How to linkTo a specific dynamic segment url in Ember.js? - ember.js

I have a route that has a dynamic segment:
this.resource('dog', {path: '/dog/:pet_id'});
For debugging purposes, I would like to linkTo dog with the specific dynamic segment of '666'. But
{{#linkTo 'dog' '666'}}Click to go to dog{{/linkTo}}
is giving me "undefined" instead of "666". Do you know why?
See it running on jsbin.
See the code on jsbin.

Your working jsbin:
The linkTo helper does not accept strings as a parameter, but instead model from which to pick up the dynamic segments defined in your router map. If you don't have a model at hand leave the parameter out, and all you need to do is to hook into the serialize function of your DogRoute (if you don't have one defined just define it to instruct ember to use yours instead of the automatically defined) and return an object/hash containing the dynamic segments your route expects, this could be anything you want:
App.DogRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
serialize: function(model) {
return {pet_id: 666};
Hope it helps.

I cleaned up the code a little bit by removing unused bits and switching to the fixture adapter. Here's a working version without the need for a serialize method:
Ultimately, nothing needed to be changed in the base code beyond using a newer version of Ember and properly setting up the actual model classes and data.


Ember.JS - 'TypeError: internalModel.getRecord is not a function' when trying to reverse a collection of records

--Using Ember Data 2.7.1--
I am trying to reverse the order of a collection of records without first turning them into an array using toArray(). This collection of objects comes from the promise returned by'history-item').
I want to do this the ember way instead of making them plain javascript. I am getting a TypeError: internalModel.getRecord coming from record-array.js. For some reason when it is trying to do objectAtContent(), the content it is looking seems to not have a type. Through the stack trace I can see that the object I am dealing with is [Class], class being the history-item model. A few stack calls before the objectAtContent(), the object being dealt with switches from that history-item model to some other Class object that has no type attribute.
I am able to use Ember Inspector to see my data correctly, and if I just displayed the original collection of records on my template, it shows properly.
Has anyone run into this?
Some thoughts and considerations:
-Is there anything special about how findAll() works with its promise that doesn't allow for reversal since it is reloading in the background? I do want it to keep reloading live data.
-I am using ember-cli-mirage to mock my db and endpoints and I've follow the instructions to the letter I think. I am using an unconfigured JSONAPISerializer for mirage and and a unconfigured JSONAPIAdapter for ember. Could it have anything to do with metadata that is being sent from the back? Could it have something to with the models or records not being set up? Is there something special I have to do?
Route Segment that defines model and tries to reverse it:
[note: I know it may not be convention to prep the data (ordering) in the route but I just put it in here for ease of description. I usually do it outside in the controller or component]
return this.get('store').findAll('history-item').then(function(items){
return items.reverseObjects();
History list model declaration:
export default DS.Model.extend({
question: DS.attr('string'),
answer: DS.attr('string')
Ember-Cli-Mirage config.js end points:
this.get('/history-items', (schema) => {
return schema.historyItems.all();
Ember-Cli-Mirage fixture for history-items:
export default [
{id: 1, question: "1is this working?", answer: "Of course!"}
TypeError: internalModel.getRecord coming from record-array.js
This issue also happens when I try to create a save a record. The save is successful but when the model gets reloaded (and tries to reverse), it fails with the same error. It doesn't matter if I the fixture or not.
var newHistoryItem ='history-item', {
question: question,
answer: answer
The result returned from store.findAll and store.query is an AdapterPopulatedRecordArray (live array), mutation methods like addObject,addObjects,removeObject,removeObjects,
unshiftObject,unshiftObjects,pushObject,pushObjects,reverseObjects,setObjects,shiftObject,clear,popObject,removeAt,removeObject,removeObjects,insertAt should not be used.
Have a look at corresponding discussion and
Proposed PR to throw error and suggestions to use toArray() to copy array instead of mutating.
I think using toArray is fine, no need to reinvent the wheel. Even Ember's enumerable/array methods are implemented using toArray under the hood.
I like keeping transforms on controllers/components, so Routes are only concerned with [URL -> data] logic. I think here I would keep the model hook returning the server data, and use a computed property on the controller:
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
reversedItems: Ember.computed('model.[]', function() {
return this.get('model').toArray().reverse();
You could also use the reverse helper from Ember Composable Helpers and do it in the template:
{{#each (reverse model) as |item|}}

Why is __ember_meta__ getting added to my vanilla javascript ember-data property?

