Understanding compiler options differences in visual studio 2010 and strict C++ compliance - c++

I am grading some homework C++ code and a student used a non-standard constructor for a vector of vectors:
vector<vector<double> > A(rows, cols);
where rows and cols are unsigned integers. The way we taught it in class is
vector<vector<double> > A(rows, vector<double>(cols));
following the fill constructor (2 in http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/vector/vector/vector/)
I am using a batch file to compile all students codes with the command line
cl /O2 /EHsc /Tp <filename>
and this command threw this error at the student line mentioned above:
error C2664: 'std::vector<std::vector<double,std::allocator<_Ty>>,std::allocator<std::vector<_Ty,std::allocator<_Ty>>>>::vector(std::initializer_list<std::vector<_Ty,std::allocator<_Ty>>>,const std::allocator<std::vector<_Ty,std::allocator<_Ty>>> &)' : cannot convert argument 2 from 'unsigned int' to 'const std::vector<double,std::allocator<_Ty>> &'
Reason: cannot convert from 'unsigned int' to 'const std::vector<double,std::allocator<_Ty>>'
Constructor for class 'std::vector<double,std::allocator<_Ty>>' is declared 'explicit'
But when I create a project and build it with the default parameters of MSVC 2010 it does not throw neither a warning nor an error there.
I am trying to learn what compiler option is responsible for allowing it go through without a warning in the IDE, and what I would switch it off.
I tried finding an answer in http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/2tb15w2z(v=vs.100).aspx, but I couldn't an answer.
EDIT: I think this might be helpful to others: thanks to the comments I understand now the constructor called in the IDE is the range constructor (#3 in the link above).
Here's my particular question: both methods use the same compiler with different options (one the default from the IDE, the other one is stated above). The batch file throws an error, the IDE doesn't. I need help identifying what to change in the IDE's command line arguments so that it throws the error.
UPDATE: I included the error message.
UPDATE 2: It turns out the script was being run in a computer with MSVC 2013 and that was the difference

std::vector<std::vector<double> a( rows, columns );
is legal, or at least it was legal until C++11. It wasn't
intentionally legal, but the way the standard was worded, a
compiler was required to accept it. (I think C++11 fixed this.
Although it did so a bit too late, since doing so breaks
previously legal code.)
The rule is (or was) simple, if overload resolution on the
constructor results in the constructor
<template Iter>std::vector::vector( Iter begin, Iter end )
being chosen, and Iter deduces to an integral type, the code
must behave as if
std::vector::vector( static_cast<size_type>( begin ), static_cast<value_type>( end ) )
were called.

When you're compiling at the command line you are not using VS 2010.
Here's what I get from a VS 2010 command line compile:
C:\so-test>cl /O2 /EHsc /Tp test.cpp
Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 16.00.40219.01 for 80x86
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 10.00.40219.01
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
I get your error message when I compile from the VS 2013 command line (I get a similar but slightly different message from the VS 2012 command line).
I suggest that you look at the version number displayed to verify what version of the MSVC compiler you're using at the command line.
VS 2010 is 16.00.xxxx (SP1 is 16.00.40219.01)
VS 2012 is 17.00.xxxx (Update 4 is 17.00.61030)
VS 2013 is 18.00.xxxx (Update 1 is 18.00.21005.1)


