Bigcartel custom checkout page to allow orders with bank transfer - bigcartel

I'm looking for a way to do checkout on my bigcartel webshop next to the paypal checkout. I actually just want it to place the order and send the confirmation mail as setup in the (admin) notifications section. In this way I can allow orders to my customers via regular bank transfer.
I have experience in html, CSS and programming in general...
thanks a lot!

Sorry, but there's no way to modify the checkout process in Big Cartel, or add another checkout option (even with heavy customization) - you'll need to use the built-in PayPal or Stripe checkout.


flutter and stripe (setupIntents)

I know this library flutter_stripe, which to me seems to be very limited in stripe interactions, it only does paymentIntent creation and that is basically it. Please do argue if I am wrong.
I am looking forward to see if there are other packages, if any, for flutter to interact with stripe in more depth, I am trying to avoid Android/IOS native languages.
I do these in backend: create stripe customer, create setup intent for each customer as they try or either add bank card or make purchase.
I am looking forward that client will interact to stripe for the following:
1 Confirm setup intents
2 Send card data to stripe
Another question, could you please assess my payment flow? If it is faulty please recommend another way
Once setupintent is confirmed for the user, they hit backend for whatever purchase they want to make, backend contacts Stripe, fetches the setupintent, creates and confirms the paymentintent.
Thank you, I appreciate help.
Your payment flow looks normal and it's basically outlined in Stripe SetupIntent Doc. The Doc only has Web/ iOS/ Android/ React Native, but the flow should be the same.
There is also an example inside flutter-stripe's repo for SetupIntent. Both resources should be enough well-explained reference for adapting to your implementation.

Django paypal checkout for WHOLE cart

I made a Django online-store site and I need to include paypal checkout system for the cart, but solutions I found online either just for one item only(Buy Now buttons) or something like django-paypal-cart, which is not well-documented and I can't figure out how to make it to the checkout.
Please, give me some hint, maybe good article about how to make your cart items go to the checkout, anything will be highly appreciated, I don't know what else to google now
There are numerous options for tying PayPal into your website or app. Depending on exactly what you're doing or how good you are with web service API's you may choose one or another.
If you want to keep things simple, you can stick with Payments Standard. This is basically what you're referring to about the one item only buy now button, but you can use the cart upload command method to build a form that includes multiple items and pass it all over to PayPal at once.
If you prefer web service API's I'd recommend using Express Checkout. This consists of SetExpressCheckout, GetExpressCheckoutDetails, and DoExpressCheckoutPayment. Read through that general EC documentation to get familiar with the calls and how it all flows.
Another thing I would highly recommend utilizing is Instant Payment Notification (IPN). This is a feature where PayPal will POST transaction data to a listener script that you have sitting on your server any time a transaction occurs on your PayPal account. This includes payments, refunds, disputes, cleared payments that were pending, etc. This allows you to automate tasks like updating your database, sending out custom email notifications, hitting 3rd party web services, etc. and it happens in real-time, so it's very powerful.

Sending Newsletters from Django

I am seeking advice from someone with experience integrating django and newsletters.
I need to send newsletters from my django app. I see that there are a couple of packages that already do this such as 'pennyblack' and 'emencia'. Does anyone have experience with these? Which of these is the most versatile and easy to use? My users want to add their own content to the news letters with topic, and article. News letters generally have 3 articles with a couple of photos. I also want the newsletter to print nicely as both html and pdf formats. Any working expamples I could toy with before I dive into the code?
You can send html email messages directly from django with a few lines of python code, as in this snippet: Or you can use an email sending module (I like django-messages - it allows for html and plaintext variants and gives you a message queue). Of course, that doesn't help you manage the newsletter, so you'd have to do that yourself and render an html template the same way you do with any webpage. I assume you've already checked google for newsletter-specific django modules with more features, but I don't know of any.
However, you probably don't want to send a newsletter yourself through django (more importantly, from your own production server). For one thing, if it's going to a lot of people, you don't want it to use all of your bandwidth and make your site sluggish while a huge queue of emails is sent. But more importantly, it's easy to get your server blacklisted by spam filters if you're not sending from a known, reputable domain (if you're paying for hosting it might be less of an issue, but you should check with your hosting provider).
IMO, your best bet is to use a stand-alone email newsletter service like MailChimp or Cheetah Mail. I've used and highly recommend MailChimp for a small to medium number of recipients, but I imagine there are a bunch of others that do that same thing. It makes organizing your message campaigns and recipient lists easy with hooks to do things like add a new user on your site to a recipient list. I'm sure you could also figure out a way to get your user-submitted content into the newsletter from django.
Hope that helps.
check this out. A better solution for you is django-newsletter

PayPal After checkout handling

I have a web service at which users can buy reports made on the fly using PayPals Express checkout process. I want to make sure that no matter how the user returns to the site (through paypals callback or by himself) he could download the report he payed for. For that I need to keep the report ID he has bought somewhere. Where and how would it be best to do that? (Cookies? Sessions Parameters?)
I am using ASP .Net C#.
Do the users have logins that are managed by you in your database? If so and you want the user to be able to return at any time to your page and download the report, then you'll need to use a PayPal callback to store in your database what report ID the user has purchased.
If you don't manage your users then I'm not sure how this can be accomplished because cookies are limited (and can be disabled by users) and sessions expire.

setup payment for django satchmo

this is a newbie satchmo I've implemented satchmo for a django e-shop I am building. I have setup sathcmo following the tutorials, created some products, tested that I can make an order, and then switched to 'real mode', on http://site/settings, clicking on 'accept real payments'. The question is how I can setup the payments to be made on my bank account (a bank in Greece)?
I have not found any reference on this, so please help!
btw, on the checkout page, I get this
You'll need to fill out at least the fields with a *
How do you want to pay?
Payment method*
Payment test module
Gift Certificate
so what does payment test module means? Do I have to install another application? Currently contains
Thanks a lot for any help!
Satchmo has multiple payment methods. I am not sure exactly what payment methods would support interacting with your Greek bank account. Typically people use something like, paypal or google to collect payments.
Once you decide which processor you want to use, then we can help you decide if there's a processor available or if you'll need to build one.