Clojure loop with cond - clojure

I am working on a Project Euler problem that involves factoring numbers and have written the following function to do that.
(defn get-factors [value]
(let [max-factor (->> (Math/sqrt value)
ifactors #{}]
(loop [n 2 factors ifactors]
(println (format ">> N: %d, Factors: %s" n factors))
(when (> n max-factor) ; exit of we have passed the max-factor
(println (format "--Exiting(%d): %s" n factors))
factors)) ; return factors
(when (= 0 (mod value n)); have we found a factor?
(println (format"--Factor(%d)" n))
(recur (inc n) (conj factors n (/ value n))))) ; recurse: add _n_ and reciprocal _n_ to list
:default (do ; otherwise
(println (format"--default(%d): %s" n (= 0 (mod value n))))
(recur (inc n) factors)) ; recurse: increment _n_, dont modify factors
However, the function is returning nil and my println statements are evaluated in a strange order. Here is the output from the REPL for (get-factors 12), which should return #{2,3,4,6}:
>> N: 2, Factors: #{}
--default(2): true
>> N: 3, Factors: #{}
--default(3): true
>> N: 4, Factors: #{}
--Exiting(4): #{}
>> N: 5, Factors: #{3 4}
--Exiting(5): #{3 4}
As you can see, the default state is being hit even though the (= 0 (mod value n)) of the previous case evaluates to true. Likewise, the exit condition is hit twice. The last case evaluated should be for n=3, but you can see output for up to n=5.
I'm obviously doing something fundamentally wrong but I am not seeing what. (Related, is there a better way to go about constructing a list?)

First, there is an implicit "when" (or "if") in the test part of any cond so you should not be using when yourself inside that test.
Second, you are using a single form, a when form, as the entire branch of the cond, therefore, the cond does not see the second form it expects when the test is true.
Check out this example of a proper cond:

If, as others have suggested, you strip out all the crud - the whens and dos and printlns - your program works!
A few suggestions:
Use quot instead of / to get an integer quotient.
You might as well start your threading macro thus: (->> value (Math/sqrt) ... ).
Use :else, not :default or anything else to introduce the catch-all clause in your cond.


Clojure is-prime function?

I am doing is-prime? function that should return true if n is prime and false otherwise, it also should check to see if n is 1 or 2 and respond accordingly; if not, it should call no-divisors function. At the moment I get this output :
Can anyone see what's wrong, would be much appreciated
expected result is false,current false
expected result is true,current true
expected result is true,current false
expected result is false,current false
expected result is true,current false
(->> (range 2 n)
(filter #(Divides % n))
empty? ))
(println (no-divisors? 4))
(defn is-prime? [n]
(and (< 1 n)
(not-any? (filter #(no-divisors? % n))
(range 2 n))))
(println "expected result is false,current"( is-prime? 1))
(println "expected result is true,current"( is-prime? 2))
(println "expected result is true,current" ( is-prime? 3))
(println "expected result is false,current"( is-prime? 4))
(println "expected result is true,current"( is-prime? 101))
If you format your code per Clojure conventions, it's pretty clear what the problem is:
(defn is-prime? [n]
(and (< 1 n)
(not-any? (filter #(no-divisors? % n))
(range 2 n))))
You're calling filter with a single argument which with return a transducer. Your call to not-any? then tries to treat that transducer as a predicate and since a transducer, given a single argument, returns a function -- and a function is "truthy" (not nil or false) then not-any? will return false per its definition.
The reason it returns true for 2 is that (range 2 2) is an empty sequence and not-any? returns true for an empty sequence without calling the predicate.
Some suggestions:
Several people have asked you for complete, well-formatted code. Provide
it. It will help you think clearly.
Use integer? and < to make sure you are testing a possible prime.
A prime is a number with no proper factors. Define it as such. You
are doing the work twice - Russian doll style.
It is easier to test your function on a range of possibles. I used (filter prime? (range -20 20)), yielding (2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19).
Name the function prime?. That's the Clojure convention. The initial is- is redundant. This may seem nit-picking, but simpler is clearer.
Best of luck!

creating a finite lazy sequence

I'm using the function iterate to create a lazy sequence. The sequence keeps producing new values on each item. At one point however the produced values "doesn't make sense" anymore, so they are useless. This should be the end of the lazy sequence. This is the intended behavior in a abstract form.
My approach was to let the sequence produce the values. And once detected that they are not useful anymore, the sequence would only emit nil values. Then, the sequence would be wrapped with a take-while, to make it finite.
(take-while (comp not nil?)
(iterate #(let [v (myfunction1 %)]
(if (mypred? (myfunction2 v)) v nil)) start-value))
This works, but two questions arise here:
Is it generally a good idea to model a finite lazy sequence with a nil as a "stopper", or are there better ways?
The second question would be related to the way I implemented the mechanism above, especially inside the iterate.
The problem is: I need one function to get a value, then a predicate to test if it's valid, if yes: in needs to pass a second function, otherwise: return nil.
I'm looking for a less imperative way tho achieve this, more concretely omitting the let statement. Rather something like this:
(defn pass-if-true [pred v f]
(when (pred? v) (f v)))
#(pass-if-true mypred? (myfunction1 %) myfunction2)
For now, I'll go with this:
(comp #(when (mypred? %) (myfunction2 %)) myfunction1)
Is it generally a good idea to model a finite lazy sequence with a nil as a "stopper", or are there better ways?
nil is the idiomatic way to end a finite lazy sequence.
Regarding the second question, try writing it this way:
(def predicate (partial > 10))
(take-while predicate (iterate inc 0))
;; => (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
Here inc takes the previous value and produces a next value, predicate tests whether or not a value is good. The first time predicate returns false, sequence is terminated.
Using a return value of nil can make a lazy sequence terminate.
For example, this code calculates the greatest common divisor of two integers:
(defn remainder-sequence [n d]
(let [[q r] ((juxt quot rem) n d)]
(if (= r 0) nil
(lazy-seq (cons r (remainder-sequence d r))))))
(defn gcd [n d]
(cond (< (Math/abs n) (Math/abs d)) (gcd d n)
(= 0 (rem n d)) d
:default (last (remainder-sequence n d))))
(gcd 100 32) ; returns 4

