Is it OK for code that gets a dependency by dependency injection to use a default implementation of the dependency unless told otherwise? - unit-testing

Suppose my production code starts off like this:
public class SmtpSender
public void DoCoolThing()
var smtpSender = new SmtpSender(""....);
I have a brainwave and decide to unit test this function using a fake SmtpSender and dependency injection:
public interface ISmtpSender
public class SmtpSender : ISmtpSender
public class FakeSmtpSender : ISmtpSender
public void DoCoolThing(ISmtpSender smtpSender)
Then I think wait, all my production code will always want the real one. So why not make the parameter optional, then fill it in with default SmtpSender if not provided?
public void DoCallThing(ISmtpSender smtpSender = null)
smtpSender = smtpSender ?? new SmtpSender("...");
This allows the unit test to fake it while leaving the production code unaffected.
Is this an acceptable implementation of dependency injection?
If not, what are the pitfalls?

No, having callers depend on concrete implementations of dependencies is not the best way to do dependency injection. Component implementations should always depend only on component interfaces, not on other component implementations.
If one implementation depends on another,
It gives the caller a completely different kind of responsibility than it would otherwise have, that of configuring itself. The caller will thus be less coherent.
It gives the caller a dependency on a class that it would not otherwise have. That means that tests of the caller can break if the dependency is broken, classes needed by the dependency are loaded when the caller is loaded instead of when they're needed, and in compiled languages there would be a compilation-time dependency. All of these make developing large systems harder.
If more than one caller wants the same dependency, each such caller might use this same trick. Then you would have duplication of the concrete dependency among callers, instead of having the concrete dependency in one place (wherever you're specifying all your injected dependencies).
It prevents you from having a useful kind of circular dependency among implementations. Very occasionally I've needed implementations to depend on one another in a circular way. Pure dependency injection makes that relatively safe: implementations always depend on interfaces, so there isn't a compile-time circularity. (Dependency injection frameworks make it possible to construct all the implementations despite the circularity by interposing proxies.) With a concrete dependency, you'll never be able to do that.
I would address the issue you're trying to address by putting the production choice of implementation in the code or config file or whatever that specifies all of your implementations.

It's a valid approach to use, but needs to be strictly limited to certain scenarios. There are several pitfalls to watch out for.
Establishes a seam in your code, allowing different implementations to be used as collaborators
Allows clients to use your code without having to specify a collaborator - particularly if most clients would end up using the exact same collaborator
Introduces a hidden collaborator into the system
Tightly couples the SUT to the concrete class
Even though other implementations could be provided, if the concrete class changes it will directly affect the SUT (e.g., the constructor changes)
Can easily tightly couple the SUT to other classes as well
For example: not only do you create the dependency, you create all of its dependencies too
In general, it's something you should only reserve for very lightweight defaults (think Null Objects). Otherwise it's very easy for things to quickly spin out of control.
What you're trying to do is similar to using a default constructor in order to make things a little more convenient. You should determine if the convenience is going to have long term benefits, or if it will ultimately come back to haunt you.
Even though you're not using a default constructor, I think you should consider the parallels. Mark Seemann suggests that default constructors could be a design smell: (emphasis mine)
Default constructors are code smells. There you have it. That probably sounds outrageous, but consider this: object-orientation is about encapsulating behavior and data into cohesive pieces of code (classes). Encapsulation means that the class should protect the integrity of the data it encapsulates. When data is required, it must often be supplied through a constructor. Conversely, a default constructor implies that no external data is required. That's a rather weak statement about the invariants of the class.
With all of this in mind, I think the example that you provided would be a risky approach unless the default SMTP sender is a Null Object (for example: doesn't actually send anything). Otherwise there is too much information hidden from the composition root, which just opens the gate to unpleasant surprises.


Should I use inherited tests?

