Media playback error : Could not initialize Xv output - c++

I found a simple media player on github :
I copied it in a new project and ran it. It seemed to go well until I tried to open a .mp3 file. I got this error: "Media Playback error. Could not initialize Xv output".
I work on Ubuntu in a virtual machine so I thought that maybe I'm missing something. I opened Rhythmbox and tried to play the same file and I got the same error. I searched on google and found this:
I installed gstreamer plugins-ugly and plugins-bad, ubuntu-restricted-extra. Also, I installed libxv-dev because I thought it may have something to do with all of this. It didn't work. I reinstalled Rhythmbox and it works just fine now. I thought I had solved the problem I had with the code (mediaplayer) as well but I didn't. I still get the same error.
How can i make it work? And why do I get this error in the first place?
I forgot to mention. I'm also getting these messages :


"Unable to load picture or PDF file" ONLY when knitting rmd in one system

With a colleague, we are working on this github repo. When I knit manuscript.Rmd, I get an error "Unable to load picture or PDF file ''." as in this commit. When she knits it, it works fine, as in this commit.
The error comes after all chunks have been done, so it's not a problem within R/RStudio. (Plus, we are using renv, and I already checked for discrepancies between versions of our R, Rstudio, and packages.) The problem must come from knitting, so in the pandoc stage or thereabouts.
Given that we have some phonetic symbols (which is why we need to generate the figure in a png, and then read it back in), we are using xelatex as our engine, as recommended here. I don't think these symbols are the problem -- but I do suspect the issue is a divergence between her latex engine and mine. I'm not totally sure how to check for that...
(I'll be trying to answer my own question, so you can just wait and see if I crack this alone!)
To begin with, I updated xelatex, which led to a missing apa6.cls error. Following papaja install instructions, I would ideally re-install mactex -- but while it downloads (since it takes 1h), I just installed tinytex with tinytex::install_tinytex(). At my first attempt to knit the document after that, tinytex downloaded many things. And then the knit went through! Problem solved.

Where is "nvinfer.h" from tensorrt located?

I have been trying to compile a basic tensorRT project on a desktop host -for now the source is literally just the following:
#include <nvinfer.h>
class Logger : nvinfer1::public ILogger
} glogger;
Upon running make, though, I receive the following message:
fatal error: nvinfer.h: No such file or directory #include <nvinfer.h>
The error is correct, too - I used locate to try to find it, but there's nothing on my machine that matches. I followed the install instructions for desktop installation of TensorRT 2.1 as described here:
So my question is, does anyone know where nvinfer.h is supposed to be? In other words, am I missing a needed package that contains it, or did I miss something else that's essential?
Small addendum: one thing I noticed is that libgie1 is not installed, and it was not included as a debian with the provided TensorRT download like the other packages such as gie-dev were.
Before using locate, if you recently added new files is a good practice to run sudo updatedb, if the file is on the pc you should see it after.
Anyway googling a bit it looks like the header your looking for is NvInfer.h, caps matters.

C++ Addon example unable to find the created module

Hey all I am trying to do the addon example located here (Hello World). Everything seems to run fine until the final step. I recieve the error in the picuture I attached. [For this shot I even put everything hello.js and hello.node in same folder with no sucess). I point to the location of my hello.node, but I keep getting this error anyone have success with this example or more their own c++ add on??
Thanks in advance.

Cannot open output file: bin\Debug\PrimeChecker.exe Permission denied

so I get this error when I run my program:
cannot open output file bin\Debug\PrimeChecker.exe Permission denied
I've already searched this and have found that none of the solutions other people had, applied to me.
Things I have already done:
Changed the directory
Reinstall CodeBlocks
Checked task-manager with anything starting with CodeBlocks (is it maybe listed as something else)
I had no problem running CodeBlocks before this happened and then it just started happening out of the blue.
I'm running on windows 7, if that helps...
Make sure PrimeChecker.exe is not running (for example, in the debugger) when you build. Chances are - this is your problem.
You can go to bin\Debug\PrimeChecker.exe , and try to delete it. you'll probably will not be able to. so find out who is holding a handle for it. I like to use peocessExplorer for this (download free from MS)
It seems the file you are trying to open in your program hasn't read permission. you should change your file permission to be able to write or read to them. this links should be helpful to change your system file permission or attributes.


I am trying to get started with EDSDK to control my Canon 500D. I'm new to cpp, and windows XP apps and I'm using visual studio. After a great deal of blind trial and error I have finally managed to get the app to compile the basic sample code from the documentation. To do this I have the EDSDK.h, EDSDKTypes.h and EDSDKErrors.h headers in the right places and the EDSDK.dll and EDSDK.lib in the same folder as the code. It seems to be picking these up. I have got the 500D to be recognised by the PC so I believe the USB drivers are there.
The code is just trying to pick up the camera:
EdsError err=EDS_ERR_OK;
EdsCameraListRef cameraList=NULL;
err = EdsGetCameraList(&cameraList);
if(err == EDS_ERR_OK)
However, when I run this console app the error is picked up as 10 - which suggests, according to the document, that there is a missing subcomponent. This happens both if the camera is connected or not, so I'm thinking this is something missing from the compile. But I am getting nowhere with the documentation.
I have installed the edsdk 2.4 Windows version from a download not the official route, so this may be an issue.
Can anyone help? Specifically how can I find out what the missing subcomponent might be so I might include it. Is this a subcmponent of the build like a header file or something like a driver?
I know, old question but still it might help someone with the same problem.
From the documentation:
All DLLs are required in order to execute an EDSDK client application.
All of the modules in the DLL folder must be copied into the same folder where the EDSDK client application is in.
This means you'll have to have all DLLs beside your *.exe. Namely these DLLs: