Why would a regex work in Sublime and not in vim? - regex

Tried searching for regex found in this answer:
I tried doing a search in Sublime and it worked out (around 700 results). When trying to replace the results it runs out of memory. Tried /(,)(?=(?:[^']|'[^']*')*$) in vim for searching first but it does not find any instances of the pattern. Also tried escaping all the ( and ) with \ in the regex.

Vim uses its own regular expression engine and syntax (which predates PCRE, by the way) so porting a regex from perl or some other editor will most likely need some work.
The many differences are too numerous to list in detail here but :help pattern and :help perl-patterns will help.
Anyway, this quick and dirty rewrite of your regular expression seems to work on the sample given in the linked question:
See :help \#= and :help \v.

One possible explanation is that the regular expression engine used in Sublime is different than the engine used in vim.
Not all regex engines are created equal; they don't all support the same features. (For example, a "negative lookahead" feature can be very powerful, but not all engines support it. And the syntax for some features differs betwen engines.)
A brief comparison of regular expression engines is available here:

Unfortunately Vim uses a different engine, and "normal" regular expressions won't work.
The regex you've mentioned isn't perfect: it doesn't skip escaped quotes, but, as I understand, it's good enough for you. Try this one, and if it doesn't match something, please send me that piece.
A little explanation:
\v enables very magic search to avoid complex escaping rules
([^']|'[^']*') matches all symbols but quote and a pair of qoutes
\zs indicates the beginning of selection; you can think of it as of a replacement for lookbehind.

You have to escape the |, otherwise it doesn't work under vim. You should also escape the round brackets, unless you are searching for the '(' or ')' characters.
More information on regex usage in vim can be found on vimregex.com.


Basic Vim - Search and Replace text bounded by specific characters

Say I wanted to replace :
"Christoph Waltz" = "That's a Bingo";
"Gary Coleman" = "What are you talking about, dear Willis?";
to just have :
"Christoph Waltz"
"Gary Coleman"
i.e. I want to remove all the characters including and after the = and the ;
I thought the regex for finding the pattern would be \=.*?\;. In vim, I tried :
but it gave me an Invalid Command error and Nothing after \=. How do I remove the above text? Apologies, but I'm new to this.
Vim's regular expression dialect is different; its escaping is optimized for text searches. See :help perl-patterns for a comparison with Perl regular expressions. As #EvergreenTree has noted, you can influence the escaping behavior with special atoms; cp. :help /\v.
For your example, the non-greedy match is .\{-}, not .*?, and, as mentioned, you mustn't escape several literal characters:
:%s/ =.\{-};$//
(The /g flag is superfluous, too; there can be only one match anchored to the end via $.)
This is because of vim's weird handling of regexes by default. Instead of \= interpreting as a literal =, it interprets it as a special regex character. To make vim's regex system work more normally, you can prefix it with \v, which is "very magic" mode. This should do the trick:
I won't explain how vim enterprets every single character in very magic mode here, but you can read about it in this help topic:
:help /magic

A regular expression that matches two long strings and ignores everything in between

I am searching through a 1.5 million line Premiere Pro project for any text that matches one of my audio filters and is set to mono.
Text that I am searching for begins with the <ChannelType> tag and ends with the <FilterMatchName>Tags. So it would looks like this
<OpaqueData Encoding="base64" Checksum="53060659">AAAAAD8L8lo+AUr+Pac1NjwTmoUAAAAAP0uQDD37nIg9ui6MPjwU5j+AAAA+C/JaAAAAAD8qqqsAAAAAP4AAAD92L8w9py8FAAAAAHNvZnQgY29tcHJlc3Npb24AIiBkZWZhdWx0PSIwIiBzdGVwPSIxIiBtaW49IjAiIG1heD0iMSIvPgoJICA8Zmw=</OpaqueData>
<FilterMatchName>1094998321 Dynamics1</FilterMatchName>
If I were in a Word doc, I would just do a find as
<ChannelType>0</ChannelType>*<FilterMatchName>1094998321 Dynamics1</FilterMatchName>
I am terrible with Regex. I was hoping someone could help me out. Everything I have tried either doesn't match anything, or matches EVERYTHING in the document. I am using Notepad++.
Since you are working in Notepad++, you have access to PCRE regular expressions. This one will get all the text between <ChannelType> and </FilterMatchName>
the (?s) allows the . to match newline characters
After matching <ChannelType>, the .*? lazily matches all characters up to...
the closing </FilterMatchName>, which we match.
Let me know if you have any questions. :)
What type of regular expressions are you using (which language/library)?
Basically you can use .* instead of * in regular expressions. IF your text is long though, it's better to use a Reluctant quantifier[1] if your re implementation allows it.
This is a good site with comparison of different re implementations and tutorials:
[1] http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/regex/quant.html