I am reviewing some code where the developer has some classes ClassA and ClassB. They both inherit from ParentClass so both must implement a number of abstract methods (e.g. return5Values(2))
In ClassA the values are all double the previous value: [2,4,8,16,32]
In ClassB the values are all +1 the previous value [2,3,4,5,6]
There are also other constraints such as raising an error if the parameter is negative etc.
Other tests like getting the 3rd value only, also exist etc.
(Obviously these are just fake examples to get my point across)
Now, instead of writing a lot of similar tests for both ClassA and ClassB, what the developer has done is created ParentClassChildTests which contains a some code something like this:
public void testVariablesAreCorrect() {
returnedValues = clazz.return5Values(2)
# Does a bunch of other things as well
# ...
assertEqual(expectedValues, returnedValues)
ClassATests now inherits from ParentClassChildTest and must define expectedValues as a class variable.
The expectedValues are used within a few different tests as well, so they aren't being defined just for this single test.
Now when ClassATests and ClassBTests are run, it also runs all the tests inside ParentClassChildTests.
My question is: Is this a good method to avoid a lot of duplicate tests and ensure everything works as expected in child classes? Are there any major issues this can lead to? Or a better way of handling this?
Whilst this is all Java code, my question isn't about any particular testing framework or language but the idea in general of inheriting from a parent class which also has tests in it.
The situation that it is possible and sensible to re-use tests for different implementations of an interface / base class is not very common. The following aspects limit the applicability:
Derived classes have different dependencies, which may require different mocks to be created and to be set up. In such a case, the test methods can not be identical. Even if classA and classB currently do not have dependencies or the same dependencies with (coincidentially) the same setup, this can change over time or the next class classC will have different dependencies.
Each derived class will implement different algorithms. In your case, return5Values performs different algorithms in ClassA and ClassB. Due to the different algorithms, the behaviour of the SUT for the same set up and the same inputs may be different: For example, each algorithm will run into overflows at different points. Even the call return5Values(2) that allows to use a derived test for classA and classB today, could with a potential future classC lead to an overflow scenario with possible exceptions thrown.
The different algorithms implemented in the derived classes will have different potential bugs and different corner cases. That is, the necessary set up and inputs for the SUT will have to be different to stimulate the respective boundaries. For some implementations, testing the call return5Values(2) may simply not bring any benefit while test for other parameters than 2 are necessary.
If you share test methods between the classes and only provide the parameters, it is not the test method which is associated with the tests' intent - each parameter set has its own intent. The intent/scenario, however, should ideally be part of the output of each individual test.
Given all these problems, inheritance of test methods does not seem to be the best approach for re-use here. Instead, it may be more beneficial to have have some common helper functions that can be used by the different derived classes.
Having class hierarchies in tests creates dependencies between them. A UnitTest serves the purpose of testing a Unit in isolation where Unit refers to a certain class. I'd argue that it is ok to have helpers and utils to avoid duplicating very basic functionality.
As much as possible unit tests should allow for quick and independent changes of a certain Unit. Having a commonly enforced structure for all tests increases the amount of work to be done if the implementation of unrelated parts of the application changes.
When it comes to integration testing there will be shared functionality for setting up the infrastructure. So the answer is a very clear it depends. Generally it is favorable to reduce dependencies between tests as much as possible and having a base test that determines the inner workings of a derived test is detrimental to that goal.

In a C++ unit test context, should an abstract base class have other abstract base classes as function parameters?

