How to run multiple simulations inside containers programmatically? [closed] - amazon-web-services

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am developing a website that runs a simulation given a user-submitted script. I tried to follow some Online Judge architectures, but in my case, I need to send user input and receive the output in realtime, like a simulation.
I tried Kubernetes Jobs, but isn't seems so easy to communicate with the container, especially if I need a Kubernetes client on the language that I am working.
So, my question is: Given this scenario, what is the best approach to orchestrate multiple containers with interactive I/O programmatically?
*Obs.: I am not worrying about security yet.

Please take a look at the design of the spark operator:
That has a somewhat similar design to what you’re targeting. Similarly, Argo Workflow is another example:


Process to process remote communication [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I have 2 processes running on 2 different machines.
What is the best way to communicate between those to send instructions WITHOUT using any username/password?
Language : C++
There are many solutions with different pros and cons. Try googling for it.
Since you've not given any other requirements, the simplest way is via socket programming. Check out this for some basic knowledge and for examples.

Django vs Play framework in terms of performance [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Django uses a threaded architecture unlike Play framework which uses Evented architecture.
I wanted to compare Django with Play framework. Which one performs better if we deploy the services written in Django and Play on the hardware with same configuration, also given that business logic for the service has been written effeciently in both the frameworks? Which framework has the potential to scale to 1000+ concurrent requests?
Threads and events are not a dichotomy, Play gives you threads and an event loop.
This question is too broad, it really depends on what you're trying to implement - in many many use cases the web framework is not the bottleneck, it's the database. But if you insist on getting on a comparison that completely ignores whatever your specific use case is, then here's a comparison:

Django: how to zip all html/css/js files? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm building my new website using the great Django framework and I would like to bundle all
js/css/html together for external design work.
Do you know any tool that might come up handy?
Or maybe there is another option for external designer to work on my project?
The normal option is to use a revision control software which not only will let you share the needed code but also continuously integrate the changes without conflicts when one of the developers changes something. Of course compression of resources is automatically done by those software.
No serious developer, even alone, works without such a source control software.
There are online solutions if you can't set up a server, for example

how to implement mount function in c/c++ [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I,m suppose to write a client/server program which mount a directory from the server into client hierarchy. What I have to do is, instead of using linux mount function, implement a method in c.c++ that works like mount function. I did a lot of googling on the net but can't find any good tutorial or document that could help. I will be very grateful if you help me and give me some advice, suggestion or introduce a tutorial/document as a starting point.
Your question is a bit vague. If this is an assignment, it could be about several things:
Implementing a filesystem (FUSE would probably be the simplest place to start).
Just emulating the calls, and defining your own e.g. ls, cd etc. for educational purposes, and bringing in the data from the server.
Implementing a tool like mount, possibly using the mount() system call.

C++ MySQL database connection [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I not a DB expert, so am looking for advice for a web-based system I'm thinking of setting up.
The general set up of the system I have is that it will have a web-based interface (possibly in PHP) for logging in etc, and some C++ code running on the server doing some processing. Both the PHP and the C++ code will need read/write access to the MySQL DB.
So, (1) What is the best way to access/update a MySQL database with C++?
(2) Are there any issues/things I should be aware of with a DB that has concurrent access from both PHP and C++. I'm kinda assuming that the DB looks after all that...
The DB should take care of concurrent access. You can consider using MySQL++ as a library to access mysql from C++ code. I only know of its existence, with no usage experience, so I cannot tell you about usability.