Unable to select a topic for Amazon Transcoder - amazon-web-services

I want to have my Amazon Transcoder post a notification to a SNS topic when some events happen, but unfortunately I'm getting an error message when I try to select the existing topic from the "Edit Pipeline" page: "Role ARN is invalid: does not start with arn"
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, apparently it seems pretty straightforward. Here's the steps I've done:
Selected my Pipeline
Click "Edit"
Went to "Notifications" sections and created a new topic right there (here I would expect it to have auto selected after the creation but apparently it just creates and nothing else happens..)
so.. I selected "Use an existing SNS topic" and selected the recently saved topic
Hit "Save" button
Got the error
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance

This seems to be a rather weird UI bug in the AWS console.
When you edit your pipeline to set the SNS topic, the select box for the pipelines IAM role is incorrectly set to -- Console Default Role -- (it should be Elastic_Transcoder_Default_Role. The entries beginning with -- probably shouldn't be selectable at all!)
Now, when saving the form, this will cause the error.
This is not related to the selection of the Topic, as it might seem.
By changing the Role back to Elastic_Transcoder_Default_Role the error goes away.


AWS Lambda error There was an error loading Log Streams

When I go to the Logs page the below error shows.
There was an error loading Log Streams. Please try again by refreshing this page.
Problem is there is another function that is identical except the code that is creating log files no problem.
Any suggestions?
I solved it.
I added CloudwatchLogsFullAccess and then it took some time under an hour and then it was working.
I'm not sure why I needed to do this for the second function but not the first but it's working now.
Below is the link that helped me.
Make sure your Lambda has already logged at least once!
Appears to me that this error occurs if that is not the case - I've tested fresh Lambdas both with and without any log statements to confirm: Without any log statements, a corresponding Log Group for the Lambda does not exist yet; after the first log statement is made, the statement then exists in a seemingly-newly-made corresponding Log Group.
Although this may seem obvious/intuitive after-the-fact, this is how I ran into this scenario: I think before any logging had occurred on my new Lambda, I tried to hook it up to CloudWatch events - I tried after that attempt to see if the Lambda was invoked (by the events) via viewing 'Monitoring' tab -> 'View logs in CloudWatch' button - and that is where I encountered this error. The Lambda had not been invoked [CloudWatch events hookup had failed], so no logging had occurred, and thus there was no corresponding Log Group made yet to examine (when trying to hyperlink into it from the Lambda Configuration).
(Fwiw, I imagine maybe a corresponding Log Group could be manually made before the first logging, but I have not tested that.)
Ensure your Lambda's Execution Role has a Policy that allows writing to CloudWatch Logs from your Lambda.
IAM console -> 'Roles' -> < your Lambda's role > -> 'Permissions' tab -> 'Permissions policies' accordion
Ensure there is a Policy listed that has parameters set like this:
'Service': "CloudWatch Logs"
'Access level': includes at least "Write"
'Resource': your Lambda is not excluded (i.e: its not set to another specific Lambda, or another directory of Lambdas, or another resource type)
'Request condition': does not preclude the context of your given Lambda execution
An example of an "AWS managed policy" that meets these requirements [out-of-the-box, being that it is AWS-managed] is "AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole". It has these parameters:
'Service': "CloudWatch Logs"
'Access level': "Limited: Write"
'Resource': "All resources"
'Request condition': "None"
If your Role does not have such a policy already, either add a new one or edit and existing one to have the requirements listed here - then this error should be resolved.
For example, in my case before I fixed things, my Lambda's Role had a policy that was based off [AWS-managed] "AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole", but somehow had a Resource that was limited to a different Lambda (which was my problem - insufficient permission to meet that policy from my different intended Lambda). I fixed this by adding the original [AWS-managed] "AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole" Policy to my intended Lambda's role (I also deleted the prior-said Policy as it wasn't used by anything else, but that probably wasn't strictly necessary [although nice to tidy up]).
I resolved it by attaching CloudWatchFullAccess policy to the execution role of my lambda function

How to create a Lambda function for AWS IoT Button

I've read though a couple of tutorials, and watched several videos about this topic, but I'm not able to reproduce the steps shown there.
My AWS IoT Button is configurd correctly and works as it should. I then go to the Lambda Management console, and create a new Lambda function from one of the templates. The screen that appears now is different from all the tutorials and videos. Anyway, I have to choose a trigger and select the IoT Button there. The GUI then tells me to configure that trigger. I then enter the serial number of the Button, and don't touch the certificate options, because I already have keys and certificates on my IoT Button. After I made sure that "Enable Trigger" is selected, and click on the "Add" button. Now I'm getting a red box inside the trigger configuration screen saying:
"Empty list of actions is not allowed. At least one action needs to be defined. (Service: AWSIot; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidRequestException; Request ID: 41c78c96-00fe-11e8-a48a-61538c57d315)"
I'm stuck at this point, because I never can assign any Trigger to my function.
It took a bit of mucking around but I think I've figured out how to get around this.
The error is strange, because of course you're trying to create an action. It seems like it's a bug.
Fortunately, you can create it around the other way:
Visit the AWS IoT console
Go to the Act option in the sidebar menu
Click Create to create a new rule
Give a name, and description
For the SQL rule, build a rule that looks like SELECT * FROM 'iotbutton/+' (i.e. enter * for Attribute, etc.)
Add your action - your Lambda function :)
Add an error action too if you wish
Click Create Rule
Press your button and confirm that your Lambda function ran!
I'm assuming you could put your button's DSN in place of the + in the select statement if you have more than one button.