Vim regex to substitute/escape pipe characters

Let's suppose I have a line:
I'd like to run a regex to convert it to:
In most regex engines I'm familiar with, something like s%\|%\\|%g should work. If I try this in Vim, I get:
As it turns out, I discovered the answer while typing up this question. I'll submit it with my solution, anyway, as I was a bit surprised a search didn't turn up any duplicates.
vim has its own regex syntax. There is a comparison with PCRE in vim help doc (see :help perl-patterns).
except for that, vim has no magic/magic/very magic mode. :h magic to check the table.
by default, vim has magic mode. if you want to make the :s command in your question work, just active the very magic:
Vim does the opposite of PCRE in this regard: | is a literal pipe character, with \| serving as the alternation operator. I couldn't find an appropriate escape sequence because the pipe character does not need to be escaped.
The following command works for the line in my example:
:. s%|%\\|%g
If you use very-magic (use \v) you'll have the Perl/pcre behaviour on most special characters (excl. the vim specifics):

RegExp: want to find all links that do not end in ".html"

I'm a relative novice to regular expressions (although I've used them many times successfully).
I want to find all links in a document that do not end in ".html"
The regular expression I came up with is:
In Notepad++, my editor, href=\"([^"]*)\" finds all the links (both those that end in "html" and those that do not).
Why doesn't negative lookbehind work?
I've also tried lookahead:
but that didn't work either.
Can anybody help?
Cheers, grovel
That regular expression would work fine, if you were using PERL or PCRE (e.g. preg_match in PHP). However, lookahead and lookbehind assertions are not supported by most, especially the more simple, regular expression engines, like one that is used by the Notepad++. Only the most basic syntax such as quantifiers, subpatterns and characters classes are supported by almost all regular expression engines.
You can find the documentation for the notepad++ regular expression engine at: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/notepad-plus/index.php?title=Regular_Expressions
Edit: Notepad++ using SciTE regular expression engine and it does not support look around expressions.
For more info take a look here http://www.scintilla.org/SciTERegEx.html
Original Answer
You can make a regexp that does it, but it would probably be too complex:
Thank you all very much.
In the end the regular expression did indeed not work.
I simply used a workaround, and replaced all links with themselves+".html", then replaced all occurences of ".html.html" with ".html".
So I replaced href=\"([^"]*)\" with href="\1.html" and then .html.html with .html
Thanks anyway, grovel
Note that Notepad++ (now?) supports assertions like this. (I have Notepad++ 6.3, dated Feb 3 2012.)
I believe the Regular Expressions documentation implies that both replace-variants use the same PCRE-dialect:
standard: Search | Replace (default shortcut Ctrl H)
plugin: TextFX | TextFX Quick | Find/Replace (default shortcut Ctrl R)

Multi-line regex support in Vim

I notice the standard regex syntax for matching across multiple lines is to use /s, like so:
This is\nsome text
This works in Perl for instance but doesn't seem to be supported in Vim. Instead, I have to be much more specific:
I can't find any reason for why this should be, so I'm thinking I probably just missed the relevant bits in the vim help.
Can anyone confirm this behaviour one way or the other?
Yes, Perl's //s modifier isn't available on Vim regexes. See :h perl-patterns for details and a list of other differences between Vim and Perl regexes.
Instead you can use \_., which means "match any single character including newline". It's a bit shorter than what you have. See :h /\_..