Append to clojure vector from within loop

I have:
(defn keep?
(def sum [])
(loop [i 0]
(when (< i 10)
(conj sum 10)
(recur (inc i))))
This just gives me and empty vector even though I am conj-ing 10 onto sum. Is this because it is not in-scope within the Loop? How would I achieve the same outcome. (btw, this example is deliberately simplified)
conj does not modify its argument. In fact, without resorting to evil reflection tricks, nothing will modify a vector, it's an immutable data structure. This is one of the fundamental principles of Clojure.
In functional programming, instead of modifying data, we replace it with another immutable value. So you need to use the return value of conj, or it is effectively a noop.
(defn keep?
(loop [i 0 sum []]
(if (< i 10)
(recur (inc i) (conj sum 10))
Also, the second arg to defn must always be a vector.
conj is not destructive, it does not alter that collection, returns a new collection with the designated state (reference).
To achieve the desired result, you may:
Define sum in a loop-form, like i is defined, instead of using def
recur (inc i) (conj sum 10) to rebind sum to a new one on every iteration, so that state is built up to what you expect
Once the condition in when is not met, just return sum from your loop and it will bubble up to become the return value of this function. Uh hang on, when does not have an "else-branch", a possible alternative is if
Like so:
(defn keep? []
(loop [i 0
sum []]
(if (< i 10)
(recur (inc i)
(conj sum 10))
Just to supplement the other answers, I almost never use the loop function. Here are a few ways to do it using the for function:
; return a lazy sequence
(for [i (range 10) ]
;=> (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
; return a concrete vector
(for [i (range 10) ]
;=> [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
; 'into' is very nice for converting one collection into another
(into #{}
(for [i (range 10) ]
;=> #{0 7 1 4 6 3 2 9 5 8} ; hash-set is unique but unordered

find all subsets of an integer collection that sums to n

i'm trying to find a function that, given S a set of integer and I an integer, return all the subsets of S that sum to I
is there such a function somewhere in clojure-contrib or in another library ?
if no, could anyone please give me some hints to write it the clojure way?
Isn't this the subset sum problem, a classic NP-complete problem?
In which case, I'd just generate every possible distinct subset of S, and see which subsets sums to I.
I think it is the subset sum problem, as #MrBones suggests. Here's a brute force attempt using (lein: [org.clojure/math.combinatorics "0.0.7"]):
(require '[clojure.math.combinatorics :as c])
(defn subset-sum [s n]
"Return all the subsets of s that sum to n."
(->> (c/subsets s)
(filter #(pos? (count %))) ; ignore empty set since (+) == 0
(filter #(= n (apply + %)))))
(def s #{1 2 45 -3 0 14 25 3 7 15})
(subset-sum s 13)
; ((1 -3 15) (2 -3 14) (0 1 -3 15) (0 2 -3 14) (1 2 3 7) (0 1 2 3 7))
(subset-sum s 0)
; ((0) (-3 3) (0 -3 3) (1 2 -3) (0 1 2 -3))
These "subsets" are just lists. Could convert back to sets, but I didn't bother.
You can generate the subsets of a set like this:
(defn subsets [s]
(if (seq s)
(let [f (first s), srs (subsets (disj s f))]
(concat srs (map #(conj % f) srs)))
(list #{})))
The idea is to choose an element from the set s: the first, f, will do. Then we recursively find the subsets of everything else, srs. srs comprises all the subsets without f. By adding f to each of them, we get all the subsets with f. And together, that's the lot. Finally, if we can't choose an element because there aren't any, the only subset is the empty one.
All that remains to do is to filter out from all the subsets the ones that sum to n. A function to test this is
(fn [s] (= n (reduce + s)))
It is not worth naming.
Putting this together, the function we want is
(defn subsets-summing-to [s n]
(fn [xs] (= n (reduce + xs)))
(subsets s)))
Since the answer is a sequence of sets, we can make it lazier by changing concat into lazy-cat. map is lazy anyway.
We may appear to be generating a lot of sets, but remember that they share storage: the space cost of keeping another set differing by a single element is (almost) constant.
The empty set sums to zero in Clojure arithmetic.

NullPointerException after simple clojure program

I am working on learning clojure, and have run into a NullPointerException that seems to have nothing to do with my code. The program runs to completion before producing the error. The code:
; solves the collatz conjecture
; return one step in the sequence
(defn collatz-step [n]
(if (= (rem n 2) 0)
(/ n 2)
(+ 1 (* 3 n))))
; recurse over all numbers
(defn collatz [n]
(if (= n 1)
(println "All done!")
((println (format "N = %d" n))
(collatz (collatz-step n)))))
; get input and run it
(println "Enter a positive number:")
(collatz (read-string (read-line)))
Is there something I'm missing?
when this line runs:
((println (format "N = %d" n))
(collatz (collatz-step n)))
the println and colatz will finish leving the form like this:
(return-value-of-println return-value-of-collatz)
println returns nil yielding:
(nil return-value-of-collatz)
which is a function call to the function nil resulting in an NPE
take out the extra ()
Clojure does not have tail call elimination, so changing your recursive call to collatz to recur will keep it from blowing the stack on large values of n