How to execute code written in an editor embedded within a browser [closed] - c++

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Hi Guys I was writing a web application which requires me to compile and execute code from within a browser. I am a little clueless about it though I read the following links to see how I can go about it.
I am planning to write it for several languages namely C/C++/java/python/Ruby
Any pointers would be helpful

You can just take the code and send it to server server will compile and execute the code and send back to the browser.
If you don't have much time.
If you have much time then you can build your own compiler like one you want and integrate it with you'r web application. like w3school and ideone.
or pass it to local host compiler it will execute and return the result to the browser.


Setup Openframework in Codeblock in Windows [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I would like to configure OpenFramework IDE in my codeblock. I want to build an app which prints the line on screen.
If the only thing you want is to just print a line of text you can use std::cout that prints to basic output onto your console window when the application runs. This is the most basic and easiest way to solve this.
If need to do something more complex than that, like program with GUI instead of console app, I would suggest you to use something other than OpenFrameworks, like f.e. Qt, that has a support for things like this. OpenFrameworks has the capability of doing all that, it just isn't it's main goal. You can download various addons that implement things like UI elemenets, but they are usually pretty simple.
Edit: I've just realized that by line you probably didn't mean a line of text...
Well, OpenFrameworks has no longer an Code Blocks support, you can still though download an older version from

Web Development on different browsers [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am new to development of websites
I have query why does a website work on some browsers while not for others
I have designed a website which works on one browser IE and then it does not for other computers IE
it does not goes through hit .
The warning which I got was as below
The code on this page disabled back and forward caching. For more information, see:
but I did not understood Kindly explain and give some tips
Ok I think I got something wrong with my code or internet speed
I kept the code in Developers option and let it wait then the hit went through all the 4 states and I got a response
Am I missing something ... In normal mode the hit does not go through all the states
Set your mode as synchronous to true

How can I "do stuff" on a webpage through C++(or suggest another language) [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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What I exactly want to do is this:
I want my program to take this link;_ylt=Aj_zP9qxkgoIzbqd5GR_zkH05nNG;_ylv=3?sid=396546041
and retrieve a list of all the questions in a page or any selected page. That part is easy through simply going through the page, but I want to be able to "do" things such as typing an answer in the console or window and post it in the question in that forum. Or be able to upvote/downvote and do most of the operations that require a button click. Save questions for later view and other things like that.
My approach for retrieving info is using C++ to parse the info from the page by going through it line by line. But I have absolutely no clue how to send information such as button pressing and other stuff. I even don't know how to search for it because I'm not sure what it's called.
Use sockets api (windows sockets or posix on linux);
Connect on 80 (or any http) port to your server;
Send a http-header and get/post parameters (should be urlencoded);
Receive response.
Keywords: http-protocol, berkeley sockets, c++, good luck!

Online Anti-Virus service [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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How would it be possible to design an online-antivirus service. I was thinking about creating an online version of some open-source antivirus. Would it be possible to upload something like a binary image of the selected folders, and then pass that as an argument to the antivirus service installed on the web server?
Take a look at - this is how they do it. BTW - hashing previous results would probably save you a lot of time on scanning duplicate requests.
Sure. Be quicker to have them fedex their hard drive, though.

C++ to create a Game for Nintendo DS [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Well, I'm trying to do a small game for DS-DSi in C++. Just for fun and feel happy.
I was wondering if there is any guide or I could get some help with getting started. I have no clue how it works or how to make it boot on the DS.
I suggest getting a nds flash cart, like the cycloDS (for the DS) or an R4i (for the DSi). Thats how you can run your creations on the actual device.
Here is a good list of tutorials starting from the beginning (setting up your environment, getting the armKit etc) on DS development.