I have a model that has an attribute I define as follows:
aux: Ember.DS.attr()
So there's no transformation going on. And when I first load the model, when I do a model.get('aux'), the result is a vanilla javascript object.
But somewhere along the line my application is doing something that adds a bunch of extra properties to the object like __ember_meta__. This is interfering with my attempt to recursively clone the object, because it enters an infinite loop.
I'm not too concerned about my infinite loop problem, but rather I'd like to understand under the hood what I'm doing that's causing Ember to transform my vanilla javascript object.
It's not an Ember.Object instance, at least according to Ember.Object.detectInstance(aux).
You should create a Transform to handle raw properties to make sure Ember doesn't do anything to them.
1. At first, you create a directory transforms which is located alongside other directories like routes, components and etc. Then you create a file raw.js inside of it with this content:
import DS from 'ember-data';
export default DS.Transform.extend({
deserialize: function(serialized) {
return serialized;
serialize: function(deserialized) {
return deserialized;
2. Then you just use in your model aux: DS.attr('raw')
According to this article meta object exists in order to track bindings and observations, so it seems to me, that you might have observers/computed properties which observe this aux property and this causes the creation of meta object inside your model instance.

Lazy loading route definitions in Ember.js

I'm trying to implement lazy loading in an Ember.js application. Ideally, I'd prefer to have all the relevant code for each module, including any controller and route definitions, in a separate .js file that gets lazy loaded.
Right now, the js file gets loaded correctly when I transition to the route, but because Ember implicitly generates a route definition, the implicitly-generated route object is used instead of the route in my lazy-loaded js file.
In my lazy-loaded js file, I've got a route App.UsersManagerRoute that should be linked to the users.manager route. In the Ember Inspector, I can see that an implicitly generated route is being used instead, even after I've loaded the js file.
To try to fix this, I've tried to manually register the route after loading the js file, but it doesn't seem to be working. This is my code that does the lazy loading:
_doTransition: function (_targetRouteName, models, _queryParams) {
var resourceName = _targetRouteName.split('.')[0];
var self = this;
var transition = self._super(_targetRouteName, models, _queryParams);
var fullRouteName = 'route:' + camelizeRouteName(_targetRouteName);
App.lazyLoad(resourceName, function() {
self.container.register(fullRouteName, App[sentenceCasedRouteName(_targetRouteName) + 'Route']);
return transition;
After I unregister the implicitly generated route and register my lazy-loaded route, the route definition seems to be used correctly, but for some reason, I see a blank page instead of the right template. I'm not too sure what I'm missing here, or if what I'm trying to do is the recommended approach.
All the examples of lazy loading in Ember I've seen so far place the Route outside the lazy-loaded file. Is that the only option that would work?
Auto generation of ember routes is caused by link-to component through href computed property. Never fight against it. Ember will not work properly and you will loose. But you should know it deeply in order to understand the mechanism.
href LinkToComponent method ask for a URL. Before answer, Ember looks for the route. If it doesn't exist, Ember creates one from route:basic.
Container and Registry have some useful method: reset and lookup the former, register and unregister the latter.
register and unregister modify the registry.
lookup creates instances if they don't exist, looking for the factory in factoryCache, and storing them in cache. If the factory doesn't exist there, it asks the Registry.
reset clears cache and factoryCache of the specified member.
That said, the right sequence in order to achieve lazy loading should be:
register(fullName, factory);
For an initial solution, have a look at
Auto generation of ember object is caused by link-to component through href computed property. In order to avoid this behavior (it could be responsible of blank pages) I advice to change href to avoid calling function that calculate so called 'intention' that autogenerate missing objects.

Emberjs one way & two way bindings?

Lets say I want that my page's title will change depending on a really simple field what is the Ember way of doing it?
I didn't really understand the bindings in Ember, do I have to create an object even if all I need is just 1 field?
Does Ember support two way bindings? if it does so how can I constrain the bindings to one-way only?
I think i'm a bit confused with Ember-data & regular Ember, when I use Ember-data do I need to care about bindings at all?
Thanks in advance :)
This is a little vague (or I just don't fully understand what you're asking), so I'll shotgun approach and we can narrow down as you ask more questions.
Preface: Ember Data is a client side record management library, Ember works completely fine without it.
A page's title is a little tricky since it's kind of out of the scope of the viewable dom, but the best way to handle it would be with an observer. In the example below, as the title property changes inside of my application controller I'm setting the document.title.
App.ApplicationController = Em.Controller.extend({
watchTitle: function(){
document.title = this.get('title');
Computed Properties
Ember does support one way bindings (though rarely do you need to care about bindings). More often you want to care about dependent properties. eg if property a has changed, property b should be updated etc. In the case below, b is a computed property that depends on a, if a changed, b is dirty, and ember should re-computed it.
App.ApplicationController = Em.Controller.extend({
b: function(){
return 'Hello: ' + this.get('a');
Simple Binding
Additionally Ember can do just simple bindings (you can actually skip defining name, since ember would define it the first time it uses it).
App.ApplicationController = Em.Controller.extend({
<h2>Hello {{name}}</h2>
Name: {{input value=name}}
One Way/Read Only:
One way will take the value from its host property, unless you set it, if you set it it stops following the dependent property and becomes its own (not modifying the dependent property).
Read only will take values form the host property, and if you try and set it it will blow chunks.
App.ApplicationController = Em.Controller.extend({
oneWay: Em.computed.oneWay('name'),
readOnly: Em.computed.readOnly('name')
Try changing name first, they will all update, then change oneWay and it will diverge and never return, then change readOnly and it will throw errors.

