Django: how to zip all html/css/js files? [closed] - django

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm building my new website using the great Django framework and I would like to bundle all
js/css/html together for external design work.
Do you know any tool that might come up handy?
Or maybe there is another option for external designer to work on my project?

The normal option is to use a revision control software which not only will let you share the needed code but also continuously integrate the changes without conflicts when one of the developers changes something. Of course compression of resources is automatically done by those software.
No serious developer, even alone, works without such a source control software.
There are online solutions if you can't set up a server, for example


How to run multiple simulations inside containers programmatically? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am developing a website that runs a simulation given a user-submitted script. I tried to follow some Online Judge architectures, but in my case, I need to send user input and receive the output in realtime, like a simulation.
I tried Kubernetes Jobs, but isn't seems so easy to communicate with the container, especially if I need a Kubernetes client on the language that I am working.
So, my question is: Given this scenario, what is the best approach to orchestrate multiple containers with interactive I/O programmatically?
*Obs.: I am not worrying about security yet.
Please take a look at the design of the spark operator:
That has a somewhat similar design to what you’re targeting. Similarly, Argo Workflow is another example:

What are my options for cross program communication? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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A while ago i made a database framework in c++ and have been using it in various places, even made a wrapper for it for
Now i have a new project that would require multiple programs accessing a single database and it would be wasteful to load up the database multiple times for every one of them not to mention the syncing horrors.
So I figured i would turn the framework into a standalone application and access to the data would be done in some xx magical way from those other programs. From what I've seen php and mysql do something like this..?
Problem is, I have no clue where to start. The only kind of cross program communication i've done is one program reading and writing directly into the other ones memory, seems kinda hacky though and I'm not sure if that sort of thing is going to fly with managed languages (I want to make it accessible in too).
The most portable way to do IPC (inter-process communication) is probably going to be Sockets.
What about D-Bus? There ist a port for Windows.

Django:Bug reporting app [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Is there any Django bug reporting app which can be integrated easily into already built Django website and which lets site users to report bugs?
My experience with user reported bugs is not satisfactory.
After some years my decision is to make everyhing fail loudly and use Sentry to log it.
Sentry is a great app. It was created by dcramer, a guy working on disqus (they use it too).
I know this is not what you're directly looking for, but might be helpful.
As usual Django Packages is the best stop for an overview of existing apps.
In your case make sure to check the apps listed in the Feedback-Grid.

How can I determine what percentage of Github projects contain unit tests? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm working on a presentation about unit testing and TDD. One statistic I'd like to share is the percentage of Github projects that contain unit tests. Is this data available somewhere?
If not, is it possible to obtain through a Github API? I was considering a simple file-based approach based on project type (see if a Java project has any files ending in, or spec.rb for Ruby), but I've never used their API and don't know how feasible this is.
I don't think there's any API to provide you with that information.
Or at least not without browsing the entire set of repositories, which would not be practical anyway. You might want to suggest the github staff to conduct such a survey themselves, but that will be up to them :)
Grab the list of Java repositories from the Github API (use search and the language parameter), then clone each repository, look for or whatever and collect your results. I don't think there's a way of doing this without cloning each project though.

Mantis and Redmine, which one is better for issue tracking? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I consider to use Mantis or Redmine to manage projects. (Issue Tracking)
I know both are really good.
For now, I won't connect it with SVN or Git.
(It may happen later)
The main purpose is issue tracking on business with co-workers.
Please recommend one of them, or you can recommend the other one.
I can recommend redmine. I've been using it for more than 2 years, with 25-50 simultaneous users and more than 50 projects.
I went through a lot of updates without ever having any problems.
The database is properly normalized, so if you ever need to retrieve any data, you will be able to do so.
Numerous plugins exists which may cover special needs if there are any.
Edit: In the meantime, I had to change over to Jira, but I'd go back to redmine anytime if I could.
Never used Redmine, but we've been using Mantis for about 7-8 years for many projects for our distributed team. One of the benefits is its simplicity. We've even wrote a couple of our own extensions, e.g. widely used in our process Kanban board (one of the Agile approaches).
Sometimes I think it looks slightly outdated among other modern tools but it really works for us and we can extend it with our own PHP code.