I try to implement uni tests for our C++ legacy code base. I read through Michael Feathers "Working effectively with legacy code" and got some idea how to achieve my goal. I use GooleTest/GooleMock as a framework and already implemented some first tests involving mock objects.
To do that, I tried the "Extract interface" approach, which worked quite well in one case:
class MyClass
void MyFunction(std::shared_ptr<MyOtherClass> parameter);
class MyClass
void MyFunction(std::shared_ptr<IMyOtherClass> parameter);
and I passed a ProdMyOtherClass in production and a MockMyOtherClass in test. All good so far.
But now, I have another class using MyClass like:
class WorkOnMyClass
void DoSomeWork(std::shared_ptr<MyClass> parameter);
If I want to test WorkOnMyClass and I want to mock MyClass during that test, I have to extract interface again. And that leads to my question, which I couldn't find an answer to so far: how would the interface look like? My guess is, that it should be all abstract, so:
class IMyClass
virtual void MyFunction(std::shared_ptr<IMyOtherClass> parameter) = 0;
That leaves me with three files for every class: all virtual base interface class, production implementation using all production parameters and mock implementation using all mock parameters. Is this the correct approach?
I only found simple examples, where function parameters are primitives, but not classes, which in turn need tests themselves (and may therefore require interfaces).
TLDR in bold
As Jeffery Coffin has already pointed out, there is no one right way to do what you're seeking to accomplish. There is no "one-size fits all" in software, so take all these answers with a grain of salt, and use your best judgement for your project and circumstances. That being said, here's one potential alternative:
Beware of mocking hell:
The approach you've outlined will work: but it might not be best (or it might be, only you can decide). Typically the reason you're tempted to use mocks is because there's some dependency you're looking to break. Extract Interface is an okay pattern, but it's probably not resolving the core issue. I've leaned heavily on mocks in the past and have had situations where I really regret it. They have their place, but I try to use them as infrequently as possible, and with the lowest-level and smallest possible class. You can get into mocking hell, which you're about to enter since you have to reason about your mocks having mocks. Usually when this happens its because there's a inheritance/composition structure and the base/children share a dependency. If possible, you want to refactor so that the dependency isn't so heavily ingrained in your classes.
Isolating the "real" dependency:
A better pattern might be Parameterize Constructor (another Michael Feathers WEWLC pattern).
WLOG, lets say your rogue dependency is a database (maybe it's not a database, but the idea still holds). Maybe MyClass and MyOtherClass both need access to it. Instead of Extracting Interface for both of these classes, try to isolate the dependency and pass it in to the constructors for each class.
class MyClass {
MyClass(...) : ..., db(new ProdDatabase()) {}; // Old constructor, but give it a "default" database now
MyClass(..., Database* db) : ..., db(db) {}; // New constructor
Database* db; // Decide on semantics about owning a database object, maybe you want to have the destructor of this class handle it, or maybe not
// MyOtherClass* moc; //Maybe, depends on what you're trying to do
class MyOtherClass {
// similar to above, but you might want to disallow this constructor if it's too risky to have two different dependency objects floating around.
MyOtherClass(...) : ..., db(new ProdDatabase());
MyOtherClass(..., Database* db) : ..., db(db);
Database* db; // Ownership?
And now that we see this layout, it makes us realize that you might even want MyOtherClass to simply be a member of MyClass (depends what you're doing and how they're related). This will avoid mistakes in instantiating MyOtherClass and ease the burden of the dependency ownership.
Another alternative is to make the Database a singleton to ease the burden of ownership. This will work well for a Database, but in general the singleton pattern won't hold for all dependencies.
Allows for clean (standard) dependency injection, and it tackles the core issue of isolating the true dependency.
Isolating the real dependency makes it so that you avoid mocking hell and can just pass the dependency around.
Better future proofed design, high reusability of the pattern, and likely less complex. The next class that needs the dependency won't have to mock themselves, instead they just rope in the dependency as a parameter.
