check full example: Gist, Twiddle

Handle rejected promise when Ember Data hasMany property is accessed by template

Is there a standard way of handling errors when a 'findHasMany' call fails? Use case:
Model: App.User
DS.hasMany('comments', {'async': true});
{{#each comment in comments}}
The issue is that when the lazy loading of comments fails, due to some server issue for example, I want to be able to respond to that error in the UI (by routing somewhere else, showing a popup about errors on the page, etc). At the moment the promise just rejects. I thought that Ember Data might have some hook on the ManyArray for cases like this, but it doesn't seem to, and the store seems to define precisely nothing as the action to carry out in such cases: https://github.com/emberjs/data/blob/v1.0.0-beta.8/packages/ember-data/lib/system/store.js#L1758 - the promise is given a 'resolve' method, but not a reject method.
My options seem to be either subclassing the store, and adding in some reject code there, or subclassing DS.PromiseArray and observing the 'isRejected' property. Any thoughts would be very welcome!
This issue seems to boil down to the fact that, when handling models defined in a route, Ember and Ember Data work well together (you can catch rejecting promises in an error action) there is no similar structure for async requests directly through a template. One solution might be to have an observer in the controller that observes something like 'model.isError', but a failing hasMany relationship does not trigger an error on the owning model. I suppose instead I can do 'comments.isRejected', but again, I would have to code that in for every controller that has a model with a hasMany relationship, in other words, all of them, which doesn't seem very satisfactory. If models had an observable enumerable property (like "hasManyIsError": {comments: false, posts: true}) then it would be easy to observe any of them with 'hasManyIsError.length
Assuming a var called user that has been fetched, you'd do this:
var itWorked = function(comments) { return comments; }
var itFailed = function(error) { return error; }
user.get("comments").then(itWorked, itFailed);
async: true means it'll get using a promise... so you can use then... you can't do that on a relationship that doesn't specify async: true.
[edit] sorry I just realised it might not be obvous that whatever you put in the itFailed function will eval when the request for comments fails, and likewise inversely for itWorked... :)

Passing parameters between routes

What is the "appropriate" way in Ember to send a parameter from one route to another? For instance, I have two routes defined as such:
this.resource('activities', { path: '/activities/:on_date' }, function() {
when on the ActivitiesRoute the user is presented with a dropdown of possible activities. When they choose something it transitions to the ActivitiesNewRoute:
and I know there is a second parameter available in the transitionToRoute(route,model) method but it's meant for passing in a model and I'm assuming this shouldn't be repurposed for other parameter passing. In this case the dropdown choice is picking an Action model id and the model for ActivitiesNew is a Activity.
Here are my three guesses at ways that might work:
1) Make it a router parameter
I supposed I could change ActivitiesNew to include a "parameter" as part of the route:
this.route('new', { path: '/new/:my_parameter' });
I'm not sure I'd really like to have it becoming part of the URL path but if this was the prevailing convention then I'd live with that.
2) Get a handle, post transition
Immediately following the transitionToRoute call I could set a property of the new controller class. Not sure if the controller would be setup yet but I'm imagining something like:
this.get('target').controllerFor('activities.new').set('my_parameter', myValue);
3) Use model parameter
I suspect that this is a major no-no. I haven't looked into the Ember code to know if this could work but it seems against convention so this is my "bad option".
transitionTo & transitionToRoute return a "promise-like" object. The parameter this object is resolved with is the route, from which you can access controller and currentModel. So a nice clean way to pass information to a route to which you are transitioning is:
var my_param = ....;
this.transitionToRoute('activities.new').then(function(newRoute) {
newRoute.currentModel.set('someProperty', my_param);
newRoute.controller.set('someProperty', my_param);
note that in most cases, you do want to use needs, and bind things between controllers. However, there are certainly instances when you have things that depend on the logic of a route transition -- eg., controllerB has state X if we came to routeA from routeB, but state Y if we came from routeC. In that case, my answer is valuable.
The primary value of stack overflow to the development community is not the immediate answers you get to questions you post, but the massive ever growing wealth of googleable development knowledge. When you "infer" from a user's question that they "should" be doing something other than what they are asking how to do, you may be right (or you may be just incapable of imagining their particular circumstance), but if you answer only with your recommendation/rule/aphorism/cargo-cult-dictum instead of answering the ACTUAL QUESTION, you diminish the value of everybody else's google searches. If you want to tell someone to do something other than what they're asking, do it in a comment, or in a footnote to an answer to the actual question.
You can use the needs API (Read about it here):
App.ActivitiesNewController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
needs: ['activities']
// Bind the property you need
actionTemplateBinding: 'controllers.activities.actionTemplate'
So what you actually need is to pass a parameter between controllers, which is exactly what needs is for. Plus, binding the property with needs you ensure it is in sync at all times, instead of relying on setupController being called.
You could use query-params (http://guides.emberjs.com/v1.10.0/routing/query-params/), as follows:
this.transitionToRoute('activities.new', {queryParams: {my_param: 'my_value'});
In order to be able to receive my_param in the new controller, you would also need to define the following lines:
App.ActivitiesNewController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
queryParams: ['my_param'],
my_param: ''
A drawback of this solution is that the value of my_param will be serialized in URL - so it would not be suitable for some sensitive information you may want to pass between routes.
I'll answer my question with what I've decided to go with for now but keep it open for a a few days to see if anyone comes back with a more experienced answer. My answer may very well be perfectly fine ... it works anyway.
I've gone with a variation of #2 from the question. The difference is that that rather than trying to set a property in the ActivitiesNew controller from Activities controller I do the the opposite:
In ActivitiesNewRoute:
App.ActivitiesNewRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function(params) {
return this.store.createRecord('activity');
setupController: function(controller,model) {
controller.set('actionTemplate', this.controllerFor('activities').get('actionTemplate'));
Still interested in hearing from people if there's a better way of doing this.
Transition to route with params and set model
model = 'your-model'
route = 'your.path.to.toute'
routeLoad = #transitionToRoute route,
id: model.get 'id'
routeLoad.then (route) ->
route.set 'controller.model', model

How to linkTo a specific dynamic segment url in Ember.js?

I have a route that has a dynamic segment:
this.resource('dog', {path: '/dog/:pet_id'});
For debugging purposes, I would like to linkTo dog with the specific dynamic segment of '666'. But
{{#linkTo 'dog' '666'}}Click to go to dog{{/linkTo}}
is giving me "undefined" instead of "666". Do you know why?
See it running on jsbin.
See the code on jsbin.
Your working jsbin: http://jsbin.com/iwiruw/346/edit
The linkTo helper does not accept strings as a parameter, but instead model from which to pick up the dynamic segments defined in your router map. If you don't have a model at hand leave the parameter out, and all you need to do is to hook into the serialize function of your DogRoute (if you don't have one defined just define it to instruct ember to use yours instead of the automatically defined) and return an object/hash containing the dynamic segments your route expects, this could be anything you want:
App.DogRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
serialize: function(model) {
return {pet_id: 666};
Hope it helps.
I cleaned up the code a little bit by removing unused bits and switching to the fixture adapter. Here's a working version without the need for a serialize method: http://jsbin.com/iwiruw/347
Ultimately, nothing needed to be changed in the base code beyond using a newer version of Ember and properly setting up the actual model classes and data.