Unable to compile example boost::multiprecision with intel compiler on windows

I am using VS 2017 Community edition, Intel Compiler 17.00 update 6 and and boost 1.66, trying to learn my way around boost::multiprecision::float128. Literally taking the example code from here and putting it in a new project for VS.
Compiling gives multiple errors, in roughly two categories/files:
In float128.hpp:
three errors of "error : identifier "xxx" is undefined" for fmaq, remquoq and remainderq. Indeed I am not able to find definitions for them - a missing include?
the global scope has no "signbitq" - this again looks like missing definition (i.e. the same as above)
For GCC the above functions are found within quadmath.h, however, the boost header doesn't seem to include it when using ICC (i.e BOOST_MP_USE_QUAD is set).
In C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.13.26128\include\xutility: an explicit template argument list is not allowed on this declaration. There are three counts
I assume that i need to remove something that has been put in by default from the VS, but I am at a loss what exactly.
Thank you for your help
EDIT: Errors #2 above are actually not against boost at all (should I move this to a separate question?).
The following code copied from here! is not being compiled in my setup:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int main() {
std::string str("Test string");
for (std::string::iterator it = str.begin(); it != str.end(); ++it)
std::cout << *it;
std::cout << '\n';
return 0;
The exact error (one of them) is:
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.13.26128\include\xutility(680): error : an explicit template argument list is not allowed on this declaration
1> _INLINE_VAR constexpr bool _Is_iterator_v<_Ty, void_t<_Iter_cat_t<_Ty>>> = true;
1> ^
1> detected during:
1> instantiation of "const bool std::_Is_iterator_v [with _Ty=char *, <unnamed>=void]" at line 520 of "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.13.26128\include\string"
1> instantiation of "std::basic_string<_Elem, std::char_traits<_Elem>, std::allocator<_Elem>> std::_Integral_to_string<_Elem,_Ty>(_Ty) [with _Elem=char, _Ty=int]" at line 554 of "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.13.26128\include\string"
I found this which indicates that there could be a problem with the particular versions used (ICC- 17.0 Up6 and VS 15.6), however i cannot really move to new intel compiler and i cannot test VS 15.4
I would like to write down how I managed to deal with error #2 from the original question, as it might be useful to someone.
Just as a reminder, the second errors I was seeing were in xutility. With the help of everyone that provided suggestions, it turned out that icc was in fact failing on very simple code - the following is enough to "break" it
int main() {
std::string str("Test string");
I have posted the question to intel's forums, however so far I have not received answers (for the 17.0 version of the compiler). Link here if anyone is interested.
That said, I came upon this blog post from the VC++ team, showing that the base toolset shown as v141 in VC2017 actually has had several minor revisions. It is possible to change the version of the MSVC toolchain but this needs to happen via editing of project files (rather than UI parameter changes).
My testing shows that version 14.11 (which is part of VS2017 15.3 and 15.4) works for Intel 17.0 while versions 14.12 and 14.13 (the last one is the current default for VS2017 15.6.4) do not. This has been done for Update 6 of the compiler. So in order to use the intel compiler on windows with visual studio, one needs to use particular MSVC toolchain versions.
Side note: I also installed icc version 18.0 update 1 for testing -- it too was giving compiler errors (and not just for me this time). The reason there though can be linked to some internal issue for icc, per this forum post. I can confirm that removing the compiler option /permissive- from the compiler fixes the errors irrespective of the base toolchain. Using v14.11 as base toolchain also fixes this particular problem for me with or without the option. /permissive- is a new option for icc (it is not part of 17.0).
The above solves more or less the second part of my problem with the icc. The rest of the question (boost's float128) though still remains. I will add more if i hear from boost's guys.
EDIT: the errors coming from boost turned out to be an issue there -- it was fixed by the maintainers in development branch, so this is resolved as well.
For Error #1, I got the same thing. However, after commenting the code blocks in boost float128.hpp where those four functions invoked, the float128 example code can be compiled with success. The side effect is unknown. I'm looking forward a revision on boost::multiprecision::float128.

C++11 constexpr causes compiler's internal error (C1001)

I am using Visual Studio 2015 Update 3.
I get a fatal error:
(code C1001) : An internal error has occurred in the compiler.
Here is the code :
template<typename T>
constexpr T epsilon = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon();
I read it was fixed in Visual Studio Update 2. Can someone explain me why I am getting this error? Thanks in advance.
Any internal error (ICE) is a compiler bug. You get it because you have happened to trigger that bug. For this compiler you can report it at Microsoft Connect.
For such a report you need an example with an expected correct result, and the erroneous result.
The following test program compiles & runs nicely with MinGW g++ 5.1
#include <limits>
template<typename T>
constexpr T epsilon = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon();
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
auto main() -> int
cout << epsilon<double> << endl;
With Visual C++ 2015 update 2 it produces an ICE:
foo.cpp(10): fatal error C1001: An internal error has occurred in the compiler.
(compiler file 'f:\dd\vctools\compiler\cxxfe\sl\p1\c\symbols.c', line 28114)
To work around this problem, try simplifying or changing the program near the locations listed above.
Please choose the Technical Support command on the Visual C++
Help menu, or open the Technical Support help file for more information
foo.cpp(10): note: see reference to variable template 'const double epsilon' being compiled
Compiler version:
> cl /nologo- 2>&1 | find "++"
Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.00.23725 for x86
I've raised this as a bug with Microsoft, but they have had a fix since early 2017 which has not been released from what I can see as of today.
I've also provided a project on GitLab and given information to Microsoft for this project here: https://gitlab.com/cppocl/tostring
Loading the .sln and compiling currently crashes with Visual Studio 2015 update 2 or 3, and Visual Studio Enterprise 2017 version 15.3.1.
It does seem that the combination of template and constexpr causes the compiler to crash.
I've seen reports for Visual Studio 2017 describing similar types of problems.
This link says fixed pending release:
Visual Studio 2015 backlog of bugs relating to constexpr is here:
I also don't believe changing optimization settings will make any difference, as has been recommended in other posts.
I have experimented with these settings and applied recommended patches without success so far.