This pattern will probably take more time/effort than Extract Interface. In legacy systems, sometimes this doesn't fly. I've committed all sorts of sins because we needed to move a feature out...yesterday. It's okay, it happens. Just be aware of the design gotchas and technical debt you accrue...
It's also a bit more error prone.
Some general legacy tips I use (the things WEWLC doesn't tell you):
Don't get hell-bent about avoiding a dependency if you don't need to avoid it. This is especially true when working with legacy systems where refactorings are risky in general. Instead, you can have your tests call an actual database (or whatever the dependency is), but have the test suite connect to a small "test" database instead of the "prod" database. The cost of standing up a small test db is usually quite small. The cost of crashing prod because you goofed up a mock or a mock fell out of sync with reality is typically a lot higher. This will also save you a lot of coding.
Avoid mocks (especially heavy mocking) where possible. I am becoming more and more convinced as I age as a software engineer that mocks are mini-design smells. They are the quick and dirty: but usually illustrate a larger problem.
Envision the ideal API, and try to build what you envision. You can't actually build the ideal API, but imagine you can refactor everything instantly and have the API you desire. This is a good starting point for improving a legacy system, and make tradeoffs/sacrifices with your current design/implementation as you go.
HTH, good luck!
The first point to keep in mind is that there probably is no one way that's right and the others wrong--any answer is a matter of opinion as much as fact (though the opinions can be informed by fact).
That said, I'd urge at least a little caution against the use of inheritance for this case. Most such books/authors are oriented pretty heavily toward Java, where inheritance is treated as the Swiss army knife (or perhaps Leatherman) of techniques, used for every task where it might sort of come close to making a little sense, regardless of whether its really the right tool for the job or not. In C++, inheritance tends to be viewed much more narrowly, used only when/if/where there's nearly no alternative (and the alternative is to hand-roll what's essentially inheritance on your own anyway).
The primary unique feature of inheritance is run-time polymorphism. For example, we have a collection of (pointers to) objects, and the objects in the collection aren't all the same type (but are all related via inheritance). We use virtual functions to provide a common interface to the objects of the various types.
At least as I read things, that's not the case here at all though. In a given build, you'll deal with either mock objects or production objects, but you'll always know at compile time whether the objects in use are mock or production--you won't ever have a collection of a mixture of mock objects and production objects, and need to determine at run time whether a particular object is mock or production.
Assuming that's correct, inheritance is almost certainly the wrong tool for the job. When you're dealing with static polymorphism (i.e., the behavior is determined at compile time) there are better tools (albeit, ones Feather and company apparentlyy feel obliged to ignore, simply because Java fails to provide them).
In this case, it's pretty trivial to handle all the work at build time, without polluting your production code with any extra complexity at all. For one example, you can create a source directory with mock and production subdirectories. In the mock directory you have foo.cpp, bar.cpp and baz.cpp that implement the mock versions of classes Foo, Bar and Baz respectively. In the production directory you have production versions of the same. At build time, you tell the build tool whether to build the production or mock version, and it chooses the directory where it gets the source code based on that.
Semi-unrelated aside
I also note that you're using a shared_ptr as a parameter. This is yet another huge red flag. I find uses for shared_ptr to be exceptionally rare. The vast majority of times I've seen it used, it wasn't really what should have been used. A shared_ptr is intended for cases of shared ownership of an object--but most use seems to be closer to "I haven't bothered to figure out the ownership of this object". The shared_ptr isn't all that huge of a problem in itself, but it's usually a symptom of larger problems.