Trying to set up AWS IoT button for the first time: Please correct validation errors with your trigger

Has anyone successfully set up their AWS IoT button?
When stepping through with default values I keep getting this message: Please correct validation errors with your trigger. But there are no validation errors on any of the setup pages, or the page with the error message.
I hate asking a broad question like this but it appears no one has ever had this error before.
This has been driving me nuts for a week!
I got it to work by using Custom IoT Rule instead of IoT Button on the IoT Type. The default rule name is iotbutton_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and the default SQL statement is SELECT * FROM 'iotbutton/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' (xxx... = serial number).
Make sure you copy the policy from the sample code into the execution role - I know that has tripped up a lot of people.
I was getting the same error. The cause turned out to be that I had multiple certificates associated with the button. This was caused by me starting over again on the wizard, generating cert & key, loading cert & key again. While on the device itself this doesn't seem to be a problem, the result was that on AWS I had multiple certs associated to the device.
Within the AWS IoT Resources view I eventually managed to delete all resources. Took some fiddling to get certs detached and able to be deleted. Once I deleted all resources I returned to the wizard, created yet another cert & key pair, pushed the Lambda code, and everything works.

AWS Lambda: error creating the event source mapping: Configuration is ambiguously defined

There was an error creating the event source mapping: Configuration is ambiguously defined. Cannot have overlapping suffixes in two rules if the prefixes are overlapping for the same event type.
I created an event earlier from the GUI console 6-7 days ago and it was working fine. The next day the event just missing, i cant see it anymore at the Lambda console GUI. But every S3 objects still seems triggering the lambda function not a problem. If i cant see, it is not good; So i deleted the Lambda function, waited for 5-10 seconds before creating another new function. And now, i receive the same above when i try to create the event sources like this:
When i click "Submit" the event sources tab says "You do not have any event sources for this function", Lambda does not get triggered; it means the entire application flow is now broken :(
The problem is almost the same as: "https://forums.aws.amazon.com/thread.jspa?messageID=670712򣯸" But somehow i cant reply to that thread, so i created a new thread here instead. anyone encounter this issue?
In fact, i try to response to the existing AWS forum thread: https://forums.aws.amazon.com/thread.jspa?messageID=670712&#670712
but i keep getting this funny error: "Your message quota has been reached. Please try again later.". And i wasnt even posting anything, how can i use up my quota?
What I suspect is your S3 bucket may still be "linked" to the lambda function.
Maybe check your S3 bucket for events and remove them there, then try creating the lambda events again?
i.e. S3 bucket-> properties-> Events
After 6 years nice to see some people still befitting from this answer,
Here is a shamless plug to youtube video I uploaded 2022-12-13.
The issue must be that the s3 bucket is already linked with the suffix/prefix you are trying to link. Remove the link in S3 and try again.
When you setup a lambda function and setup a trigger related to S3. The notification gets updated in the properties sections of that S3 bucket.
The mentioned error occurs when the earlier lambda function is deleted and you're trying to setup same kind of trigger again. This time the thing to note is, the S3 notification is still not deleted when you deleted the lambda function.
Goto S3 bucket > Properties > Event notifications
and delete the old setting and then setup new trigger in the new lambda function trigger.
Here is a link to a youtube video profiling this issue and demonstrating the solution:
Just as Ridwaan Manuel, you must remove the events by going to S3 bucket-> properties-> Events as the video shows.
Steps to reproduce this issue:
Create a bucket and create a folder called “example/”
Create Lambda Function
Add S3 trigger to the lambda using the bucket from (1) with default settings
Save the trigger
Click Save and notice error
Refresh the page and notice that the triggers disappeared
Add the same bucket again and notice the ambiguous reference error

Is it possible for S3 notifications to SQS to fail?

I have setup an S3 bucket to publish messages for each PUT and POST actions. Files get uploaded to that bucket using CLI. It does work fine but out of 4 files pushed sequentially, only one triggers a message. I am not sure that this has always happened but it is happening consistently now. Note that it does not happen when I upload file manually (i.e. I always get a message per file).
I have made sure that there is no downstream system processing the messages (as a confirmation, I still see the original message triggered after the first file).
Is there any reason to believe that this AWS feature is not reliable? Since this is unlikely, what could be the problem here?
As suggested by Michael in the comment, the problem was that the bucket only listened to s3:ObjectCreated:Put. What was happening is that all other files but the first one were uploaded using multipart which was not triggering any message creation.
I modified the bucket to trigger messages on s3:ObjectCreated:* and it now works as expected.
Inspired by RaySF answer, I've fixed the issue directly in the AWS console.
Sign in AWS console
Find your bucket and click on it
Properties tab
Edit the related event
Change from PUT to All object create events