How do you run cl.exe from cmd using the same settings as in MSVS?

I have a c++ project in MSVS 2010 Express. I have been planning to write several unit tests to validate this project. Right now they go along the following lines:
#include "header.h" //Header is the header for the source I want to test
void testSomeFunction()
//Call function (from external src, prototype in header.h)
//Save output to file
int main()
return 0;
I am creating these source files outside my project because I want to be able to run each of them as individual executable, but I am having trouble getting the Microsoft linker to link them.
This is my problem so far (CMD output):
cl ut_Converter.cpp Converter.obj
c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\INCLUDE\xlocale(323) : warning C4530: C++ exception handler used, but unwind semantics are not enabled. Specify /EHsc
Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 10.00.40219.01
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Converter.obj : error LNK2038: mismatch detected for '_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL': value '2' doesn't match value '0' in ut_Converter.obj
Converter.obj : fatal error LNK1313: pure module detected; cannot link with ijw/native modules
I never really use Microsoft products, I'm familiar with using the GNU tools GCC and make but I have to use the Microsoft tools for this and I have no idea how they work.
Maybe I'm going about building these tests the stupid way but it's the best way I can think of right now.
This is what I want to do:
Compile the source files in my project into object files
Compile my test files into object files
Link the test object file with the appropriate project object files to produce the test executable
How do I go about doing that? (I'm guessing there are some settings I need to set to make everything compatible but I have no idea what they are or how I would go about setting them)
Extra: I know it mentions the debug level but I'd be willing to bet that there will be other incompatible settings. Is there a way to find out what the settings are in the program so I can pass them to cl.exe when I run it?
Edit: When I say command prompt I do mean the one that comes with Visual Studio with all the environment variables setup.
Have you tried going to Programs / Microsoft Visual ... / ... Tools / ... Command Prompt, and running from that dos console window which has the environment variables setup?

How can I test the portability of a C++ codebase developed and managed in Visual Studio 2010?

I have a very large and very old C++ project currently maintained in Visual Studio 2010. One member of our team has just tested the bumpiness of the upgrade path to VS 2012, and found we were being affected by this, through our use of Microsoft's non-standard extensions to the language.
Is there any tool we can run over our codebase that will tell us how many other non-standard extensions we're using, so we can eliminate them before they cause us any more problems?
Specify the compiler switch /Za which disables extensions.
For example, the following code:
#include <string>
void f(std::string&) {}
int main()
Compiles (with warning) when /Za is not specified but fails to compile when /Za is specified with the following error:
main.cpp(7) : error C2664: 'f' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'std::basic_string<_Elem,_Traits,_Ax>' to 'std::string &'
A non-const reference may only be bound to an lvalue

Make VS compiler catch signed/unsigned assignments?

The Visual Studio compiler does not seem to warn on signed/unsigned assignments, only on comparisons. For example the code below will generate a warning on the if statement but not the initial assignments.
Is there anyway to make it catch these? I'm already at W4 but thought (hoped) there may be another setting somewhere.
int foo(void)
unsigned int fooUnsigned = 0xffffffff;
int fooSigned = fooUnsigned; // no warning
if (fooSigned < fooUnsigned) // warning
return 0;
return fooSigned;
Quamrana is right, this is controlled by warning 4365 which appears to be off by default, even at W4. However you can explicitly enable it for a given warning level like so;
#pragma warning (4 : 4365)
Which results in;
warning C4365: 'initializing' : conversion from 'unsigned int' to 'int', signed/unsigned mismatch
You need to enable warning 4365 to catch the assignment.
That might be tricky - you need to enable ALL warnings - use /Wall which enables lots of warnings, so you may have some trouble seeing the warning occur, but it does.
You can change the level of any specific warning by using /W[level][code]. So in this case /W34365 will make warning 4365 into a level 3 warning. If you do this a lot you might find it useful to put these options in a text file and use the #[file] option to simplify the command line.
There must be something beyond the /Wall option to enable warning 4365:
C:\Temp>cl /Wall /c foo.c
Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 15.00.21022.08 for 80x86
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
foo.c(6) : warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
I see that Andrew got it to work, but does anyone have an idea why it's not working here?
The Visual Studio docs indicate that it should, but I can't even get the example program in the docs to give the C4365 warning (though it does give the related C4245 warning - but that occurs with just a /W4 option anyway).