How should I create I/O types (e.g. File) at runtime when using Dependency Injection

Even with DI, our business/service types need to create some transitive objects in their methods. These transitive objects I would say are always either value types (representing pure data) or I/O types (representing external state). Value types are OK to new up, but I/O types we want to mock/stub in testing, so we can't create them directly.
The common solution I see is to give the class some kind of IOFactory dependency: in production, we provide a factory to the class that makes real I/O objects; in tests, we provide a factory to the class that makes fake I/O objects.
What I don't like about this is the obligation to create not just mock/stub I/O types but also factories for both the real type and its substitutes. This feels burdensome, especially in dynamic languages like JS where I can often easily create my mocks/stubs ad hoc for each test.
The alternative that occurs to me is to use an injector sort of like a service locator...
var file = injector.inject(File, '/path'); // given type, returns new instance of that type
...such that, in production, the injector is configured to provide a real file, whereas in test, it is configured to return a mock/stub instead. We could just treat the injector as a special global, but arguably the injector is now a dependency of every business type that needs to use it, and so it should be injected like any other dependency.
The main argument I see in favor of this idea is that the injector in many cases can reduce factory boilerplate (at the cost of some extra factory configuration work). What are the arguments against? Are factories better because they're more specific declarations of what the class needs and thus serve as documentation? Or is the proper solution totally different?
On using an injector as a Service Locator:
The Service Locator is sometimes described as being an anti-pattern because:
Using it incorrectly leads to code that is hard to maintain
It is very easy to use incorrectly
(Some developers raise objections about calling it an anti-pattern, but still generally agree that it has a specific purpose and is often misused.)
The injector that you describe is a prime example of the anti-pattern. With it, your object would now have a hidden required dependency - one that is not declared in its constructor.
If the injector is not configured by the time the object uses it, a run-time error will occur. It is possible that someone may not realize that this configuration is needed in order for the object to function properly (you might even be that someone, 6 months from now).
The idea behind dependency injection is that an object is very explicit about what it needs in order to behave as expected. The rationale behind this is the same as that used for the interface maxim: Easy to use correctly; Hard to use incorrectly.
You're right that it can sometimes be cumbersome having to introduce factories to be able to dynamically instantiate objects - but a lot of that boilerplate is often rooted in the verbose syntax of many OO languages; not necessarily in the concept of dependency injection.
So, it's ok to use the Service Locator approach for short-term convenience (just like any other global variable) - as long as you realize that that is all it really offers in situations like this.
As for alternatives, don't forget that required dependencies don't necessarily need to be passed as constructor arguments.
Instead of passing a factory into the constructor of an class, it sometimes make sense to use the Factory Method approach. That is, force derived classes to provide the dependency instead of expecting it to come from the creator of the object.
If the SUT can be initialized with a meaningful default dependency (e.g., a Null Object), you can consider injecting the dependency in a setter method.
In C/C++, developers sometimes even rely on the linker to handle dependency injection. In his book, Test-Driven Development for Embedded C, James Grenning writes:
To break the dependencies on the production code, think of the collaborators only in terms of their interfaces. [...] The interface is represented by the header file, and the implementation is represented by the source file. LightScheduler [the SUT] is bound to the production code implementation at link time.
The unit tests take advantage of the link seam by providing alternative implementations. (p.120)
In the end, ask what you're hoping to get from dependency injection. If the benefits don't outweigh the work involved in implementing it, then maybe it's unnecessary. But don't eschew it just to save a little bit of time in the short-term.

