C++ Addon example unable to find the created module - c++

Hey all I am trying to do the addon example located here http://nodejs.org/api/addons.html (Hello World). Everything seems to run fine until the final step. I recieve the error in the picuture I attached. [For this shot I even put everything hello.js and hello.node in same folder with no sucess). I point to the location of my hello.node, but I keep getting this error anyone have success with this example or more their own c++ add on??
Thanks in advance.


C++ and xercesc: Cannot load message domain

I'm trying to read a a XML file with C++ using xercesc. It compiles OK, but when I try to excecute the app (and read the XML), I get this error:
Could not open catalog:
XercesMessages_en_US.cat or
Cannot load message domain
Someone knows what this means?
I answer myself:
As the error says, xerces is unable to find XercesMessages_en_US.cat, wich is a file located in /usr/share/xerces-c/msg/ (in my case, gentoo linux).
To solve it, just need to write in a bash:
export XERCESC_NLS_HOME=/usr/share/xerces-c/msg/
Then, it will find it.
In my case, I wrote this in .bashrc so it is exceuted in every start.

Receiving a syntax-error while trying to get the output of an external exe-file

I'm trying to get the output of an exe in python (called: ibstat.exe).
As this exe is on an external server, I got one possible output and used it to make a mock-object. (As I don't know how to create exe-files I made a ibstat.py mock-object.)
When I was done writing and testing my programm locally on my computer, I went back to the external server to test it again there. But I got this Error message:
SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\x90' in file hello.exe on line 1, but no encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details"
I used this to get the output of the exe-file:
subprocess.check_output([sys.executable, "ibstat.exe", "34"])
when this didn't work I also tried:
subprocess.call([sys.executable, "ibstat.exe"])
subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, "ibstat.exe"])
On my computer when I was opening ibstat.py everything was working just fine (with call, Popen and check_output).
And executing ibstat.exe on the server in the command-shell works too.
Is there anything I overlooked/I forgot to do/try?
What can I do to open the exe properly without getting the
Do I need to clarify my question more clearly, or is more
Information needed?
Removing sys.executable SOLVED the issue.

Media playback error : Could not initialize Xv output

I found a simple media player on github : https://github.com/wxWidgets/wxWidgets/blob/master/samples/mediaplayer/mediaplayer.cpp
I copied it in a new project and ran it. It seemed to go well until I tried to open a .mp3 file. I got this error: "Media Playback error. Could not initialize Xv output".
I work on Ubuntu in a virtual machine so I thought that maybe I'm missing something. I opened Rhythmbox and tried to play the same file and I got the same error. I searched on google and found this:
I installed gstreamer plugins-ugly and plugins-bad, ubuntu-restricted-extra. Also, I installed libxv-dev because I thought it may have something to do with all of this. It didn't work. I reinstalled Rhythmbox and it works just fine now. I thought I had solved the problem I had with the code (mediaplayer) as well but I didn't. I still get the same error.
How can i make it work? And why do I get this error in the first place?
I forgot to mention. I'm also getting these messages :

Netbeans IDE 8.0.2 C++ Input/Output Error

I installed netbeans C++ on windows 7 and used Cywgin4 as the compiler. When I run any program even a simple Hello world it does compile and run however I also get the error below. I can't seem to find any reference to it online. Can anyone point me in the right direction for a solution? Thanks!
read from master failed
: Input/output error
RUN FAILED (exit value 1, total time: 47ms)
I do not understand all the surrounding details of this problem as I am new to C/C++. However, if you:
Open up NetBeans
Right click on your C++ project file
Select "Properties"
There should be a category called "Run".
Under this category, find the option called Console Type and make sure that Standard Output is selected as shown in the screenshot below:
I was having the same problems when the console type was selected as Internal Terminal.
For my setup, changing this option to Standard Output got rid of this error. However, I do not fully understand how this change affects the overall properties of my project. Wish you good luck.

Worklight common build failing with "Failed to update main HTML file"

I have started getting the following all of a sudden and am not able to build and deploy my application all of a sudden.. Not able to figure out what caused this to start happening.
[2013-08-13 12:21:41]FWLST1040E: common build failed: Failed to update main HTML file 'C:\Users\ajay\AppData\Local\Temp\worklightBuildcommon8499642247565272374\preview\default\myapp.html'
[2013-08-13 12:21:41] Application 'mypp' with all environments build finished.
[2013-08-13 12:21:41] FWLST1035I: No environments to build.
The build and deploy is not working and I am not able to update the app in the simulator.. Has any one else faced this before?
#idan thanks for the answer. There is no /worklightBuildcommon* folder in temp.
But I found the problem.. It was a malformed HTML that was causing this error.. the HTML validator that runs never caught it - the fact that its giving a build error was misleading me to believe its a build time problem v/s bad html..
I cracked it by creating a new dummy app in the same project and just replacing the artifacts one at a time.. started with tht html first and hit the jackpot!
Navigate to C:\Users\ajay\AppData\Local\Temp\
delete the folder worklightBuildcommon8499642247565272374