Passing parameters between routes

What is the "appropriate" way in Ember to send a parameter from one route to another? For instance, I have two routes defined as such:
this.resource('activities', { path: '/activities/:on_date' }, function() {
when on the ActivitiesRoute the user is presented with a dropdown of possible activities. When they choose something it transitions to the ActivitiesNewRoute:
and I know there is a second parameter available in the transitionToRoute(route,model) method but it's meant for passing in a model and I'm assuming this shouldn't be repurposed for other parameter passing. In this case the dropdown choice is picking an Action model id and the model for ActivitiesNew is a Activity.
Here are my three guesses at ways that might work:
1) Make it a router parameter
I supposed I could change ActivitiesNew to include a "parameter" as part of the route:
this.route('new', { path: '/new/:my_parameter' });
I'm not sure I'd really like to have it becoming part of the URL path but if this was the prevailing convention then I'd live with that.
2) Get a handle, post transition
Immediately following the transitionToRoute call I could set a property of the new controller class. Not sure if the controller would be setup yet but I'm imagining something like:
this.get('target').controllerFor('').set('my_parameter', myValue);
3) Use model parameter
I suspect that this is a major no-no. I haven't looked into the Ember code to know if this could work but it seems against convention so this is my "bad option".
transitionTo & transitionToRoute return a "promise-like" object. The parameter this object is resolved with is the route, from which you can access controller and currentModel. So a nice clean way to pass information to a route to which you are transitioning is:
var my_param = ....;
this.transitionToRoute('').then(function(newRoute) {
newRoute.currentModel.set('someProperty', my_param);
newRoute.controller.set('someProperty', my_param);
note that in most cases, you do want to use needs, and bind things between controllers. However, there are certainly instances when you have things that depend on the logic of a route transition -- eg., controllerB has state X if we came to routeA from routeB, but state Y if we came from routeC. In that case, my answer is valuable.
The primary value of stack overflow to the development community is not the immediate answers you get to questions you post, but the massive ever growing wealth of googleable development knowledge. When you "infer" from a user's question that they "should" be doing something other than what they are asking how to do, you may be right (or you may be just incapable of imagining their particular circumstance), but if you answer only with your recommendation/rule/aphorism/cargo-cult-dictum instead of answering the ACTUAL QUESTION, you diminish the value of everybody else's google searches. If you want to tell someone to do something other than what they're asking, do it in a comment, or in a footnote to an answer to the actual question.
You can use the needs API (Read about it here):
App.ActivitiesNewController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
needs: ['activities']
// Bind the property you need
actionTemplateBinding: 'controllers.activities.actionTemplate'
So what you actually need is to pass a parameter between controllers, which is exactly what needs is for. Plus, binding the property with needs you ensure it is in sync at all times, instead of relying on setupController being called.
You could use query-params (, as follows:
this.transitionToRoute('', {queryParams: {my_param: 'my_value'});
In order to be able to receive my_param in the new controller, you would also need to define the following lines:
App.ActivitiesNewController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
queryParams: ['my_param'],
my_param: ''
A drawback of this solution is that the value of my_param will be serialized in URL - so it would not be suitable for some sensitive information you may want to pass between routes.
I'll answer my question with what I've decided to go with for now but keep it open for a a few days to see if anyone comes back with a more experienced answer. My answer may very well be perfectly fine ... it works anyway.
I've gone with a variation of #2 from the question. The difference is that that rather than trying to set a property in the ActivitiesNew controller from Activities controller I do the the opposite:
In ActivitiesNewRoute:
App.ActivitiesNewRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function(params) {
setupController: function(controller,model) {
controller.set('actionTemplate', this.controllerFor('activities').get('actionTemplate'));
Still interested in hearing from people if there's a better way of doing this.
Transition to route with params and set model
model = 'your-model'
route = ''
routeLoad = #transitionToRoute route,
id: model.get 'id'
routeLoad.then (route) ->
route.set 'controller.model', model