Several questions regarding Dependency Injection in C++

I am practicing dependency injection and there are several issues that i am not sure how to deal with them.
class A may be dependant on 3-4 other behaviour (interfaces). On the one hand, passing all of them in the constructor makes the object harder to create and initialize. On the other hand, using setters might be problematic in case a client forgot to set one of the dependencies. What would be the correct way to deal with this?
Eventually, all dependencies must be created somewhere. How do i prevent a case in which i have many initialization in one class (for example, the main class) ?
Is it considered a good practice to use shared_ptr when doing dependency injection? In such cases the creator of the dependencies usually could not delete the objects, so it makes sense to me to use shared pointers.
class A may be dependant on 3-4 other behaviour (interfaces). On the one hand, passing all of them in the constructor makes the object harder to create and initialize. On the other hand, using setters might be problematic in case a client forgot to set one of the dependencies. What would be the correct way to deal with this?
There's no perfect solution, so you just have to tune to taste. Options include:
having the/a constructor accept a structure grouping the injected objects (if you're passing the same set of dependencies to many constructors)
dividing dependencies between run-time and compile-time and having compile-time dependencies factored using derivation/using/typedef ("Policies" ala Modern C++ Design by Alexandrescu)
providing defaults for some/all dependencies, or some dynamic lookup "service" that still lets you modify the injections but persists across multiple dependent-object constructions
A bit of imagination and analysis of your repetitive code would hopefully suggest an approach to you....
Eventually, all dependencies must be created somewhere. How do i prevent a case in which i have many initialization in one class (for example, the main class) ?
This is a matter of factoring redundant dependency creation and the access to objects - your choices are similar - passing around references or pointers, using structures or containers or management objects to group them and re-access them....
Is it considered a good practice to use shared_ptr when doing dependency injection? In such cases the creator of the dependencies usually could not delete the objects, so it makes sense to me to use shared pointers.
For functions, often the client code necessarily outlives the use by the function being called so there's no need for shared pointers... a reference is ideal. If you're using threads, or creating objects that can outlive the client code, then shared pointers can make a lot of sense.
All personal opinions, but there we go.
1) Pass the dependencies to the constructor. If there are sensible defaults, then provide multiple constructors or use default arguments.
2) If you're going to be using the same set of dependencies frequently, you might be able to save yourself some typing by creating a "dependency set" class, an instance of which can be passed to a constructor, something like:
struct Iface1;
struct Iface2; // Dependent interfaces
struct Iface3;
struct DependencySet
Iface1& iface1;
Iface2& iface2;
Iface3& iface3;
class Dependent
Dependent(DependencySet& set)
: iface1(set.iface1)
, iface2(set.iface2)
, iface3(set.iface3)
Iface1& iface1;
Iface2& iface2;
Iface3& iface3;
3) Personally I'd favour using references as above and managing the lifetimes so that the dependencies outlive the dependent class, but shared pointers could be used if you want to "forget" about the dependencies once you've used them.

Dependency inversion and pervasive dependencies

I'm trying to get dependency inversion, or at least understand how to apply it, but the problem I have at the moment is how to deal with dependencies that are pervasive. The classic example of this is trace logging, but in my application I have many services that most if not all code will depend on (trace logging, string manipulation, user message logging etc).
None of the solutions to this would appear to be particularly palatable:
Using constructor dependency injection would mean that most of the constructors would have several, many, standard injected dependencies because most classes explicitly require those dependencies (they are not just passing them down to objects that they construct).
Service locator pattern just drives the dependencies underground, removing them from the constructor but hiding them so that it's not even explicit that the dependencies are required
Singleton services are, well, Singletons, and also serve to hide the dependencies
Lumping all those common services together into a single CommonServices interface and injecting that aswell a) violates the Law of Demeter and b) is really just another name for a Service Locator, albeit a specific rather than a generic one.
Does anyone have any other suggestions for how to structure these kinds of dependencies, or indeed any experience of any of the above solutions?
Note that I don't have a particular DI framework in mind, in fact we're programming in C++ and would be doing any injection manually (if indeed dependencies are injected).
Service locator pattern just drives the dependencies underground,
Singleton services are, well, Singletons, and also serve to hide the
This is a good observation. Hiding the dependencies doesn't remove them. Instead you should address the number of dependencies a class needs.
Using constructor dependency injection would mean that most of the
constructors would have several, many, standard injected dependencies
because most classes explicitly require those dependencies
If this is the case, you are probably violating the Single Responsibility Principle. In other words, those classes are probably too big and do too much. Since you are talking about logging and tracing, you should ask yourself if you aren't logging too much. But in general, logging and tracing are cross-cutting concerns and you should not have to add them to many classes in the system. If you correctly apply the SOLID principles, this problem goes away (as explained here).
The Dependency Inversion principle is part of the SOLID Principles and is an important principle for among other things, to promote testability and reuse of the higher-level algorithm.
As indicated on Uncle Bob's web page, Dependency Inversion is about depend on abstractions, not on concretions.
In practice, what happens is that some places where your class instantiates another class directly, need to be changed such that the implementation of the inner class can be specified by the caller.
For instance, if I have a Model class, I should not hard code it to use a specific database class. If I do that, I cannot use the Model class to use a different database implementation. This might be useful if you have a different database provider, or you may want to replace the database provider with a fake database for testing purposes.
Rather than the Model doing a "new" on the Database class, it will simply use an IDatabase interface that the Database class implements. The Model never refers to a concrete Database class. But then who instantiates the Database class? One solution is Constructor Injection (part of Dependency Injection). For this example, the Model class is given a new constructor that takes an IDatabase instance which it is to use, rather than instantiate one itself.
This solves the original problem of the Model no longer references the concrete Database class and uses the database through the IDatabase abstraction. But it introduces the problem mentioned in the Question, which is that it goes against Law of Demeter. That is, in this case, the caller of Model now has to know about IDatabase, when previously it did not. The Model is now exposing to its clients some detail about how it gets its job done.
Even if you were okay with this, there's another issue that seems to confuse a lot of people, including some trainers. There's as an assumption that any time a class, such as Model, instantiates another class concretely, then it's breaking the Dependency Inversion principle and therefore it is bad. But in practice, you can't follow these types of hard-and-fast rules. There are times when you need to use concrete classes. For instance, if you're going to throw an exception you have to "new it up" (eg. threw new BadArgumentException(...)). Or use classes from the base system such as strings, dictionaries, etc.
There's no simple rule that works in all cases. You have to understand what it is that you're trying to accomplish. If you're after testability, then the fact that the Model classes references the Database class directly is not itself a problem. The problem is the fact that the Model class has no other means of using another Database class. You solve this problem by implementing the Model class such that it uses IDatabase, and allows a client to specify an IDatabase implementation. If one is not specified by the client, the Model can then use a concrete implementation.
This is similar to the design of the many libraries, including C++ Standard Library. For instance, looking at the declaration std::set container:
template < class T, // set::key_type/value_type
class Compare = less<T>, // set::key_compare/value_compare
class Alloc = allocator<T> > // set::allocator_type
> class set;
You can see that it allows you to specify a comparer and an allocator, but most of the time, you take the default, especially the allocator. The STL has many such facets, especially in the IO library where detailed aspects of streaming can be augmented for localization, endianness, locales, etc.
In addition to testability, this allows the reuse of the higher-level algorithm with entirely different implementation of the classes that the algorithm internally uses.
And finally, back to the assertion I made previously with regard to scenarios where you would not want to invert the dependency. That is, there are times when you need to instantiate a concrete class, such as when instantiating the exception class, BadArgumentException. But, if you're after testability, you can also make the argument that you do, in fact, want to invert dependency of this as well. You may want to design the Model class such that all instantiations of exceptions are delegated to a class and invoked through an abstract interface. That way, code that tests the Model class can provide its own exception class whose usage the test can then monitor.
I've had colleagues give me examples where they abstract instantiation of even system calls, such as "getsystemtime" simply so they can test daylight savings and time-zone scenarios through their unit-testing.
Follow the YAGNI principle -- don't add abstractions simply because you think you might need it. If you're practicing test-first development, the right abstractions becomes apparent and only just enough abstraction is implemented to pass the test.
class Base {
void doX() {
virtual void doA() {/*does A*/}
virtual void doB() {/*does B*/}
class LoggedBase public : Base {
LoggedBase(Logger& logger) : l(logger) {}
virtual void doA() {l.log("start A"); Base::doA(); l.log("Stop A");}
virtual void doB() {l.log("start B"); Base::doB(); l.log("Stop B");}
Logger& l;
Now you can create the LoggedBase using an abstract factory that knows about the logger. Nobody else has to know about the logger, nor do they need to know about LoggedBase.
class BaseFactory {
virtual Base& makeBase() = 0;
class BaseFactoryImp public : BaseFactory {
BaseFactoryImp(Logger& logger) : l(logger) {}
virtual Base& makeBase() {return *(new LoggedBase(l));}
The factory implementation is held in a global variable:
BaseFactory* baseFactory;
And is initialized to an instance of BaseFactoryImp by 'main' or some function close to main. Only that function knows about BaseFactoryImp and LoggedBase. Everyone else is blissfully ignorant of them all.